Read Maggie and the Master Online

Authors: Sarah Fisher

Maggie and the Master (14 page)

Chapter Eleven

Maggie woke the following morning, safe in her bedroom back at Max's elegant townhouse; her body marked by the crop, her mind indelibly marked by Max's power over her.

She showered and made her way downstairs, naked except for her collar, for that was all that had been left out for her on the dresser.

Mrs Griffin served breakfast in the dining room overlooking the park, and Max invited her to join him at the table and not, as she suspected he might, on her knees at his feet.

‘I'm very pleased with your progress, my dear,' he said, as they sat in the sitting room a little later, drinking coffee and relaxing in each other's company. ‘You've come a long way in a remarkably short time, Maggie.'

She smiled at him, basking in his approval. Her body was at his disposable. Her marks were his marks. He sat on the sofa with her legs over his lap, reading the morning newspaper and stroking her thighs, as one might a much-loved cat.

‘Your basic training will very soon be coming to an end,' he said casually, not lifting his attention or his gaze from the paper.

Maggie stiffened and felt the colour drain from her face, the sense of well-being evaporating instantly. Surely he couldn't mean what she thought he meant; it was too soon. Max looked at her, his features softening as if he could read her mind.

‘My dear Maggie, I explained to you when we first met that my role as a training master is to help find the submissive, the slave within you,' he said. ‘I bring it to the fore and then find the way to harness it sexually and emotionally, and I truly believe in your case that has already been accomplished. Look at you, look how far you've come. Am I not right?'

Maggie nodded, although at the same time she could feel her eyes filling with tears. This was not what she expected at all.

‘Another couple of weeks and you will be ready to be sold to a permanent master,' he went on. ‘A master who will train you as he wants, to his way of doing things. Trust me, my dear, the longer you stay with me the harder it will be for you to make that transition. I have shown you what is possible, what is in your heart, the nature of submission and obedience and the most basic rules, now you need to apply all you have learnt to a more permanent arrangement.' He sipped his coffee, eyes moving very slowly up over her body. ‘Some girls take months to get to this point, but you're a fast leaner, a natural, but I knew that the day I first saw you. It is very nearly time for you to move on.'

Maggie knew that what sounded like a compliment was in fact the hastening of the end of their arrangement. She felt an ache in her chest and struggled to hold back the tears. How could she possibly bear to lose what she had only so recently found? ‘I… I don't want to go,' she whispered.

Max smiled, stroking her thigh. ‘There is no need to worry, you won't just be sold to any old undesirable, I can assure you of that. Our slave auctions are by invitation only, and those who attend are already part of an inner circle of connoisseurs. It's a unique club of carefully chosen members. The auction will take place over a weekend at one of my fellow member's country estate. It will be fine, trust me.'

She looked at him anxiously, and Max leant close and very gently stroked the hair back off her brow. ‘Don't look so worried, we have time enough yet, my little one. And you knew this would happen sooner or later.'

Maggie nodded. ‘But I thought it wouldn't be for a long time yet,' she began, aware of how vulnerable and needy she sounded. How could she explain to Max that she believed, hoped that their journey together had only just begun, that in some way even though he was her master he was also her guide into a foreign world.

‘I have learnt to follow my instinct in these things,' he said. ‘But enough of this, tonight I have arranged for us to go to the theatre.'

The theatre? She looked at him in surprise. There were so many things she wanted to ask him, so many things she wanted to say, how on earth could he possibly think of such a thing now?

Max's smile broadened. ‘It will be your first formal introduction to some of the most influential members of our club, Maggie. These social events are very important to us - and I know you will not let me down.'

Maggie nodded, trying hard to hide her anxieties.

‘Smile,' he said. ‘It will be all right. Besides, surely you must know by now that I will always be here for you.'

She stared at him in astonishment, for it was by far the most intimate thing he had ever said to her, but any sense of comfort was short-lived. ‘I'm always here for my slaves, Maggie, that is part of my role,' he continued. ‘You are the latest in a long line of slaves, but trust me; very few come back for my help. Your fears will pass.

‘Now, I have business in town this afternoon, so while I'm away I suggest you rest. It's going to be a long night. When you've rested Mrs Griffin will wake you and help you get ready for your night out.'

‘So, all ready to meet the rest of the club, are you?'

Maggie started from her doze to find Guido leaning over the bed. As she tried to move he pinned her arms down and held her tight. Maggie looked round, trying to shake the sleep from her brain and at the same time work out exactly what was going on. The bedroom curtains were drawn but outside it was still daylight, and she sensed she hadn't been asleep for long.

‘I'll scream,' she warned, trying to prise him off her.

Guido laughed. ‘Really? And what good do you think that would do? Haven't I already told you that as a slave you're always available for whoever wants to use you for whatever purpose? And besides,' he grinned, eyes alight with mischief, ‘your master has gone to pick something up from town, or maybe he's gone to pick up someone. And Mrs Griffin? Well, she's down in the basement doing I don't know what, but trust me, whatever it is she isn't going to hear anything from up here, and that includes you screaming like a spoiled brat.'

‘What are you doing here?' Maggie demanded, trying to gain some initiative from him. ‘Why aren't you driving Max?'

He shrugged. ‘Max doesn't want me with him all the time.' He moved her wrists and held them above her head with one hand, while with the other he pulled down the duvet. She was naked except for her collar.

‘Very nice,' he leered, eyeing her body hungrily. ‘Now, are you going to do as I tell you or are you going to try my patience?'

Maggie strained against his grip but he held her fast.

Guido's expression hardened. ‘Another thing you should bear in mind,' he went on unmoved, ‘is that you don't fool me for a second. I know you enjoy being treated like this. I see in you what Max sees: a natural submissive, someone who likes to be dominated, to be vulnerable in the control of others. You might struggle but we both know that you like what's on offer. And when you're up for auction? Word gets around about who is worth bidding for. I don't know what Max told you, but there are some real bastards in that club of his. It wouldn't do for me to put a word in with them about you, now would it?'

Maggie looked up at him. ‘You're a bastard too, Guido,' she stated defiantly.

He nodded. ‘Oh yes, you could be right. But Max and I both, don't forget that. Don't be fooled by him, Maggie. Max and I are two faces of the same animal.'

She shivered, wondering if it was true, and before she could react Guido pulled a loop of rope from his jacket pocket and slipped it over both her wrists, jerking it tight, wrapping it round and round on itself until she was secured. Not that she resisted him any more; there was little point. Guido's power, like Max's, extended beyond the physical.

Once her arms were tied to the bed-head Guido took his time looking her over again. ‘Open your legs,' he ordered. ‘We won't do anything too rough for now, after all, Max's friends will have the use of you tonight, so we can't have you too sore, now can we?' As he spoke he secured each ankle to the corners of the bed, opening her legs wide, then pushing a pillow under her hips he stood back to admire his handiwork.

Open, tied down, totally humiliated and ready for him, Maggie closed her eyes; she wasn't even safe asleep in her bed.

‘It's such a shame you won't be here too much longer,' he said. ‘Just when I was developing a taste for you.' And then Guido shocked her by crouching and lapping at her sex, burying his face tight between her thighs, working his tongue and nose into her, drinking her in. Maggie gasped and tried to wriggle away from him, but where was there to go? Her wrists dragged on the rope as Guido pulled her onto his tongue, stiff to enter her like a tiny wet penis.

His eyes alight with lust he looked up at her from between her parted thighs, his tongue delving inside her. ‘Does Max ever tell you how good you taste?' he mumbled, withdrawing his mouth for a moment. ‘How good you smell?' He breathed deep, savouring her fragrance.

Maggie closed her eyes as Guido's fingers joined his tongue, fingers that not only breached her sex but also breached her anus, exploring the most secret parts of her body. He began to slide them in and out, stretching, making her writhe at the intense sensations despite her shame.

‘Oh yes, Maggie, I'm going to miss you,' Guido whispered into the soft flesh of her sex, the words dark and resonant, Maggie feeling them as much as hearing them. ‘Mind you, knowing Max it won't be too long before he finds a lovely replacement for me to enjoy.'

Maggie shuddered, trying to block out the cruel words, and despite the feelings of shame the passion was beginning to stir, each movement of Guido's tongue and fingers fanning the flames. She cringed, knowing Guido was as aware of her body's response as she was. He mumbled encouragement as she began to move instinctively against his mouth, her sex flooding with traitorous juices of excitement.

Even though tied to the bed her body sought his caresses, lifting as high as the bonds would permit, then she heard Guido snigger hurtfully as he pulled away and she strained to find his tongue.

‘You really are a little whore,' he snorted, wiping his chin with the back of his hand.

‘I know,' she said, her voice thick with desire. ‘Why don't you fuck me, Guido, please?'

‘You think I wouldn't?' he said.

Maggie felt his cock pressing at the lips of her sex, felt him trying to find his way into her body, and she, without conscious thought, lifted her hips a fraction to ease his entry. She gasped, still shocked by the way her body demanded satisfaction and pleasure. He stabbed his pelvis forward and sank his cock into her, stretching and filling her. Maggie loved the moment of penetration, the sensation making her shiver with delight, and then she heard a moan of acceptance and knew it was hers.

Guido sat back from her, fingers working over her clit, his shaft moving slow and deep inside her pulsating cunt, relishing the sensation of her body closing around him, while his other hand nipped and pulled at her breasts and nipples. Maggie tried to hold back the growing wave of gratification, tried to fight the heat building between her thighs, but knew it was a pointless exercise, merely delaying the inevitable.

Guido was driving them both relentlessly towards release. Maggie knew it wouldn't be long before both of them reached the point of no return. Above her he threw back his head, forcing himself deep, deep into her, his face contorted with the effort of struggling to withhold his climax, and just when she thought Guido was losing control she felt the waves of orgasm break over her, felt her sex sucking her tormentor dry.

Guido collapsed onto her, gasping for breath, sweat dripping from his face onto the pillow.

‘Maybe I should leave you tied up,' he rambled. ‘Maybe I should let Mrs Griffin find you like this. Maybe you'd like that… and maybe she would too.'

‘No, please,' she whispered wearily, ‘please just untie me.'

Guido pinched her nipple. ‘So you know about Mrs Griffin then?'

Maggie was confused, just wanting to be left alone now. ‘What about Mrs Griffin?'

‘Didn't you know she was Max's first ever slave?' he goaded her, grinning broadly. ‘I've seen the photographs of when he was training her. He had her pierced here… and here… to mark her as his.' He stroked Maggie's nipples to demonstrate, and then her clit. ‘He was younger then, of course, so he thought it better if she went to an older master who could continue her training appropriately. And then a couple of years ago when her master died she came home to her roots. And I just know she'd be delighted to find you all nicely tied up for her. She likes women as much as men; I know that for a fact. Perhaps she likes them even more than she likes men. Would you like me to call her up, so she can demonstrate?'

Maggie pulled on the ropes that held her wrists. ‘No, please Guido, please untie me.'

‘Why should I?'

Maggie froze. What reason was there? What was there that she could offer him he hadn't already had or could take? Under Max's roof she was a slave, there for the benefit of others. Not Guido's slave, true, but a slave nonetheless, a thing to be used and fucked on the whim of masters and mistresses. And he was right; if Mrs Griffin came in now she was as likely to fuck her as anyone else.

Guido pulled out of her, his flaccid cock wet against her inner thigh. ‘Don't worry, Maggie, I won't leave you tied up. We can't have Max's pride and joy getting cramp or rope burns on those pretty wrists or ankles. At least not tonight, not when you're going to be on show.'

With relief she lay back and let Guido untie her, longing for him to leave so she could curl up into a ball and go back to sleep and pretend his visit was no more than a bad dream.

Behind the false mirror Max watched avidly. He didn't like to admit it, even to himself, but seeing Guido fucking Maggie had ignited a little flicker of jealously in his gut. He shook his head. Maybe the sooner she went the better.

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