Read My Forbidden Mentor Online

Authors: Laura Mills

My Forbidden Mentor (17 page)

His mouth opened, capturing her finger between his teeth, and their eyes met. Her finger slipped out of his mouth and he kissed her in slow degrees, as if to savor each taste.

His kisses lingered down her neck, his lips encountering the never-ending softness of her skin. Having her naked body beneath him, her voluptuous bosom crushing against his chest, her scent, fresh and flowery, drove him to increase their pace. Beginning with one hand dragging in leisure along her arching body, his fingers extended and searched to find her hidden entrance. By now her moans had gained volume sending his longing for her to dangerous grounds.

Intent on replacing his fingers, he guided himself against her slick budded opening. His husky voice whispered in response of his motion. “I want you, Melissa. I’ve wanted you for a long time,” he told her.

The need to connect with him on every level came on like a raging force. The fear of being her first time was fading. “Oh,” she cried aloud as the crown of his arousal taunted her. He wanted in and she didn’t want to wait any longer. Blurting through panted breaths, her words were reckless. “Stop teasing me, John, and come inside me,” she said.

Her body twisted against his challenging his restraint. “Patience sweetheart. Have you forgotten you’re still a virgin?” he murmured, reminding her the first time was going to be different even though he agreed with her impatience.

For Melissa nothing mattered but having him inside her. “I can’t help it, you’re driving me mad,” she cried again, expressing frustration when her eyes found his.

“You need to relax,” he advised and waited for her body to ease its anticipation. Cradling her head once again he braced himself for entry. His breathing turned ragged when first feeling her warmth enveloping around him. His eyes closed as he took in the sensations. Gradually he continued to ease himself deeper until a barrier stopped him. Feeling a stabbing of fingernails brace the skin of his shoulders, his eyes opened to witness a bewildered expression.

Without saying a word, John chose to act instead of explain. He distracted her with his mouth while his lower body prepared to take her. He tested her by lifting his mouth away and when her mouth grew just as playful and just as eager, he decided she was ready. It was then that he pushed forward, applying a surefire thrust that pierced her maidenhead. His breath hitched when he was magnificently imprisoned by the blaze of her womb. Simultaneously he heard a muffled cry escape her. He looked down into hazel eyes opened wide and sweet lips pressing together to force away any more sound. He stayed still and didn’t move an inch. His eyes shut as his lips brushed over her chin. “Are you all right?” he asked against her honeyed cheek. Feeling her nod, his mouth drifted to her ear. “It won’t hurt like that again, I promise.” He tried to be soothing, knowing that she was hiding the full extent of the pain she was feeling.

She began to calm down from her startled state. The sharper pain than she anticipated was beginning to lessen. As the initial pain faded, she was able to comprehend how substantially his body filled hers. Naturally her body accepted his, amazing her at how easily a man and woman could adjust to each other so intimately. The sensations of pain that were fading away were being replaced by a wanton urge to grasp at his life source. Releasing her gripped fingers from the muscles of his shoulders, they slid down his smooth back to firm buttocks, motioning him to proceed. “Please go on,” she told him in staggered breaths, wanting to feel the pleasure awaiting her.

Their gaze upon each other intensified as their breaths mingled and he began moving inside her. Her imaginations of how this would feel didn’t compare at all to having him flesh to flesh. His caressing manhood created the beginnings of an insatiable appetite. A craving she hadn’t known existed until her forbidden mentor had made it possible.

“Better?” he asked as his momentum sped up, sensing her enjoyment.

“Yes,” she answered as her eyes were filling with passion and her hips were rising to meet his. Instinctually moving with him now, together their rhythmic moves were gradually climbing to a state of pounding fury. Melissa tried to take more of him by wrapping her legs around his lower back and pushing him even deeper.

John groaned at her motion while kissing her swollen lips and murmured in ambitious exhalation, “Oh Melissa, I knew it would be good, but my God.”

They intuitively formed together like mating parts, and being the only virgin he’d ever made love to, he had expected a different reaction, a naive, shy, follow his lead reaction, but as soon as the pain disappeared for her she responded without any apprehension, devouring every thrust, returning movements that said she wanted more, generating a burning feeling throughout his entire body.

Becoming one with Melissa stirred his soul and that stirring escalated when Melissa’s golden head began tossing back and forth across the pillow as she called out to him.

“Oh, John!” she released in a throaty wail from the pit of her stomach.

As her fingernails braced his shoulders and her back began to arch, John’s body stiffened. His eyes involuntarily closed as his hands grabbed for her hips, pulling her against him as close as she could get. Reaching his climax split seconds after her, he exploded deep within, temporarily dousing the flames between them.

They lay together, John still on top, their sweating bodies still connected, both trying to regain their natural breathing. Raising his head from the pillow, his lips went to her neck, planting tender kisses that tasted of her fragrant aroma. Her lips also reached for his neck, leaving trails of feathery kisses amongst the beaded sweat sticking to his skin. “That was wonderful,” she said near his ear.

“You’re wonderful,” he told her as their lips found each other again.

While savoring their kisses, Melissa thought she had indeed gone to heaven. He had opened a whole new world for her and she wasn’t planning on leaving any time soon. Just then his lips parted from hers, and pulling away from her, he left the bed and went to the washbasin. After cleansing himself, he came back and cleansed her as well.

Admiring his sensitive actions, she asked, “Have you ever bedded a virgin before?”

He was taken aback by her question and while finishing up, he answered, “No.”

“Then how do you know what to do?” she asked.

He knew what she was referring to, the gentleness, the knowing how painful it could be. He answered as he rinsed the cloth. “Robert’s had the experience once or twice. He’s shared his wisdom with me.”

“Do you two discuss your conquests?” she asked out of interest as she was hoisting herself up on her side and holding her head in the palm of her hand.

“Sometimes,” he told her, wanting to be honest with her, although he didn’t view her that way.

Her curiosity tempted her to pry further. “Do you compare?” she asked and was interrupted.

“I don’t think of you as a conquest,” he told her in a stern tone as he lay on the bed on his side next to her.

Her hand skimmed over his arm and then her eyes found his. “What am I to you, then?”

His hand caught hers and clasped them together. “Someone I truly care for,” he revealed, knowing she was beyond any experience he’d ever had. Making love to her only enhanced his unusual feelings.

“Do you plan on making love to me often?” she asked.

“I’d like to,” he answered.

Raising their joined hands, she placed a kiss on his palm. “I’m not opposed,” she said with a smile.

He smiled back, giving her hand a squeeze. “Have I got a little wanton on my hands?”

Her smile widened and her hazel eyes sparkled through dark golden lashes. “Are you complaining?”

He responded to her wittiness. “Not at all.”

She reclined into him. “After all, you created her,” she purred, the sparkle in her eyes glowing dark and passionate. “I want you again, John.”

“Mm. The feeling is mutual,” John groaned.

They made love again, exploring each other with earthly passion until falling asleep.


Chapter Fifteen



Melissa awoke stretching from a glorious night of lovemaking. Looking over at the sleeping lord, her movements didn’t seem to disturb him until she attempted to lift his arm from her waist.

“Where are you going?” he asked in muffled drowsiness, his arm returning possessively around her waist. He lay on his stomach, his head turned away from her.

“I’ve got to get up, I’m famished,” she told him as he stayed silent. Figuring he had fallen back asleep since he hadn’t responded, she lifted his arm again.

His head swung in her direction, with his eyes still closed and his mouth grinning. “I imagine we worked off supper, huh?”

Melissa rose from the bed, smiling inside, while leaning over and asking, “Yes, are you hungry?”

His eyes opened halfway, finding that her sweet face was close enough for him to kiss. “Yes, for you,” he replied as his hand was reaching for her bosom.

She teased him by backing away so he couldn’t touch her. She was getting impatient. “John, a serious answer, please?” By now her stomach was ordering her to the kitchen.

“Is food my only choice?” he asked, prolonging their discussion, finding their easy back and forth bantering an accepted comfort.

“Why are you answering a question with a question?” she inquired as she came close to him again. “And, yes, at this moment, food is your only choice.” This time her arms crossed over her bosom.

Not to be detoured, he lifted onto one elbow. His hand cupped her cheek and he pulled her closer to him. Sleepy-eyed, he kissed her, feeling refreshed and alive. Whatever spell she had cast on him, he couldn’t get enough and he didn’t want it to end. Last night had changed something for him. The lovemaking was different, explosive, even doubling in degree of passion the second time, leaving him more confused than ever. These mixed-up feelings alarmed him, yet as alarming as they were he yearned for more.

Her arms unfolded and her hands went to the bed for balance. She was delirious, no longer denying her true feelings for this handsome lord. She was beyond mere curiosity and making love with him had confirmed that.

His lips left hers. “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” she replied, breathless.

His finger tapped the tip of her nose. “And yes, I’m famished.” The same finger went to her lips, tracing them. “May I have you for dessert?” he asked, his husky voice getting permission.

Dizzy from their kissing, she began falling into a downward spiral toward his web of intrigue. His kiss had brought back too many wonderful memories from the night before, allowing her to barely decipher his question. “Yes, you may, but only if you’re good and eat all your breakfast.” She smiled in reaction to his happy features, giddy like a little boy.

“Hurry back,” he whispered, his twinkling gray eyes following her naked body as she straightened and stepped over to the closet to retrieve her robe. Disappointed when she slipped the robe around herself, covering the source of his private inspection, her slight limp caught his attention instead when she stepped back toward him. It hit him then that she planned on fetching their breakfast, which meant taking the stairs. She gave him a smile as she unlocked the door and turned the knob. “Wait a moment,” he said.

Startled, she stopped to face him. “Yes?”

He shoved the blankets off himself and was swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked as he was reaching down to grab for his trousers.

Her brows creased in confusion while her cheeks colored at the sight of seeing him nude in the daylight. “To get . . . breakfast,” she replied, not too steady and trying not to be obvious about her gawking.

“I don’t think so,” he said shoving one leg into his trousers, unconsciously aiming his focus toward her legs.

She caught his glare, which explained his sudden actions of panic. Her face softened, aware of how distressing her condition was for him, but today she was like a new woman ready for a new challenge and trying the stairs was a perfect way to start. She stopped him before he went further. “John?”

He had his second leg through and was about to stand to finish putting on his trousers when the sound of her voice made him look up.

Her sedate expression had his complete attention. “I want to try this. I think it’s time.”

His velvet lashes blinked once as if determining if her choice was rational. “Are you sure?” he asked, aware it was to be her decision.

“Yes,” she answered in undeniable confidence.

“Perhaps I should go with you, just to make sure.” He felt helpless when he should feel happy about her determination. He rose from the bed.

“John, I’ll call for you if I have trouble,” she told him as the beam in her eyes was imploring him to be agreeable.

When she walked out he was left standing in the middle of her sun- brightened bedroom with his trousers pulled up to his hips, buttons undone. He sat back down, eyeing the door, desperate to watch her progress. He hadn’t heard her calling him yet, which was a good sign. He stretched out his legs crossing them at the ankles, and he folded his arms across his bare chest with his eyes fastened to the door.

By now five minutes had passed, at least by his calculations. Not able to stand the waiting he rose from the bed once again and stepped to the door. Cracking the door open, his immediate view was empty as she wasn’t anywhere in sight. The door flew open and his body leaned through the doorway, his head swinging from one side of the short hallway to the other. He stepped further out toward the stairs. Standing at the top looking down, sounds of rustling from the kitchen got his attention.

In an instant he returned to the bedroom. His trousers slipped off and his naked body slipped back into bed. After waiting another five minutes he sat up, placing his head against the oak headboard and taking the time to straighten the lavender blankets that were covering his hips. The door burst open and John jumped at the sound. He had been so involved in his thoughts of their previous night together that he hadn’t heard her footsteps before the door opened. She wore a gratifying smile though, and her victory was contagious making him grin in return. He could let go of his short-lived worries regarding the stairs since she had made it. “All went well, I see?”

Sliding on the bed next to him with a full plate gracing her lap, she boastfully responded, “Yes.”

“Well, I’m proud of you. I knew you could handle it.” His grin proved flattering and his words of praise meant a great deal. Robert had been right about John’s confidence in her. It hadn’t waned. But what had happened to the apprehension he had expressed before her victory lap? “Thank you, John.” I’ll bet he checked on me. “I hope I didn’t worry you?”

He chuckled, the gleam in his eyes not as bright. “No, of course not. I told you I knew you could handle it, and see, you proved me right.” Even his fabricated smile had a melting effect. “Now, what did you bring us?”

He obviously didn’t want to carry on. Laughing to herself, she let the subject drop. “Berries and various breads. I know you like berries but I’m not sure about bread?”

“Certain kinds are alright. What do you have?” he asked.

She unfolded the linen cloth covering their food. “A variety of sweet breads, actually.”

Opening his mouth, she brought the bread to his lips. He moved forward and took a bite. After swallowing, he gave her his opinion. “Not bad, but I prefer the berries,” he told her as he took the remaining piece of bread from her and finished it off.

They fed each other berries and bread while talking of past events they’d shared, making each other laugh recalling ridiculous mistakes and stunts they had pulled on each other. Comparing the extent of such ludicrous behavior, both agreed that Melissa topped them both with the story she had concocted for her father, but the mere mentioning of her father brought them to silence. Their smiles diminished and Melissa’s head hung low, studying the berries that remained.

John watched her reaction, seeing and feeling her pain all over again. His fingertips went beneath her chin and lifted it up. Glassy hazel eyes captured his. “Are you alright?” he asked so quietly that she almost didn’t hear him. Their happy reminiscing had brought unguarded pain at the same time. She nodded while giving him the best smile she could manage. His smile in return relayed that he understood.

Worn down by the fight to stay strong, fresh tears began rolling down her cheeks. Melissa turned her watery gaze away from John. “I’m sorry,” she said, apologizing for her lack of control.

“Why are you sorry?” he asked.

She swallowed hard at the memory of her father as his death began dominating all of her thoughts now, all of her thoughts except the acknowledgment of John’s understanding of the situation. She hadn’t expected his constant consolation, but then she hadn’t anticipated this wave of grief to cascade upon her, especially when she was experiencing happiness for the first time in a long time. Her gaze shifted back toward his, which penetrated her very soul. “I’m sorry for falling apart on you like this.”

John’s gaze never wavered. His hand came up to embrace the back of her head, guiding her to rest upon his chest. A dam broke loose within her. Her hands gripped the sides of his waist as her whole body jerked with an overflow of emotions. She clutched at his upper body as if she would fall from the earth.

John could feel hot streams of wetness flow down his chest, receding toward his belly. Wanting to relieve her grief, he offered reassurance. “Don’t be sorry for grieving, Melissa. You’ve been through a lot more than you know. You’re allowed to let go every now and then,” he told her and then paused when he could feel her shudder against him. “I don’t mind you falling apart as long as you put yourself back together again.” That got a light chuckle out of her.

She lifted her head, revealing red and swollen eyes that bore into his. “How would I get through this without you?”

His opposite hand brushed away the damp strands of her hair, which clung to her face. “You would find a way, although I’m glad to be here for you.” The realization that his words were sincere, that he really meant them, sent a jolt of reality through his concerned mind. This was where he wanted to be, with her, whether consoling her, riding horses, sleeping, making love, it didn’t matter, just to be in her presence was enough.

A smile appeared within her puffy features. “Thank you.”

His fingers stopped their caressing motion to obtain a berry to feed to her. “You’re welcome.” Her mouth opened and she devoured the plump blackberry. “Now, I’d like to go to my place today and check on Chief,” he said while popping a berry into his mouth. “It will give you an opportunity to see how training stables are run, which in training you will have to learn anyhow.” His gaze shifted from the plate of berries to witness a maneuver that made his groin ache.

Melissa was licking at the fruit juices dripping down her fingers. “That sounds fine to me,” she replied, her tongue stopping mid-motion when her eyes caught his in a seductive stare. Suddenly the air around them turned smoldering.

John reached over and placed another blackberry in her mouth. His voice was soft yet husky. “I’m ready for dessert now,” he announced with renewed vigor.

“A sudden burst of energy?” she asked in teasing manner.

He reached down to untie her robe. “It’s your fault. You wanted to feed me.”


When John awoke he wasn’t sure how much time had passed. His head lifted as he looked toward the window, mentally trying to determine the time of day by where the sun was sitting. Well it wasn’t early, he gathered. His hair tousled and his body cramped from their cradled position, he started to pull away from her when she groaned.


He bent close to her ear and murmured, “Sweetheart, we need to get moving.”

She responded in a languid tone. “Not yet . . . want to sleep more.”

He slid out of the bed and reached back over the bed to drag her over to him, lifting her into a sitting position. “Time to get up,” he insisted. He was learning her ways and how to deal with them.

Propped up on the edge of the bed Melissa was wide-awake now, glaring at John in frustration, ignoring her state of complete nakedness. She hadn’t wanted to get up, wanting to forever keep him in her bed. She watched him get dressed, his trousers covering every sleek muscle of his powerful thighs and about to shield a part of his anatomy she longed to be acquainted with after its discovery of endless gratification. Unaware, her lips curled into a pout as the last button of his trousers closed.

Glancing up to catch her frowning face, he read her mind. “Later,” he told her. Her hunger was something he could get used to, but they had work to do today so her impetuous appetite would have to wait. When she hadn’t moved an inch, John realized he had a struggle on his hands. “Do I have to dress you as well?” he inquired.

Without her help, John managed to produce her clothing, dress her and dress himself in record time. Although he would much rather undress her than dress her he rather enjoyed the unique experience, purposely revealing only frustration for her benefit. He left to saddle Clara while Melissa finished with her shoes.

She was in love with a lord, she thought, a handsome, tender, sometimes difficult lord. Was he capable of returning her love? Could he give up other women? Somehow she would have to find out.

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