Read Nude Awakening II Online

Authors: Victor L. Martin

Nude Awakening II (23 page)



The Truth

Jurnee had finally pulled her emotions in check. She was seated on the bed next to Kandi in the treatment room.
Why, why, why!
was bouncing off the walls in Jurnee's head. “Of all the men, why him?” Jurnee asked with a wad of tear-soaked tissues in her grip.

“He was convenient at the time, and it was just a spur of the moment thing,” Kandi told her with the intentions to come clean about everything. She was tired of trudging alone with her burdens. By telling the truth, she was trusting Jurnee would understand.

“How did it happen?” Jurnee pressed with the need to know.

“I drove over to confront Swagga at the studio, but he wasn't there. I was just so mad at him for cheating on me. Anyway, D-Hot was there, and I was on some bullshit.”

“How?” Jurnee asked impatiently.

Kandi didn't reply right back. The memory of what she did still put knots in her stomach. “I knew how tight Swagga and D-Hot were. Both business and friendship. I just wanted Swagga to feel my pain. I knew by me just fucking D-Hot wouldn't hurt Swagga. So I gave D-Hot something that Swagga never had the chance to do.”

Jurnee shook her head. “And that was to let D-Hot do it without a condom?”

Kandi nodded weakly. “I was gonna throw it all up in Swagga's face, but I changed my mind. Plus, D-Hot wanted it to remain just between us. He didn't want any beef with Swagga.”

“How many times did y'all do it?”

“Just once. He was the one that tipped the police off. He told me everything when Swagga was arrested.”

“He did it for the baby?”

Kandi nodded. “It's all a mess.”

“So nobody knows—”

“We kept it a secret.”

“And now you got Trevon thinking the baby is his. But in truth it's D-Hot's and he's no longer with us.”

“I didn't want this to happen, Jurnee. I didn't expect to fall in love with Trevon and not know I was already pregnant. I wanted Trevon to be happy with me, but I screwed it all up.”

“It ain't what I thought,” Jurnee admitted. “I thought you were just on some bullshit. I mean, I can't even imagine having to deal with your problems. Kandi, I know what I'm about to say is, well . . . easier said than done. But you should've told Trevon the truth when you first learned the baby wasn't his.”

“I couldn't, Jurnee. That man was beyond happy. I just couldn't break his world like—”

“You crushed him when you left. . . . Face it. You took the easy way out by running and not dealing with it. It was
shoulder that he cried on because of you,” Jurnee stated, unconcerned if Kandi's feelings were hurt.

“You're right,” Kandi said. “I can't face him.”

“That ain't an option. You
to woman up and tell him the truth, okay?”

“And what about the fact that I'm still in love with him?”

Jurnee stood and paced the floor in front of Kandi.

“I did all the wrong things for all the wrong reasons,” Kandi said with tears building in her eyes again. “I didn't know what to do, okay? I never had a
mother to teach me this . . . shit! All I wanted. All I needed was Trevon, and I messed it all up.” She broke down crying into her hands.

Jurnee wanted to run to comfort Kandi, but she couldn't. Knowing the truth had filled Jurnee with a small plate of compassion. Kandi had just made some dumb ass life-changing decisions that she didn't think all the way through. Jurnee felt pity for Kandi.

“Where are you staying?” Jurnee asked, forming an idea in her mind.

“At the Mondrian,” Kandi said, wiping her watery eyes.

“So it's really over with you and Martellus?”

“Hell yeah,” Kandi murmured. “Go ahead and say ‘I told you so'.”

“About what?”

“I caught Martellus fucking his housekeeper. I just needed a reason to leave his ass, and he gave me one.”

“And what if you hadn't caught him. Would you still be with him?”

Kandi looked down at her feet. “I never stopped loving Trevon. I just want to make things right.”

“You have to face Trevon. He needs to know the truth, okay?”

“Will you help me?”

Jurnee had to set aside her own emotions and deal with the truth. Kandi hadn't meant to hurt Trevon. It was just a fact of life that stood true through any type of issue. Life is only what you make it. “Yeah, I'll see what I can do.”

Kandi stood. “I don't wanna be alone, Jurnee. Please help me.”

Jurnee left Kandi behind with a promise that she would call her later. It was Jurnee who cried silently when she got inside her Benz. Again, she fought to pull herself together and she did. Driving away from the Turnberry Isle Spa, Jurnee tried to picture how Trevon would react to the heart-crushing truth of the baby. Realizing that assuming, wondering, nor hoping would give her the answer, she knew what had to be done. If Kandi didn't like it she would have to deal with it.


Trevon stepped out the front door on his way to Hooters when Tahkiyah pulled up behind his XJL. She waved at him with the top down on her 650i coupe. Trevon was caught off guard by her sudden appearance. When he reached back to lock the door, she stepped out of the Beemer.

They met at the rear of Trevon's Jag. They both eyed each other from head to toe under the bright Dade County sun.

Tahkiyah had her hair down, giving her an added pinch of sex appeal. A pair of gold wishbone earrings adorned her ears. Gold trimmed aviator sunglasses hid her eyes. She was killing it with a black embroidered silk-chiffon top and a flesh-clinging blue, white, and black silk pencil skirt. Her award winning legs and calves were enhanced by a pair of Gucci patent leather black pumps.

Trevon was thugging today wearing a fresh pair of wheat colored Timberland boots, slightly baggy True Religion jeans, and he topped it off with a white tee and a Gucci bucket hat.

“Uhhhhh, Tahkiyah, right?” he asked, checking her over.
Damn, ain't no way she fifty something! She fly as hell. Hair done, nails done . . . er'thang did.

“Yes.” She smiled.

“Ah, what brings you around today?” he asked.

“I was just in the area, so I thought I'd drop by.”

“Where you coming from?” he asked.

“I have a suite at the Mondrian.”

“Oh. You and your husband?”

“Actually, I'm not married.” She watched his reaction closely. When he crossed his big arms, she read the doubt he expressed.

“Is there anything else you lied to me about?”

Tahkiyah took the sunglasses off. She didn't feel comfortable being untruthful. “I was never moving in across the street.”


“I only have one child—”

“Lemme see some I.D.”

“Really! You're going to card me?”

“Damn right. You may be fine and all that, but it ain't good to lie.”

Tahkiyah turned and breezed back to her car to grab a quilted white leather Versace shoulder bag. “Let's make a deal,” she said as her fingers brushed against the chrome 9-millimeter in her bag.

“What kinda deal?” he asked as she removed her driver's license from the small bag.

“If my driver's license proves something you think I lied about, I owe you one wish.”

He thought it over for a second. “And if I'm wrong?”

She smiled. “Then you owe me a sensual
body massage at my suite. Today.”

Trevon viewed the bet with this woman as a win-win chance. “Ai'ight. You
you were fifty something. Prove it.”

“Mmm.” She grinned, giving him the license. “I hope you're good with your hands.”

Trevon saw it in print on the D.C. driver's license.

Tahkiyah Lloyd Bradford. HT: 5'4”* WT: 120* Eye: Hazel * Race: Black * DOB: 8/11/58

“A bet is a bet, Trevon.” She smiled, sliding her sunglasses back on.

“How do I know you're not crazy?”

She laughed, strolling back to her car. “If somebody is going to be crazy it might just be you,” she said over her shoulder. As she slid behind the wheel, she motioned him over.

“And what will I be going crazy over?” he asked, feeling challenged by her.

“I'll let my actions speak louder than words.” She lifted her sunglasses and boldly looked between his legs. “But I'm willing to bet
.” She lowered the sunglasses. “That this sugar is so good and sweet that you won't last no longer than . . . five minutes.”

Trevon's dick was already making its choice known by growing under his jeans. He had never met a woman in her class. He couldn't back down.

“I'm in need of some attention, Trevon. Come to the Mondrian. I'll leave a note for you with my room number. And
you are man enough to show up and honor your bet, I'll be waiting.” She revved the engine twice and then backed out of the driveway leaving Trevon speechless.

Her challenge and bet flooded his mind. On his way to Hooters, he was compelled to prove Tahkiyah wrong.


Around 3 pm, Trevon's ego had him at the front desk at the Mondrian Hotel. As promised, a message in a sealed perfume scented envelope was handed to Trevon by the staff.


Tahkiyah was given a five minute heads up of Trevon's arrival by the same hotel staff that had slid the message to Trevon. Her body tingled with excitement over the possibilities that could happen between herself and Trevon. She moved quickly, spraying the scent of her perfume in her wake.
I have to go through with this,
she thought for the hundredth time. By the bed she checked to make sure the ice hadn't melted too much in the shiny chrome bucket. The bottle of Moscato wasn't her top choice of drink, but today it would suit the moment. The two wine glasses were spotless, the bed was made, the curtains were shut with the lights down low and most important, Tahkiyah was wanting, open to dealing with her sexual needs. She viewed Trevon as an object. Being with him would simply be mixing business with pleasure. Stopping to view her reflection in the mirror, she checked her hair too.

A knock at the door was sudden, making Tahkiyah's heart miss a beat. Rushing to the door, she had to lift up on her barefooted toes to peek through the viewing glass. Her nipples grew at the sight of Trevon out in the hallway. Taking a quick deep breath, she opened the door.

Trevon knew the 4-1-1 when he laid his eyes on Tahkiyah. He viewed her as a temptress that he couldn't resist. Her body was coated with a sheer white teddy, black lace trimmed panties, and a black garter set that connected to some black knee-high fishnet stockings. Even her glasses added to her charm and sexiness.

“I see you came,” she said softly.

“Not yet,” he replied, making her smile.

“Well, come on in.” She motioned him inside.

Trevon stood by the TV as she locked the door. He couldn't take his eyes off her pert, light brown ass. The panties bit enticingly into her flesh.

“Do you know the key to pleasing a woman, Trevon?” she asked, crossing to where he stood.

“Yeah, communication,” he said, playing it cool.

She came to a stop in front of him. His size alone made her pussy moist. “Good answer. And can you explain it?”

“All women don't like the same thing. Some like it rough, some like it soft and slow.”

“Continue,” she said, reaching under his white tee. What she felt was a rippled sea of hard muscles.

“Knowing what a woman wants makes it easier to take care of her needs.”

“And which is more important? The want or the need?” She trapped his nipples between her thumbs and index fingers.

“The need,” he said, sliding his hands up the black elastic strap running down the front of her leg.

Tahkiyah pulled his white tee up. “Oh my gosh!” she moaned, licking her wet lips at the sight of his chiseled stomach. Unable to control herself, she took his left nipple in a soft grip with her lips.

Trevon stayed calm, but lowered his hands to caress her ass gently. Not once did her age cross his mind. She painted his hairless chest with licks and kisses. Her hands explored his chest, arms, stomach, and back. His white tee came off first. No more words were needed to explain what they both wanted.

“I'm not a fan of wearing bras,” she moaned as he inched the hem of the teddy up her waist.

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