Read Night Winds Online

Authors: Gwyneth Atlee

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

Night Winds (17 page)

BOOK: Night Winds
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Lydia shook her head. “No, I’ve passed beyond all that. I’m not certain that I understand what Phillip’s done, but knowing him, I can’t help but feel he’s right. A man’s word should be sacred, shouldn’t it?”

Justine nodded, surprised her sister saw so much, so clearly, when even their mother missed this basic issue.

“Then I think that’s more important than a few party invitations,” Lydia continued. Her lips squeezed together in an expression of annoyance. “Or even a few dozen.”

“I don’t think we should go,” Justine said
. “Didn’t you hear Mrs. Kelso say that there’ve been storm signs sighted? Someone has to be certain everything’s prepared.”

“Servants’ gossip,” Lydia waved a hand dismissively
. “They’ve no more idea than the Weather Service. And besides, this house has seen more bad blows than either one of us. You’re just using that as an excuse to hid
as always.”

Justine prided herself on being above Lydia’s snide remarks, but this one made her want to choke her twin
. She glared, focusing every ounce of her displeasure in her gaze. “Simply because I do not choose to hobble pathetically about does
mean I am hiding. We’ve had this conversation many times. I do not want anyone’s pity.”

“Of course you don’t
. Why would you need it? Your self-pity is enough. You’d rather rot inside this house than take a chance on being hurt. But this isn’t about you today, Justine. It’s about Phillip. He may need us, and if you won’t come with me, I’ll go by myself. As usual.”

Shocked and hurt, Justine hadn’t yet begun to frame an answer when Louise Kelso cleared her throat
. The heavyset woman had been with them since childhood, running the house as efficiently as if it were her personal empire.

Justine turned to her, glad of the distraction

Mrs. Kelso announced, “Mr. Frindly’s come back
. It’s regarding Master Phillip.”

Despite her lame foot, Justine rushed toward the front parlor
. She could not compete with Lydia, however; her sister reached the manager first.

“What is it?” Lydia asked
. “Have you seen him? Is everything all right?”

Mr. Frindly removed his hat to reveal a bald pate flushed crimson.

Something in his manner set Justine’s hands trembling. “What is it?” she demanded.

Frindly held up a hand, signaling for quiet
. “I came to see if he was here. You haven’t heard from him?”

A pause
. A long, long pause while Justine’s pulse thudded in her ears. Apparently, Frindly already knew her earlier excuse for Phillip’s absence had been false.

“We haven’t seen him since this morning
. What’s happened? Tell us at once!” Lydia demanded.

“You’re welcome to sit down,” Justine offered, with a brief remembrance of manners.

Mr. Frindly’s head shook. “I couldn’t.
I was brought word of a report of a shooting near the Gulf. A horse matching the description of Phillip’s Cure was found dead in the street.”

“Phillip?” both twins asked at once.

“A man ran from the scene. A witness said it appeared as though he had been injured. I thought, if it were Phillip, perhaps he would come here.”

“Have you already checked St. Michael’s and the police?” Justine asked.

Frindly nodded. “And I have men waiting at both spots in case he turns up.”

Lydia’s voice was nearly choked with tears
. “It can’t be. Whoever would want to hurt Phillip? I know he’s made some people angry, but this . . .”

Frindly apparently changed his mind about sitting, for he dropped into an overstuffed chair as if the burden of his news were too heavy to bear
. “This labor trouble is more serious than your brother may have mentioned. There have been threats, though Phillip refused to give them credence. He may have been wrong.”

“We’ll find him,” Lydia insisted
. “I can’t let my brother die.”

. You’ll stay here,” Mr. Frindly told her. “I’ll send word the minute I know anything. I’m so very sorry to have worried you like this. I’ll be on my way so I can find him. Oh, there’s one more thing . . .”

He looked uncomfortable, as if he weren’t certain whether he should share this information.

“Please, tell us everything,” Justine coaxed.

“The witness said there was a woman with him
. Might he be with Miss Tisdale?”

“Let’s hope not,” Lydia said.

“I’d best be going,” Frindly said. “I’ll send a message to the Tisdale house just to be certain.”

Justine thanked him, despite the bad news he had brought
. As she closed the front door, she turned toward Lydia. “If he was running, perhaps he’s not injured after all. Maybe he was just stooped over in case someone fired again. Or it’s possible it wasn’t even him at all.”

Lydia shook her head
. “There were threat
didn’t you hear Mr. Frindly? Phillip didn’t believe they were anything serious. Stupid fool. I’m so angry at him, always thinking he can take on the whole world himself!”

“Five minutes ago you were proud of him,” Justine reminded her.

“Five minutes ago I wasn’t worried that he might b
that he might be shot. Or dead. Why does he have to be so stubborn?”

“Because he’s Phillip
. Listen, perhaps he’s just hiding somewhere. Maybe he wasn’t hit at all.”

“Do you really think so?”

“Of course I do.” She wanted to, she
to believe that it was true.

“There was one more thing
. Do you think he’s really gone back to Rachel? If he did, I hope
took the bullet, after what I saw.”

“No, I think it was Shae Rowan . . .” Justine whispered
. “He went to help her after all.”

“Shae Rowan
? But why?”

“Because he’s Phillip, and helping her was the right thing to do.” Admiration lent Justine confidence. At least her brother wasn’t facing this alone
. If Shae was with him, she could help. Or more correctly, they could help each other.

Lydia’s hands jerked like a marionette’s as she tucked a loose strand into her chignon
. “You can try all you like to convince yourself that he’s all right. I’m worried, and I’m going out to find him.”

“No, please don’t
. Stay here with me. He’ll come home. I know he will, and I’ll just worry more if you’re gone, too.”

She shook her head emphatically
. “Not this time. You can stay at home and play the cripple all you want, but I refuse to sit here helplessly. I won’t come back ‘til I find Phillip.”

Her decision made, Lydia’s jitters appeared to evaporate at once
. She strode out of the room, her steps emphatic as their brother’s.


Light. The light was wrong in here. Shae peered through sleepy eyes, then jolted suddenly awake. For several long moments, disorientation swirled like a sea mist in her mind, making it impossible to remember where she was.

The dimming daylight silvered the window shade
. The highboy made a frightening silhouette. The Olivers’ guestroom, she remembered, and it must be early evening.

She found a second sensation, one of warmth, even stranger than the first
. Her cheek and chest felt heat, and a strange, though not unpleasant, weight pressed on her upper arm. Slowly, cautiously, she inclined her head to look. Her heart lurched when she recognized a man’s hand resting there.

Phillip’s, she remembered
. Phillip’s hand. And Phillip’s bulk beside her felt like a yellow patch of sunlight on a winter’s day.

Her mind returned to their kiss on the beach, the rush of intensity when his lips touched hers
. And the shock, that heated her like a blush, that his kiss could ignite her, though Ethan’s formed a shell of fragile ice around her heart.

A slow, tight smile stretched her mouth
. Out of pure exhaustion, they’d fallen asleep together on the bed. She’d been sleeping with a man, after a fashion.

How odd
. It didn’t feel like the taste of hellfire her Father had threatened. Nor had Phillip torn off her clothing and laid waste her maidenhead, as her aunt would imagine. Instead, their closeness felt comforting, as tender and intimate as a purring cat curled on one’s chest.

She stared at his face, relaxed in slumber, and looking so much younger than before
. Unable to resist the impulse, she reached up to smooth the ruffed hairs of his eyebrow. The lashes just beneath it fluttered.

Awakening, he gazed at her, and his smile warmed her like his touch
. “We fell asleep,” he explained, as if she couldn’t tell. “I’m sorry. Last night was pretty rough.”

She nodded, digging her chin into his good shoulder
. “I couldn’t keep my eyes open, either. But it’s a good thing we’re alone. If my aunt were here, you’d have to marry me for this.”

“And what about your father?”

She paused to consider. “I might be an instant widow.”

Laughter started deep in his chest, then rumbled to the surface
. His hand squeezed her shoulder, and he straightened, then kissed the top of her head.

Instead of following suit, instead of taking the chance he offered her to move away, she lingered
. It had been so long since she’d felt comfort from human contact. She looked up at him, in the hope that her gaze could somehow express her gratitude.

It must have signaled something other than what she intended, for he kissed her mouth softly, just the way that she’d remembered
. Just the way a part of her had hoped he would.

Light, a liquid light flowed through her, sending showers of sparks from lips to heart to hands
. She wanted, quite unreasonably, to feel him, to immerse herself in this sensation. Oddly, she recalled the experience of shoving her hands into wet clay, then molding it upon a borrowed potter’s wheel. She wanted that with him, not to shape him, but to feel his essence at some primal level.

His hand cradled her cheek, his large, long-fingered hands
. Hands that might mold her.

Like Ethan tried to do
. Like King and Aunt Alberta. None of them had been content to know her as she was.

Fear dimmed the flow of light
. Would she substitute one set of keepers for another, just because his kiss ignited such a pleasant fluttering beneath her stomach?

His fingertips caressed her neck so lightly, without pressure
. The sparking intensified as his questing tongue parted her lips. Willingly, she complied, though the fear nagged at her, though she remembered cruel, whispered remarks she’d overheard about her mother’s weakness.

Yet she couldn’t stop herself
. Her hand gently followed the curve and angle of Phillip’s shoulder, then his upper arm. The hardness of the muscle both pleased and surprised her. She would have smiled when she felt that muscle quiver, but her lips were otherwise engaged.

The disappointment when his mouth left hers spiked into a shower of sensation when new kisses fell upon her neck, beneath her ear
. Dear God, she had never guessed that such pleasure awaited! For years, she had heard only the
of indiscretion.

The costs
. Her bliss-soaked brain struggled to remember.

If she went too far, he’d think he owned her afterwards
. Owned her body, owned her mind, owned even her work and all she stood to earn from it. Was she a cat in heat, which could not save itself the consequence of kittens?

As if the thought of cats had summoned it, a dog’s barking broke through the sounds of their heavy breathing
. Insistent toenails scratched from the direction of the front door.

Shae jerked away from Phillip, glad of the distraction
. “Jasper!”

Phillip stared at her, his eyes dark with regret.

“He’s come home,” she remarked as she left the bedroom to open the front door.

She came back, holding the white terrier in her arms.

“Shae . . .” Phillip began.

She perched beside him on the bed’s edge
. Jasper licked her cheek before she pushed him into her lap.

“I’m sorry, Phillip, but we have to stop and think
. Too much is happening to both of us. Why do something we might both regret later?”

His jaw clenched
. “I don’t make decisions lightly, but my mind’s made up.
I care for you, Shae. I want more than anything to know you.”

“In more than the Biblical sense, I hope
. No, don’t answer that. I don’t think you’re sure yet, and even if you are, you’re only half of this decision. I’m through with letting others rule me. I won’t allow them, and I won’t allow you, to determine how I live.”

His voice bristled, as if she’d insulted him deeply
. “I won’t turn into Ethan or your father the moment that you let your guard down. Why can’t you understand I’m not some domineering tyrant?”

She lifted a shoulder, then let it fall
. “I’m not certain I’ve ever known any other sort of man.”


Despite the awful circumstances, Lydia loved driving White Wing in the two-wheeled gig. Her father’s old gelding, named for the legendary racing yacht, had been recently retired from any but light duty. Still, he remained an old showman, one that lifted hooves and flowing tail to mark his fluid trot. His gleaming ivory hide and handsomely arched neck, too, rarely failed to elicit admiration from passersby.

Not that Lydia was especially looking for admiration, despite the fact that her debut season had been so unceremoniously cut short
. But among his other attributes, White Wing was docile enough that even the gentlest lady might easily drive him. And docile enough that he wouldn’t likely spook at the scent of human blood.

Heaven help her, but she more than half expected to find her brother lying in a pool of blood
. Though Lydia prayed a desperate plea that it might not be so, fear whispered in her ear, even above the sounds of the old gelding’s hooves crunching the oyster shells that lined the avenues.

He’s dead, as dead as Father

The words repeated endlessly, a litany of pain
. To drown them out, she tried to sing the first song that came to mind, some foolish old song urging the defeated Southern cause. But the tune fell flat, then took up the cadence of a child’s sobs. She stopped and let the whispers have their way.

Lydia’s gaze swept the gaps between the houses, among the trees and shrubs, beside the pilings of raised cottages as she traversed the lowest sections
. She questioned children still playing in the cooling evening air, though their responses proved too contradictory to be useful.

“I was there
! I saw that man run by.”

“You’re crazy
. My brother saw ‘em haul off a dead body.”

“Yer brother’s a liar
. That was jes’ the horse!”

Later, after she’d stopped asking questions, Lydia occasionally brushed at the moisture that clouded her vision, a vision that threatened to spill into a nightmare glimpse of Phillip.

Phillip, lying in the formal parlor, in a coffin garlanded with flowers. All white flowers, like their father’s, whom she had loved so much.

The sun’s last rays gilded everything, the houses, the shell roads, even the underside of the thin clouds above her
. White Wing, too, turned golden within her teary vision. Then something else, a richer color, caught her eye.

She pulled the gelding to a halt more abruptly than she’d intended; the poor old horse tossed back his head and snorted in surprise
. Climbing out of the cart, she walked forward to examine what had caught her attention: the muddy brown path left in the shell. She could only pray the dark, congealed blood was equine, the last vestige of Cure, who must have been already dragged away.

Did Phillip’s blood, too, soak the shells beside her feet
? Nausea swirled inside her, and she cursed Justine again. She didn’t want to be alone now, didn’t want to be here at all. Her father and Phillip had always shielded her from life’s unpleasant details. Since neither was available, shouldn’t her twin at least be here to bear her half of this ordeal?

A trail of red-brown spatters led off in the direction of the gulf
. Could they be Phillip’s blood? She squinted at the confusion of drag marks and hoof prints in an attempt to decipher their secrets, then shook her head. The dark speckles leading southeast seemed her only clue.

Climbing back into the cart, she took up the reins and frowned stubbornly
. She might be gently bred and raised, but she’d be cursed if she’d let this ridiculous dock dispute take Phillip from her. In their father’s case, there had been nothing anyone could do. In this case, she swore that she’d do everything possibl
even if she had to search for him all night.


Louise Kelso’s severe self-training would not permit her to quite frown at one of her employers. Yet behind her carefully arranged face, her blue eyes nearly shouted disapproval.

Justine found her lack of appetite unaffected by the woman’s silent condemnation
. She remained too anxious to even approach the table, with its three settings of white china and its freshly polished silver. The odor of whatever foods lay beneath the covers of the chafing dishes turned her stomach, and Justine knew she could not bear to swallow a single bite.

Unfazed by her aversion, Mrs. Kelso continued supervising the serving process as if attention to her duty would bring back the missing Paytons.

“For heaven’s sake! Not that end of the table, Millie! Even a fool could see there’s no one else at home!” Mrs. Kelso’s words slammed the silence ruthlessly.

Millie, the cook’s young helper, turned her huge doe eyes toward Justine, and in doing so upset a dish of some steaming, stinking vegetable concoction on the table
. With a cry of horror, the black girl ran weeping from the room.

Justine wondered at how differently each handled apprehension: she with silent self-recrimination, Louise Kelso with demands that a fine dinner be serve
and eate
as if nothing were amiss, and Millie with fear-spawned clumsiness.

Glad of something other than eating she might do, Justine pulled a linen cloth out of the sideboard and began wiping at the mess Millie had made.

“I’ll not have you touch that!” Mrs. Kelso protested. “The silly girl made the mess, and if she knows what’s good for her, she’ll clean it as well.”

“I may be lame, but I’m not useless.” Justine continued mopping at the food
. “Millie’s just as worried as we are, that’s all. And it’s not as if I’ll be eating anyway.”

The older woman shook her head
. “You should keep your strength up. Miss Lydia will be back home any minute, no doubt dragging Master Phillip by the ear.”

“She’s been gone for hours,” Justine said
. Louise’s false confidence didn’t fool her for one minute. “I might expect that Willie, at least, could talk her into sending us some word.”

“Willie?” Mrs. Kelso began clearing the china and silver to the sideboard
. “I thought that Master Phillip told you. Willie had an emergency and left town on the train this morning. His father in Houston may be dying, and he wanted to be there. Master Phillip gave him the week off.”

Panic tightened Justine’s throat and made the words hard to push past it
. “Then who is driving Lydia this evening? Who harnessed the horse?”

Mrs. Kelso had begun to remove the soiled tablecloth, but she paused at Justine’s question
. “I suppose Adam must have readied the carriage, but I know he’s still here. He said he’d close all the shutters in case a storm rolled in tonight. I don’t know who’s with Miss Lydia. I’ll ask him right away.”

BOOK: Night Winds
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