Read Mistaken Identity Online

Authors: TC Matson

Tags: #Romance Thriller

Mistaken Identity (22 page)

I blink in confusion as he presses his forehead to mine.

“I said I won’t try anything,” he breathes out harshly, “I can’t stop it if you start it.” The carnal thirst his eyes hold resembles the same desire streaming through my body. His half hooded eyes flick between my eyes and lips, and when they fall back to my lips, I suck my bottom lip between my teeth. That must have been the answer he needed because with a sudden growl and a jerk, I’m pressed against the wall with water running down my face and him nipping at my neck.

He holds my hands hostage firmly above my head, and with the other hand, he trails his fingertips along my rib cage. Goosebumps and shivers blast through me on the slow agonizing trip back up as he kneads my breast with gentle squeezes. He bends his head to my earlobe nipping at it, simultaneously rolling my nipple in perfect sequence. Again with the torture, he drags his fingers down the middle of my breast, over my navel, and stops cupping my sex. He wastes no time pushing his finger inside of my waiting entrance. Not being touched by him for all this time does wicked things to my body. My impatient hips thrust forward and I moan his name. His fingers glide in and out of me, touching all the right spots. My insides begin to quaver and I know I’m getting close.

“Tanner, please,” I beg him.

When the quake inside becomes too much, his fingers disappear being replaced by his swollen tip at my entrance. Tanner searches me for another validation of permission, his eyes pleading for me to let it happen. I thrust my hips down granting the permission he needs.
Is he freaking crazy to think I don’t want this?
Slowly he enters, filling me steadily, and when I’m full to his entirety, I’m barely able to hold myself together.

He hisses through his teeth, dropping his head to mine, letting go of my hands. His dick shoves harder into me, his pace speeding up.

“Oh, Tanner!” I cry out when my insides explode without warning, the earth around me shattering. His fingers grip my waist, digging deep with every thrust, slamming me against the wall. His body tenses and he lets out a loud groan against my ear as he spills into me. After the tremors stop, he rests his forehead on mine, locking eyes with me and trying to catch his breath.

“I’ve missed you,” he smirks, still breathless.

“I missed you.”

Chapter 34




Since we got back together two months ago, Tanner has openly publicized our relationship, hiding nothing about us from anyone. I am officially Tanner Weston’s girlfriend to everyone. I haven’t taken much heat from my co-workers like I thought I would, but there have been some rumors that Jess has defused. I’ve gotten the occasional stare, or quick whisper, but once everyone saw that dating the boss gave me no advance in the company, all the rumors died down within a few weeks.

Tanner invited me to his dad’s birthday party. He told me he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Honestly I wasn’t going to say no. I’ve been excited to be with him this time. He’s gone out of his way to prove to me how he feels. It’s a real life fairy tale.

I’m in awe when we pull into the half circle driveway of the exquisite banquet hall for his dad’s birthday party that Jess put together. My heart is beating to its own heavy metal garage band as we walk up the white concrete stairs.

“Don’t be nervous. You look gorgeous,” he says beside me. I only offer him a tight smile. I’m nervous as hell. It’s the first time we’re being seen together in a formal setting, and I hate fancy shit. Not to mention this will be the first time I meet his parents. So yes, I’m nervous.

We dissolve into the mass of people gathering in the large room with soft classical music playing in the air around us. The walls are lit up with splashes of blue, tables for eight outline the white rectangular marble dance floor, and in the middle of the ceiling is a large disco ball with blue strings of lights dangling around it. It is the most marvelous place I’ve ever been, and I’m walking through it with him hand in hand.

He squeezes my hand compelling me to glance up to his soft crystal blues and a knowing smile. “Quit,” he whispers.

“Quit what?” I say.

“You’re nervous.”

“You think I’ve ever been to something like this? You better believe I’m nervous.” I frown at the thought. This is all new to me, but it’s something he’s been used to for years. Fancy. Ugh.


We make our way through people who nod and speak to him, with quick stares from some of the others. I’m sure we don’t match. He’s money walking, and here I am, pocket change. I can feel his palm sweating when he squeezes my hand again as we approach a table with an older lady with short brown hair and strands of grey in a burgundy dress. She’s laughing and sitting next to a black and grey haired man in a tuxedo. When I realize it’s Mr. Weston, it’s too late. His mother spots us and stands.

“Sweetheart,” she hugs her son in a motherly embrace. “And this must be Samantha,” she speaks in admiration. I feel awkward not sure what to do, but she hugs me and takes the uncomfortable out of it. “I’m so glad you’ve come. I’m Evelyn, but please, call me Lynn.”

“Hello, Lynn. I’m glad to be here,” I say.

Tanner’s dad shakes his hand and pulls him into a one-armed hug patting him on his back.

“Hello, Miss Beckman. Lynn and I have heard a lot about you. I’m happy to finally meet you. This sounds horrible since we work in the same building and I’ve never stopped in to see you.”

“Good evening, Mr. Weston. Please call me Sam.”

“Tanner’s mentioned you a number of times. It’s wonderful to finally put a face to you, especially with everything he’s told us.” Lynn says softly as Mr. Weston places his arm around her waist pulling her in close.

“Mom!” Tanner blurts.

She giggles throwing her hand at him, “Oh stop. Don’t worry, dear, it’s all been good.”

A man behind us yells for Tanner and his dad, and they excuse themselves engaging in conversation several feet away. I feel like a fish out of water just standing here, completely out of my element.

“Come, dear. Come sit with me,” Lynn says placing her fragile hand on my shoulder.

As if on cue, the waiter shuffles by with a tray of champagne glasses. I’m all too eager to down the whole thing in one sip, but I don’t, only allowing teasingly small sips.

“You will get used to it, dear,” Lynn says knocking me out of my trance of Tanner.

“I’m sorry?” I turn back to her.

“Him talking business all the time,” she nods toward the men, “you’ll get used to it. He’s a good boy, Samantha, and he’s crazy about you. Just learn to deal with him working. It runs in his blood, not just at work but in the home as well.”

I smile nervously and take another sip of champagne. “I don’t mind it,” I answer honestly.

She opens her mouth to speak, but the voice doesn’t match as Tanner interrupts before she speaks again, “Can I steal my girlfriend back, Mom?”

He takes my hand and walks me around the room introducing me to clients who have been loyal to the company since opening its doors and co-workers I never knew worked with us. I feel like the most hated woman in the room from the evil stares by some of the women, but they only get a confident smile in return. He’s mine, and I’m proud.

I spot Jess on Marty’s arm entering the room and excuse myself from Tanner and a man who hasn’t shut up about golf since saying hello.

“Ain’t this something?” Jess hugs my neck, “Oh my God, have you met his parents? What are they like? Well I know his dad, but not like this.”

“Hey, Marty,” I acknowledge him standing in a dumbfounded stupor. He has to feel exactly how I feel. I turn back to Jess, “I have and they’re both sweet.”

“Where’s Tanner?” she asks.

“He’s being pulled in every direction by everyone in here,” I say.

“I can imagine. There are a lot of acquaintances in here. I sent invitations across the country.”

“Being pulled in every direction, huh? Maybe pushed.” Marty nods behind me.

I follow his eyes spotting a brunette in a long red dress trying to wrap her arms around Tanner’s neck. He’s got her by the shoulders trying to push her off taking several steps backward.

“Who the hell is that?” Jess asks, attitude flaring in her tone.

“I don’t know,” I say watching this girl back my man up against the wall.

“You going to kick her ass?” Marty throws his two cents in.

“Not yet,” I say over my shoulder walking to rescue Tanner from the pushy woman.

From his body language, I know he’s not interested, and I’m proud of myself for not becoming a jealous freak and decking her ass where she stands. Tanner spots me and grabs my hand jerking me hard into his side.

“This is Samantha, my girlfriend,” he tells the woman.

Something in her eyes adjusts from the look of a beggar to hurt. I can’t help but wonder if this is one of the women in the pictures, and suddenly my stomach feels heavy. “Do you love her?” she asks never acknowledging me there.

“Very much,” he replies firmly. She stares at him for several very long seconds searching his eyes then turns and walks away. He releases a long deep breath as his body sinks in relief.

“Who was that?” I ask.


Ah, okay. “You seemed nervous around her.”

“It was uncomfortable. I’m not hers to touch,” he winks.

“What did she want?”

He lets out a puff of air, “She wants to work things out. After seven years.” He shakes his head at the thought.

“Oh.” Strangely, I feel small. What if he wanted to? I mean they dated for years, and he wanted to marry her.

“Wipe it out of your mind. Her dad is good friends with mine. Unfortunately, she’s here by invite…and not mine.”

“So y’all having lunch tomorrow?” I tease pushing my shoulder into his side, begging my jealousy to subside.

He lets out a loud bellow laugh and hugs me. “You amaze me, Samantha. I love you.”

He places a small kiss on my forehead melting away all fears. I feel silly for thinking that now. I saw how he tried handling her. What am I thinking?

A soft melodious piano song begins playing. He produces his lethal smile with an arched brow and he clutches my hand pulling me to the dance floor.

“Oh, no. No, no, no!” I protest tugging away.

“Come on, Samantha,” he says.

“Tanner, I don’t know how to dance to this,” I say, practically whining.

He gives me a final yank landing me into his chest with his arms wrapped around me. “Just follow me,” he whispers holding my hand out to the side.

Before I know it, we’re gliding around the dance floor to the music. I allow him to lead, and mysteriously my feet follow his steps like I’ve been doing this my whole life. His enchanting blues stare deeply into me. I swear they make me forget to breathe. The love I have for him is best described as ridiculous. I ache for him, in my bones, my blood, and my skin. I fall deeper into the love they shine under the raining blue lights as we pass under them with every key stroke of the piano. Everyone in the room disappears, fading into the background and it’s only us, gliding, drifting gracefully across the floor in one another’s embrace. I no longer can hear the music. I’m lost in him, his eyes, his smile, his love.

I barely notice the song has come to a close when he kisses me softly making the world around me reappear. I blush walking off the dance floor past the little audience we gained through the movie we just played for them.

“I didn’t know you knew how to dance like that,” I say.

“Mom actually taught me when I was younger. Can you imagine how awesome I must’ve looked dancing around the house with my mom?” he cracks up at the thought.


“Well, look at you two love birds,” Adam says approaching us. When Adam found out about us, he became somewhat standoffish. It was only after Tanner spoke to him promising not to interfere with our work relationship, and I basically begged him not to treat me any differently, Adam accepted. We’re still the same Adam and Sam, boss and executive assistant, good and bad days.

“Hello, Adam,” Tanner’s prince charming expression adjusts back to business.

“Tanner, can I have a word with you please?” Both men turn to look at me.

“Go ahead. I’ll find Jess.”

I spot Jess at a nearby table with Marty as her center of attention and decide to head their way for some normal chit chat and none of the formal talk. I’m beginning to really hate fancy more than I did. Jess comes out of her stare with Marty and smiles when she spots me, but then crinkles her nose. Just then, gorgeous Kayla steps directly in front of me causing me to almost stumble into her.

“Hello, Kayla,” I smile into her scrutinizing stare.

“You think he loves you?” she hisses.

Great. Bitch. “No, I don’t think he does. I know it.” I respond pleasantly, still smiling.

She lets her stare follow my dress to my shoes then back to my eyes, “You don’t look like his type.”

Nope. Not just bitch, but jealous bitch. “And what would be his type?”

“Someone who isn’t out for his money,” she says aggressively.

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