Read Lucky's Charm Online

Authors: Kassanna

Lucky's Charm (12 page)

“Dicklaus, the fool, has yet to make it back.” Siobhan patted her chest and lifted a slim pair of glasses that were hooked on a chain. She placed them on the bridge of her nose.

“Then there’s still a chance to free Tolley before the ass takes him into the keep.”

“I’ll not be helping with any such thing.” Siobhan sniffed. “I got you out of town. You should have continued home. There is no promise that Tolley is even alive now.”

“He is. I’ve no doubt.” There was a thread of conviction in Lucky’s words. “At least allow us a room until I can reach my men.” He exhaled. “With a tub, please.”

“What will I get in return, Lochlan?” She bobbed her head.

“You’ll be paid.” Putting Landis before him, Lucky headed toward the stairs. “We need hot water.”

“You owe half the country side,” Siobhan called after him.

“Which room number, Aunt Siobhan?”

“Does your mum know you carry on like this?”

“The room number please?” Lucky called over the banister.

“Seven,” she yelled over the
of metal pots hitting each other.

“Thank you!” He tugged Landis down the hall and turned the knob of the door with the number seven scrawled in the center.

There were only two rooms in the inn with actual tubs in them. The other rooms had pitchers with wash basins next to narrow beds. At least in this room, the bed could accommodate both he and Landis. And the tin tub… he tilted his head to gage the size of the bathtub and scrapped his knuckles over his jaw. He would make it work.

Lucky left Landis standing in the middle of the room. He lifted the room divider off the wall then set it a few feet from the door to block anyone viewing the tub from the entrance. He spun on his heel and came face to face with Landis. Her arms were crossed under her breasts pushing them up.

She narrowed her eyes. “Is there any particular reason you don’t want your
to get a look at me?”

“Two reasons, actually. ‘Aunt’ is a title of respect since she and my mum are old friends.” Lucky held up one finger. “Two, Siobhan is a gossipmonger. She is like a badly put together horse trough—she can’t hold water. One look at you and Dicklaus will know we are here along with every mercenary and any other being with ill intentions.” He pulled his long, wet coat off and tossed it over the divider. “Catching Dicklaus off guard will be hard enough without rumors of your existence swirling about.”

She pursed her lips. A sharp knock sounded at the door, and he pressed his finger to his lips before answering. Siobhan’s servant girl set a large pail of water down next to the jamb. Her damp locks were held together in a sloppy ponytail. She closed her hand around the handle of a second bucket and straightened. “Your heated water, sir,” the slight child huffed.

Lucky would guess her age at ten, perhaps twelve at most. “Leave ‘em. I’ll pour my bath.”

She offered him a wide, grateful smile and set the bucket down again. Without a word, she twisted around and scurried down the hallway.

He picked up a pail in each hand and traveled across the room to empty them in the tub. Then he left them outside the doorway before closing it. Landis had taken a seat on the bed. “Care to join me, luv?” He marched over to the tub and skimmed his fingers in the water.

“I’m still trying to understand your issue at being seen with me.” She lifted her chin.

“It’s not a problem, but you’re not familiar with our ways. In all my travels, I have never seen a more beautiful woman. Here, you are different. I can think of many creatures who wouldn’t hesitate to kidnap you. It’s not that I care if you’re seen with me, I don’t want you to be seen at all yet. You need to be able to defend yourself and be more comfortable with your surroundings so you can easily maneuver if for some reason you need to make an escape.” He yanked at the cords that kept his britches tied. “If something happens to me, I need to know you will survive. Because once word is out about you and who you travel with…” He sighed. “I won’t be the only one wanted.”

Landis rose and strolled over to him. “Trust me when I say I can handle this. I am well aware of what I am getting into with you.” She slid her hands around his waist. “Now about that bath.”

He dipped his head and rubbed his nose to hers. “Want to know what I want right this moment?”


“You in that tin tub with me. Strip,
Mo Shearc

Lucky stepped out of her embrace and allowed his pants to fall. He bent to untie his boots and straightened to toe them off before stepping out of his pants. Her gaze drifted to his cock. His manhood hardened under her perusal. He stroked his rod and arched a brow when she lifted her eyes to peer at him. “Strip,
Mo Shearc

Steam rose off the water, and the liquid splashed dangerously close to the rim when he stepped in. Gently he took a seat and eased to the back of the tub. As the heat seeped through his skin, his muscles started to relax. He had pushed hard to get them to Droicheal, a three days ride done in a day, and his body was a testament to the punishment he’d endured. No doubt Landis ached, too, but she never complained. He laid his head back on the rolled rim of the tub and placed his arms on the sides.

Landis took her the end of her shirt in her hands and slowly shimmied as she eased it up her body. Once over her head, she tossed it aside. She reached behind her and the front of her undergarment fell, exposing succulent breasts. The jewelry he had placed around her neck sparkled against her skin. Her nipples extended, and he licked his lips in anticipation of rolling them across his tongue.

As she worked the metal fastening on her jeans, she wiggled her hips and his mouth went dry. Slipping her fingers beneath the waistband, she rolled the material down her legs. She hopped on one foot, then the other as she pulled off her funny shoes and yanked off the pants. Landis faced him and blew out a breath. “I refuse to put that shit back on.”

“I don’t blame you.” Tiny eddies swirled the water when he shrugged. “The water is getting cold, luv.”

“You owe me clothes and boots. I had to leave the pair I acquired at the last camp.” She dangled her fingers in the water.

“Tomorrow.” He offered her his palm.

She reared back. His clover pendant rocked between her breasts. “Really, you want to wait for tomorrow…” She smiled mischievously. “To play?”

“Come here.” He growled as he lunged forward. Water washed over the rim and crashed to the floor. He latched on her arm and yanked her in.

She fell into the tub and he held her, skimming his hand down her back to cup her ass. Landis giggled against his neck and put her palms between them, trying to push off his body. He clutched her wrists and pushed her hands lower on his form. Her digits grazed his dick and he dropped his head back. She took his member in a firm grasp and slid her hand up and down his aching shaft. Pre-cum seeped from the small slit in his cock head and blended with the water. He flexed his pelvis, pushing his member in the circle of her fingers. Water sloshed around her shoulders, blurring her figure. She leaned forward and lapped drops from his chest, curling her tongue around his nipple.

He held the rim of the tub, his heart beating in his throat as she stroked his rod. Tingles shot up his legs from his toes. Lucky inhaled shallow breaths through his nose. She increased her speed, jerking him off. Veins rose up along his arms, he grasped the metal edge of the tub so tightly. She began to massage his sack and his legs jumped involuntarily.

Landis stopped and reared back on her haunches. The ruddy head of his cock breached the surface of the water and she circled the tip with her finger. Holding his gaze, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to it. The steel chain she wore brushed his balls. His audible groan sounded like pure desperation. She swirled her tongue around his dick head. The tingling shot up his back.

Lucky urged her upward. “Another time, luv,” he panted.

She ran her hands along his arm and didn’t budge when he pushed her back. Drops of water flew off her locks as she shook her head. “Give me…you. All of you.” The tub squeaked as she moved and positioned herself over his rod. Gently she lowered her body, teasing him by rocking against the head of his shaft. She slid her slit along his dick before sheathing it. Her biceps tensed and her knuckles were pale where she gripped the tub’s lip to hold herself aloft.

She wanted to tease him? He would give her as good as he got. Lucky wrapped his hands around her waist and bent forward to suck a taut nipple between his lips. As he grazed the dark peak with his teeth, her arms quivered. He looked up and saw her throat working. She dropped a bit, taking more of his member into her channel.

Lucky skated his palms up her back, digging the blunt tips of his fingers into her soft skin, and flexed his hips. Buoyancy kept him aloft as she bowed, pushing more of her areola into his mouth. He sucked harder. Now completely seated in her heated passage, he held her in place.

Water churned as she ground on his shaft. When she rose up on her knees and came down again, he released her tight nipple with a wet
. All he could do was hold on as she rolled her hips up and down. He bent his legs as the currents continued sizzling through his body.

She would ride up and he would slam her down, forming a rhythm. He closed his eyes as lines zigzagged through his vision. Her whimpers escalated to wails and she leaned in, her ass bobbing as she rode his dick.

He grabbed her by her locks and opened his eyes, meeting her gaze. “
Tá grá agam duit.

She cupped his jaw. “Show me.” Landis threw her head back and placed her hand over his heart.

He let go of her hair and enclosed his arms around her, yanking her close. The leaves of the four-leaf clover jabbed his skin and her taut tips pushed against his chest. His groans mounted as her slick heat infused his rod. Landis yelled out her release, her pussy undulating around his cock. She lowered her head and bit his shoulder. Driving upward, he plunged into her tight passage, bellowing out as he rose off the back of the tub. His belly clinched and his muscles seized as his orgasm rocked through him.

Landis slid her arms around his neck and squirmed around before settling down. She laid her head on his chest and sighed. He loosened his grip, content to still be intimately connected with her.

She traced her finger along his collarbone. “I still need clothes.”

“I know.” Lucky’s eyes drifted closed. “Later I’ll take care of those needs.”

“Then what. We still have to think about Tolley.” She lifted her head and her chin dug into his chest.

He opened his eyes and chuckled. “Somehow you will steal a doll and we will hijack a golem.”

“Excuse me.” She moved to rise and he held her down.

“Tomorrow, we can save the world tomorrow,
Mo Shearc
.” He kissed her hair. “Tonight, the waters are cool, and I be anxious to feel ye in a soft bed.”

Between Landis’ breasts, the pendant shone. He peered at it for a few moments. The jewelry piece was ancient, passed down through the generations in his family. His lips lifted at the corners. He no longer believed it to be his lucky charm. No, against her skin it glistened as if it had always belonged with her. He cocked his head to the side. He’d been keeping the pendant safe for Landis. She was his lucky charm.


~ Coming Soon, Book Two, Through the Veil ~




Kassanna is a strong believer in love at first sight and happily ever afters. After meeting her husband in November and marrying him three months later in February, the two have survived and mostly enjoyed every adventure life has thrown their way. Ten years, two children, a couple of dogs and a wild turkey that came out the woods and somehow adopted them later, the adventure continues.


Writing has always been her passion but fate sometimes has other roads that must first be taken. Navigating the road less traveled was not only unexpected but in the end extremely rewarding. Her books are mainly contemporary romance, but she has delved into the paranormal and plans on expanding into other areas as the ideas come to her. Right now she is enjoying life, and seeing her work come into fruition makes it that much more pleasurable, especially when her books make others smile. Kassanna wouldn’t have it any other way.


She can always be found at her website
or her blog


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