Momma's Got a Brand New Jag: BBW Shifter Romance (Seaside Shifters Book 1) (3 page)

“Thanks, but I think I’m fine,” she said. She’d managed to work the clasp out from between the seats and was adjusting the strap.

Aisle Guy scoffed. “You sure about that?”

Rina was about to tell him to mind his own damn business when a deep voice said, “I believe the lady already said she’s fine.”

She looked up into the aisle where the biggest guy she’d ever seen was standing holding a duffel bag. He was tall, with dark black hair cut into a neat crewcut and tan skin. He was muscular, but not bulky like a gym rat. More like a guy who had earned those muscles through hard manual labor, like working in construction or something similar. Rina was instantly attracted to him. She wished she’d been wearing something sexier than comfy travel clothes, but she knew she’d never see this guy again after this flight. She was surprised that she was more than a little disappointed at that thought.

Aisle guy wisely decided not to press the issue, opening his mouth in surprise, then closing it without saying a word. The hot guy placed his duffle bag in the overhead compartment and shut it firmly, making sure it was locked.

“I’m in the window seat,” he said. He’d been staring at Rina ever since he put his bag away, but aisle guy immediately hopped up to make room for him to pass, and Rina followed suit.

“Thanks,” he said as he brushed past her. Rina was acutely aware of her desire for him as his hard body just barely swept her breasts and thighs. She waited for him to settle into his seat, then took her seat again, buckling in when she sat down. She barely noticed aisle guy resuming his seat next to her.

Hot guy buckled his seatbelt after extending the clasp, and turned to her, extending his hand. “Hi. I’m Joven McCready.”

Rina had been playing it cool, fidgeting with a ring on her finger as she pretended like the hottest guy she’d ever seen wasn’t sitting right next to her.

She smiled and shook his hand. “Rina.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” he said. “Do you mind if I raise this up?” He pointed at the armrest between them.

Hell no I don’t!
Rina thought to herself, but aloud she said, “Oh no, not at all,” with a smile. He thanked her and lifted up the armrest. Holy shit. Now their bodies were touching, and she couldn’t believe how good just that little amount of bodily contact felt. Maybe she just needed to get laid. It was more than that though. After all, she’d seen plenty of attractive men coming and going in the airport. She was definitely attracted to him specifically.

Joven shifted uncomfortably next to her and she hoped it wasn’t because she was crowding his space. Jeremy had always hated lifting up the armrests between them on flights and at the movies, saying she crowded him too much. She ran her palms along her thighs, attempting to smooth out the soft fabric where her black palazzo pants had bunched up.

“So, are you headed home?” Rina sought to distract herself with conversation. Maybe he’d say he was married or something, although she didn’t see a ring.
He probably has a girlfriend
, she thought. There was no way a guy this hot was unattached. Then she could be disappointed but stop fantasizing about joining the mile high club with him. If she knew he was taken, her brain could override her hormones. Maybe.

Joven nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been away for business for a few weeks, but I’m headed home now. What about you?”

Rina shook her head as Joven watched her shiny ponytail swing from side to side. “I’m actually going on vacation with my girlfriends,” she said. “I know it probably sounds crazy, but I won a contest and so we’re going to stay at the beach for a week.”

“A contest, huh?” Joven said. “You must be lucky.”

Rina giggled. “I don’t know about that,” she said. “My boyfriend broke up with me right before I won,” she said with a wry grin. She hoped that wouldn’t sound weird or psycho, but it was how things had happened and she wasn’t one to sugarcoat things. Plus she wanted Joven to know that she was single. Maybe he’d follow suit and let her know about his status, too.

“He’s a fucking idiot,” Joven growled and Rina blushed.

“Thanks,” she said awkwardly. She wasn’t sure where to go with the conversation from here. She didn’t want to talk more about Jeremy, but she didn’t want to look too desperate asking Joven if he was in a relationship or not. The overhead intercom went off just then.

“Cross check complete. Flight attendants please prepare the cabin for departure.” The flight attendants began going through the procedures listed on the back of the safety card in the back pocket of the seat in front of her as the plane began taxiing to the runway.

She yawned, then blinked, startled. “Excuse me,” she said. Joven just smiled at her. Rina had taken some Dramamine when she’d gotten to the airport. She hadn’t gotten sick while traveling since she was a kid, but she hadn’t wanted to take any chances. It was sort of a superstition at this point. Now she wished she’d skipped it. She hadn’t realized she was so sleepy. The flight attendants finished their safety review, and then dimmed the lights in the cabin. Rina didn’t want to pass out, but her body had other ideas. She fell sound asleep before takeoff.

Chapter Five

Joven couldn’t believe how turned on he was. He’d seen Rina waiting in line to board the plane, and had thought she was extremely attractive, with her sexy tanned skin and beautiful smile. He couldn’t believe his luck once he’d found his seat and realized she was his seatmate. His dick had been rock hard the moment he’d lifted up the armrest between them, feeling her sexy curves pressed up against him. He’d shifted in his seat, unable to get comfortable, but pleased when he saw that he was having the same effect on Rina. She was wearing layers of cotton clothing designed for comfortable travel but he could still smell her arousal. He wanted her. His animal said she was the one for him.

What a random twist of fate
, he thought as he watched her sleep. He watched her impressive tits rise and fall with each breath. He wondered why she’d mentioned her ex-boyfriend. He didn’t have much experience with human women, finding most of them needlessly complicated. His impression of Rina from chatting with her was that she seemed down-to-earth though.

Joven was returning home from visiting an ally jaguar patch. The patch he’d visited had a female in charge, and Joven had gone to see if they’d be compatible enough to mate. That would have brought both areas together neatly. Both had suffered from declining numbers over the years and they’d been tasked by their respective members to resolve that or give up control.

The trip had been a disaster. Freya, the queen he’d met, had been pleasant enough, and physically attractive he supposed, although he liked his women with more curves. But his cat hadn’t wanted anything to do with her. He’d spent the entire trip feeling like his skin was crawling. Freya’s animal hadn’t wanted him, either. He’d planned on spending a month at her patch originally. But he’d cut the trip short once they realized their incompatibility. He didn’t like to waste time.

Next to him, Rina let out a soft moan. He recognized the scent of her arousal getting stronger. Was she having a sex dream? He hoped it was about him and realized with some surprise that he would be jealous if it was about someone else. He had it bad for her already. Joven had planned on taking a short catnap during the flight, but his uncomfortably stiff erection made it difficult to relax. He resigned himself to staying awake during the flight. Besides, this way he could watch over Rina.


Rina was walking on the beach next to the water. It was nighttime, but there was a full moon out and she had enough light to see shells and tangled piles of seaweed as she walked along the water’s edge. The air smelled of warmth and salt. As she looked down at her feet to avoid stepping on anything, she realized that she was naked. What was going on? She looked all around, but there was no one else in sight.

She decided to go for a swim, and began wading out into the water. It was warmer than she expected, and she soon relaxed, floating on her back looking up at the night sky. She heard a splash like someone had entered the water and she righted herself in the water, only to see…Joven? He swam over to her with a few powerful strokes.

“What are you doing here?” Rina asked.

“Hopefully you,” he said in a low growl that made her blush. She’d never been approached so shamelessly. That just didn’t happen. Rina decided to be bold.

“I think that can be arranged,” she said as she pressed her body against him. His lips were like fire as he pressed them to her throat and his dick was rock hard against her thigh. They bobbed in the water, Joven’s muscular arms holding her effortlessly afloat and she gasped with surprise as he pressed the tip of his dick against her cleft and found her opening. She wanted him inside her fully.

“Please fuck me, Joven,” she said. He lifted one of her legs and thrust into her fully, making her moan loudly with pleasure. He stared deep into her eyes as he slid in and out of her. They were golden, and looked like they were glowing in the moonlight. Rina could feel herself getting close to cumming already…

“My God, Rina,” Joven said, and locked his mouth on hers with urgency. She felt devoured by him and she worked to return the favor. The long strokes of his cock were punctuated by Joven’s breathless growl into her open mouth as he kissed her. “Rina…Rina…”


“Rina, wake up. We’re here.” A hand was gently shaking her. She didn’t want to wake up. She was with Joven, about to cum. She was…wait. Rina opened her eyes, squinting at the bright light. Next to her, Joven had pulled up the shade. They were at the airport already and taxiing to the gate. Her heart sank a little as she realized she’d slept through the entire flight, but she blushed when she remembered what she’d been dreaming about.

Joven had already pulled out his cell phone and was talking to someone. “Yeah, we’re almost at the gate. Okay, I’ll meet you at the curb.” He hung up the phone.

A few moments later and the plane lurched to a halt, signalling their arrival at the gate. The flight attendants unlocked the front cabin door, sparking the usual mad dash to get off the plane. Rina hated how pushy people could get with deplaning. It was why she never brought a carry-on if she could help it. She tugged her purse out of the space under the seat in front of her and placed it in her lap. To her left, Aisle Guy already had his luggage in hand. The line was moving at record speed.
It figures
, she thought.
The one time I want to take my time getting off the plane and these people are moving like the plane’s on fire.

Aisle Guy cut off the people across the row from them, an older married couple who were taken aback by his rudeness. Rina was glad to stall a few more precious seconds with Joven’s muscular body so hot and close behind her, so she politely indicated for them to go next. The couple thanked her, then pulled down their luggage from the overhead compartment. All too soon, they were making their way down the aisle as Rina followed suit. She could feel Joven close behind her, although he was silent. She made her way up the ramp into the airport.

Cely and Kris were waiting for her at the gate. Cely looked bored while Kris looked all around, taking in the sights of the airport with interest.

Rina realized that Joven was nowhere to be seen. “That’s weird, he was right behind me…” She frowned as she turned to look around, scanning the airport.

“Who was right behind you?” Cely asked with a big yawn. She’d taken a dose of Dramamine as well when they’d arrived at the airport, and Rina assumed she’d slept during the flight as well.

Rina shook her head. “I’ll tell you guys later.” They headed to the baggage claim area to collect their bags. Rina and Kris had both packed one suitcase each, but Cely had checked two suitcases and brought a carry-on with her onto the plane, as well as her purse as her personal item. Kris and Rina hadn’t expected any less from Cely though. Even when they’d been kids, Cely had packed an entire suitcase for overnight sleepovers.

A limo was waiting for them after they collected their baggage. Even Cely had to admit she was excited when she saw the limo pull up to the curb. They relaxed and sipped champagne inside the limo as the driver loaded their luggage for them. According to the driver, the hotel was about a 30 minute drive from the airport, so he suggested they just sit back and enjoy the ride.

“So, how was it up there in first class?” Rina teased.

“Hmph. If you’d ever been in first class, you’d know there was nothing ‘first class’ about the seats we were in.” Cely pulled out a compact and was slicking on some nude lip gloss.

Rina rolled her eyes. “Hey, I’m not arguing with you over that, but I’m also not going to complain about a free flight.”

Cely nodded. “True,” she said. Rina looked to Kris, who was twisting her long dark hair into a bun on top of her head and securing it with a violet hair tie.

“We’ll fly first class the next time I win a free vacation. Cross my heart. How about you, Kris? The flight was okay?”

Kris shrugged. “Yeah, it was fine, except for Cely’s snoring.” She laughed and moved away as Cely attempted to smack her. Rina and Kris had both packed earplugs for the trip. Cely’s snoring was a running joke among them—Cely vehemently denied that she snored at all, even though she snored louder than any guy Rina or Kris had ever heard.

“How’d you do back there in your seat?” Kris asked.

“Well, one guy was a jerk, but the other one was really fucking hot,” Rina said.

Cely perked up. “Did you get his number?”

“No,” said Rina as Cely slumped back into her seat. “I know, I’m disappointed in myself, too.”

“How are we ever going to get you laid?” Cely said.

Rina laughed. “Hey, don’t get me wrong, getting laid would be great, but the problem is that I want more than that.”

Cely rolled her eyes. “Yeah, of course,” she said as she tucked a strand of her sleek bob back behind her ear. “But you’re on vacation. You need to let loose.”

“I wish I could be going wild with the guy from the plane.”

“Well, you said he lives here, right? Maybe you’ll run into him while we’re here,” Kris said. She was looking out the window. The driver was exiting off the highway now, and it looked like they were getting close to the beach, judging from the people walking around in bathing suits and boardshorts.

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