Read Missed Connections Online

Authors: Tan-ni Fan

Tags: #LGBTQ romance, anthology

Missed Connections (68 page)

Our band days were over and I hurried past him, grabbing Georgia's hand on my way as I pulled us from the room and out the back door.

She found my mouth again, practically launching herself into my arms, and I was only too happy to hold her as she crashed into me. "I'm glad you can cut loose," she told me when she'd pulled away to catch her breath.

I didn't let her go even though I was still holding her off the ground. "I didn't know I could. My youngest would never believe me if I ever told him."

Georgia smiled and the expression lit up her already glowing face as she wrapped her arms around me, steadying us both. I didn't mind holding her and moved my hands underneath her, cupping her butt. It was to keep her from falling, I told myself, knowing that was only part of the reason her butt was currently warming my palms. She didn't have any underwear on. I'd figured that out, since I'd been staring at her in see-through pants all day, but it was something else entirely to be able to feel that fact for myself.

"How do I feel?" she asked.

I blushed instantly but answered anyway. "Good. Very good."

"That's all the yoga," she told me lightly.

"It must be good for you," I told her seriously. I didn't want to try any of it out for myself but I could feel the tightness of her muscles and knew that she had a beautiful body from what I could see. And not just for someone in her sixties. No, she looked good for any age.

She wrapped her ankles around me and I moved us over to the picnic table. I considered myself stronger than some people, from having to move files around all day and carry them up a flight of stairs when the elevator was broken—which it often was—but I knew my limits and didn't want to drop her. So her butt found a new home on the picnic table. She crossed her ankles behind me anyway and even though she didn't need to cling to me for support anymore, she didn't let go of me either. I liked that.

"It is good, you should try it sometime. Lots of increased flexibility which, as you know, we need at our age," she told me. She was smiling but I was quickly finding out that the expression was normal for her so I didn't know if the double meaning had been meant or not. I chose to think that it had.

We kissed again. We'd brushed our teeth after a lunch of mountain trout and wild rice and grilled asparagus, something that was an option for the reception dinner menu, but somehow she'd snuck a piece of candy when I wasn't looking because she tasted like peppermint. I wished that she would have shared with me.

"Touch me," she whispered once I'd pulled back a bit, letting some of the cooler mountain air flow between us.

I was surprised and quickly looked around. We were out in the open without even a hint of privacy. "You can't be serious," I told her, trying to keep my voice as quiet as possible so that we didn't attract attention.

She raised her eyebrows at me and her arms tightened around my shoulders. "No one will see. Tell me you've never gotten a little wild out in nature."

"That's easy. I haven't."

Her smile turned a bit wicked. "Sixty is a good time to start. I visit a nudist beach each year. You should go with me this summer."

I was instantly against the idea for reasons that I thought were obvious. "My one piece is one of those that has the skirts around them. Going naked is completely out of the question."

She frowned up at me and I felt her playing with my long ponytail. "Why are you so modest?"

"I'm not a size four," I pointed out for her, guessing that she probably was. There was no resentment in my tone. She was in great shape and likely worked hard for the body she had. That wasn't an issue for me. But going out like she had suggested wasn't going to be possible for me.

She moved her hand off my shoulder and used it to pick up mine, bringing it to her belly and over her navel. My fingers skimmed over the dangling parts of her belly button ring as she guided my hand lower. She tried to get my hand inside her pants but I wasn't ready for that. Not just yet. Not out here, less than a few yards from the main building of the resort and within full view of everything. Instead I braced my arm behind her, giving her something to lean again, and pressed my hand against the warmth between her legs on the outside of her thin pants.

She shivered in my hold and I brought my mouth back to hers. There was a layer of fabric between us but it wasn't much and I could still feel every curve of her body as I slowly ran my fingertip along the seam of her mound. This was erratic behavior for me but as she softly moaned against my mouth and pressed her hand further against mine, I found myself not really caring. I wasn't an exhibitionist and had never so much as fooled around in public before or even on the back deck where I knew that no one could see me, and now I was rubbing Georgia's nub through her pants as she opened her legs wider for me. She rocked against my hand and used the heel of her palm to grind my hand against her body. She panted against my mouth and I squeezed my thighs together as warmth washed through me, reminding me of things I thought I'd long ago forgotten.

Sex had always just been a thing. It wasn't particularly enjoyable but I wanted children and I thought I'd loved my husband. Maybe my lack of interest is why he left. Right now I didn't really care. This was different, an entirely new experience that I was rapidly growing to enjoy as Georgia whispered against my lips, begging me to rub her harder, to put my hand inside her pants.

I could feel her dampness through her pants and knew the fabric would be wet when I brought my hand away from her body. She brought her hand up to squeeze my breast through my shirt. The action startled me but I quickly recovered and encouraged her with my own whispered pleas as she unbuttoned my dress shirt from the bottom up, giving her the access she sought. With her hands on my belly and steadily moving up toward my breasts I realized the silliness of refusing to put my hand into her pants. If anyone found us I already had my shirt mostly open and my bra was pushed up toward my chin as her hands greedily plucked and pulled on my nipples. 

I took my hand away from her pants, smiled at her little sound of disappointment, and brought it back to her stomach to allow me to slide it between her legs. Her words became more insistent and the hand that had been pressed over mine was now used to comfort my neglected breast as she panted against my mouth. As I had expected, her folds were slick, as my fingers were wet before I found her nub. I didn't enter her because the angle was wrong and I didn't want to yet, but I did use two of my fingers to slide over her skin and rub against her.

She was beautiful and I told her so. I eagerly anticipated seeing her pleasure come to life because of my hand. I knew I was clumsy. I'd never done this with another. But I was trying and her hissed words of encouragement told me I was at least doing something right. That mattered more to me than she would likely ever realize. To know that this beautiful, free-spirited woman, who did yoga and went to nudist beaches, wanted me made me happy. I hadn't felt wanted as anything more than a never ending bank account and taxi in years. This was beyond nice.

She locked up and came with a little cry against my hand. I tried to muffle the sound as much as possible by kissing her but I was sure some of it got out.

"Your turn," she whispered, her voice warm and showing her pleasure with slurred words that told me even more than her dilated eyes or flushed cheeks did. She was high on pleasure and I wanted to be right there with her.

"Inside," I protested when she went for the button of my pants.

She pouted, clearly disappointed, but I wouldn't budge on this. "There's a hot spring up the hill, it's private..."

I hesitated but the compromise sounded too good to pass up. I fixed my clothing and we were walking up the hill, hand in hand, less than five minutes later. My shirt was wrinkled and my hand smelled like her. I didn't care.

The hot spring was a little pool with a few wooden Japanese screens around it for a little bit of privacy. I hesitated, not knowing if I was really ready for this. The intimacy the moment promised I could handle. I was more than ready for that. But this? Barely being hidden by some pieces of wood only a few feet off the trail? That bothered me more than I wanted to let on. But then Georgia was taking off her fringe top, soon followed by her pants. Then suddenly she was naked and stretched her arms over her head which lifted up small breasts that hadn't had the confines of a bra.

"Are you coming?" she asked, crooking her little finger toward me as she gave me a smile and slowly walked backwards down the stone steps to the pool. I could see the steam coming off the water even though it wasn't a particularly cold day and while the water looked tempting, she looked even more so.

I didn't love my body and wasn't really comfortable showing it off but for her I'd give it a chance. The only thing waiting for me if she decided that she didn't like the curves I was hiding under my clothes was embarrassment which, yes, that would be pretty awful since I hoped our daughters were together for many more years to come. But, I realized as I started unbuttoning my shirt, that the only thing that I'd really lose out on was the experience of being with her if I ran away and hid in my room right now.

So I worked quickly, my nervousness translating into my shaking fingers as I unbuttoned my shirt and hung it up on a nearby peg that had been screwed into the wood panel. I took off my bra next. I hadn't fixed the cups over my breasts since she'd taken them off so it wasn't exactly like it was even on anymore. But then I hesitated when I got to the button of my pants. I looked up at her across the little pool. I recognized the hungry look in her eyes but was surprised to see it coming from her. Not because she was a woman, though there was that too. Instead I was surprised because I hadn't seen anyone look at me that way since I was in college. I fumbled with the button of my pants and slipped them down over my hips, wishing I'd thought to wear some prettier panties than the plain white cotton ones I had on.

Sadly I hadn't thought anything like this could ever be possible. I'd figured on a quiet weekend of planning my daughter's wedding and doing a bit of light reading. I'd brought a fluffy romance, something that wouldn't have taken much to think about but would help pass some of the time I thought I'd have alone. Oh how wrong I'd been. And I was really happy about that.

Naked and standing in front of her before getting into the pool I felt bold and somehow powerful. It was weird but I liked it more than I thought I would. I couldn't stop the comparisons between this moment and the first time I'd stripped down and had sex with my ex-husband. He'd been my first and only lover up until this moment. And I didn't know why I'd waited so long to experience another woman's body.

I stepped into the pool and tried to look cool doing it, like the girls in their twenties did in the movies. I ended up nearly slipping and falling into the pool face first.

"What are you waiting for?" Georgia asked me when I tried to keep my balance coming down the steps. I really wanted a hand rail but that didn't seem to be an option.

I blushed but hoped I could blame it on the heat of the pool as it lapped against my knees. "Trying not to fall down," I answered her honestly.

She started laughing but I knew it wasn't at me as she got up from the little bench she'd been sitting on and came up to me. She stretched out her arms and I instantly walked into her embrace, glad to be warm and accepted. We kissed again and we sat down on the bench with her sitting beside me so close I could put my arm around her shoulders and kiss her.

The water was deep enough to come around my shoulders for which I was thankful as she pushed her hand underwater and began stroking my breasts. I didn't tell her where to go or push her hand as she had mine. Instead I simply opened my thighs as wide as I could, giving her access if she wanted it. Georgia turned toward me, putting one leg between mine and balanced herself between my thigh and the bench. The first touch of her hand between my legs startled me because I hadn't been expecting it. Wanting it, sure. But I hadn't known she'd gone that far down already. Thankfully I kept myself trimmed.

I was all fire and nervous energy as she gently stroked against me, her knuckles finding all of my sensitive areas. Freaking out, as my youngest kids would have called it, simply wasn't an option and so I acted brave, hoping that I came off as completely experienced with all things lesbian instead of the truth which was that this was as far as I'd ever gone with another woman.

And then, as if a light bulb went off over my head like in the cartoons, I realized that she knew that I was inexperienced. I'd told her as much. So I stopped pretending and each of my reactions, however over the top they may have seemed to me later, was completely genuine. I moaned into her mouth and my hands clutched at her shoulders. I didn't last long that first time. Shaking until she whispered in my ear for me to give in. I did so gratefully, easily accepting my orgasm as it bubbled up inside of me.

Kissing her after that was a gentle experience of connection and exploration as she made herself comfortable on my lap. My hands found her breasts and I gently kneaded those small mounds. I loved that moment as we sat quietly kissing in the hot spring water with the steam coming up around us in the afterglow of our orgasms. We didn't go back inside for another hour or two and since we hadn't remembered towels at all her white clothes clung to her wet skin, making her appear completely naked.

We enjoyed each other again after that. In my bed first and then in hers sometime after that. "This has been remarkable," I told her as she curled into my side late that night.

She stretched against me like a cat. A naked, completely sated woman-sized cat that was currently smiling down at me as she ran her finger over the bridge of my nose and over my cheek. "What do you think our girls are doing right now?"

"Digging around in the dirt knowing my daughter," I replied instantly. There wasn't a hill near our home she hadn't explored in search of old bones and artifacts and there were quite a few of her friend's homes that she'd been banned from in high school for digging up their yards.

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