Read Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories Online

Authors: L.C. Giroux

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories (34 page)

"Our mothers will be thrilled." He bent to kiss her neck and she reached down to tug off the rest of his clothes. He was so hard it hurt to move, how did she always get him like this? He skimmed his hands down her sides finally capturing her hands. He brought them up over her head molding her fingers around the spindles of the headboard.

"Don't let go. If you do I'll have to tie you like that naughty girl." Her pupils were dilated and she shivered with desire. He kissed his way down her body, savoring each lick and nip taking his time even before he got to her delectable nipples. Once there he kissed and sucked everywhere but where she wanted him too.

"Joseph, please, they ache."

"Good, think about that the next time you do a strip tease and don't give me a taste." She started moaning when he finally relented and gave her nipples the attention they wanted. He loved her breasts. They were perfect for taking between his lips or even between his teeth. He loved how responsive she was. When he took her in his mouth like this she writhed under him. He kissed his way further down her body till he was nipping at her hip points.

"I want to make sure you are ready for this." He slid his fingers along the outer lips of her sex. God, she was so wet, so silky, hot like a furnace. When he slid a finger into her core she arched against him and threw her head back like she wanted more. He pulled out and added another finger. She was tight but as he worked in and out she relaxed, opening herself to him. Then he added another and she moaned.

"Joseph, I want your cock in me." Something about his innocent Evie talking dirty made him crazy. His hips bucked against the bed as his cock tried to answer her siren call.

"Oh no, I'm in charge here. You are the innocent to be ravaged by her uncivilized caveman." He smiled at her gasp.

"Please, please ravish me." He smiled wider, and added licks to her clit to the torment his fingers were producing. "Oh! Yes, Oh! like that!" He blew cool air across her sensitive flesh and she would have leapt from the bed if he hadn't been holding her down.

"Did you say some thing dear?" All she could do was grunt back. He could feel the muscles starting to quiver and stopped what he was doing. She almost sobbed when he pulled away from her. He kissed her a couple of times as he slid back up her body. Finally he covered her face in kisses.

"I know how close you are. I'll try to make this good for you. Remember, I love you." He placed the head of his cock at her entrance and held his breath. Maybe she was right and there would not be any pain. He hoped so, he didn't want to cause her real pain even for a second.

"Joseph, please!" She was staring into his eyes. He buried his face in her neck and found her earlobe sucking it into his mouth. He bit down on it just enough to make her gasp and entered her in one thrust. He forced himself to hold still while he whispered in her ear.

"Nod your head when you are okay with me moving." he whispered. She nodded immediately. He pulled all the way out and thrust back in. This time she released a ragged cry. He stopped and lifted his head to to look down at her.

"Oh for God's sake don't stop!" She hissed at him.

"As you command." he said smiling down at her. "You are mine." he pulled out and thrust into her again. "You." he thrust again.

"I." She answered back

"Are." he punctuated with another thrust.

"Love." She nearly screamed back at him.

"Mine." He groaned on the edge of losing himself.

"You." She whispered as he felt her clench around him. As the next wave hit he lost himself in her.

When he could speak again he asked if she was okay.

"Um, No, I am not okay. I don't think I am ever going to be okay again." He started to panic but then saw her smiling.

"You are an evil witch!"

"I thought I was a temptress, although I suppose I could be an evil temptress..."

"So really, you're okay?"

"Joseph, you didn't break me, I'm fine. Who would have thought you'd be this squeamish? Really, it was just a little piece of skin."

"Says the woman that held on to it for 35 years. I didn't want your first time to be awful."

"Mmmm, that was not awful. Actually," She took her hands from the headboard where they had been and held his face in them. "Joseph, that was wonderful, magnificent, awe-inspiring..."

"So you would be okay with doing it again sometime?" feigning nonchalance, but thrilled with the compliments anyway.

"Maybe, I've got a list of other things I'd like to try too." He pulled back in surprise.

"A list?"

"Hey a girl has to keep herself occupied somehow. I wasn't having sex, that didn't mean I didn't ever think about it. Oh, hell, are you going to be horrified to find out that I am not the complete innocent you thought I was?"

"Um, no, I guess not. But do you really have a list, like written down and everything?"

"Well most of it is in my head. Should I write it down for you? We could check them off as we work through them."

"How long is this list?" He was faking the shocked look on his face mostly to keep from laughing. The woman had a list of sex acts she wanted to try. How lucky could he get?

"Hmm, pages."

"Pages! Really!" Okay, maybe the shocked look wasn't an act anymore.

"Oh yeah, single spaced, in really small print."

"I am a damned lucky guy." He was grinning from ear to ear, thankfully so was she. "So what else is on this list? Anything else you wanted to check off say in the next hour or two?"

"There are a couple that I'd like to try sooner than later. If you're feeling up to it. No pun intended." She had been stoking her fingers over the skin right at the top of his ass. Who knew that was so sensitive? He was hard as a rock again despite having just had a toe-curling orgasm. Oh yeah, he was going to like married life, a lot.

"Yeah, I'm up. What's next on your list?" She ground her hips against him a couple of times and then flipped the two of them so she was on top now. She skimmed her hands down his sides and captured his hands, carrying them up over his head and finally placing them around the spindles as he had done to her.

"Evie..." He wasn't sure he wanted to give up control just yet.

"Hey, its my list and on this one I am in charge. Don't let go." She wiggled her hips seating herself deeper on his shaft. He tried not to let his eyes roll back in his head, he almost succeeded.

"Ooh, you feel so good like that." She purred in his ear. Yeah, he was going to really like being married to her.


They had been married four weeks and it was their anniversary. She rubbed the ring on the chain around her waist. She wasn't sure what was traditional for the one month anniversary but this seemed perfect. When the hell was he going to get home? He'd gone back to work when they had finished with the first page of her list and then spent the weekends moving some of his stuff to her place. The furniture and all the big things were staying there with Delia. She was going to rent it out to some of her friends and cover Joseph's costs to maintain it. They had decided it would be good to have when they started having kids. For now though he liked her place even if it did mean a longer commute.

5:45, he should be here any minute. She could feel her nerves drawing tighter in anticipation. Would he be upset that she hadn't made dinner? Hell, they could grab something at the diner after they had sex. This morning he had accused her of only wanting him for his body. It wasn't true of course but he could do the most delicious things to her's and fine, maybe she was turning into some sex crazed nut but it wasn't like he minded.

"Evie? Darling wife? I have a surprise for you!" She did her best to try to seem cool and detached then decided to hell with it and jumped in his lap.

"I have a surprise for you too." He smiled his devil grin at her and she felt her muscles clench as usual.

"You first." He handed her a box. She carefully unwrapped it, inside were four beautiful heavy silk satin scarves in plain creamy white.

"Joseph, they’re beautiful and feel wonderful but I don't know what I'll do with four of them?" He started laughing.

"Since it is our anniversary and I wasn't sure what to get you I decided to get you something from your list dear. These are not for wearing, they are for that wonderful bed of yours." He watched as she turned bright pink. He loved that she had a sex list, as they called it, and she could still blush like a teenager if he actually talked about it outside of the bedroom.

"You are going to tie me to the bed!"

"Oh yes, and then torture you with kisses." He could feel her heating up and pulled her closer to him, nipping her neck and shoulder.

"So what's my surprise?" She stood up and turned to face him.

"You have to undress me for it." God, he loved being married to her.

"So I get to play with the scarves now?"

"Not quite yet." He really looked at her for the first time since coming in. She wasn't dressed in anything fancy. The flannel shirt he never did get to wear, just as well he liked cuddling her in it anyway, jeans, leather moccasins. She looked like she wouldn't have looked out of place at any of the universities in town. Outside she was all innocence and inside she was his wildcat.

"Any place in particular I should start?" She sat back down in his lap.

"I think the shoes."

"Wanna give me a hint of what I am looking for?"

"No, you'll know it when you see it." He flicked off her moccasins and the woman's feet were now bare.

"Are you insane? It is late November in Boston and you aren't wearing any socks." He warmed her feet up in his hands till she kicked them away."

"You'll never get your surprise that way and it will be forever till I can get you into bed.

"Patience is a virtue."

"I'm not thinking those scarves are meant to be virtuous."

"No, I guess not." He undid her jeans and slid them off her hips and down her legs. There was no way she could miss the effect she was having sitting half naked in his lap.

"Hell, can we just take this upstairs?"

"But you haven't found your surprise yet?"

"You are a continual surprise darling." She smiled at him and cooed in his ear. Hell, he could just have her on the couch and save the scarves for later tonight.

"One more piece and then you're done." He unbuttoned the flannel shirt. When he went to brush it away from her waist he heard the clink of metal.

"What is this?" He peeled the shirt off her shoulders so she sat on his lap in nothing but a lace g-string and a chain around her waist. There was something hanging from the chain.

"I wanted to make sure you would find it." She giggled. "I knew you'd undress me eventually, sorry I couldn't wait though. He lifted the heavy metal cylinder on the chain.

"This doesn't look like a regular charm."

"It isn't. It is the key? If you look you see the key on the outside? But it can only come out from the inside. So only you can unlock my secrets." The caveman in him was roaring.

"So there aren't any other keys that work in this lock?"

"No, it is one of a kind. I made it for you because I am only yours. Try it." He pushed the tiny key out with his fingernail and examined it for a second. Then he fit it in the lock and turned it. The lock popped right open and he slid the ring off the chain. After he fit the two ends back together he re-locked the chain. Sliding the key into the ring he slid the ring on his finger. The weight of it felt good. It certainly wasn't any kind of an old fashioned wedding ring but then he supposed it made a nice balance to the very traditional wedding band he'd given her.

"Do you like it?" In answer, he kissed her hard and growled in her ear.

"Let's get upstairs unless you'd like to be ravished right here on the couch."

"Oh, good. Unfortunately I may not be able to wear it very long." That threw him for a loop.

"You going somewhere?"

"No, Its just... I'm late."

"Late for what?"

"Late, late, only a couple of days but I never am, still it is too soon to be sure."

"Late! Oh, shit! No, I mean... You're okay with this, I mean this soon? I..."

"I consider it payback for sweeping me off my feet."



Wild Child

Lovers and Other Strangers Short Story Two and a half

Delia Kelly had always used her head. When her friends were out messing around and spending their parent's money, she hit the books and stashed the cash she made working for Hutchinson Investigations. Now she is all grown up and she is ready to bust loose.


Jonah Hutchinson is the poster boy for 'lov'em and leav'em'. He knew exactly what women wanted and gave it to them, as long as it wasn't polite conversations or security.


One Summer Fling and both of them are in for the surprise of their lives.

   Wild Child

"Hey kiddo! Come in here a sec!"

    Delia rolled her eyes. She hated when he called her that. She was twenty-two and had graduated at the top of her class and he still treated her like she was the eighteen year old kid who walked in four years ago. She didn't know how but Jonah Hutchinson was going to figure out she was a grown woman if it killed her.

    She got up from cataloging the photographs she was working on to stand in the door to his office. He bent over a putter and lined up his shot. Damn, the man did have the cutest butt. She might overlook it if it weren't combined with the shoulders and back of your average Greek god. The end result always left her tongue tied. To make matters worse, he wore his unofficial summer uniform of a tank and cargo shorts so she couldn't pretend not to see all his masculine perfection.

    "You bellowed?"

    Jonah turned around and even though she knew what to expect, the sight of him took her breath away as usual. When Uncle Cam had gotten her the job he never said, “Oh by the way, your new boss could have posed for Michelangelo.” He forgot to mention the man that was Hutchinson Investigations had eyes that made women's knees weak and their clothes fall off. Something about the piercing aquamarine color and the healthy dose of mischief was a sucker punch to her gut. He had probably been blonde as a kid but his hair had mellowed to a burnished gold that on a lesser man would have been mousy. On Jonah, it still had sparks of copper that caught the light, not that she would have noticed, really!

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