Read Loving A Romano Online

Authors: Sindee Lynn

Loving A Romano (15 page)

Marty punched Jay in the arm. “Whatever man. You know we both suck and they love pummeling us on the basketball court. Next week it’s soccer and we’ll get to see who’s laughing then.”

“Damn right,” Jay said touching water bottles with Marty before taking a huge gulp.

“I don’t know about Wade but I plan to be busy next week. Excuse me if I bow out of that ass whipping,” Jake said laughing as he fell onto the chair beside Wade.

They were all quiet for a while allowing their bodies to cool down and to catch their breaths. The four of them had been friends since grade school.

“Where’ve you been hiding out this week lover boy? Or should I say with whom,” Marty asked looking over at Wade a sly grin on his face.

He took another swallow of his water before glancing at his friend. The only person who knew about him and Ashley was Jake. His friends knew he’d had a jones for her for years but he still didn’t know how they’d react. Would they be happy he’d finally gotten her or place bets on how long it took him to fuck things up?

“Yeah I’ve been seeing somebody,” he finally admitted.

“No shit. I think we all knew that. The question is which one of Austin’s many young beauties has managed to catch your eye?” Jay asked with a laugh.

He glanced over at Jay who had gotten up to get more water for them all. He took his time opening his and taking a long swallow before he answered. “Ashley.”

“No way man. You’re full of shit. Ashley is like hot. Like grown woman hot. She wouldn't give you the time of day for real,” Marty said laughing. “I know you’ve been after her for a while and when you’re that focused on one person it’s easy to become disillusioned. Thinking they want what you want and that they want you when in reality nothing could be further from the truth.”

Wade looked over and saw Jake was enjoying this a little too much. “What the fuck are you laughing at? You going to help me out here?” 

Jake threw up his hands in defense. “Hey I can’t help it if they can’t wrap their minds around Ashley actually wanting a dickhead like you.”

Wade stared at his friends who were still grousing him before he had to laugh himself. “Okay. Alright. I will admit the odds of Ashley actually giving me the time of day were against me but it’s true. No matter what you haters say or think. I’ve finally captured the attention of the hottest woman I know.”

Jay and Marty stared at him before they began shaking their heads and arguing about his mental state. Wade accepted it all good naturedly. It was a shock after all. Hell he was still trying to get used to the idea himself.

A ringtone sounded… they all looked for their cell phones. He located his first and noticed the caller id. A smile lit his face as he looked over at his friends and answered.

“Hey sweetheart.”

“Hey yourself. Where are you?”

A mischievous smile tilted the corner of his mouth up in a crooked grin
. “I’m just hanging out with my good for nothing friends. Why do you need me to come over?”

“No, you have fun with your friends. Are you going to stay in the city tonight?”

“Hmm I’m not sure yet. You know I’d rather be there instead.” He had them now.

“Okay then. Dinner will be waiting for you when you get here. If it’s late I’ll leave it in the oven same as always.”

“I promise I won’t be too late with this bunch.”

He heard his friends grunt in the background. They were questioning his loyalty. He noticed Jake looking at his phone.

“Well it’s fine if you do. Just remember to call and let me know if you’re not coming in tonight. I love you.”

“I love you too,” he said eyeing his friends. “Mom.”

He barely had time to disconnect the call before he bent over in laughter. The looks on the faces of his friends made him laugh all the harder. He straightened and wiped his eyes with the backs of his hands.

“Oh come on guys you know that was funny,” he said.

They poured their remaining water on him. He shook it off and ran his fingers through his hair to get it out of his face. “Now that wasn’t funny.”

“From where I’m standing it was funny as hell.” Jake slapped hands with Marty and Jay.

“Yeah whatever.”

They gathered their stuff and headed inside Jay’s house. They threw the empty bottles in the trash and sat down around the kitchen counter.

“You really serious about Ashley?” Marty asked.

Wade nodded. He’d been at her house each night since they’d had sex in her office. That had been almost two weeks ago. Time was passing too quickly in his opinion.

“You can’t tell by the sappy look on his face that he’s serious?” Jay said.

“Yeah I guess I can.”

There was something in Marty’s voice that made Wade look over at him. He was staring off into space, an odd expression on his face.

“Hey man that doesn’t mean I won’t hang out with you guys anymore. I don’t even know how long this thing is going to last or if it will even go anywhere. I could be right back here telling you guys in a day or two it’s over and we’ve decided to just be friends.” The thought was a sobering one for him because it could happen. They still hadn’t technically defined their relationship. Could you really call having sex whenever you were alone together for longer than ten seconds a relationship?

“Naw man you and Ashley are perfect for each other,” Marty said. “I think we all know that. There was always something about when you guys were together.”

Marty hunched his shoulders as if unable to explain any further but Wade knew what he was talking about. He’d been about fourteen or fifteen when he had really figured out just how bad he had it for Ashley and the tension between them when they were alone or near each other for long periods of time had begun to show itself. It had been natural for him but he could see how it would have seemed weird for her at the time with their age difference.

Conversation swirled around him as his thoughts continued along the path they had been on for what seemed like most of his life. What was he going to do about Ashley? His friends chatter drifted into meaningless background noise. It wasn’t that he didn’t think their issues were as important as his. It just didn’t get him any closer to what he wanted or more to the point, figuring out what Ashley wanted. What if she only wanted to continue with a sexual relationship? Would he have the strength to be honest with her and possibly run the risk of losing what little he’d gained?

Wade absently took the drink Jake handed him and noticed they were in the den. He had been so deep in thought he hadn’t realized their conversation had moved to a new location. He glanced at his watch and calculated the amount of time until Ashley got home from work. Wade paused. Maybe that was it? Had the answer been there the whole time? He just hadn’t wanted to admit Heather had been right all those years. What if the real issue was what his sister called being a trust fund brat? He dismissed the thought as soon as it came to him. No way. Ashley had never made it a big deal.


He lifted his head at his name.

“Hey man, where are you?” Jake said laughing at him.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts.

“Sorry man.”

“We want to hear all about your smooth acquisition of our very own Ashley Morgan.”

He laughed to himself. Nothing had been smooth about it at all. Dumb luck was more how he’d describe it. He’d caught her at a weak moment. He glanced at his friends and their expectant looks. Jake knew the truth and he could see the smirk hiding behind his glass. Wade rose from his chair and took the floor. He knew what they wanted to hear so he’d give it to them.


Chapter Eighteen


“Where are we on the new emblem?” Torrie asked leaning back in her chair, crossing her legs.

Ashley looked up from the figures she’d been reviewing.

“Can I take that smile as a good sign?”

Her thoughts of Wade had slipped through. She gave an apologetic shake of her head.

“Sorry Tor. We’re unfortunately in the same place we were a few weeks ago. I have a few more calls out to some of the agencies in Dallas, Fort Worth and even firms in New York and Chicago. There’s still hope,” she said trying to give off more confidence than she really felt.

Torrie leveled her with a look that said she’d failed miserably.

“I knew this was a big undertaking when I proposed it. But with new coaches, trainers…”

“Don’t forget new management,” Ashley said.

“And management. I just figured we needed one common thing to bond us all together.”

Her heart went out to her friend. Taking over the running of an entire football team was a huge undertaking.

“I should’ve thought about this just a little more before attempting it at this late date,” Torrie said.

“Don’t worry Tor. I haven’t given up hope yet. There’s got to be somebody out there with enough vision to come up with what we’re looking for.”

“I hope you’re right. While you’re consulting that crystal ball of yours, can you please find out if my starting running back will be fit when training camp begins in three weeks?” Torrie asked laughing.

“I’ll see what I can do.” she replied shaking her head at her friend before looking back at the numbers they’d been working with.

It took her a moment before she realized Torrie was staring intently at her. Ashley raised her gaze to meet her friend’s and saw her regarding her with an impish grin. Uh-oh, she thought, putting down her pen and sitting back in her chair. What was this all about?

“Since all the other stuff is pretty much done you want to tell me how long you and Wade been a couple?”

The immediate warmth spreading through her still managed to catch her off guard. It was always this way when her thoughts turned to him. “I don’t know if you would call us a couple exactly.”

Torrie tilted her head to the side. “Hmmm, well what would you call you two? Exactly.”

Ashley didn’t know. She didn’t feel the label of sex partner was fair to either her or Wade. Going as far to say they were in a relationship didn’t feel right either. That was a lie. It not only felt right it felt too right.

“Okay since that one seems to have you stumped. How about an easier one? How did Heather react when you told her? I would’ve loved to have seen that,” Torrie said, amusement shining brightly in her green eyes.

Ashley looked everywhere but at her friend.

“Ashley Morgan. You mean to tell me she doesn’t know?” Torrie said in utter disbelief.

“Uh no.”

“Dare I ask why not?”

Why hadn’t she told her very best friend that she was having sex with her younger brother? Oh I don’t know, she thought, because the shock might kill her. The reality of why settled heavy on her shoulders.

“Because I don’t know if she will approve or not.” Ashley turned pleading eyes towards her friend. They begged her to understand.

“You have got to be kidding me? Heather has always been behind all your decisions. Even the really bad ones, like when you decided to date David. She didn’t like him. None of us did but you were dead set on it. And what did we do?”

“You supported me,” she said in almost a whisper.

“That’s right so I don’t think you’re being fair to Heather. If she doesn’t agree with it she’ll tell you and probably keep telling you. You’re doing her a disservice by not giving her a chance. I think you know that.”

Guilt washed over her. Maybe she’d call her later and set up a lunch date. The sooner she got this business with Heather taken care of the better she would feel.

“Now, tell me everything I’ve missed starting with when you made the decision to sleep with Wade.”

Ashley’s face burned with embarrassment.


Her friend brushed her reaction off with a wave of her hand.

“Don’t give me that. That boy walks with the swagger of a man with a big dick in his pants.”

Ashley eyed her closely before she broke into fits of laughter.

“You’ve been talking to Yvette.”

Torrie laughed with her.

“Who do you think gave her the idea?”

Their uncontrollable laughter was interrupted by the intercom.

“Yes Bobbie,” Ashley answered wiping her eyes.

“You okay Ashley?”

She looked over at Torrie and noticed her wiping her eyes with a tissue. She coughed in an effort to get control.

“Yeah I’m fine. What’s up? Another special delivery?”

Torrie glanced over at her before keeling over in laughter again. Bobbie cleared his throat to gain her attention.

“Sorry Bobbie what’s going on?”

“No special delivery but David Wright is on line two for you.”

That stopped all laughter from her as well as Torrie who sat up straight in her chair.

“What the hell does he want?” Torrie asked eyeing Ashley.

She held up both hands in defense.

“Hey don’t look at me I don’t know. He’s been calling like every other day for the past couple of weeks. Telling me how much he misses me and wants to start things up again. I’ve tried to tell him it won’t work but he won’t listen.”

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