Read Midnight Thunder(INCR) Online

Authors: Vicki Lewis Thompson

Midnight Thunder(INCR) (6 page)

“Well, nobody's lived here for years.”

Cade gazed around at the bare walls. “Even though I knew it would be like this, I somehow expected to come in and find everything the way it used to be.”

“I could loan you a couple of my Remington prints for the time you're here.”

He smiled at that. “Thanks, but we'll survive without art on the walls.” He turned and reached up over the door to the beam above it. “This is still here. That's good.” He traced the logo they'd created and carved into the wood. A stylized
was tucked under the outline of a jagged mountain peak.

“It's not as if Herb and Rosie would ever sand it off. I'm sure they love knowing it's there.”

“They probably do.” Cade stepped back and gazed up at the logo. Then he turned around. “I'm a jerk—you know that?”

“There have been times I would have agreed with you, but this isn't one of them.”

“No, seriously. Just because I got spooked by the idea of tying myself down, I pulled away from all the important people in my life.”

“While I'm flattered if you put me in that category—”

“I do.”

“That's nice to hear, but even if you'd stayed, Damon and Finn would have left. You were the first to go, but Damon always intended to go to California for the real estate opportunities, and Finn's research told him Seattle was his best bet for the microbrewery.”

“Once again, you're right.” He shook his head. “God knows I should have learned that nothing stays the same.”

“Some things do.”
Like my love for you.
She wouldn't drop that bombshell now. She might never drop it. He was tired, and his emotions were frayed. Tomorrow he might not be nearly as susceptible to the nostalgia swamping him today.

“Like what?”

“Dust.” She glanced at the vacuum cleaner in his hand. “Ready to activate that bad boy?”

“Absolutely. What's the plan?”

Somehow she kept from smiling. If he only knew. “I like to vacuum top to bottom, so if you start with your bunk, I can come behind you and put on the sheets while you vacuum Damon and Finn's bunks. I'll make up those while you take care of the other surfaces, and then we'll finish with the floor.”

“Excellent.” He walked over to his bunk. “Should I mess with the top part since nobody will be up there?”

“I'd say give it a once-over, so dust doesn't filter down on you.”

“Good thinking. I'm on it.” He located a plug and fired up the vacuum cleaner.

She allowed herself a moment to watch his back muscles flexing under his Western shirt as he wielded the vacuum. A video would go viral in seconds, especially if it included the part where he leaned over to reach the far corner of the bottom bunk and stretched the denim covering his mighty fine ass.

Damn, but he looked good. Five years had only added to his considerable sex appeal. He'd had girlfriends—of course he had—but she didn't want to think about him getting naked with anyone else.

“Are you ogling me?” he asked as he continued to work. Laughter rippled in his voice.

“Absolutely not.” She spun around and stepped outside where they'd left the laundry basket full of linens.

“I do believe you were, Lexi Ann,” he called over the noise of the vacuum.

“That's because you're so full of yourself,” she called back as she fanned herself.
She'd have to concentrate on her bed-making task or she was liable to jump him before they finished cleaning the place.

And they did need to finish, because he felt responsible for doing it. If her plan worked, she'd leave him sleeping like a baby in a nice clean cabin that was ready for his buddies. She'd wake him in time to get dressed and drive to the airport.

His voice rose over the whine of the vacuum. “My bunk's ready for you!”

Laughing, she scooped a set of sheets and a blanket out of the laundry basket. He had no idea how true that was.



the job at hand as best he could with Lexi over there making up his bed. They'd never had sex on it because they could easily have been interrupted. Back then the cabin hadn't been a particularly private spot.

Today, though, it was extremely private. Plus, earlier she'd been ogling his butt. The vacuum made a fair amount of noise, but even so he would have heard the floorboards creak if she'd stepped outside to get the sheets. Those boards were loud, always had been. He and his brothers used to amuse themselves by dancing around the cabin playing those boards like a xylophone.

But he hadn't needed the lack of creaking boards to know she'd been standing there motionless while she watched him clean. He'd been able to sense her gaze on him from the first time they'd met. When he'd leaned over to get the far corner of the mattress, he'd picked up on her little gasp of pleasure, even with the vacuum going.

That little gasp had sent a message straight to his groin. He had a whole slew of mental images that fit that sound, and in all of them she was naked. He'd nearly said to hell with the vacuuming. Now in addition to having a killer headache, his balls ached. If Lexi wanted to, she could help him with both issues, but several things had kept him from asking.

First of all, he was supposed to be thinking about Rosie lying in the hospital. That was his whole reason for being here. Making love to Lexi would make him forget that, which seemed wrong.

Also, he was beyond scruffy. He'd kissed Lexi once with this beard, and he didn't plan to kiss her again until he'd shaved and showered. He was also worried that she'd reject him, and he wasn't mentally in shape for that right now.

Last of all, they had a job to do. Damon and Finn would be here in a few short hours, and he wanted the cabin to be ready.

So instead of trying to seduce her, he'd settled for teasing her. She'd denied ogling him, of course, but they both knew the truth. He could still get her attention. He could build on that, and eventually maybe...No, he wouldn't plan that far ahead and risk jinxing the whole program.

They worked well together, but that was to be expected. They'd shared chores like this for years. When they'd been young teens, their cooperative efforts hadn't been very smooth, but then they'd grown up a little. And he'd kissed her.

From their first kiss on prom night, everything had changed. Suddenly they'd known what to do and how to be with each other. Even though they'd been virgins, sex had been amazing from the beginning. He hadn't appreciated how rare that was until he'd slept with someone else.

He shouldn't be thinking about sex at all with Rosie in the hospital and no word yet about what was wrong with her. But Lexi was right here, her scent swirling in the air as she tucked in sheets and arranged blankets. He'd always felt nothing bad could happen when he was holding her. Good thing they'd never made love in this cabin or he'd be dealing with those memories, too.

She had to stand on a desk chair to make the top bunk, the one Finn would use. Cade kept vacuuming, making sure he got all the nooks and crannies of the windowsills. But he sneaked glances over at her while he worked because she was too beautiful to ignore. She had cut her hair. It was a cap of curls instead of hanging down past her shoulders, but at least she hadn't colored it.

And boy, did she look terrific in jeans. She also looked great out of them. He'd spent many a night admiring the sleek curve of her hips as they tapered to silken thighs. And between those thighs... Ah, he'd spent many happy hours there, too.

He'd loved everything about her—her sharp mind, her bossiness, her laugh, her sentimental streak and her lusty appreciation of sex. He still loved her.

Giving her up had been the toughest choice he'd ever made, but he hadn't been able to provide what she'd wanted. Staying had seemed unfair to both of them. He'd been a little surprised that she hadn't found someone else to fulfill that dream of marriage, a home and kids. He'd braced himself for that eventuality.

Yet here she was, still single. He didn't know what to make of that. Right now his head hurt too damn much to make sense of anything. Thinking about Lexi's hot body probably wasn't helping.

He'd never told another woman that sex could cure his headaches. He didn't know if it would work with anyone besides Lexi because he'd never tested it, as if doing that would be disloyal. Pretty stupid.

He had discovered that solo sex didn't help much at all. Timing his orgasm to match Lexi's, something he'd become fairly good at, had always eliminated his headache completely. Today he'd have to hope that aspirin would do the trick, although he didn't have any. Maybe Lexi could scare up a couple of tablets for him.

“That's it for the beds.” She glanced around. “Looking good in here. Want me to vacuum the floor?”

“I can do it.”

“I know, but I'll bet you're dying for a shower, and you can take one while I finish up. It'll also give you a chance to see if the washhouse is fit for Damon and Finn.”

He grinned. “Don't be so diplomatic. If I stink, just say so.”

That made her laugh. “Hit the showers, Gallagher.”

“Point taken. So will you still be here when I get back?”

“Sure. I'll wait for you.”

“Good. See you in about fifteen minutes.” Still smiling, he grabbed a bar of soap, a towel and his duffel before taking the well-worn path to the bathhouse. She was right. A shower and a shave would feel good.

The washhouse could use a good scrub but he'd wait until Finn and Damon were here to help. And because Lexi was waiting for him, he didn't linger. His hair was still damp when he walked back to the cabin carrying his duffel in one hand and his dirty clothes in the other. A close shave and clean clothes had gone a long way toward reviving him. He still had the headache, but he didn't feel grubby anymore.

He'd expected to find Lexi sitting on the front stoop soaking up the sunshine, like the boys used to do when the foster program was still in operation. The laundry basket and the vacuum cleaner were there, though. She'd also shut the door, which was odd. She usually enjoyed this kind of breeze.

When he opened it and stepped inside, he paused in confusion. Lexi's clothes were hanging over the back of a desk chair, and Lexi his bunk. If he wasn't mistaken, and he never was about such things, she was naked under those covers. He lost his grip on the duffel, which fell to the floor with a thud.

She smiled at him. “Let's take care of your headache.”

His heart, which had stalled out for a moment, started beating in triple time. It rapidly pumped his blood south, seriously affecting the fit of his jeans. He gulped. “Are you sure about this?”

“Absolutely sure. The only thing I don't know is whether you're packing. If not, then maybe oral—”

“I'm... I have... We're good.” She'd short-circuited whatever brain cells had been functioning previously, but animal instincts must have taken over because he found himself ripping off his clothes as if they'd suddenly caught fire. His gaze never left hers as he plopped down on the desk chair and yanked off his boots. “How long have you been planning this?”

“Since we talked in the house.”

“Talked about what?” He couldn't imagine how that conversation had led to
. Not that he was complaining. Oh, no. He'd just won the Powerball, and a guy didn't question luck like that.

“You told me sex used to be simple. I didn't see it that way then. But now I do.”

“You do?” He wasn't buying it.



“Cade, do you want to have a philosophical discussion, or do you want to grab a condom and get into bed with me?”

He grinned. “Let me think about it.” He'd said it to make her laugh, which she did, but he wasn't thinking about anything except Lexi's sweet body. He might be making a really big mistake by having sex with her right now. But the spark plugs in his brain weren't firing. And this had been her idea.

So he pulled a condom out of his bag, put it on and walked over to the bunk.

She scooted over to make room for him on the narrow mattress. “Watch your head.” Then she drew back the sheet.

He sucked in a breath. Dear God, she was glorious. He'd thought he knew how beautiful she was, but whatever picture he'd carried around for five years, it didn't come close to the reality.

He drank in the sight of her full breasts, her rosy nipples and her narrow waist that flared delicately to hips that shifted under his stare, as if inviting him closer. He let out his breath in a long, reverent sigh. “You're magnificent.”

Her voice was soft. “You're not bad yourself.”

He glanced into her eyes and discovered she seemed as absorbed in him as he was in her. What a fool he'd been to leave, and an even bigger fool to stay away. They were made for each other. No one else would do for either of them. That's why she hadn't married someone else. She was a one-man woman, and he was a one-woman man.

She held out her hand. “Come on down here, cowboy. And watch your—”

He whacked his head on the top bunk before she finished the sentence. Lack of sleep and the mesmerizing sight of her lying there waiting for him made him clumsy.

“Oh, Cade.”

“It doesn't matter.” Nothing mattered but this incredible moment. He climbed in beside her but kept a few inches between them. “Just lie still and let me touch you.”

“I want to touch you, too, you know.”

He cupped her cheek in one hand and gazed into her eyes. They'd always reminded him of a mountain stream filled with grays and greens and the sparkle of the sun. “I would count it a huge favor if you'd hold off. I'm sizzling like a bottle rocket on the Fourth of July. When I come, I want to be deep inside you.”

“Right. Because that's how we'll cure your headache.”

“I don't give a damn about my headache.” He leaned over and brushed his mouth against hers. “I want to come inside you because it's been so long, and I've missed you so much.”

Moaning softly, she clutched the back of his head and pulled him deeper into the kiss.

And he was lost. He'd meant to go slow and reacquaint himself with all the special places he loved, but her tongue was in his mouth, and his was in hers. Before he quite realized it, he'd moved over her and parted her slick thighs.

She was drenched. For him. For
. He locked his gaze with hers and murmured her name. Then he plunged deep.

She gasped and rose to meet him, her fingers digging into his back and her eyes flashing fire.

The blood roared in his ears as he thrust into her again and again.

She cried out as the first spasm claimed her. He knew that cry, and once more he drove home, cinching himself in tight, putting pressure where they both needed it. At the exact same moment, they surrendered to the storm. Holding on to each other, they rode it out. Together.

Vaguely he was aware of her soft murmurs as she eased away from him. He didn't want her to leave. He tried to say that, but...he couldn't stay...awake.

Five minutes later, or so it seemed, her breath was warm against his ear. “Time to wake up, cowboy.”

He groaned and stretched his legs. A startled meow and a thump told him he'd just displaced Ringo. Opening his eyes, he looked into Lexi's smiling face.

She perched on the edge of the mattress. “I brought Ringo in a little while ago. I hope you don't mind.”

“No, that's great. This is where he needs to be.” The gray tabby hopped to the windowsill and peered out the window. “He seems pretty calm.”

“He's been no trouble. He let me carry him over here and once I put him down, he jumped up on your bed and settled in.”

“Yeah, I used to let him sleep in the bunkhouse in the winter. The guys said I was spoiling him.”

“Nothing wrong with that. So, want me to pick up Damon?”

He frowned. “Why?”

“So you can stay here and sleep.”

He was still groggy enough to be tempted, but he couldn't let her do that. “I'll get up. Just give me a minute.”

“You have at least fifteen.” She combed his hair with gentle fingers. “How's your headache?”

“Gone.” He rolled onto his back and looked up at her. “I still can't believe you engineered that.”

“You needed it. We both did.”

Reaching up, he brushed his knuckles over her cheek. “Thank you. That was—”

“Yeah.” She held his hand against her cheek as she looked into his eyes. “It was perfect.”

“No, not perfect, because that would imply we can't improve on it. As good as that was, we can do even better.”

A flush tinged her cheeks. “You think?”

“I know, and so do you. This was a preview, an introduction, an appetizer.”

“So you want to do it again sometime?”

“Lexi, be serious.”

“Well, I wouldn't mind a repeat, but there are some complications.”

Cade sighed as reality intruded. “Yeah, I know.”

“Once the three of you are settled in, I might as well head back to my apartment.”

“And I'll need to hang with Damon and Finn. Not to mention the main issue of supporting Rosie and Herb in this crisis. That's the whole point of being here. No way am I forgetting that.”

“I'll be helping support them, too, so we'll be seeing each other, but we won't have time alone.”

He took a deep breath. She was so beautiful. He couldn't believe he'd stayed away so long. “So we're shut down for the time being.”

“That's why I decided to go for it now.”

He pulled her down until her breath caressed his face. “Thank you,” he murmured before capturing her mouth in a kiss that held all the longing in his heart. He could have kept kissing her forever, but she'd mentioned he had fifteen minutes before he had to leave. Reluctantly he let her go. “I'd better get dressed.”

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