Read Many Roads Home Online

Authors: Ann Somerville

Tags: #M/M Contemporary, #Source: Amazon

Many Roads Home (38 page)

BOOK: Many Roads Home
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Finally, when he was nude, he stood before Yveni and let him look his fill. “I dreamt about you,” Yveni whispered. “Dreamt about you taking me and holding me. But then I’d wake and you never came. Serina kept saying you weren’t ready, and all I could think was that you were talking yourself out of being with me. And I was right.”

“Sweetness…” He bent and kissed Yveni. “I’m sorry. Things…they’re not as simple as for you. I’m not you.”

“No. But you told me off for not talking to you about things before and here you are, doing that to me. Talk to me. Love me. Let me love you. Let us all love you. You have my sisters in the palm of your hand, you realise. And Gil and Sofia. Never alone again.”

“Never,” Paole murmured. “Takes some getting used to.”

“Yes. Like sex.” He glanced meaningfully at the pot on the dresser. “I warn you, I won’t accept refusal at this point.”

He could at least
, Paole thought. If he was very careful, and watched Yveni’s reactions. But his hand shook a little as he reached for the pot. The idea of hurting Yveni made him sick.

Yveni slid his arm around Paole’s hips. “It really will be all right, love.”

“I’ve only ever deliberately injured one person in my life, and that was to save you.”

“I know. If you only knew how much I want this. I
this. It will hurt me much more if you refuse. I’m no longer a child, Paole. When you met me, I was naïve and careless. I am no longer, and it’s because of you.”

Paole turned and looked down at Yveni’s solemn face. “No, you’re not.” He drew a deep breath. “Then I will.”

He took the jar and lay down on the covers next to Yveni. “We can do it like this, side by side.”

“Is…is that usual?”

“It’s one way. It’s a good way.”

“Then that’s fine. What do I do?”

Paole pulled him into his arms, and kissed him long and slow. “First, let me hold you and touch you. I missed you.”

“Every minute,” Yveni breathed. “It hurt so much.”

Paole had apologised, but the real damage would take time to heal, like the sword thrust. He held Yveni close and stroked his back, kissed his forehead, his cheeks, his lips and his chin. Ran his fingers over and over through the fine dark hair, until Yveni’s breathing slowed and his pulse dropped back to normal. Even then, he didn’t hurry. They had time, and Yveni was sweet in his arms.

Only when Yveni was erect again, and his breathing quickened not from anxiety but desire, did Paole move his hands with more obvious intent. He cupped Yveni’s buttock, and wrapped his fingers around his cock. “Paole, I—”

“Shhh. You said you trusted me.”

“I do.” Yveni relaxed and let Paole have his way. Paole rolled him onto his back again, and slid down, gently stroking Yveni’s stomach, using his gift to test and examine the scar and what lay beneath. They’d need to take care but…yes, if he did, it would work.

He moved his hand on Yveni’s erection, and then put his mouth on it, cupping Yveni’s balls. This, he had done many times now, and Yveni to him. He’d use that familiarity to ease Yveni into what he so desperately sought.

He sucked and worked Yveni’s cock with his lips and tongue, stroking and rolling his balls, not bringing him to the edge of climax, but keeping him stimulated and hard. He surreptitiously sought the jar with his other hand and unscrewed the lid, scooped up a fingerful of the thick salve and stroked it over Yveni’s tight little hole. His lover gasped and jerked, but settled almost as quickly. Just surprised, and Yveni petted Paole’s hair almost as an apology. Brave lad.

He stroked some more, allowing Yveni to grow used to the sensation, and when he slipped his finger tip in, Yveni’s breathing quickened only a little. It took some concentration to keep the rhythm of mouth and hands coordinated, but nothing pleased him more than to give pleasure freely, so the effort felt good, and so did Yveni under his tongue and fingers. He added more salve, stretched and explored a little more, encouraged by the obvious enjoyment Yveni took in what he did. The lad squirmed and gasped and sighed but not once gave any sign he was in pain. Still, this was only the start.

His finger stretching Yveni’s hole, he worked his cock faster, stroking with his other hand and bringing Yveni off, tight muscles clamping his finger as Yveni came. He licked and swallowed and gave Yveni plenty of time to enjoy the climax, before cuddling him close and waiting for his breathing to ease again. He kept his finger inside him, moving it gently, but making no insistent gesture.

“Why did you do that?” Yveni whispered against his chest.

“To relax you. Don’t worry, it’s far from over.”

“I like…that.”

“My finger?”

“Mmmm. Do it some more.”

Paole did, adding more salve, stretching, probing, while holding Yveni against him and using his gift to watch for the slightest change for the worse. “Comfortable?”

“Mmmm. ’S good. Nice hands.”

“Nice arse.”

Yveni chuckled. “You had so many.”

“Aye, but yours is best. Because it’s yours.”


“Only the truth. Now, you’re really not in pain?”

“It pulls when I move but it’s bearable. The pleasure is more than any discomfort.”

“Tell me if that changes.”

“Yes, I will. Keep going.”

He had never taken it this slow with any of his young men, but none of them had been injured. He watched Yveni’s eyes and listened to his heartbeat as he eased another finger in. A little gasp, a quiet “gods”, but no wriggle of discomfort met his action. “Like that?”

“Oh yes.” Yveni shifted his leg to give Paole more access and for the first time, winced.

“No, don’t move. I’ll move you.” He kissed Yveni’s forehead and rested against it for a moment. “I’m going to roll you over.” He grabbed a pillow and placed it on Yveni’s side. “Slowly.”

For all their care, Yveni grunted a little in pain, and curled around the pillow for support. Paole stroked his back and kissed between his shoulder blades until he sensed Yveni’s heart rate ease again. “Sorry, sweetness.”

“It’s…all right. That’s the worst of it.”

“Deep breaths. That’s good.”

“Please, Paole. I’m ready.”

“I know. I want to enjoy this too. You’ve been a virgin for nineteen and a half years. Nineteen and a half minutes more won’t kill you.”

“How do you know? Touch me again. Make me

Still kissing and nuzzling at Yveni’s nape, Paole put more salve on his fingers and went back to playing with Yveni’s lovely arse. His cock twitched eagerly, waiting to find its home, but it was wider than two fingers, and Yveni was
tight. He didn’t want Yveni to know what it was like to be ripped apart by someone forcing him. He didn’t want anyone else to ever know that.

But the lad was ready, and eager, and Paole wanted him so very much. He put salve on his cock and nudged in gently. Yveni tensed up, gasping. “Easy, sweetness. Breathe. Breathe deep.”

“It…doesn’t hurt. It’s just…feels so huge.”

“I know.”

“Go on. I’m ready.”

A little farther in, and wait, still kissing and petting and murmuring encouragement to his love. It probably did hurt, despite what Yveni said, but so long as it felt good too…

“Feel that, sweetness? I’m right inside you. I’m as close as I can be.”

“That’s what I wanted. Oh, Paole. It’s so good. I wish I could see you.”

“Next time. Just feel me now.”

“Can you see me inside you? With your gift?”

“Aye, and it’s beautiful. Like we’re one being.”

“I wish I could see it. But I feel we’re one. I knew this was right. Do…uh…you move now?”



So he pulled back, thrust carefully. Yveni moaned, but not in pain, and when Paole stopped, he urged him to do it again, and again. Paole took Yveni’s cock in hand, and though it wasn’t erect, he could still stroke and squeeze and play, licking Yveni’s neck and shoulders, nibbling his earlobe in the way the lad liked best. Yveni felt so good, so tight and hot around him, it took real effort not to plunder him to relieve the driving need inside, but Paole kept control, and watched with eyes and gift and thoughts so that this would be more pleasure than pain for his lover.

Yveni moaned continuously now, his hips thrusting back and forth spasmodically, against Paole’s cock, into Paole’s hand, wanting more, wanting it faster. Paole dared not, but he speeded up a little. They breathed in synchrony, both covered in sweat, both needing the same thing, to come, to feel, to be joined as intimately as the physical allowed. Paole came with a quiet groan, spilling into Yveni’s tight and beautiful body, and in his hand, Yveni’s perfect cock twitched and jerked, and yielded his lover another climax, smaller but still powerful. Yveni gasped as the tension pulled on sore, healing muscles and the inflexible scar tissue, but only a little. The pain was less than the delight, and that was what Paole wanted, for now, for always.

He lay limp, listening to Yveni’s breath, feeling his pulse under the skin against his cheek. His cock softened but was content where it was, as was he, so there was no need to move right now. “Well, sweetness?”

“It was good, but now I’m really angry.”

Paole blinked, shocked out of his peaceful lassitude. “What? Why?”

“That you made me wait for it. Such a bastard, Paole.”

Paole grinned and kissed Yveni’s sweat-damp shoulder. “My apologies. I won’t make that mistake again.”

“Absolutely not. And I expect you to take a very long time making it up to me. Understood?”

“Understood, your gracefulness. Do I have permission to take a lifetime?”

Yveni picked up Paole’s sticky hand and kissed it, then looked up with his dark eyes shining. “Yes, you do.”

About the Author


Ann Somerville is a native of Queensland, Australia and after many years living in London, has returned home and now writes full time. She holds degrees in science, arts and internet technology, has written scholarly articles on several Victorian natural historians, and her partner is a zoologist, so her head is full of occasionally useful knowledge about amazingly useless things. She doesn’t want to ever get to the point where writing becomes work, because she’s having way too much fun with it.

To learn more about Ann Somerville, please visit
. Send an email to Ann Somerville at
[email protected]
or join her Yahoo! group at

Look for these titles by Ann Somerville


Now Available



On Wings, Rising

Reaching Higher

Many Roads Home

Dinun can’t fly—but he could be the answer to an Angel’s prayer.


On Wings, Rising

© 2008 Ann Somerville


The Encounters series, Book 1

Barely tolerated by his own kind, Dinun is a self-reliant soul who scratches out a living from the great, empty lands of Quarn. Always looking for unexpected treasure, he never dreams of finding an injured Angel.

Moon belongs to a race of telepathic winged humanoids. Exquisitely beautiful, sexually playful, Angels have always fascinated humans. Dinun’s feelings for Moon take flight as they become lovers, but a planetary invasion could destroy their future together.

Centuries ago, humans on Quarn saved their race from destruction by joining their DNA with that of the Angels. Now full-blood humans are stealing Angel children—including Moon’s son—for barbaric experiments. The full-bloods are prepared to slaughter anyone who gets in their way.

Thrust into a desperate race against time to save the infants, Dinun and Moon must battle against a people with weapons far beyond anything the Angels—or their human friends—can hope to defeat. Dinun brings to the fight his bravery and a determination to be true to himself. Will that be enough to save the children, and win the Angel he’s come to love?

Warning: This title contains graphic interspecies winged sex and violence.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
On Wings, Rising:

When he brought the second can of warmed water over, Moon carefully extended the wing to make cleaning easier. Now Dinun could appreciate just how long and wide it was, though it folded up to little thicker than Dinun’s arm.

“Beautiful,” he murmured as he wiped the cleaning leather down the silky fur.


Dinun looked up. “Doesn’t it hurt?”

“No. You. Touch.” ::Pleased::

Huh. Knowing that made him rather self-conscious, made him notice the way the fur shone in the afternoon sun, how the skin fluttered each time he stroked it with the leather. When he finally finished and tossed the leather into the bloodied water, ready to empty it away from the camp, he saw a rather more obvious sign of Moon’s enjoyment of the cleaning. The Angel sported a proud and sizeable erection from behind the fold of skin that normally covered his genitals.

“Oh. Uh.”

Moon covered his cock with his hand.
“You. Dislike.” ::Regretful::

“No, no…it’s, uh, impressive. Um, very big. In a good way. Excuse me.”

Dinun stood and grabbed the cans of water, bolting over to the stream to dispose of the dirty liquid. “By the spirits,” he breathed as he poured the water from the cans downstream of the collecting point. He reached inside his trousers to adjust himself. It was one thing to give a furtive blowjob or five to the supposedly happily married Kenwil or Rujo behind the stables, or to masturbate in his own bed to memories of men working in the fields, bared to the chest, but he’d never in all his life seen…

It had been beautiful. Perfect and long. Dinun wanted to know what it would taste like. What it would be like to kiss Moon or to feel those elegant Angel lips on his own cock—not that he knew what it was like to have
mouth on his penis, but he had a pretty fertile imagination. Being the only invert—officially at least—in a little settlement like Getake, it was either imagination or nothing.

His widowed ma, blessed be her spirit, had explained in her own gentle, nonjudgemental way what Dinun’s embarrassed admissions about not really wanting to have sex with girls meant. That it was normal, and certain men and women were just made that way, which was why their society allowed for provider-partners and same-sex troths. Talking to her, he’d felt good about himself. He was different but not wrong.

But then his ma died of a raging infection in wounds she’d sustained working with an injured bolli, and Dinun had lost one of his staunchest supporters before he’d turned twenty. Sora filled the gap a little way, but their relationship was based on commerce more than affection. Without his mother, Dinun had been exposed to the small-minded censure of a small-minded town. He knew more dirty secrets than he bet old Lopi would ever imagine existed, but
, he was the only male in town who preferred other men.

So what was the Angel doing, exposing himself like that? Offering? Boasting? Having a reaction to the physical stimulus?

Moon was perfect, even with the injury. Angels had a reputation for bewitching all who beheld them, and now Dinun understood why. Moon only had to turn that liquid green gaze on him and Dinun felt like doing anything he asked. Not that this was the reason he was helping, Dinun sternly told himself. The fact that he had a big, beautiful…

Get a grip
. Moon was injured and desperate to find his child. Dallying with someone from a different species…race, at least…was probably the last thing on his mind.


Dinun rinsed out the cans and the leather, and walked back with fresh water. Moon was eyeing the cooking birds on the fire.

“You’re hungry?”

“Yes. You. Anger.” ::Worried::

“No, I’m okay. I uh…was surprised. Not angry. You didn’t do anything wrong. How do you feel? The wing, I mean.”

“Pain. Small.” ::Relieved::

“Good. Here, have some of this.”

He set a plate of cooked fowl meat on Moon’s good side so he could eat while Dinun finished dressing and binding the injury. Amazingly, even the burn marks seemed to be fading. All this would have fascinated his mother. Dinun didn’t have the training to describe accurately what was going on. He suspected if he tried, it would sound magical, which wouldn’t endear him to the settlement council.

Moon docilely permitted Dinun to bundle him up in the cleaned doem skin.
“Tomorrow. I. Fly.” ::Determined::

“Probably.” He finished fastening the clips to keep the skin secure and turned to find himself almost nose to nose with the Angel. “Uh.”

“Dinun.” ::Grateful::

“Uh, you’re welcome.” Moon’s huge eyes seemed to draw him in. Dinun couldn’t make himself look away, but then he jumped as Moon lifted his hand to touch his face.

“Dinun. Kin.” ::Pleased::

“I suppose we are. I mean, we have the same skin and your fur’s like my hair—”

Moon cut off his nervous babbling by the simple application of his lips. Dinun froze in shock. No one had kissed him before, and certainly not—

Moon’s good arm went around him and pulled him closer. Dinun had enough presence of mind not to jostle Moon’s injured side, before he gave himself over completely to the feel of Moon’s firm mouth and eager tongue.

Moon tasted of roast meat and something else that was just him. His tongue sliding against Dinun’s made Dinun shiver, and he didn’t know why lips felt so good against his mouth, when he didn’t think his own were that sensitive. It was like…all of it together was a kind of magic. Not
the lips, or the tongue, or Moon’s hands, or the tingle of excitement as Dinun felt the very edge of Moon’s teeth. It was all of it together, until his mind filled with pleasure, his body coming alive, until every touch made him want to climb inside Moon’s skin just to be closer to him. It was nothing like anything he’d imagined before. Ever read about.

Even in his loose fitting trousers, Dinun felt a bit cramped, urgently needing relief, and against his stomach, Moon’s erection was hard and insistent with the Angel’s little thrusts making it clear what Moon wanted. But Dinun had never…

He slid down Moon’s silky legs until he was face to face with the long slender cock, so dark and perfect. This, he was confident he could do right. He’d had enough practice behind those stinky old stables.

Moon stroked Dinun’s face as he sucked, determined to make this the best blowjob he’d ever given. None of the men in the settlement had ever touched him or kissed him, had even spoken to him as they pushed him to his knees. Moon didn’t speak either but Dinun was immersed in pleasure coming from his companion, assured of his value by the gentle caresses, the intense desire and approval Moon sent in pulses towards him. Dinun stroked behind Moon’s cock where the small, tight balls were hidden by more luscious fur, dared to explore the swell of narrow buttocks and the tight cleft. But it was Moon’s cock that fascinated him. Sweetly shaped and sensitive to the lightest pressure, it responded to every caress, every slight movement, shivering and jumping as Moon shivered and jumped. Dinun thrilled at the reactions he wrought, so different from the stolid grunts and ignorant thrusts of the men in the settlement.

Moon came in one tidy, polite spurt and a flute-like vocalisation, shockingly loud after his habitual silence. Dinun swallowed and licked the unfamiliar but not unpleasant taste, resting his head on Moon’s thigh until the Angel got his breathing under control. Then Moon tugged Dinun up again so he could kiss him and pet his earlobe affectionately.

“You.” ::Grateful::

“You’re welcome,” Dinun whispered, his voice all husky from emotion. Spirits help him, Moon was beautiful.

Moon tugged insistently at Dinun’s pants but didn’t seem to know what to do to release him. Dinun quickly undid his belt and buttons, pulling his erection free. “Please?”

His wanton need washed away all embarrassment at being so bold but Moon sent a little wave of admiration at the sight of him, which made Dinun flush hot and feel like a giant among men, all at the same time.

Moon kissed him again as he put his hand on Dinun’s cock, Dinun kneeling spread-legged to give him access. It didn’t matter that this was the only way Dinun had ever come. What mattered was that it was someone else’s hand for once, and a hand of someone who responded to him as a person, not a dirty, secret convenience. Moon’s grip was strong and knowing, his mouth commanding Dinun as his hand stroked Dinun to a quick but powerful climax that left Dinun panting and hungry for…something.

Something more, he guessed. The appetite woken in his belly would not be sated with a handjob, but it was more than a start.

Blessed spirits. He’d just had sex with an Angel. He’d just had
. At the age of twenty-eight, he was no longer a virgin. Mostly not, anyway.

He’d had sex with an
. Wow.

BOOK: Many Roads Home
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