Read Master of the Dark Side: A Novella Online

Authors: Cherise Sinclair

Tags: #BDSM, #Romance, #Erotic Fiction, #Novella, #Contemporary

Master of the Dark Side: A Novella (12 page)

She stared. If he was fully seated in her, those four sides of nubby humming things would press against her pussy, all around her entrance. Her legs flexed involuntarily, bouncing her bottom.

“That won’t do.” He put a hand under her butt, lifting her slightly. “Move your legs forward, honey.”

She edged her knees along the chair until her calves brushed against his upper arms, and her legs no long held her up. All her weight rested on his hand. With her grip on his shoulders barely keeping her balanced, and her legs over the chair arms, she could no longer lift or move her ass. He’d taken the last inch or so of control from her, and from the satisfied look in his eyes, he knew it.

Watching her closely, he fitted his cock to her entrance, and then lowered her. The big head pushed into her, and she opened around it. It felt so good.

But as she dropped farther, his thickness stretched her, more and more, until she hovered right at the edge of pain. She tried to lift up and couldn’t. The knowledge of her helplessness swept through her, making her head spin. A whimper escaped.

He stopped immediately, although she could tell he wasn’t completely in yet. She opened her eyes and met his intense gaze.

“You’ll take all of me, but we can go slower.” He lifted her bottom up and down in tiny increments, lubricating his shaft with her wetness. As the burning from being stretched subsided, she could feel the hum from the cock ring. God, he felt good.

. She squirmed.

“Keep your hands on my shoulders,” he warned.

Her fingers tightened. He chuckled. “And down you go.” He pulled his hand out from under her.

She dropped the last few inches, gasping at the overwhelming fullness as he penetrated her completely. “Virgil!” Her insides clenched around him, over and over, and then the vibrations from the cock ring hit her clit, her labia and—holy heaven—another one pressed on her asshole.

He didn’t move, keeping himself fully inside her, keeping her pussy resting right there on the vibrator.

“Oh my God.” She started to pant as her clit tightened, hardened.

His laugh rumbled, and then his hands covered her breasts, adding to the stimulation as he tugged on her nipples. Down below, the vibrations hit not just her clit, but every part of her pussy. His massive cock filled her completely. She lost herself in the overwhelming sensations. She clenched his shoulders as her insides started to tighten. The need to come built higher, an unfightable urge.

“You’re damned gorgeous when you get all excited, but I don’t want you getting off just yet.” He gripped her hips and lifted her up. As he pulled her off his cock, the vibrations disappeared.

Her excitement slowed, leaving her clit aching and throbbing. When she whined, amusement joined the heat in his eyes.

Then he released her. Her pussy slid onto his shaft and pressed up against the buzzing ring. Her clit tightened, neared…

Before she could come, he yanked her up. Up until the head remained barely in her, then he let her drop. His cock stretched her, taking her breath, and she hit the vibrators. She squirmed, trying to get closer, more pressure.

Holding her hips in a bruising grip, he worked her pussy up and down on his cock, grinding his pelvis against her to maximize the vibrations. Each stroke increased her need, increased the pressure, until she teetered on the edge of an orgasm.

“You feel good,” he said as her swollen clit pressed on the nubby vibrator. Her fingernails dug into his arms as her core tightened. Almost…

“I like that tight, hot cunt wrapped around me.” He lifted her again, a second before she could come.

“Please. Oh God, please, Virgil.” Too much. Her whole lower half pulsed with oversensitive nerves, needing more…more, more. When she tried to shake him, the sun lines at the corners of his eyes crinkled.

“More. Please.” Was that her voice? Whining? Everything in her throbbed.

He didn’t move for a moment that seemed to last forever.

“All right.” He held her up with one hand, and the other hand slapped her bottom, damned hard. “Come now, Summer.”

The stinging pain arrowed straight to her clit…and shoved her over. Pleasure fountained through her, exquisite sensations bubbling up against each nerve. Another wave hit, and she heard herself, her voice high and uncontrolled.

Growling his enjoyment, Virgil pumped her up and down, sending the orgasm rippling through all of her. As the sensations started to slow, he yanked her down, holding her there, completely filled and pressing on the cock ring.

The vibrations directly against her clit threw her into another spasm of pleasure. “Oooooh.” Her hips wiggled uncontrollably in his grip.

His laugh came deep and rough. “Hang on, sweetie.” His face pulled taut as he lifted her, then hammered into her, pistoning her body up and down. Her breasts bounced, and each thrust of his shaft sent more shuddering waves to engulf her until just the feeling of him inside her filled her world.

With a low groan, he pulled her against him so tightly she couldn’t move. His cock jerked in her center and the sensation was…incredible.

Her head bowed. He’d cared enough to drive her into a mindless orgasm. And then…then he’d simply taken her for his own pleasure. Why did that give her the shivers—to be utterly used like that?

She sighed and squirmed as the vibrations from the cock ring started to irritate her swollen clit.

“Sensitive?” he murmured and lifted her up slightly with one hand until she no longer touched the toy. His eyes were heavy-lidded, his breathing rapid. He looked totally satisfied.
I did that
. The knowledge felt wonderful.

He caught her staring at him and smiled, then curved his free hand over her nape to pull her closer. His mouth took hers gently, a confusing contrast to the implacable grip on her neck.

“Mmm.” She teased his lips, wondering how they could look so firm and feel so velvety.

He let her play, kissing her back, and then with a grunt, he used both hands to lift her straight up and off his cock. Still holding her up, he leaned forward, got his feet under him to rise. After turning, he put her down on the chair. “Stay here for a minute. I’ll be right back.”

The nonchalant display of his strength left her speechless. And wondering why all that strength seemed so barbarically sexy.

He returned, jeans zipped, and resumed his seat, this time snuggling her on his lap.

As she laid her head on his shoulder, she saw a couple watching from a few feet away. She stiffened, feeling…exposed, which didn’t really make sense. She always played in public.

But this, tonight, had been different. She and Virgil had shared…more. Unsettled, she watched them walk away, feeling as if she finally understood Virgil’s dislike of being on exhibit.

“Simon’s sub says you’re moving soon, out of San Francisco.” His arm supported her as he ran his knuckles over her breasts, then lifted her chin up and frowned at her. “Tell me about that.”

“Oh.” Contentment filled her. He’d gotten off. He could just walk her to her cabin and leave. Instead, he started a conversation. The feel of his arm around her, his fingers against her face, and his focused attention bathed her with warmth. “Well. I realized I wanted more …”

She rambled, tucking her head back on his shoulder. Her limbs felt heavy, and she curled against him, feeling small and feminine. She could have easily fallen asleep, but he kept asking questions. About San Francisco. Her apartment. Her work.

As she talked, she realized again the emptiness of her life. “Anyway, I took the job in Gold Beach and start in a couple of weeks. My lease is up in four days, so I’m on a tight schedule.”

He was silent. Too silent. She tried to sit up to look at his face—

“Gold Beach is in Oregon?” he asked.

“Um-hmm. On the coast.”

“About an entire day’s drive. Farther away than San Francisco.” His voice was even. Emotionless. He sat quietly for a minute and then said, “I’ve got to get going. I work tomorrow morning.”

“Oh.” Disappointment seemed to dim the light in the room. “Okay.” She rose reluctantly and started pulling on her clothes.

He stepped behind her and laced her corset with firm tugs. Chuckling, he turned her around. “Looks like I have my very own Bondage Barbie to play with and dress.”

Her laugh turned into a gasp when he slid his fingers into the cups to adjust her left breast.

“What time do you leave?” he asked. He settled her other breast, his calloused fingers brushing against her nipple. As a hum ran through her system, she unconsciously leaned into his touch.

“Uh. What?” She looked up, caught his smile, and remembered his question. “Sunday around noon.”

“I see.” He kissed her, taking his time, his palm still curved around her breast. “I get off work at two tomorrow and then have a couple of errands to run. Do you want to test your courage and let me show you some of the area?”

“I—” Courage.

Before she could answer, he lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes, his level, honest eyes. “No sex, no bondage. Just talking and maybe a kiss or two. You have my word.”

Anxiety warred with the sheer desire to be with him. Desire won.
I will do this
. “Yes.”


The sun sparkled
on the light dusting of snow as Virgil pulled up to the lodge the next day. He spotted Summer waiting in front of her tiny cabin. Wearing a bright red parka, she looked like a very fuckable cardinal. His spirits rose.

He’d had a hell of a time sleeping last night. The bed had felt empty. He’d wanted her in his arms, wanted to breathe her peaches-and-vanilla scent, wanted to hear her lilting voice. Dammit, he hadn’t known her long enough to miss her so much.

But he did. As she started down the path toward him, his anticipation rose. Fuck, she’d been beautiful, squirming on his shaft, jolting as the vibrations hit her clit. Hell of a toy, that cock ring.

Thank you, Angie
. Of all the women he’d enjoyed, one had possessed the guts to show him how much fun toys could be. Shy creatures, females. They owned vibrators and dildos, liked using them, but hell would freeze over before they’d mention them to a man. These days, he’d insist on seeing a woman’s collection—and might even pin her down while he used them. He snorted. Guess he’d been more of a dom than he’d realized.

Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, he watched Summer cross the clearing and stifled his urge to escort her. Damn that fear of hers. Today, he intended to hear exactly what had happened to her. And then—he frowned. Tomorrow she’d leave for San Francisco to pack up and move.

His mood dropped like a boulder tumbling off a cliff. How could he pursue a relationship with her if it took two days just to drive there and back? And with the distance to the nearest airport, flight connections, and security precautions, taking a plane wasn’t much better. His schedule didn’t give him much time off—three day weekends were rare. Would she ever have the courage to visit him here without all her friends around?

As she approached the pickup, her blonde hair shone against the bright jacket, and her smile was contagious. He slid out to open the passenger side door for her.

“Thank you.” She looked up at him, her blue eyes shining with pleasure…at seeing him.

He pulled her close, curving his hands under her lush ass, and took her mouth. Her lips were stiff, then soft and sweet. As he kissed her, he felt her body melt against his.

“I’d like to drag you into the lodge and fuck you speechless,” he growled and watched her cheeks redden.

“Uh.” Then she grinned. “We could do that.”

He choked a laugh. How could he want her even more than he had five minutes ago? Leaning his forehead against hers, he said, “I can’t skip my errands today. And maybe away from the lodge, I can talk to you without wondering how many times I can make you come.”

“God, you’re blunt,” she muttered, making him laugh again.

“Let’s go.” He picked her up and set her into his truck, enjoying the simple pleasure of touching her. It would have to do for him…until tonight.

As they drove up the mountain, she sat forward, watching everything, her interest as appealing as hell. He slowed off and on, pointing out a herd of deer, the various cabins that normally couldn’t be seen from the road, then a cardinal that matched her jacket.

At the end of a rutted road, he parked in front of Laurette Mann’s stone and log home. “Ms. Laurette, it’s Virgil,” he called as he swung out of the truck. Not waiting for his help, Summer jumped out. As she petted the ancient gray cat, Virgil grabbed the box of groceries from the pickup bed.

The elderly widow opened the door, her cheeks pink with excitement. “Virgil, come in, dear. I have tea on.”

He stepped aside to let Summer precede him into the living room. “Ms. Laurette, this is Summer. She’s visiting from San Francisco. Summer, Ms. Laurette and her husband designed and built this place—oh, about thirty years ago.”

Summer turned in a circle, eyes wide. “It’s beautiful,” she said sincerely.

“Why, thank you.” Laurette beamed at her. “Let me show you around.”

. “I’ll tuck your groceries away and join you in a minute.” And Laurette wouldn’t argue about the extras he’d added to her order.

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