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in the kitchen and made lists of their own, and at some point Cath got out 'Lissa's jewelry box and

went through it, setting aside the very few pieces that had special significance.

"You might as well keep it all," Jake said, sitting down. "Not like we'll have much call for any of it."

She smiled and shook her head. "I'll take care of it, but some day Jacob might want to give some of it to his wife. This ring," she said, picking up an opal set in silver, "is worth less than seventy dollars. But it's the first thing 'Lissa ever bought herself just because it was beautiful and she wanted it.

These earrings were a gift from a man she loved very much." She pointed to a pair of small gold

cross posts and dropped her voice. "Not his father. After that."

Jake raised his eyebrow and Cath smiled. "I liked him."

"What happened?" Tor asked, undisguised curiosity in his voice.

"He moved out of state--well, was transferred. 'Lissa wasn't cut out to be an army wife. But she

loved him anyway, and he loved her. I'm actually kind of surprised he wasn't there yesterday."

"Maybe he didn't know," Jake suggested.

Cath shook her head and put the earrings next to the opal. "I called him myself. He's in California.

Doesn't matter. Point is, I'll take care of it, perhaps even use some of this… but it's all Jacob's when he wants it."

Jake could only nod. It made sense, and there really wasn't anything more to say about it.

In the late afternoon he found himself wandering aimlessly around the house like a restless cat. Tor

was watching him, and every once in a while Jake caught him smiling a little, looking amused and

a little exasperated. Finally, Tor got up and stood in front of him and Jake absently tried to step

around him. Tor moved with him, blocking the way. Jake apologized and stepped to the other side.

Tor moved with him again, starting to grin.

"Am I missing something here?" Jake said, almost stumbling in his effort not to run Tor down.

"Yep." Tor's grin grew. "I'm hungry."

Jake took a moment to switch mental gears and nodded slowly. "Pizza?"

Tor beamed at him and shook his head.


Chris Owen

"That's our cue, kiddo," Cath told Jacob with a wink. "Come on. Ribs, sugar, and then a movie."

She scooped up her keys even as Jacob was pointing to his cast and insisting that ribs were a bad

idea, and then they were gone out the front door and Jake was left feeling more embarrassed than

he'd been since the last time Tor had been so obvious in mixed company.

"Do you have to do that?" Jake asked, fighting off the urge to smile as his blush began to fade.

"Nope," Tor said easily. "But it's fun."

Jake shook his head to himself and asked, "Any interest at all in pizza?"

To his mild surprise, Tor nodded. "I think there's one in the freezer. How about you get that going?

I'm going to take a fast shower."

"All right," Jake agreed, letting Tor move past him and down the hall. Amused and a little confused by Tor's changeable notions, Jake went into the kitchen and turned on the oven. He added cheese

and a few more mushrooms to the mostly unremarkable pizza and waited for the timer to tell him

the oven was preheated. When the sharp beep roused him, he realized he'd been staring into space

thinking about Tor's ass, weighing its merits against Tor's mouth.

"Got it bad," he said under his breath as he put the pizza in to heat.

Tor arrived in the kitchen just as Jake was getting plates out and watching the timer again, peeking

in to check the browning of the cheese.

"Almost done," Jake said, not looking up, just aware that Tor was there. "Few more seconds. Your showers are getting longer and longer, you know."

Tor snorted. "Says the man who routinely leaves me without hot water."

"I figure if you want a long shower you can haul your butt out of bed and join me," Jake said with a grin. "But we should take a look at a bigger water heater, what with Jacob and all." He turned off the oven and the timer just before it could beep at him again, and turned to grab a couple of pot-holders off the counter. "Nice dinner attire, sir," he said, not really objecting to the towel clinging to Tor's hips.

Tor shrugged and winked at him, but didn't say anything at all. His hair was damp and a little curly

over his forehead, and there were still occasional drops of water splashing onto his skin; he was

obviously turned on as well, his erection nicely distorting the towel. All in all, it was rather distracting.

Jake dished out the pizza slices and graciously let Tor walk in front of him into the living room

where they both sat on the couch, probably closer to each other than was absolutely necessary for

optimum TV viewing. Jake didn't care at all.

They flipped through a few channels as they ate, but Jake spent more time looking at Tor than he

did watching the evening news. Tor knew it, meeting Jake's gaze now and then and smiling, his

eyes frank with invitation. But that was all he did, and it confused Jake. Tor was still hard, his legs 53

Natural Disaster

splayed and the towel all but falling off, but he didn't actively do anything at all.

Jake looked at him more and more frequently as they finished eating, waiting. Tor's skin was start-

ing to flush, his breathing had picked up, and as far as Jake could tell from years of reading the

signs, Tor was more than ready to move on. And yet, he didn't so much as reach out for Jake or

even offer a kiss.

Slowly, because by that point he was more than a little excited himself, Jake moved their plates to

the coffee table and sat back, leaning against Tor's side. "Hey," he said softly, turning his head to look at Tor's face.

"Hey, yourself." Tor winked at him, and Jake leaned closer, fitting his mouth over Tor's.

The kiss was intense and deep, Tor falling into it with a quick hunger that made Jake that much

harder, but it was clear from the first that Jake was in charge of it. He thought about that as he

plunged his tongue deeper, forcing Tor's mouth to open wider. It wasn't like Tor to not even play at

taking control; he wasn't usually so passive.

As soon as the thought occurred, Jake knew what was going on. Tor wanted him in charge, wanted

to be taken care of. He was offering himself up, with a great deal of anticipation, apparently, to

be… manhandled. Dominated. Controlled. Possibly even sweetly loved, although Jake doubted it,

given the way Tor's body was in overdrive and his lust was leaking out around the edges.

Jake didn't even have to think about the last week, about how well Tor had cared for him and pro-

tected him, to know that if Tor wanted it that way, he could have it. Tor could pretty much always

have Jake any way he wanted; Jake wouldn't ever turn down something Tor needed. Tor needed

Jake to be boss, so Jake would. The obvious perks were nothing to give up, either.

"Bed," Jake said, standing up and pulling Tor along with him by the hand. "Now."


Jake dragged Tor down the hall and more or less shoved him onto the bed before falling mostly on

top of him and ripping the towel away. "This what you want?" he asked, biting down on Tor's neck and starting to work the skin there. "Want me to be in charge? Take what I want?"

Tor gasped and arched his back off the bed. "What you want, I give."

"Goes both ways."

"I know."

Jake nodded and buried his head in Tor's neck, teeth marking him. He was braced on one arm, his

other hand raking over Tor's chest and belly and leaving score marks before wrapping around Tor's

cock. He played with Tor's Prince Albert piercing with his thumb, stroking and tugging aggres-

sively. "Give and take. Right now I want to give it to you. Take you. Shove my dick in your ass and give you--"


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"Oh, fuck!" Tor bucked against him and grunted, his cock swelling even harder.

Jake grabbed for Tor's balls fast, then changed his mind and squeezed just under the head of Tor's

cock. "Tor?" he said as they both panted. "Ask you something?"

"What?" Tor sounded like he was concentrating very, very hard on something.

"How long have we been together?"

"Uh. About six years? I think. God, Jake."

"Right. Six years. So how come I didn't know that filthy talking like that would make you come

before I'm ready?"

Tor shook his head. "Don't know. Never tried it before, have you? Not like it's my fault."

Jake carefully let go of Tor and rolled away to start getting undressed. "Not saying it's anyone's fault--just a little surprised that there's still stuff we don't know. That's not a bad thing." He tossed his shirt onto the floor and undid his jeans. "So, what would happen if I started talking about pushing you into walls and how I want to pound into you and fuck you raw? How I'd like to think about

you having trouble sitting on that plane tomorrow? How I sometimes wonder if I could fuck you

into coming and then jerk off on your face, coat you in--"

Tor had rolled over, his knees spread wide and his ass high.

"Jesus," Jake croaked, shoving his jeans to his knees and climbing onto the bed between Tor's feet.

"Jesus Christ."

"Please," Tor whimpered, lifting his ass.

Stunned, and harder than he knew he'd been in a while, Jake nodded and moved closer, taking his

prick in his hand and guiding it to Tor's ass. "Shit! Lube." He looked around, his heart starting to thunder harder and faster.

"I left it in the bathroom," Tor said in a rush. "Just do it, now." He sounded like waiting was agony, his voice harsh and broken.

"In the bathroom?" Jake poked a finger into Tor's hole and found him wet and open. "Oh, you slut,"

he breathed. "My slut. Ready and wanting and now you're going to just offer up your ass to me."

Tor nodded frantically. "You."

"Me. Want it now?" Jake didn't think he'd be able to hold off for more than a moment or two in any case, but he was starting to see the upside of both teasing Tor and of this new kink to explore.

"Want my cock in you so deep you'll be able to taste it? Want to feel me splitting you? How about

the way I'll pound against you with this pretty bit of metal?" He rubbed his own piercing around the slick opening.


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"Yes!" Tor yelled, and shoved back, impaling himself.

Jake didn't waste time being startled, just grabbed Tor's hips and pulled him back even faster, ram-

ming into him and starting to fuck him in hard, rapid thrusts.

It was rough and dirty, and Jake couldn't form the words to tell Tor everything he wanted to do.

Part of it was that he had to actually think to be as filthy as Tor seemed to like, but mostly it was

because talking required breath he needed for other things, like fucking. He did manage to get out a

few words about how tight Tor felt, and how he wanted to do it dry some time, just bend Tor over

the table or couch and ride him until they were both aching, and then Tor was damn near screaming

as he came on the bed.

Jake pulled out and flipped Tor over onto his back, watching as Tor kept coming, his hand pulling

the last of it out in a slick puddle spreading over his belly, streaks of come sliding down his side

like stripes. "Yeah, like that," Jake said, reaching for his own cock.

"Up. Please," Tor said, tugging on Jake's thigh, then higher to grab at his hips.

Jake let him pull and moved awkwardly up the bed, stopping to kick his jeans the rest of the way

off so he could straddle Tor's chest as he pulled his dick. He watched Tor's face, his eyes, and his

sweat-slicked curls, and then the pretty, pretty mouth. "Oh, God," he whispered, balls pulling up tight. He shoved two fingers into Tor's mouth and hissed when Tor sucked hard. "Coming. Going

to fucking come on your face."

Tor sucked again and closed his eyes, and Jake's orgasm slammed into him, rocking him and taking

his breath like being kicked by a horse. He cried out, squeezed his cock, and arched, watching as

his spunk made tracks in Tor's hair, over his face, and splashed over his own fingers. Tor started

licking it off, letting it drip from Jake's hand down into his mouth, and Jake shot again, the last of it coating Tor's jaw.

It was almost half an hour before either of them spoke; Jake had actually fallen asleep almost im-

mediately, curled possessively around Tor's body.

"That was intense," Tor said mildly.


"I liked it."

"You don't say."

"You liked it."





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"Think maybe we can do that again?"

Jake realized he was grinning. "Oh, yeah. I think so."

Tor kissed him and gave him a shove. "Good. Shower time, cowboy. They'll be back soon."

Jake nodded. "Think we have enough time to conserve some hot water?"

Tor shrugged. "I think they'll live, either way. Come on, get wet with me. I'll even let you wash my hair, seeing as how you got it all dirty again."

Jake laughed and rolled off the bed. "Bitch, bitch, bitch."

"It's what I do best."

"No," Jake said softly, suddenly unwilling to let Tor leave at all, let alone in less than twelve hours.

"It's not."

Tor didn't say anything, just pulled him close and held him for a long time before they went to



At the airport they waited outside the security area as long as they could justify it, but when Tor

started checking his watch every thirty seconds Jake knew it was time to send him off. He person-

ally didn't object to Tor missing his flight, but he didn't really want to deal with Elias about it, especially over the phone.

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