Read Mind, Body, Home: Transform Your Life One Room at a Time Online

Authors: Tisha Morris

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Inspiration & Personal Growth

Mind, Body, Home: Transform Your Life One Room at a Time (18 page)

BOOK: Mind, Body, Home: Transform Your Life One Room at a Time
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one’s home, individual room, or office only to want to just turn right

back around and leave. They may be a highly negative person in general

or depressed or extremely angry. The energy around people involved in

drug activity or illegal activity will leave a dark energy in their immediate surroundings. When you visit a prospective space, be conscious of

Your Home’s Past 103

how you feel walking into each room. Your intuition is your best guide

as to the energy of a space.

Ghost Busting

Ghost busting is simply a form of space clearing. Some forms of energy

are just a little more stubborn than others. What I have found in my experience in clearing ghosts is that it is never coincidental that the ghost and the homeowners are attracted to one another. In other words, moving into a “haunted” house or acquiring a ghost while living somewhere

is not about bad luck or coincidence. There is a reason, or a resonance, between the ghost energy and that of its occupants.

For example, one of the first homes I cleared of a ghost was that of

Carol, a single mom. After a year or two of living in the home, strange occurrences began to happen. The family would hear random noises in

the attic. Below that area was the kitchen where they kept experiencing problems with the lighting and mechanicals. Carol, being intuitive herself, would occasionally feel a presence that she picked up as a little girl.

It was in her bedroom, which was also located above the kitchen. It was as a result of those incidences that she called me. Until then, she had not minded having a ghost. In fact, she said that her house was a very

welcoming space and she loved having the neighborhood kids and as

many people as possible in her home. It was in this same conversation

when she mentioned that she missed having more children around as

her daughter was getting older. This was a clue to the resonant energy

between the ghost and my client.

I space cleared the home without detecting anything out of the or-

dinary until I came to Carol’s bedroom. The hair on my arms stood

straight up and my hands felt like I was petting a purring cat. As I continued feeling around the bedroom, I was led to an area near the bed.

Strangely enough, there was an antique baby carriage sitting next to the bed with blankets and pillows piled on top of it, although the rest of the bedroom was neat and orderly.

My hands were buzzing. I lifted the blankets off the carriage and

was startled to see an old doll staring me in the face. I knew I had found
104 Your Home’s Past

the ghost. Ghosts or entities will often find an object or objects through which to manifest into our 3D world. Faces in pictures, sculptures, or

dolls can be a common venue through which an entity may express it-

self. That being said, any area without adequate lighting, lots of clutter, little movement, or a location with stagnant energy and/or bad feng

shui will be an inviting location for a ghost-like energy.

I asked Carol about the baby carriage and doll and she said it was a

family piece. She too wasn’t sure why she had kept it in her bedroom.

Upon my suggestions, she began to realize that she was experiencing

the beginnings of empty nest syndrome—longing to have small chil-

dren in the house. The ghost in the form of a little girl was filling this void. We moved the carriage and I space cleared the area. She agreed to move the carriage and doll out of the home for good and to more consciously deal with the reality of her daughter growing up.

Sometimes it is possible that the reason why a ghost presents itself

in your space is so that you will free it. It is a common belief that some ghosts are stuck souls with unfinished business that needs to be taken

care of before they are able to fully release themselves from this di-

mension and move on. I believe this was the case in the home where I

currently live. Within a few weeks of moving there, I was relaxing one

evening and gaze off into the dining room when I saw an apparition of

a cross and skull bones clear as day.

I was quite startled as this was the first time I had ever seen anything resembling an apparition, let alone in the form of a skull and cross-bones. Although it was unmistakibly clear, I still tried to discount my vision, but I couldn’t help but remember that the home had been used

as a parsonage in the early 1900s. It was during the night when I got my answers through a dream. In the dream, I witnessed the entire story as

if it were a movie. The ghost, when living, had been involved in some

sort of illegal activity. He had come to the preacher’s home for forgiveness and never received it.

It was October 30 and a blustery evening when I released the ghost.

It was an intuitive clearing that I did through a meditation in the area where I had seen the apparition. I knew the goal would be to help this

stuck soul get the forgiveness he needed. While I am not equipped to

Your Home’s Past 105

deliver forgiveness as a preacher would, I did my best and then showed

him a higher vibration of love and light. He accepted this and transi-

tioned into a higher dimension.

What was most interesting was the feeling that overtook me. For

a split moment, I could feel that higher dimension of white light and

soaked in it until brought back down to Earth. But what was the most

surprising was the sudden emptiness I felt in the space. This was also

followed by a momentary emptiness within myself. I would have never

thought of myself as wanting the company of ghosts, but for a split second I understood how their energy fills a space and a void in people’s

lives if they are not aware of it.

I realized that his energy had been taking up my own energy. When

we let others—real people or ghosts—cross boundaries and take up

our energetic space, we are allowing them to take our power as well.

The previous owner was an old man who had lived there for about 30

years apparently feeling at home with this ghost, and vice versa. How-

ever, when I moved in, it was clear that we both could not coexist in

the house. I believe the cross and skull bones apparition was to get my attention to free him once and for all.

But My Ghost is Friendly!

Until my personal experience with this ghost, I would never have

thought people might want to keep their ghost around. Perhaps sur-

prisingly, this is a scenario I run into quite often with clients. They are aware that they have a ghost, but do not want it cleared. For example,

I have one client who lives in a stately home with a rich history in a

historical neighborhood. Several different family members have seen a

female ghost around the house. She apparently makes herself so visible

that in the beginning they mistook her for a real person. When seen,

she is tending to the house as if she is still caring for it. When my client mentioned the presence of the ghost, I asked if she would like for me to clear it. She was adamant that I not clear it. She said, “You can clear anything, but not my ghost!” She was comforted, feeling the presence

106 Your Home’s Past

of a woman taking care of the home. She felt like the ghost was a posi-

tive energy and should be kept with it.

I have now learned to get the consent from clients when they want

me to clear a ghost. Even if they hire me to specifically clear a ghost or other entity, I find it helpful to have them affirmatively state that they are ready for the energy to be cleared. They are often surprised at themselves when they have to pause and think about it and the conse-quences. After all, the energy has been serving them on some level.

Space Clearing

By now, you are wondering how to space clear your home. Space clear-

ing is a subcategory of feng shui that has been used by many different cultures for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Different cultures use different methods in accordance with their traditions, but some of the more common methods are described below.

Sage Smudging

Using a sage stick, also known as a smudge stick, is a tradition borrowed from Native Americans and now used worldwide as a space clearing

technique. A smudge stick consists of a bundle of herbs. Sage is usually the primary herb and often mixed with other herbs such as lavender,

cedar, and sweetgrass. Smudge sticks are usually available in natural

health food stores, metaphysical shops, and online. Anyone sensitive to smoke or who finds the scent of burning sage unpleasant can opt for

using a smudge spray. I have formulated a Smudge Spray® that is hand-

blended and can be used in lieu of burning sage.


Using sound is another effective space clearing technique and can be

performed using bells, singing bowls, chimes, drums, tuning forks, and

even clapping. Sound creates a harmonic resonance throughout the en-

tire space. The sound will ripple throughout the space and beyond long

after our human ears can actually hear the sound. Sound produces an

immediate vibrational shift in the room and can also be a conduit for

Your Home’s Past 107

sacred geometry. Music is a form of geometry with certain notes and

combination of notes considered sacred.

Bells are the most common sound method for space clearing. It is

best to use bells made from base metals, such as brass, silver, copper, lead, or tin to activate a yang (active) energy. If you have multiple bells, then start with the largest or deepest bell, working your way to the

smaller, higher-pitched bells that fine-tune the energy. Using sound not only clears the space, but also helps to revitalize and reenergize your home.


Another common method for space clearing is using salt. Salt naturally

extracts negative energy. It has been used for its healing powers for

thousands of years and even used as currency in Ancient China. Have

you ever had an injury or wound and swam in the ocean? By the end of

the day, you were miraculously healed. We replicate this naturally healing tonic by taking Epsom salt baths.

Just as we use salt to extract negative energy from our body, it can

also be used to extract negative energy from our spaces. To do so, have a bowl of salt and set your intention. You can use table salt or sea salt.

Sprinkle or toss pinches of salt into all four corners of a room. Set the remaining bowl of salt in the center of the room. Allow the salt to remain in the space overnight. The next day you can remove the salt and

invoke the space with intentions of positive energy.

Healing professionals often keep a bowl of salt in their space for the

purpose of keeping the energy neutralized in their healing space. This

is why you will often see Himalayan salt lamps used in healing spaces

as well. Salt has also been used in clearing negative entities and ghosts.

A bowl of salt is placed in the location of the disturbance and near an open window. This is said to allow the energy to escape the space.

Once you have chosen your space clearing modality, you can begin

your space clearing session following these steps.

108 Your Home’s Past

Steps for Space Clearing

1. Preparation:
Make sure your own energy is in check. Do not

space clear if you are sick or your energy is not at its best. It is

also best if the space has been physically cleaned and/or clutter

picked up.

2. Set an Intention:
Any time you space clear you should have a purpose or intention in mind before starting. In the case of addressing

a specific issue, then your purpose or intention should be obvi-

ous. For example, your intention may be to “clear away negative

emotions from my ex-boyfriend” or “clear out stagnant energy

and enhance a positive energy flow to attract prospective buyers.”

3. Clear the Space:
Using your chosen modality, start at the front door of the space. Work around the perimeter of the space first,

going room by room. Be particularly mindful of corners, dark

spaces, and behind furniture. One rule of thumb is that where

dirt and cobwebs lurk, so does stagnant energy.

4. Invoke the Space:
After you have cleared the space, it is important to invoke the space with a positive energy. This can be done

for the entire space or room by room. For example, the overall

intention for the home could be “for harmonic relationships” or

“light and love” or “for the right buyer.” For individual rooms,

such as the kitchen, it could be “to enjoy healthy meals with my

family.” Seal in the invocation by burning a candle or incense,

saying a prayer or mantra, or any other dedication to help seal in

your invocation.

How Often Should

You Space Clear?

I advise giving your home periodic space clearings. This helps maintain a positive energy flow throughout the space. Think of it as preventive medicine for your home. For myself, anytime that I give the home a

thorough cleaning, I will follow it up with a space clearing.
I also space clear any time the energy feels stagnant. Once you tune into your

Your Home’s Past 109

home’s energy, you will become more intuitive about when it needs

clearing. Here are some examples of when you might space clear for

general maintenance:

• After clearing clutter.

• Starting a new program or positive habit.

• After sickness in the home.

BOOK: Mind, Body, Home: Transform Your Life One Room at a Time
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