Read Nailed Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Nailed (19 page)

BOOK: Nailed
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Chapter Seventeen

When Kane’s eyes glowed with warmth and he smiled, River desperately bit back the rest of what she wanted to blurt out.

That she loved him. Heart and soul.

That she never wanted to lose him.

But she couldn’t tell him that. Not without ruining everything, since that wasn’t what he wanted from this marriage.

“It’s all right, baby. We’re fine.”

He kissed her, and the gentle movement of his lips on hers … the feel of his hand gliding along her spine … tightened the yearning inside her. The slippery fabric of the robe fell from her shoulder to her elbow. She started to shrug the other side down, too, but a soft rumble of laughter sounded deep in his chest and he leaned back, his gaze falling to her exposed breasts. Heat simmered through her and she wanted to feel his hands on her. Stroking her aching nipples. Cupping her in his large hands. But he eased the robe back up and pulled the front together, then tied the sash securely.

“Don’t look so rejected,” he said, his eyes glittering. “I’d love nothing more than to carry you back to bed and make passionate love to you.” He stroked her hair behind her ear. Tingles danced along her neck. “But I intend to wait until we can do it slowly and leisurely.” He smiled. “And I definitely like the idea of you thinking about me all day. Wanting me. Anticipating the next time we’re together.”

Her heart stuttered at the thought of him walking in the door this evening and sweeping her into his arms then into his bed, stripping away everything she wore until she was naked and vulnerable beneath him. She could imagine the gentle pressure of his hands on her skin … the nudge of his cockhead against her slick opening … the feel of him gliding inside.

“And I don’t want you to think that all I want from you is sex.” He stroked her cheek, and glided his fingers through her hair, his indigo eyes growing somber. “Especially after what I said the other night. I want you to know that you are more to me than just a sexual partner.”

He drew her into another kiss and his mouth moved on hers with passion. She melted against him, her heart swelling.

Could he mean…? Dare she hope he actually had feelings for her?

*   *   *

River walked into Giselle’s and glanced around. Tia was with a customer, so River walked to the jewelry counter, checking out the newest arrivals. There were some lovely chains and a large, star-shaped crystal pendant that glittered rose, purple, and green, depending on the angle of the light, caught her eye.

“Hi. May I help you with anything?”

River glanced around at the sound of Tia’s voice.

Tia’s eyes lit up. “My God, look at you! I didn’t even recognize you.”

River wore the same green dress she’d had on the day she came home after selecting a new wardrobe with Kane’s personal shopper. She loved this dress and especially loved the way Kane’s eyes had heated when he’d first seen her in it. That’s why she’d worn it today. To feel closer to Kane.

“You’ve changed. You look so much more sophisticated.”

River frowned. “I’m not sure I like that.”

Tia laughed. “No, it’s a good thing. You’re evolving. Finding a new style. But whatever look you wind up with will always be your own.”

But would it be?

“You still have five minutes before you can leave for lunch, right? So help me find a scarf to add some pizzazz to my outfit.” River lifted the star pendant from the display. “Maybe start with these colors.”

Half an hour later, she sat across from Tia at the restaurant, setting the bags with her new purchases on the bench seat beside her in the booth. After leaving Giselle’s, they’d seen a stunning pair of shoes in the window of the high-end shoe store a few doors down, a place she and Tia had only dreamed of shopping in. The shoes had slender heels that went on forever and were covered with tiny beads, forming a mosaic of colors … primarily the same as those in the scarf and pendant. Tia had insisted she go in and try them on and River instantly fell in love with them.

“I really think I can make a nail polish that will color shift like the pendant,” River said as the waitress filled their glasses with water.

“I’m sure you can. And you’re probably planning a caviar mani to go with the shoes. I bet you already have beads in the right colors.”

“You’re right.” River couldn’t help grinning broadly.

It was so nice being around Tia again. With Tia, River felt open about her creativity. And encouraged. Tia always spurred her to go further, rather than draw back like Kane did.

“So how’s married life?” Tia asked.

“It’s different, you know. It takes some getting used to.”

“But you love the guy?” Tia asked with eyebrow raised.

River locked gazes with Tia, seeing the concern in her friend’s sky-blue eyes.

“I do,” River said with certainty.

She didn’t mention that Kane didn’t love her back.

This morning when he’d said she meant more to him than just a sexual partner, she’d started to hope … But once he left for work and her saner mind returned, she realized he’d meant he liked her and wanted them to have more between them than just sex. He hadn’t meant he loved her.

Tia smiled and squeezed her hand. “You know, this time I believe you. And I think this marriage will be good for you.”

Maybe Tia was right. What she had with Kane was more than she’d thought they’d share. Mutual caring and respect. A deep sexual chemistry and passion. And a willingness to work at the marriage to ensure it really succeeded.

It might not be the ideal marriage, but she was more confident that if she set her mind to it, she could find a way to be truly happy.

*   *   *

River finished packing up the latest batch of nail polish, and then slumped on the couch. She missed Will helping her with this. Of course, she’d known it would just be that one time, but it had been so nice.

Unfortunately, it had ended in disaster. Her heart ached at the thought that she had caused a huge rift between the two friends. She frowned. They’d been more than friends.

She picked up her cell phone and dialed. A moment later, Will picked up.

“Hi, it’s River. I just wanted to see how you’re doing.”

“I’m great.” But his voice sounded solemn. “Are things okay between you and Kane?”

She drew in a breath. “They were rocky at first but … yeah … we seem to be okay. Are you and Kane talking?”

“The only time I’ve seen him since then is at the staff meeting yesterday and he didn’t say a word to me. Other than that, he’s kept to himself, and I’m giving him the space he needs. Maybe we’ll interact a little more at the board meeting on Monday.”

She couldn’t imagine how difficult this must be for him.

“Will, I’m sorry I caused this,” she said.

“It wasn’t your fault. It was my stupid move that caused this mess.”

She remembered his
The kiss had been surprising and more welcome than she’d wanted it to be. Maybe because she’d felt so alone with Kane abandoning her so soon after their wedding. Or maybe because it was nice to feel wanted and he was such a nice guy.

But she shouldn’t have liked it so much. And she shouldn’t want to do it again.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” she asked.

“Just keep trying to make it work. Then maybe with time, he’ll forgive me.”

“I will. I promise.”

“So how goes the nail polish production?”

“I’ve got about a third of it done. I’m starting on the third color of the collection today.”

“You know, you might want to do a batch of each of the remaining colors today.”

“But it’s more efficient to work on one color at a time.”

“Of course. I just thought it might help because of something I overheard Kane saying on the phone, but I’ll leave that for Kane to tell you.”

Will wouldn’t say anything more, and all afternoon she wondered about it. But she followed his advice.

When Kane came home that evening, he found her in the kitchen finishing up dinner preparations. She glanced over her shoulder as she finished breaking up the lettuce for the salad. His hands slid around her waist and he nuzzled her neck.

“My hands are damp,” she protested as his lips caressed the side of her neck, sparking delightful sensations down her spine.

“I don’t mind.” His hands covered her breasts and he caressed her nipples with his thumbs, causing them to pucker.

She leaned back against him, enjoying his attention, her insides heating with need.

He turned her in his arms and kissed her, then nuzzled her cheek.

“A little water won’t hurt my suit,” he murmured.

She realized that although her arms were around his waist, she’d been holding her hands away from his body, not wanting to ruin his expensive wool suit.

“Are you sure?”

He chuckled and pressed one of her hands firmly on his fine, hard-muscled ass.

“If it does, I’ll buy a new one.”

She squeezed, loving the feel of his hard, curved buttocks in her hands. He arched his pelvis forward and she could feel his growing erection pushing into her. Her vagina ached with need.

“How long until dinner?” he asked, sparks blazing in his eyes.

“Not too long.” She smiled and nuzzled his neck. “But it can stay in the oven a little longer.”

The oven timer went off.

He laughed. “Dinner first, then we’ll continue this.”

She carried the casserole into the dining room. When she returned, he’d finished tossing the salad. They sat down to dinner together.

“Sorry, I mostly know how to cook casseroles.”

“I don’t mind. But we can hire a cook, if you’d like. I used to have someone come in some days, but mostly I ate out.”

“No, I can learn to make other things, too.”

“Maybe we could take a cooking class together. I like the idea of spending time together with you in the kitchen, and that seems like a nice thing for two newlyweds to do.”

she thought. She and Kane were anything but normal newlyweds. But then she’d never been one to live life content with being normal.

“I’d like that,” she said.

“I was talking to Francoise from Rapture today,” he said.

River’s gaze shot from her plate to Kane. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes, of course. She has a great opportunity for you. If you can give her a hundred of each color of your collection by this weekend, she’ll feature it at the grand opening of a brand-new store in L.A. at the end of the month. There will be a lot of celebrities at the event and it’ll give you some great exposure.”

Excitement surged through her. The three hundred bottles she’d made before the Kickstarter campaign gave her sixty of each, and with what she’d made today, she was pretty close.

“Oh, my God, that’s wonderful.”

“I know it’s late notice. Can you manage it?”

“Yes, I actually have almost everything I need ready now. And I can finish the rest tomorrow.” She smiled. “Thanks to Will.”

Immediately, she wished she hadn’t uttered those last three words as Kane’s expression turned stone cold.

“You talked to Will?” His gaze bored through her. “Did he come over here?”

The insinuation was clear.

“No. I phoned him at the office.” She bit her lip. “I just wanted to know how he was doing. You two are so close and—”

so close.”

“Kane, I know that…” Oh, no, she shouldn’t bring this up now. That she knew the two men had been lovers.

“You know what?”

She sighed. “I know you really want to keep your friendship with Will and…”

“It’s not that simple.” He glowered at her as he stood up, and then stormed across the room toward the elevator. “I have a meeting. I’ll be out late.”


Chapter Eighteen

River was still awake when Kane returned—lying quietly in the dark bedroom. When he climbed in beside her, she could smell the alcohol. Within moments, he was sound asleep.

She, however, was restless. In the morning, she got up before him and made breakfast.

When he appeared in the kitchen, freshly shaved and dressed in a nice suit, he poured himself a cup of coffee.

“It smells good,” he said nonchalantly. “You can cook more than a casserole after all.”

“Eggs and bacon aren’t exactly gourmet food, but I know you enjoy them.”

She served him a plate with eggs over easy, the way she knew he liked them, and four strips of bacon. She’d even made biscuits. She set the basket on the table and sat down across from him.

“Kane, about yesterday, when I talked to Will…”

He frowned. “Let’s just enjoy our breakfast, okay?”

“Okay, I promise. But please, don’t blame him.”

His gaze hardened. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

His tone brooked no argument, so she turned her attention to her meal, frowning as she picked up her fork.

But she couldn’t let it go. Adrenaline surged through her as she focused on her plate, her jaw clenched.

“Maybe you don’t want to talk about it, but that’s what married couples do.” She used her knife to saw through the bacon on her plate. “He’s your friend, and he has been for years. I don’t want to see that end.” She pushed the tattered remains of one bacon strip aside and started on the next. “Don’t you get that I care about you and whether you’re happy? And I know that having Will as a friend makes you happy.”

Then her eyes widened as she realized what she’d admitted. She put down her knife and fork and raised her gaze to his.

He smiled at her, his indigo eyes glowing with warmth.

“I appreciate that,” he said.

Then he reached across the table and took her hand. As his big fingers enveloped hers, her heart swelled.

“In fact, I love that you care so much.” His velvety voice was filled with sincerity. “So just allow me the time I need to deal with it in my own way, okay?”

She found herself nodding.

He squeezed her hand, his smile broadening. How about this? It’s Friday, so once we arrange to send off your nail polish, let’s go away for the weekend. Maybe somewhere warm. We could take a long weekend. Just you and me. No one else to distract us.”

BOOK: Nailed
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