Read Neil (The Uncompromising Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Sybil Bartel

Tags: #The Uncomprimising Series, #Book Two

Neil (The Uncompromising Series Book 2) (8 page)

Anger burned my palm like the cash was actually hot. I needed a lot of things, but taking money from Jason was worse than playing with fire. His idea of
never involved Uncle Sam and it usually came with strings attached. “What’s the catch?” Who knew what he was up to now that he was trying to get in with the LCs.

“Its fifty bucks, baby, I didn’t rob a bank. Just take it.”

“If this comes back to bite me…”

“It won’t.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and ducked his head. “How about I take Conner today while you’re at work? I could spend some time with him.” He studied the carpet then looked at me without lifting his head. Or smiling. “Please?”

Something was off. Jason seemed sad. Or worried. “I pay for daycare.” Jason never worried, about anything.

He shrugged. “So don’t pay them for today.” He straightened and ruffled Conner’s hair. “Let me be with him, Elle.”

Jason hadn’t used the nickname he’d given me since we’d broken up. “What are you up to?”

His smile was back but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Come on, you said you’re late for work.” He handed me his keys. “Take my ride. Conner and I will go to the beach.” He looked down at our son. “Wanna go swimming, little man? I know you love it.”

Conner threw his arms up. “Beach!”

I eyed Jason’s jeans. “You don’t have your suit.”

“I’ll swing home and grab it.” He picked Conner up and nuzzled him. “Tell Mama to let us hang out today.” Then Jason smiled at me. His real smile. The slightly unsure, all-boy, full-of-hope smile. “Come on, Elle, what do you say?”

It went straight to my heart. Jason was a lot of things but he’d never do anything to harm Conner except give him too much sugar. “Fine.” I sighed. “But he needs a nap this afternoon.” I tucked the money in my purse and fished out my car keys. When I handed them to Jason, I was met with two identical grins and I couldn’t help myself. I smiled.

“Ah, look at that, little man. Mama’s happy.” Jason leaned forward and kissed my cheek. “Thanks, babe.”

“You’re welcome.” As much as I wanted to hate him, I couldn’t. And as much as I wanted to tell him the thousand ways he’d broken my heart and I was angry he wasn’t more involved in Conner’s life, I didn’t. He was here today and I wasn’t going to take that from Conner. “Be careful,” I warned. “Use sunscreen. There’s some in the diaper bag.” I glanced at the clock.

Jason wrapped his free arm around my shoulders and gently nudged me out the door. “I got this. Go, don’t worry.”

Conner giggled.

I looked back at them. Everything bad that’d ever happened between Jason and me melted away in that single moment. The man that’d once been everything to me, holding our son who was my world, their matching smiles, the morning sun shining on their happy faces—I sucked in a breath and traitorous hope flared.

Jason’s smile faltered. “Elle?”

Wanting my past back, wanting a different life where I could simply love the father of my child, I shook my head because I knew Jason could read me. “Don’t.”

He didn’t listen. He cupped my cheek. “I love you.”

I turned and flew down the stairs, cursing under my breath, “
Damn it, damn it, damn it

I scanned the parking lot for his Mustang and cursed again when I got behind the wheel of the sexy muscle car that was all Jason. I knew he loved me. Jason loved me like I loved him. First loves never died. But I could be faithful and hold down a job and do a million other things he wasn’t capable of. So when he looked at me the same way he used to when he made love to me, it fucking hurt.

Sighing, I turned to set my purse behind the front seat and faltered.

“Goddamn it, Jason,” I muttered.

All of his clothes were in the backseat. I should’ve known he hadn’t come just to see Conner. Fighting off the anger at my own stupidity, I started the car and told myself it wasn’t my problem if Marissa had kicked him out. I wasn’t letting Jason back into my life, not even if he had to sleep in his damn car.

My phone pinged with a new text.

NC: You did not text me yesterday.

I hated the fucking universe.

Me: You knew I wouldn’t

Stupidly, I didn’t turn my phone off.

NC: I did not know that.

Jesus, even his texts were punctuated.

Me: I thought u were smart

He didn’t take the bait. Or the hint.

NC: I am coming over. Twenty minutes.


Me: Ah, no, ur not

NC: Yes, I am.

Oh my God. Arguing over text with Viking. My life hit a new low and I added fuel to the fire, because why the hell not?

Me: I’m not alone. I have company

There, he could take that any way he wanted. I threw the Mustang into gear.

NC: Who?

Me: None of your business

His response was almost instant.

NC: Fifteen minutes.

My thumbs flew across the screen.

Me: Your funeral

Jason came down the stairs with Conner in one arm and the diaper bag slung over the other shoulder. He saw me and changed course and came to the passenger side of the Mustang. I put the window down.

“Good, you’re still here.” Winking at me, he reached in the backseat and came away with a baseball cap. “Here, little man.” He put the hat on Conner.

I glanced at his clothes in the backseat. “Jason—”

He held a hand up. “I know what you’re thinking, baby, and it’s not what it looks like. I’m not here trying to move back in because Marissa and I didn’t work out. I know you don’t want me around full-time. I just wanted to see you, is all.”

I hated it when he twisted my words. “That’s not fair. I never said I didn’t want you around full-time.”

He reached in and squeezed my shoulder. “I don’t want to fight with you, Elle. I meant what I said. I love you and I’m not a nineteen-year-old kid anymore. I know I screwed up. Things are different now.”

For some reason, that last sentence worried me more than anything he’d ever said to me. “Different because you’re prospecting for the LCs? You promised me you’d never do that.” He’d even traded in his Harley for the Mustang after Conner was born.

He smiled, wide and enchanting. “It’s all good, babe, don’t worry. Go to work. I got a date with my son.” He kissed Conner’s forehead. “Say good-bye to Mama, little man.”

“Bye-bye, Mama!”

My chest tightened seeing the two of them together and I didn’t want to argue with Jason. Even if he was prospecting, what the hell could I do about it? “Bye, sweet boy. Have fun with Daddy.” I backed out and when I looked in the rearview mirror, they were both waving at me.

I was halfway to work before I realized Viking never texted back.

, I
hadn’t heard from Viking and work was busy as shit. The phones had been ringing all morning and André had called three times. Normally I didn’t do much except take messages, but lately André had me taking over his schedule and setting up client meetings as well as tracking which assignments the guys were on. The third time he’d called, he wanted a breakdown of who was on what assignment because he wanted to reallocate his resources—his words, not mine. I’d just hung up with him when the phone rang again.

“Luna and Associates.”

“Miss Walsh, please,” a male voice asked.

A prickle of alarm went up my spine. “This is Ariel Walsh.”

“Miss Walsh, this is Officer Jenkins, Miami PD. Are you aware that Jason Tanner is with your son in your vehicle?”

Oh God. “Yes, Jason is Conner’s father. He’s watching him today while I’m at work. What happened? Is Conner okay?”

“Your son is fine, ma’am, but we have Mr. Tanner in custody. I’ll hold Mr. Tanner if you can come pick up your son right now.”

Oh my God
. “Yes, of course. Where are you?” The officer rattled off an address I could barely write down because my hands were shaking so badly. “I’m on my way. It’ll take me fifteen minutes.”

“That’s fine.” The officer hung up and I scrambled for my purse as I dialed André. When he didn’t answer, I hung up and dialed his second-in-charge. Tyler answered on the first ring.

“What’s up, sweetheart?” In front of André, Tyler was formal as hell toward me, but when André wasn’t around, he flirted shamelessly. “You need me?”

“I have an emergency. I have to go pick up my son. Are you on site? I need someone to cover the front.”

Tyler dropped the swagger and his voice instantly turned into concern. “What happened? Do you need a ride?”

“No, I…” I sucked in a breath to keep from losing it.

“Hang on, sweetheart, I’m almost there.” Tyler hung up and a few seconds later, the door to the stairwell burst open. Clean-cut and tall, Tyler looked more like an FBI recruit than someone who worked personal security. “Is Conner okay?”

I didn’t even know he knew my son’s name. I bit my lip and nodded. “I gotta go.”

Tyler put his hand on the small of my back. “I’ll drive you.”

Shame swept into the mix of shit emotions and I shook my head. “No, it’s okay. I just need to go.” My hands still shaking, I dropped Jason’s keys.

Tyler scooped them up and frowned. “What happened to your Land Cruiser?” He held the Mustang key up.

I grabbed it and started toward the exit before he could stop me. “I, um, I switched cars with Conner’s father. Thanks for the offer, but I don’t need a ride. Can you tell André I’m sorry? I’ll call later.” I rushed out, leaving Tyler standing in the middle of the lobby.

I was almost to the address the policeman had given me when my cell rang. I answered without looking at the display. “Hello?”

“Why did you lie to me?” Viking asked.

I turned a corner and floored the Mustang. The perfectly tuned engine roared as I scanned the street for my Land Cruiser. “I didn’t lie.”

Viking paused. “Where are you?”

“On my way to save my son.” The words tumbled out before I could think about what I was saying.


“I don’t have time for this.” I spotted two police cruisers and my SUV across the street and hung up. Pulling into a strip mall parking lot next to them, I cut the engine, grabbed my purse and rushed over. Jason was sitting on the curb with Conner in his lap.

“Elle, I’m sorry. It’s just a few parking tickets. I forgot to pay them.”

Furious, I reached for Conner. “Save it.”

“Mama? Beach?”

I picked my son up and held him close. His sweet scent filled my heart and I took my first full breath since the officer had called. “Not today, Conner.” I tossed Jason his keys. “Get your car yourself when you get out.”

Jason caught the keys and stood then leaned toward my ear. “Don’t let them search the Land Cruiser,” he whispered anxiously. “Hide them. I’ll get them as soon as I get out. Don’t let anyone—”

“Mr. Tanner, you’re under arrest.” One of the police officers stepped behind us and cuffed Jason. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say—”

“Daddy,” Conner cried, reaching for him.

“It’s okay, little man. Daddy will see you soon.” The cop put his hand on Jason’s head and helped him into the cruiser as he continued to read him his rights. Before he shut the door, Jason yelled out to me, “I’m sorry, Elle!”

Another officer stepped up. “Miss Walsh?”

Oh God. “Yes.” What the hell did Jason do?

“I need to see some identification, ma’am.”

.” Conner started to cry.

“Shh, it’s okay, baby. He’ll come back soon,” I lied as I switched Conner to my other hip and reached into my purse. I didn’t even notice the officer had his hand on his gun until I pulled my wallet out and handed it to him.

The officer studied my license while I patted Conner’s back.

“Why is Jason being arrested?” I tried not to sound nervous.

,” Conner fussed.

“He was pulled over for a traffic infraction but he has a failure to appear and is driving on a suspended license.” He handed my wallet back.

I held Conner closer. “No parking tickets?”

“Yes, ma’am, he also has unpaid parking tickets.”

“Is he going to jail?” I wanted to know what would happen to Jason, but mostly I was freaking out about the possibility of the cop deciding to search my SUV. I didn’t know what Jason had done but I was praying there weren’t drugs in my car.

“He’s being taken into custody,” he answered noncommittally as his radio squawked with a string of numbers.

I glanced at my old Land Cruiser, hoping like hell I looked casual. “Is my car being impounded?” I was not going to go down for whatever was in there. No fucking way.

“Not today, ma’am.” He clicked his radio and spoke in what sounded like code.

“Thank you, Officer.” I held my breath. “Can I leave now?”

Before he’d finished nodding, I was putting Conner in his car seat.
Don’t look in the back, don’t look in the back
, I silently chanted.

“Miss Walsh.” The officer stopped me.

My heart kicked at my chest and sweat broke out across my forehead. I turned. “Yes?”

“Keys, ma’am.” He held them out.

“Thank you,” I muttered.

“Drive safe.”

I nodded, got behind the wheel and turned the key. The engine on my thirty-year-old car kicked over then died. “
.” Not today, not right now. Please,
, start. I held my breath and tried it again. The engine came alive.

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