Read Mate Not Wanted Online

Authors: Selena Illyria

Tags: #erotic romance, #paranormal romance, #shapeshifters, #interracial romance

Mate Not Wanted (12 page)

“I have fifty thousand. Going once. Twice. Sold!”

Pierce heard a gavel bang down, and he damn near dropped to the ground. Lea and Alec were bouncing up and down, glee on their faces.

“Pierce McKinney sold to Lea Washington for fifty thousand dollars. Congratulations, Lea. Please come up here and claim your man!”

Confused, Pierce watched Lea twist and turn in the crowd, walk up onto the platform, and grab his hand.

“Come on, unless you want to sell yourself again,” she hissed in his ear.

Pierce didn’t question it. Instead, he allowed her to pull him down off the walkway as a voice announced that Mack was up next. Pierce’s attention was all on Lea, who pulled him into the hall.

“Look, I don’t have time to explain. I’ll call you later tonight. Give me your number and I’ll give you the details for your date with Madison. Now hurry it up, hot stuff. I’ve got my eye a few sexy studs, and I’ve got money that’s not mine to burn.”

In a haze, Pierce took her phone, entered his number, and gave it back to her. Madison? Had she really said Madison? A stupid grin spread across his face.


Lea grabbed her mobile and ran back into the hall. Rather than leave as he had planned, Pierce decided to stay to watch the festivities and enjoy the rest of his night. His friends were up for auction and he had a date with Madison. Life was good.

The rest of his evening passed by filled with amusement. There had been such a fight over Mack that he’d agreed to go again. Pierce grinned at that as he downed more champagne. Lea and Alec won dates for themselves, and Ryan scored a date with a full-bodied beauty who didn’t seem that interested in him. Pierce watched as Ryan tried to seduce his way into getting a kiss from his date, only to be shut down and for her to hand a check to the organizer and walk away. Pierce had to hold back laughter at the look of hurt on his friend’s face.

By the end of the night, Pierce felt buzzed but was exhausted. He grabbed Ryan, who was well into several beers, and they piled into the limo.

“Well at least my night’s gone well. How about yours?” Pierce nudged Ryan.

Ryan snorted. “She hates me. Didn’t talk to me for most of the night. I don’t even know why she bid on me in the first place. I could have gotten more enthusiasm if they’d let me put myself up on the GLBT auction. They know I’m bi.”

Ryan slouched into the seat and took a pull from his beer.

“At last, the great Ryan has been cuckolded by a woman who isn’t attracted to him,” Pierce guffawed.

“Shut up,” Renault growled. “I’ll win her over. You just wait until our date. She won’t be able to resist me.”

“Keep telling yourself that. I, on the other hand, have a date with Madison. Her friends bought me for her. That sounds really bad, but at least my night ended on a high note.”

Pierce’s phone buzzed and he answered without looking at the number. At first, all he heard was giggling. He was about to hang up when he heard Lea’s voice.

“Pierce, it’s Lea. Look, I don’t have much time before I have to tell Madison what we did and she kills me. I’m just hoping that doesn’t happen before I can get laid. So here’s the skinny: she likes milk-chocolate-covered peanuts, almonds, and pretzels; she hates roses, so you’ll have to be creative on the flower front; she likes classical music and jazz. Oh, and if you don’t mind, she’s interested in ménages. OK, gotta go face the firing squad. Night.”

Pierce disconnected the call and stared at his phone. Ménages? Hates roses? Chocolate-covered peanuts? A grin curled on his lips. Not much to go on, but he could make her fantasies come true.

He turned to Ryan. “How would you like to take part in a ménage with me, my friend? Madison apparently wants to experience one.”

Ryan sat up and stared at him. “You inviting in?”

Pierce nodded. “Yes. Only once and only her ass. Understand?”

Ryan grinned back at him. “Of course, my friend. Set up the time and day and I’ll be there. Looks like you’ll be my host for a bit longer. You’re going to need more wine and beer.”

Pierce snorted. “I know it. Just don’t eat and drink me out of house and home. And don’t get arrested going after your surly date. I’ll call Sully to book us the Purple Suite. I think she’ll like that. And I’ll make sure that it’s stocked with everything we need.”

It looked like he was finally going to get Madison to stop running away from him. His only worry was that she was only interested in using him for her heat cycle and wouldn’t allow them to explore their attraction further.

It would have to be a night she would never be able to forget.


Chapter Seven



Madison stared at Lea as if she’d lost her mind. She and Alec both must have, otherwise they wouldn’t have bid on and won Pierce for her.

“What the hell is wrong with the both of you?” She threw her hands up in the air in exasperation.

Sully glanced their way but said nothing. Thankfully, the cleaning staff and Sully were the only ones in at the moment.

Madison grabbed Lea’s and Alec’s hands and dragged them to the booth in the corner. “Are you trying to kill me or drive me insane? How could you do that to me?”

Her throat constricted in panic as her heart raced. She had a date with Pierce. Where were they going to go? What was she going to wear? Why the hell did the fates hate her?

A burst of heat rolled over her and she groaned as liquid fire filled her core. “Shit.” She sulked. “Look, did you do this because of my heat cycle? I have to know.”

Lea grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze and Alec gave her a peck on the cheek. “No, we did it ’cause you need to get laid.” Alec kissed her temple and slid out of the booth. “Gotta go. Lunch break over.”

Alec left and Lea sighed. “Babe, look, I know you’re attracted to Pierce and you’re in your heat cycle. You need someone, badly. You can’t control yourself. You get emotional and wham, suddenly
need a vibrator.”

Madison sunk even deeper into her seat. “Sorry,” she murmured.

“It’s not your fault, you had a lot on your plate in the last year and…well…I had to act and the auction was the perfect place to do it. Besides, why not someone you know and are attracted to instead of a stranger?”

Madison hated how sane and logical Lea sounded, but she did have a point. “How much did you tell him about me?”

Lea beamed. “Flowers, chocolates, ménages. That kind of thing.”

Madison sat up and gaped at her friend.

Lea held up her hand. “I doubt he’ll do the last one, but it will give him some pause if he thinks that you aren’t ready to settle down with just one man. You know,” Lea’s voice dropped a few octaves and became deeper and rougher, “‘
Me Pierce. Me strong tiger man. Me all you need

Madison laughed so hard she forgot to breathe. “You forgot the British accent. Never forget that. OK, fine. So what should I wear? When does this date take place?”

Lea beamed. “Alec has volunteered to take you shopping since I can’t do it, and the date will take place tomorrow night. Sunday. Shadows needed a day to get prepped. So how do you like it so far? Working for Sully can be difficult given his affinity with being sneaky and all, but other than that it’s pretty cool, right? I’m so glad to be working with you. Just like high school and the ice cream shop.”

“Just like it, only it’s more adult and they use ice cream in a different way than what we did.” Madison snickered. “I haven’t seen the top levels yet, but I have met most of the staff and I’m excited to be here. I can’t wait to help plan the parties and events. I can’t thank Sully enough.”

Lea chuckled. “Don’t look too grateful otherwise his ego will swell even more than it already has.”

“Right. Anyway, gotta get back to work. You should too. I’ll call Alec and meet up with him. Knowing him he’ll want to go all out—hair, nails, pedicures, the lot.” Madison frowned. She didn’t look forward to being given the Alec Treatment.

Lea slid out from behind the table and headed back to the bar. Madison followed suit and got to work, but her mind was on just what Pierce could have planned for their date. If he really did go through with the ménage suggestion she wouldn’t know how to react. The first rules of BDSM and kink were “Safe, Sane, Consensual” and “Risk-Aware, Consensual Kink.”

He wouldn’t do anything she didn’t want to do, that much she was sure of. But to give him total control of the situation? Of her body? She would have to be pretty damn sure of herself to do a thing like that. Now she had a job and a way to make income, but her sexual confidence had sunk to a new low. She looked down at her body. Pierce might be attracted to her clothed, but would he like her naked, with all her curves and rolls? She bit her lip. Madison didn’t feel confident or sexy in the least.

For most of the afternoon she tried to drown herself in work. There was so much for her to do as a hostess. She had to call caterers and decorators, talk to the staff, hire entertainment, convince the kitchen staff to allow strangers in, and keep Sully apprised of it all. Her brain had turned to mush by the time Alec picked her up after his weekend tutoring sessions.

Sully had let her have the afternoon off, only to tell her to be back by the seven for opening time that evening so he could introduce her to the members. The staff kept to themselves any reservations they might have had about having someone other than Lea plan the party. Madison felt that she was doing well. It was a matter of being organized, planning for contingencies, and making sure that everything was prepared to meet the clients’ needs. She still wasn’t sure that she would be a success, but she was learning fast.

Alec gave her a pat on the knee as she settled into the passenger seat of his car.

“What was that for?” she asked as she buckled the safety belt.

“For being a good sport. Look, I know this is being thrown at you and you didn’t want us to bid, but you can’t tell us no and then shove money at us and expect us to be good! Don’t you know us at all?”

Madison sighed. “You guys are such naughty children. But enough about me. What about you two. Lea didn’t tell me who you guys won for yourselves. You did bid, yes?” She studied Alec’s profile. Tension lines formed around his eyes and his mouth thinned.

“Lea won some volleyball player.” Alec’s voice was low and quiet. He fell silent, and worry tugged at Madison’s stomach.

She reached out and gave his forearm a squeeze. “And you? Who did you win?”

He turned the car into the parking lot of a couture boutique. “We have an appointment.”

Alec shut off the car and got out before Madison could press harder. She rushed to catch up to him and yanked his arm before he could open the door.

“Alec, what happened?”

“He didn’t want me,” Alec whispered, his voice lanced through with pain.

Each word pricked Madison’s heart like a small thorn. She let out a whimper and gathered Alec in her arms as he let out a sob. His body shook as he cried. Madison stroked his back and just held him. Sure, they were blocking the entrance of the store, but she didn’t give a damn. Her friend needed her. A few minutes went by and deep, quivering snuffles turned to quiet sniffles.

“Come on, let’s go inside. I’m sure they have champagne or something.” She grabbed his hand with hers and used the other to wipe away his tears.

Alec gave her a small smile. “OK,” he whispered in a husky tenor.

Madison opened the door and pulled him inside the building. None of the attendants mentioned what had taken place outside; instead, they offered them wine, fruit, and chocolates and sat Alec down.

Alec’s face transformed from one of pain and rejection to joy and mischief. He took control of the situation and began ordering everyone around.

“Sexy. We need him to start drooling as soon as he sees her. Once he gets her alone we want him to tear her dress off and fuck her sideways. So nothing prim, ladies. Nothing remotely sweet. And no goddamn pink. She’s not a fucking virgin. We want reds and blacks. Short hemlines and plunging necklines.” He settled back with a flute of vino and a platter of chocolates at his elbow. His green eyes seemed lit up from within with fierce determination.

Madison didn’t say anything. She just let him have his way and didn’t push him for details on the bastard who had broken his heart. She allowed him to treat her as his personal mannequin, even though the outfits he chose seemed to be getting so short she was pretty sure that she’d flash anyone behind or in front of her. That wouldn’t exactly put Pierce in a great mood. She knew he was the jealous type.

The afternoon stretched on and on, with mountains of clothes piling up on couches and chairs and on hangers. Alec had emptied out half the store. In between fittings, Madison cracked jokes about Alec’s expectations for her date, and his mood gradually lightened.

By the time he’d made his choices—and she had vetoed the ones that were too short for comfort—they had three dresses and six pairs of fuck-me heels that he’d insisted on. She wasn’t too sure about his selections. Part of her felt exposed. It brought back her fears about her size and shape. She could wear shapewear, sure, but even under the lingerie she’d know. Would he notice how tight the dress was? Maybe her breasts wouldn’t look as good in another light. And a waist cincher couldn’t hide the cellulite on her thighs. There was no time to get to the gym. No time to get to the spa for treatments. Alec had talked about taking her to get a manicure and pedicure and then tonight she’d get a facial and a body scrub after work. His orders. But that didn’t seem like nearly enough to hide all her flaws.

As soon as they had their purchases, Alec placed a call to Lea about what they’d done. Madison had no way of getting away from her friends. They would meet her at home and spend the evening preparing her for the date. Madison gave up any sort of protest. She knew it wouldn’t help.

She arrived at Shadows ready to finish up last-minute details that Sully wanted in place before the bachelor auction dinner date night. Madison made sure the staff was prepped and ready and the kitchen staff was working well with the caterers. Once she was sure everything was decorated properly, she signed out and headed home, where Alec and Lea had let themselves in and set up wine, chocolates, a movie, and some pizza.

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