My Hope Is Found: The Cadence of Grace, Book 3 (39 page)

With Jacob pressed to his chest and Lonnie’s hand wrapped securely in his, Gideon led the way to Reverend Gardner’s house, determined to knock the door down if necessary. They’d delivered the news to the Bennetts, and even as Jebediah slapped him on the back, Elsie pulled her apron over her face and sobbed. Addie had jumped up and down, giggling.
Jacob let out a joyful squeal, though Gideon knew he had no idea what was going on.

Now, as they walked to Reverend Gardner’s house, a midday sun shone bright all around them. The air fragrant with spring blossoms. The walk took most of the morning, but not once did Lonnie’s hand slide from his. And by the time Jacob fell asleep—the boy’s soft cheek pressed to Gideon’s shoulder—the reverend’s house came into view.

Lonnie rapped on the door with a gentle hand, and after flashing his wife-to-be a grin, Gideon pounded on the wood, nearly shaking it from the frame.

She blushed at his eagerness.

“Coming!” An irritated voice called from inside.

The door burst open. The reverend’s eyebrows lifted, and with short, stubby fingers, he pulled the napkin from his shirt and brushed crumbs from his pants.

“I hope we’re not interrupting,” Lonnie began.

“I was just finishing up my dinner.” Reverend Gardner glanced from one face to the other, finally landing back on Gideon. “May I help you?” He wiped his mouth with his napkin.

“We’d like to get married,” Gideon said, squeezing Lonnie’s hand.

“Married?” The reverend nearly choked.

Gideon let out a slow breath, his nerves a mess. “I know what you’re thinking, sir.” He held up a hand. “But believe me when I say I am a free man to be married.” He took the envelope from his pocket and handed it over. “And as far as I know”—he glanced down at Lonnie, who smiled up at him—“as crazy as it seems, this lady here
have me.”

Taking the envelope, Reverend Gardner began to open it. Jebediah stepped forward, and Gideon felt a reassuring hand squeeze his shoulder.

“He’s free to marry. I am witness to that.”

“So am I,” Elsie added.

Grateful, Gideon glanced at them. His family.

Even as he shook his head, Reverend Gardner’s eyes skimmed the words. Then with a nod of approval, he ushered them into his house, motioning toward the sitting room. “In there.”

The fire crackled in the hearth. A white cat lifted its head as the parade of intruders passed by the sofa, and stretching out its paws, the bundle of fur rolled onto her back as if the guests had nothing better to do than rub her belly.

“Your dinner’s getting cold, dear.” A gray-haired woman stepped out of the kitchen, and then her face filled with surprise.

“Maura, these folks have come to be married.” The reverend tossed his napkin onto the mantel and made quick work of straightening his collar. “Will you please draw up the license?” He cast Gideon a curious glance. “You’re certain you have no other wives?”

With a chuckle, Gideon lifted his hands, palms up. “I promise.”

After a moment of silent study, Reverend Gardner shook his head. “I believe you.” He set Judge Monroe’s letter on the mantel, then glanced at Lonnie and back to Gideon. Despite his sober demeanor, he nearly smiled. “I’ve never married the same people twice before.”

Gideon took hold of Lonnie’s hand, not liking the way his felt without it.

The reverend motioned for them to stand in front of the fireplace, and after his wife brought him a large Bible, he turned to face his unexpected guests. He cleared his throat and began with the words he’d spoken to Lonnie and Gideon on that cold morning they’d stood inside his church, her hand trembling inside his.

Gideon stood as close to Lonnie as he could, glancing away only long
enough to peek at Jacob, who rested in Elsie’s arms. His small cheek was pressed to the woman’s shoulder. Black lashes brushed his pale skin in slumber. Gideon glanced back at Lonnie, who watched him with a curious expression.

After closing his Bible, Reverend Gardner clutched it in one hand. “Do you have a ring?”

Gideon grimaced. He had nothing to offer her. Slowly he shook his head.

All was silent except for a clatter coming from Reverend Gardener’s kitchen. Lonnie pulled a folded handkerchief from inside her sleeve. “I do.” She carefully unwrapped the bundle and held the offering out to Gideon.

Gideon took the ring between his broad fingers, studying it. His face was pained, and Lonnie could almost hear the breaking of his heart.

“What’s the matter?” She touched his sleeve.

“This isn’t a good ring.” His eyebrows pulled together, and she knew his memories had drifted to a time when he was a different man. “This … I …” He shook his head again.

Lonnie took hold of his hand, closing his fingers around the tin he’d offered her all that time ago in Rocky Knob, the day she’d vowed to become the wife of a man she hardly knew. “It’s a perfect ring. I would never want another.”

Gideon’s chest heaved, and Lonnie’s thumb grazed his skin.

“Do you believe me?”

Glancing up, his eyes glistened with unshed tears. “You’re a better woman than I deserve.”

She shook her head and held out her hand.

With determination brightening his eyes, Gideon slid the cold tin to the tip of her finger. “Are you sure?” he breathed.

Lonnie nodded. She’d never been more certain of anything in her life, and when Gideon slid the ring onto her finger, the tin warming between their hands, the last pieces of her broken heart pulled together.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may—” Reverend Gardner arched an eyebrow and bent toward the kitchen entryway. “For heaven’s sake, wife. What is that knocking about in there?”

Mrs. Gardner poked her head out of the kitchen, bowl in the crook of her arm, whisk working in quick motion. “I’m beating egg whites to a
like the recipe says.” Her cheeks reddened. “Can’t have a wedding without a cake.”

Reverend Gardner chuckled. “And we can’t have a ceremony without a ‘kiss yer bride.’ ”

“Yes, dear.” Her whisk stilled and she stood at attention.

From the corner of the room, Addie giggled.

With a shake of his head, Reverend Gardner grinned and turned back to Gideon. “Mr. O’Riley”—his eyes sparkled—“you may now kiss your bride.”



There was a time near the completion of this book that as a storyteller—and more simply as a person—it was beyond my ability to put the words on paper. I had been trying to walk outside the storm. Skirting around the heart-aching places this book would take me. That was when I knew it was time to simply trust God to see me through to the other side. For in our weakness, He is strong. And I felt ever so weak. So I opened my hands and let go of everything I had thought this story would be.

I searched my heart. Every piece of it. Felt along the scars from life and loss, the healing remnants. It was there I allowed myself to tell a journey of the mire sin can pull us into, and the healing that can be found in His will. In those days and hours, I finished
My Hope Is Found

My constant prayer is that these stories will bless and encourage you. I pray that they will point to the Cross—the redemptive love of Christ. The One who died for our sins. Though we were so, so undeserving of that kind of sacrifice. The ultimate act of love.

There is no love story sweeter than that of Christ and His church. It’s a dance—a pursuit. I think this is why I write romance. It’s a beautiful reflection of that ultimate love. The never-ending story of a hero, holding out his hand to the one he loves. A story of sacrifice. And in the Cadence of Grace series, a story of how a sinner can change, and hope can be found.

Gideon’s journey back to Lonnie took some twists and turns that led me to the city of Stuart. The courthouse, completed in the early 1800s, was the hub for legal happenings in Patrick County, Virginia, in 1902. John
and Sallie Moore were a prominent family in Stuart at the time, with John Moore serving as judge of the county court for a number of years. In wanting to respectfully honor Judge Moore and his family, I created the fictional character of Judge Monroe.
The History of Patrick County
states that upon his retirement, Judge Moore engaged in orcharding.

One of the greatest joys of being an author is connecting with readers. I am so thankful to all of you who have been a part of the Cadence of Grace series. The way you’ve embraced Lonnie and Gideon’s story blesses me to no end. If you’d like to keep in touch, you can find me at
. While there, if you would like to drop me a note, please do! It’s always such a joy to hear from you.


1. What does the title
My Hope is Found
signify to you? In what way does the theme of hope run through the story?

2. As Lonnie strives to move on from Gideon, what strengths do you see in her? After all she’s been through with her father, and then with Gideon, what do you think she yearns for? If you could encourage her early on in the story, what would you say?

3. Cassie’s decision to let Gideon go is a difficult one. Do you think peace may be on the horizon for her? Will her time with Gideon play a role in how she lives out the rest of her life? If so, in what ways?

4. Twice, Tal welcomes Gideon into his home and onto his farm. Each time, Gideon has been in a place of wandering and searching. Why do you think Tal treats Gideon with this kindness? How does the man and his family affect Gideon’s life?

5. One of Toby’s great strengths is his ability to love through difficult circumstances. This is both a gift and a burden for him. It allows Toby to minister to people but also brings him heartache as he lives out the sacrifices of Christlike love. What role does Toby’s selflessness play in Lonnie’s spiritual journey? What role does it play in Gideon’s? How would the story have been different without this element?

6. Knowing that he may not always be in Lonnie and Jacob’s lives, Gideon desires to leave them something of worth—the orchard. What does this symbolize about his love for them? In what ways has this love changed and grown since we first saw Gideon in
Be Still My Soul

7. When Lonnie learns that there are rumors surrounding her and the children who have no present father, she is hurt but manages to
turn the other cheek and recognize the gossip for what it is—empty words. In 1902 Appalachia, what could this mean for her future or her place in society? Do you think the rumors hurt Lonnie more than she let on?

8. Gideon looks to Toby as an example of a godly man, something he feels he can never become. At the same time, Toby looks to Gideon as a capable man for carving out a life in the Appalachian hills. Each man sees himself differently than his rival does. What does this say about them? Is this a tendency we humans have?

9. Near the end of the story, Jebediah tells Gideon that he needs to learn to entrust Lonnie to God. In what ways does this conflict with Gideon’s personality? What steps does he take toward trusting God with the outcome? At what time in your life have you had to rely on the Lord in this way?

10. Toby is willing to risk his heart for Lonnie’s love. What does this cost him in the end? Why is Toby willing to put his heart on the line? Lonnie learns to care for Toby in a way she never anticipated. As his friend, what does it cost her to break Toby’s heart?

11. In
chapter 38
, Gideon realizes that “he knew what it was to be addicted. Knew how to hold on to something with everything inside him.” He fears that his love for Lonnie—this deep need for her—is no different than his other desires in the past. In what ways is he correct? In what ways is his love for Lonnie very different?

12. Lonnie’s life has always paralleled the hymn “His Eye Is on the Sparrow.” How have you seen this reflected in her journey?

13. The theme for
My Hope is Found
is “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience” (James 1: 2–3). In what ways did you see this verse unfold?

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