Loving Heart (The Broken Heart Series Book 3) (17 page)

“What’s up Nick? I have a Captain’s badge. Have we forgotten how to address a Captain?” I eyed him up and down letting him know, one false move, and I was going to knock him the fuck out.

“I’m not part of this precinct remember?” He said sarcastically while unwrapping a stick of gumand placing it in his mouth. I ignored him for fear that I would actually pull out my gun and shoot him right between the eyes.

“I see.” I inhaled deeply before proceeding. “Listen, how do you get someone into witness protection?” I asked politely.

“Well, that’s a long story. You see, you have to…” I stopped him dead in his tracks.

“Do you know or not?” My voice was stern. He stopped speaking and looked at me embarrassed.

“Are you going to let me explain?” He said mockingly.

“You know Stevenson. I don’t like you very much and right now, I don’t like you at all. Don’t you have to go back to Central? Or something?” He took a step back and looked around the precinct. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at him.

“Listen, I’m sorry Nick. I can email you the info. It’s fairly simple. It doesn’t take a genius.” He stuck out his hand for a handshake but, I kept my hands in my front pockets. Everyone snickered then dispersed in a matter of seconds. I smiled at him. I think he needs a private visit. From me.

I walked into my office and sat at my computer. An email from Stevenson’s boss, Rick Flannery was waiting for me to be opened. I clicked on the email.

Hey Captain, just wanted to give you a heads up. If you have any questions about the witness protection program, please contact me directly. Stevenson doesn’t have as much experience yet. He’s new. Contact me anytime.

Rick Flannery

So good ole’ Stevenson reported my ass. That motherfucker doesn’t know the jokes on him. I picked up my cell phone and called him immediately.

“Hey, did you just report me?” I barked.

“No, I simply told my boss that…” his voice quivered on the other end.

“Right. Well, I’ll be seeing you Friday, right?”

“Umm…for what?”

“You always come to the station on Friday. We’ll talk then.” I hung up the phone and threatened him the only way I knew I could. Nicely. I’m going to make sure he’s locked in the locker room downstairs on Friday. Someone needs to teach that motherfucker a lesson.

“Rivera, come here.” I whispered to one of my colleagues.

“What’s up Captain?” he nodded.

“Make sure Stevenson gets a warm welcome on Friday morning when you are the only one here. He needs a couple of ribs broken. Do it quietly. The way I taught you.” I smirked and Rivera knew exactly what I was talking about. Mission accomplished. Stevenson would be out of work for a couple of days. I’m sure Central wouldn’t miss him at all.

I sat at my computer and took out my cell phone from my pocket. I tracked Jenesis' phone with the tracker I placed in it the day she ran into my arms like a scared little girl. She was wiping her tears and I was placing the tracking device very quickly in her phone. I’ve tracked her every move for three months now. She’s lucky she never went to see Michael. She’s lucky I’ve been waiting this long for her. She really is naive. Maybe even a little stupid. I could actually taste her tongue in my mouth.
Now, where is this bitch.

“Hmmm…Six West One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Street…moving up in the world aren’t we Michael.” I whispered to myself.

I started to prepare for what looked like war. I needed everything in place. Jenesis would soon be mine, but first, I needed Michael out of the picture.










Chapter 17    Jenesis

I hailed a cab and got in. “Six West One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Street, please.” I told the cab driver. I was shaking all over; the feeling of Deja vu screwing with my mind. I called Michael.


“I’m coming over.” I said as my lips quivered.

“Come, I’ll be waiting.” he whispered as if he were asleep.

I glanced behind me as more cop cars bombarded the front of my building. My heart pounded against my chest.
What the hell did Marquis want with me? My baby. That’s all I thought about was the baby.

As we approached the brownstone, Michael was standing in the front waiting for me. I was so scared I didn’t even want to get out of the cab.

“Thank you.” I paid the driver and stepped out of the cab perusing my surroundings.

“Jenesis, baby, what's going on?” He grabbed me by the shoulders gently.

“Michael, let’s go inside.” I grabbed his hand and walked towards the house.

“Jenesis, what is it?”

“Close the door.” I whispered. “Marquis, he was at my apartment. He killed Cassandra” I shook my head in disbelief.

“What? What are you saying?” His eyebrows furrowed as he inhaled deeply.

“Nick was waiting for me when I left your apartment.” I sat on the chair in the living room. “He told me Marquis raped and killed Cassandra…He left a note.”

“Raped and killed Cassandra? From the precinct? She’s a cop.” He walked over to the couch. “How the hell did he manage to do that? He left a note?” His eyebrows furrowed as he gazed at me with suspicion.  “What killer would leave a note Jenesis? This has to be a set up. This has to be Nick. What did it say?” My head lowered towards the floor. “Jenesis, please…tell me.”

“It read…I’m waiting for you Jenesis with Cassandra’s lipstick that was shoved down her throat.” I choked on the last word and let out a yelp. I was so scared. It reminded me of Dave and I began to shiver.

“Jenesis, you can’t be alone. You’re pregnant…please stay with me.” he pleaded.

“I need my things.” He smiled and grabbed me by the waist. I held him and we stood quietly holding each other. I loved him. I needed him now more than ever.

“I’ll call a friend and have him pick up your clothing. That’s all we can get. If they see a moving truck…they’ll follow it here.” he was anxious as he held both of my hands.

“Okay…I need my own room, though. I don’t want to ruin things between us.” My eyes met his.

“Of course, the room fit for a queen is yours. I’ll stay in the baby’s room until he’s born.”

“But you have a guest room.”

“I want to feel like I’m near my son since I can’t sleep in the same bed and hold you. As long as you’re both safe, nothing else matters.” He was hurt and I wanted to tell him everything would be like it was before, but I couldn’t. We had to stay away from each other and work this out… the right way. If there was sex involved, our judgment would be clouded and I wanted this to work without it failing again.

“Thank you for taking care of me.” I smiled and he led me to my bedroom, and then I closed the door behind me. I sat on the bed and I wept.
How can my life start over when the past is refusing to let me go?

I laid in my bed in a fetal position thinking about how much Michael and I have been through and how much longer we could handle the obstacles that were thrown in front of us. The baby moved inside of me and I closed my eyes tightly as the tears slid down my cheeks. I was worried, but I was more worried about the baby. My eyes opened suddenly when I heard Michael screaming. I ran and opened the bedroom door and saw Michael arguing with Nick.

“She’s not leaving here!” Michael shouted.

“She has to! She’s in danger and Marquis I’m sure knows she’s here!” Nick yelled. “We will take her to a safe location until we find him.” Nick barked. “Michael stop acting like an ass! Dammit! What’s wrong with you? Don’t you love her?” He shouted.

“Damn you, Nick. You’re trying to take her from me. I can protect her!” Michael turned and walked over to me. “Tell him, Jenesis, tell him you want to stay with me.” I looked into his eyes.

“Michael, please, if Nick thinks Marquis knows I’m here…then I should leave.” He bowed his head towards the floor. “Not because I want to…but because I’m worried about the baby.”  I took his hand and placed it on my belly. I stood on my tippy toes and reached for his lips. “I love you and that will never change.” Nick extended his hand to me and I walked over and grabbed his hand.

“This isn’t about who loves Jen the most. It’s about how we can keep her and the baby safe until he’s born.” Nick’s eyes met mine and I nodded my head. Michael shook his head.

“Okay…but I want to know where she’s at twenty-four hours a day and I need to be able to stay in contact with her.” Michael demanded.

“Sure…here is the address and the number to the untraceable cell phone. Michael, try to keep your head on straight, we need you stay cool.” Nick said softly.

“Jenesis, I love you.” Michael whispered in my ear.

“I love you, more.” I said as the tears welled up in my eyes.

Nick grabbed me by the elbow gently then placed his arms around me. He placed a black trench coat over my head and face and escorted me out of the brownstone into a black, all tinted window Pathfinder. We sat in the truck and Nick removed the coat from my head.

“No one will ever hurt you, Jen. Not as long as I am breathing.” He leaned in to kiss me.

“Please don’t, I appreciate all you’re doing for me, but I need you not to do that…please.” I pleaded. I loved that he wanted to protect me, but my heart belonged to Michael. Every thought, every heart pounding memory was with Michael and I didn’t know how to shut it down. I closed my eyes and Nick held me in his arms. I fell asleep and when I awoke, we had arrived at our destination.

We entered the house that looked like a mansion. I turned around behind me and the driveway seemed like miles and miles away. It disappeared into a long row of trees and it seemed as if there was no end in sight. The doors swung open and a butler and a maid stood at the door to greet us. The double staircase banisters were glistening under the enormous chandelier above our heads.

“Mrs. Hunter…Welcome, I’m Max, short for Maxwell. I’ll be helping you get adjusted.” he said smiling. He was a tall man and had huge shoulders and muscles that wanted to break free from his uniform.

“Thank you. Where am I?” I asked looking around the room. I thought I was seeing things. The familiarity of the Victorian paintings and everything set meticulously on the table and shelves sent a shiver down my spine. Especially, the photos on the mantle fireplace in the hallway. There was something eerie about this house but, I couldn’t put my finger on it. The feeling was uncanny, I felt very uncomfortable. I almost felt Dave’s presence. This definitely wasn’t the witness protection house you saw in the movies.

“I’m not at liberty to give you that information. Just know that you are safe.” He smiled. That smile seemed plastered on his face, fake as hell, and I was getting nervous.

“Okay, where’s Nick?”

“He’ll be back tonight.” he nodded.


“Let me show you your room. Constance?” He summoned the maid that was at the door.

“Yes sir?” The young woman walked quickly towards us. She wore a light blue dress uniform that was buttoned up to her neck. Her eyes were big and bright and her hair was wrapped up in a bun. She couldn’t have been more than twenty years old.

“Please escort Mrs. Hunter to her room upstairs. I’ll ask Nina to prepare dinner.” she nodded and motioned for me to follow her. I walked up the double staircase and followed her to the right. She opened the door and guided me into the room. The queen Victorian styled room was beyond breathtaking and I started to wonder what the hell was going on. Constance led me to the closet and opened it.

“Here are some new clothes. You can change if you want to before dinner.” She spoke in a whisper. I was frightened and I didn’t know why, but I felt so uncomfortable. I didn’t want to stay but I didn’t have a choice. I needed to keep the baby safe and that’s what I did.



Before I knew it, three weeks had passed and the cell phone that Nick gave Michael was never used. I hadn’t heard from Michael. It was the same routine every night with Nick, I would shower then meet him downstairs for dinner. Every night he requested I wear a new dress. Constance helped me pick out a dress from the huge walk-in closet in my room. She also insisted on doing my hair. It had to be wrapped up in a bun with a few loose strands hanging on the side of my face. She gave me a manicure and pedicure twice a week. I didn’t mind dressing up. It was actually fun. But, it was weird. I was expecting to see men in suits with machine guns following me to the bathroom, but there was no one. No one but the butler and the maid. I was treated like a queen, and I knew Nick was trying to win my heart, but I was leery and I wanted to go home to Michael. I didn’t get any news about Marquis, whether they caught him or whether they killed him, and Nick never updated me on Michael either.

I guess I couldn’t complain. My nights with Nick were rather enjoyable. He was the perfect gentleman. Sometimes after dinner, he would wait until I showered and sat with me until I fell asleep. I’d wrap my arms around his waist and lean my cheek against his strong chest. He smelled divine. Like fresh flowers and expensive cologne. He was so gorgeous, too. That didn’t help much. Every time he raked his fingers down my back the sensation went straight to my core. Sometimes, I’d wake up with drenched panties just thinking of him. I felt so ashamed because I missed Michael so much and every time I asked Nick if Michael called he would answer no. I needed some answers. I was going to get them and I knew just who to get it from.

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