Read Loving A Romano Online

Authors: Sindee Lynn

Loving A Romano (9 page)

“Oh, I’ve seen that look before.” Yvette said.

She put her elbows on the table and rested her chin in her upturned palms. Ashley couldn’t keep her smile from growing wider as the thought of getting another taste of Wade took shape in her head. Last night had been almost surreal. The very person she’d convinced herself she could never have had materialized as if out of thin air. “It’s crazy to even contemplate.”

“Uh-huh,” Yvette replied.

“I’ve never considered getting into a sexual relationship or any kind of relationship with anyone white before,” Ashley continued.


“He’s ten years younger than I am.”

“Uh-huh,” Yvette replied once more before leaning back her arms folded across her small chest.

“Okay so what am I saying here?” she asked.

“If I’m not mistaken, I believe you're saying you're about to fuck Wade Romano.” Yvette had a smirk on her face. “Again.”

Did it have to sound so nasty when she said it? Ashley cut her eyes in her friend’s direction but the smile that she’d been holding back finally spread across her whole face.



Chapter Ten


“You never answered my question about what you thought of my tongue ring,” Wade asked innocently.

They were sitting in Ashley’s kitchen at the counter sharing a cup of coffee. She had been sneaking looks at his profile since he’d come downstairs. He’d refrained from putting on a shirt and she found the play of light muscles in his back fascinating.

“Hmm? What did you ask me?” She pulled her attention away from where it had been and looked into his blue eyes.

“I asked what you thought of my tongue ring. Every now and then I catch you staring at it. I know some older women tend to frown upon any piercings,” he said sticking it out and flashing it at her.

“Are you insinuating I’m old?”

“I would never do anything like that.”

“Hmm.” Her eyes were glued on his mouth.

His tongue moved slowly moved in and out his parted lips. Her chest rose and fell in her efforts to catch her breath. It was as if she were mesmerized. Ashley couldn't tear her eyes away from the sight of that tiny ball as it stroked along his lip before disappearing back into his mouth. She wanted desperately to follow it into his heated depths and suck it into her mouth.

“You’re doing it again,” Wade said moving from his stool to stand in beside her.

He placed a firm grip on her hips as he turned her to face him before he parted her knees to insert himself between them.

“Am I?” She was fighting to keep her breathing as normal as possible.

“Yes you are. Do you like it Ashley? Do you want to know what it feels like to have it thrust deep inside your…,” he paused.

Ashley stared at him, her eyes big as saucers.

“Inside my what,” she whispered.

“Inside your… mouth,” he said leaning closer to her.

She gasped when he licked her parted lips, the tiny ball brushing against the sensitive skin.

“That’s okay you don’t have to say a word. I can see your answer in your eyes.”

He placed soft kisses against her jaw line. Warm lips brushed against her earlobe before she felt the cool touch of his tongue ring. Her hands itched with the need to touch his bare chest. She balled them into tight fists at her side. She knew if she started she wouldn't be able to stop. His hips shifted against her making it hard for her not to feel his growing arousal against her belly.

Her breasts ached to be touched. Each time she breathed it brought her bare nipples in contact with the material of her shirt, causing them to harden further. She chanced a glance up to see if he had noticed her body’s reaction to his closeness. His eyes were focused on the hardened peaks pressing against his chest.

Wade’s hands moved down her back to slide inside her sweat pants where he cupped her flesh. She bit her lip to hold back her moans of pleasure. Her mouth went dry and she remained perfectly still. She was afraid if she moved he’d stop what he was doing. Her lids drifted shut but when he inserted a finger between her ass cheeks, grazing her puckered hole, they snapped open. She could no longer contain her groan of pleasure as he stroked the full length of her slit, never thrusting into any hole just running along the crease.

“Do you like that Ashley? Do you want more?”

How was she supposed to answer when she couldn’t even think? She could do nothing more than nod her head. Yes she wanted more. So much more

His wandering finger dipped into the flowing juices of her cunt, slowly stroking in and out of her moisture. She was on the edge of an explosive orgasm. She could feel it. Her fingers bit into his shoulders for support.

“Oh Wade,” she groaned.

Dicami che cosa desiderate?
” The softly spoken Italian phrase brushed against her ear. “Tell me what you want.”

Her stomach muscles tightened. Her eyes met his. She could clearly see he was barely holding onto his own desire. She reached up to loop her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

“Li desidero.”
The words were barely a whisper but she knew he heard them. “I want you.”

Ashley gave a deep sigh when his fingers grazed her clit. Her legs opened wider as he spread her outer lips and began caressing her hardened nub. Two fingers began to thrust slowly into her moist heat. Her breath came out labored. She lifted hooded eyes to meet the dark sapphire of his. He was feeling it too. She licked her lips as she reached for him to keep herself upright as his fingers began thrusting harder. He lowered his head. His hot breath grazing her lips as they moved closer.

“All you have to do is say the word and I’m yours.”

Wade brushed his lips against her parted ones then thrust his tongue between them, sweeping the inside of her mouth. At the same moment he shoved his fingers deeper into her pussy. Ashley’s cunt clenched tightly and her juices gushed as an orgasm washed over her hard and fast taking her breath with it.

Ashley sat straight up in bed and glanced around frantically. Only the harsh sounds of her breathing could be heard in the quiet room. She was still alone. Just as she’d been when she’d turned the lights out. She fell back in bed, her arm flung across her face. She couldn't recall the last time she’d had a wet dream. Her clit ached and her body still hummed from the force of her orgasm. How was she supposed to sleep now? Glancing at the clock on her nightstand, she reached for the phone. Not allowing herself time to think she punched in the numbers.

“Hello?” Her insides quivered. “Where are you?”

“At Jake’s. Are you okay Ashley? It’s almost midnight.”

Her body was on fire. Moisture was leaking from around the sides of her panties. Her breasts ached and her nipples were hard to the point of being painful. She was definitely not okay.

“That depends on how you define okay.”

Her hand drifted across her aching breasts and pinched a hardened nipple. Her breath caught in her throat. She almost missed the soft laughter on the other end.

“That was cryptic. Care to elaborate?”

He sounded as if he were moving.

“I’m okay for a woman who’s hornier than hell.”

There was a pause and only his breathing can be heard.

This was not the time to play around the issue. Her body was on fire and there was only one person who could put it out. They could deal with all the other crap later but for now she knew one thing. She needed to be fucked and only Wade would do.

“And you’re calling me because?”

It was her turn to pause. Was he kidding? Playing some type of game? Pride almost made her tell him to forget it and pass the call off as some sort of joke but her wandering hand had reached her soaked panties.

“Because I have every confidence you can help solve my dilemma. Now how soon can you get here?”

Enough conversation. She needed him here and now.

“That depends on how fast you need me to drive.” Wade's voice was raspy.


She heard the sound of a car door closing and the quiet purr of a car engine being started

“Give me five minutes,” he said and disconnected the call.

Ashley threw the covers back and jumped from the bed. She put the phone back on its cradle and ran to brush her teeth. She had just finished running the comb through her hair when her doorbell rang.

Leaving her bedroom, she hurried downstairs. Ashley stopped at the bottom of the stairs and took a deep calming breath. She could see him through the curtains covering the glass which framed her door. His baseball cap was pulled down low over his eyes and his hands were shoved into his pockets. She quickly disarmed her security system before opening the door wide. As she took in the smoldering gaze he was giving her from beneath the rim of his cap, she knew she’d been right to call him

“A little birdie told me you were in need of some assistance.”

Her response was to pull him inside and close the door behind him. Before it closed fully she was pushing him against it, her body pressed close to his.

“You have on too many clothes,” she whispered against his ear before running her tongue down his neck.

He moaned as she continued to nibble at his neck. His fingers moved under the loose fitting shirt he had on. She needed to feel his skin against hers.

“Give me a minute and I’ll take care of that for you.”

Wade grasped both her hands in one of his. She attempted to pull them free but he wasn’t having any of it. “Let’s go upstairs where we’ll be more comfortable.”

He didn’t give her a chance to object just set the alarm and pulled her up the stairs behind him. This was a side of him Ashley hadn't seen before—the dominant side. The side that let her know beyond a shadow of a doubt he was the man and he was in control and it turned her on.

As soon as they stepped foot inside her bedroom he turned and speared her with a look so hot she almost came right there. “Now I believe you were saying I had on too many clothes.”

She stood there, mesmerized as he slowly stripped off each piece of clothing until he stood in front of her naked. Her eyes roved slowly over his tall lean frame and he stood still allowing her to look her fill. Confidence oozed off of him in waves.

Ashley moved closer to him, allowing her robe to fall to the floor in her wake. The thin straps of her night gown slipped from her shoulders and she paused only long enough to allow the silky material to glide down the length of her body.

Wade gave a quick intake of breath and his eye lit up letting her know he liked what he saw. She walked a little straighter, her breasts thrust forward. Her nipples were pebble hard and ached to be touched. Stopping with only centimeters between them she said, “I need you.”

“You have me,” he whispered back before swooping down to take her mouth in his.

A few moments later he came up for air. “Ashley I don’t think I can wait to have you.”

“I don’t think you need to.” She kissed her way down his chest until she had one of his pierced nipples in her mouth. She tugged gently on the ring.

“In that case.” He lifted her from the ground.

“What are you doing? Put me down.”

With little to no effort he walked with her to the bed and laid her gently down on her back.

“I’m taking you to bed so I can fuck you. That is why you called me isn’t it?”

Ashley paused before answering. Maybe she was just reading too much into it. Besides he was correct. It was why she had called him. “Yes.”

He placed a knee between her legs and motioned them apart. She glanced down and saw he’d already donned a condom.
When had he done that?
In the next breath Wade was entering her and all thoughts except the pleasure moving over her was gone.



Chapter Eleven


It was eight o’clock Saturday morning and Ashley was parked in the Romano driveway. She looked in the mirror of her sun visor, checking her lip gloss and her hair for the umpteenth time since leaving home. A nervousness rolled through her stomach. She was actually nervous about seeing Wade. It was almost laughable. After all he’d only left hours prior.

She glanced at her reflection again and saw a wicked twinkle enter her eyes. The things they’d done. She leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. When she felt herself slipping down in her seat, she forced herself to straighten. It wouldn’t do to think on the events of last night too much. Not when she was about to go into a meeting with Maura and Heather.

“Pull it together girl,” she told her reflection. “And quick.”

Ashley got out of her truck, adjusting her denim mini skirt. She straightened the spaghetti straps of her blue silk tank top, making sure her strapless bra was in place and pushing up what it should. Satisfied at her appearance she walked up to the massive double doors of the Romano family home. She was about to ring the bell when the door swung open and a gorgeous Antonio Romano, Joey and Maura’s eldest son, stood there smiling at her. He was every bit as tall as Wade with the same jet black hair and sparkling blue eyes but that’s where the similarities ended. Antonio was heavier than Wade by about fifty or so pounds with muscles in all the right places. A chest most men would die to have and most women would die to touch.

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