Read My Big Bottom Blessing Online

Authors: Teasi Cannon

My Big Bottom Blessing (13 page)

It was easier for me to become willing to forgive when I learned a bit more about what forgiveness really means. For many years I falsely believed that by forgiving someone I was saying that what they did to me was okay and that I had to actually
the person afterward. But, that's not what forgiveness is. In fact, God himself is never okay with the wrongs done to us. He has some pretty harsh words for those who hurt His children:

But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea. (Mark 9:42)

Taking steps toward forgiveness is so much easier when we know what it does and does not mean.

  • what was done to me is okay
  • I have to forget—putting on a fake smile as if nothing was ever done wrong
  • the person who hurt me gets away with what was done
  • I have to trust the people who hurt me ever again (If you step on my foot every time you walk by I can forgive you, but I'm going to start moving my foot away.)
  • I have to lie down and take more abuse
  • I will work through a hard process, but one well worth the pain
  • I am set free (not vice versa) from the power my offender has had over me
  • I trust God enough to take my offenders off of my hook and put them on God's hook
  • torturers (mental strongholds) are destroyed
  • a door is opened up for me to have a much deeper relationship with God

For me, forgiveness started with the worst offender first—the one whose abuse had caused years and years of pain in my life: my uncle. It might be a different journey for you, but I'll tell you…for me, getting that one over with first made the rest seem like a downhill ride.

Let me say this…forgiving my uncle happened in stages, and they weren't all easy. Most importantly, I couldn't have done it without believing with all my heart that God would deal with the man. Even now, even after experiencing the freedom of forgiving him, the justice bone in me finds peace in knowing that one day my uncle will have to settle that account with God. But I won't have to be a part of that conversation. My part has been settled.

The most powerful part of forgiving my uncle was supernatural. The Holy Spirit had to do some pretty serious stretching of my thinking process to get me through it. He had to help me see some things through His eyes because mine were blinded by my pain.

The forgiveness that I eventually was able to grant from my
(as Jesus asks us to) started its journey in my
And just as it had happened so many times before, this session with the Mighty Counselor required a journey back in time—even before my time.

Teasi, do you think you've fully forgiven your uncle?

I don't know. I guess so.

Well, what do you feel when you think of him?

I feel sort of sick to my stomach. My stomach gets tight.

It doesn't look to me like forgiveness has taken its full course yet.

You're probably right.

Do you want it to? (
Always the gentleman.

Yes, I do. I want to be completely free.

Okay, good. That's what I want for you too. Are you willing to consider something you've never considered before?

Yes, anything.

Okay, I want you to picture a little boy around five years old, about the age of your boy. Can you see him? He's got cute cheeks.

Yes, I see him.

See him playing with a little toy—his favorite. His smile fades as he looks up at the door to his room. His father is standing there. The little boy cowers against the side of his bed hoping to disappear into the folds of his quilt, but it doesn't work. Dad comes for him after locking the door, and for the next hour the little boy is abused—in every way you can imagine.

That's horrible. I can't believe a dad would do that to his own child.

Just before his dad leaves the room, he looks into the boy's scared little eyes and says, “This is all your fault. If you weren't such a freak I wouldn't have to do this stuff to you. You make me sick.” The boy is left with a scarred body and a scarred heart. The boy is left with a lie.

My heart is broken for that boy. Oh, my gosh. That's horrible. (

That boy grew up believing he was a freak, and he began to believe other lies, as well. He started to believe that the only way he would ever be loved, ever be touched, was if he got that love from children. Adults were far too scary.

Oh, God, is that my uncle?

Not exactly, but it is a story much like his. Your uncle was a young boy who at one time was very wounded, and at another time believed a lie about himself, and that lie grew. That lie eventually hurt you. It's one of those lies that destroys generations of my precious people.

I see.

I know it's a huge, huge thing to ask, but do you think you can let me deal justly with the pain that was inflicted upon you? Can you give that boy over to me? That is forgiveness. I know this is requiring a lot of trust from you.

I trust you. I choose to give him to you. I can forgive.


The Holy Spirit knew exactly how to help me turn my case over to the Father's court where He would litigate the matter. It's what He wants to do for all of us. Look at this: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (Ps. 147:3).

What's important about this verse is that the phrase “binds up” has a multilayered definition in the Hebrew language. It can mean not only to compress or wrap firmly, but also to
govern over.
So it seems God is saying that He not only wants to heal our broken hearts, but He wants to govern over the case. As the ultimate authority, He wants to deal with every aspect of our wounds—the healing and dealing with those who have hurt us.

Jesus, undeniably the most unfairly wounded and abused person to ever live, understood this important part of His destiny:

[Jesus] who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously. (1 Peter 2:23)

Jesus did not take vengeance into His own hands, when He most certainly had the power to do so. He committed it all to the Father. And if He trusted the Father to govern over His wounds, we can do the same in His strength. Jesus Himself tells us so:

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. (John 14:12)

The Father has made every provision for us to be able to forgive. He fully understands our pain and never belittles it, but He knows what we need to do in order to be free from its continued power over us. He loves us enough to bring about the highest justice on our behalf.


Now, I know there is a lot more to the story of my uncle's life than what I was able to imagine. I know there is a lot of personal responsibility at play too. That young wounded boy grew up to be a man who knew right from wrong…and he chose wrong. I see that now. But I also know that wounded people wound people. And somehow God's overwhelming mercy became just contagious enough for me to catch. That mercy became my get-out-of-jail card. It wasn't a get-out-of-jail-
card. Not at all. As you know, it cost this little girl quite a lot. Giving forgiveness to someone who had hurt me so deeply was like undergoing elective surgery with no anesthesia. But it brought me new life.


Then there are those we need to forgive who are guilty only by association. For me this would be my parents and my aunt (the wife of my abuser). For you it might be a teacher, a sibling, or a best friend—anyone you felt could have done something to rescue you from your pain, even if they didn't realize they could have.

While many of these people didn't purposely or directly wound us, and some may not even realize we've been wounded at all, they are
participants in the trauma
, and forgiving them is an often overlooked part of full healing. It's easy to feel unmerciful and even selfish when we admit to needing to forgive those who didn't intentionally hurt us. It's also common to be afraid of what might happen to those relationships if we open up to our true feelings. But it is essential that we take this step. If left hidden in the dark, that need to forgive can begin to grow the moldy roots of bitterness. We really must trust God with knowing that He will protect the relationships we love so much. It's about our freedom.


Our next step requires us to take an even closer look at sin—only this time, our own. The people who hurt us are not the only guilty ones. Along the way, there have been people we've hurt too. Even though we are not responsible for the wounds that have been inflicted upon us, we are responsible for the way we've lived as a result of those hurts. Sometimes we've hurt others simply out of our own pain, but no matter the reason for our actions we truly need to be forgiven.

I'll start by sharing a little about some of my own sin and by saying that I am so thankful God has loved me enough to walk me through my journey in stages I could handle. There is no way I would have been ready to face it all before I felt completely loved, healed, adopted, and forgiven. In His gentleness and goodness God waited until I could handle it, and then He sat me in front of the mirror…a three-way mirror…with fluorescent lighting. You know the kind I'm talking about, don't you? (Thank you, department stores.)


I'm going to start with a scripture to set the stage:

Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you. (Luke 6:37–38)

What this section of Scripture is saying is that when we plant some bad apple seeds, we really shouldn't be surprised when some time later we get some bad apples (the law of sowing and reaping). It is a spiritual law that God established. And spiritual laws are just as sure as the physical laws we've all grown to depend on. (Thank you, gravity.) Now, in God's goodness, He can shorten the “bad apple” season if He wants (and He often does), but that does not take us off the hook for planting season. We've got to own up to it.

An honest assessment of my own emotional farmland revealed that many a defective seed had been planted there. For years I was judgmental and condemning, and I
it. Thoughts such as these were common for me: “I cannot believe she did
How rude.” Or “I would
wear that in public. Does this woman own a mirror?” Or even worse, “At least I'm not
fat. I'm actually skinny compared to her.”


Judgment like that starts with only one thing: pride. And I'll admit there was an awful lot of that in me. Pride is not something we can continue to put up with in our lives if we expect to live life to the fullest. In order to achieve anything close to our best life, we're gonna need as much of God as we can get, and God doesn't like pride. Listen to this: “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6).

God can't be around our pride; it literally repels Him. It's not that He doesn't
to be around us. There's nothing He wants more. It's just that He
You see, when we are walking in pride we are living with a distorted view of our identity—either thinking too much or too little of ourselves—and we're not accepting what God says about us. Our pride actually causes us to call God a liar, which He's not too fond of. It's like we're asking God if we can take a seat on His throne for a bit, or going to the other extreme and curling up into a worthless ball under His feet. Neither is our rightful and true place, where God wants us to live.


Humility, on the other hand, is accepting our position as God's beloved children and happily enjoying all the benefits
and struggles
that accompany that calling. God wants us to live like this because that's when He can help us the most. Remember, He gives His grace to the humble. God's grace in action is a powerful force. One we want to stay plugged into.

Listen to this:

By humility and the fear of the L
are riches and honor and life. (Proverbs 22:4)

Riches, honor, and life.
Sounds like what all humanity is crying out for, doesn't it? Those things come by way of our humility, by our willingness to be meek and teachable—by our surrender to the perfect ways of God.

And not only does humility usher in blessings, it's the best pick-me-up you can find:

Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. (James 4:10)

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