Read Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories Online

Authors: L.C. Giroux

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories (11 page)

Now the big question, panties on or panties off? Michael had been pretty clear the other night but how into this dominance thing was he going to get? If she left them on and they didn't have sex would he even know? He had said he'd check but what the hell did that mean? If she took them off, she'd feel exposed all through dinner but it also made her smile thinking about having a secret. Since they weren't having sex she could tell him on her way out the door when she left and let him think about it for the rest of the week. She smiled and shimmied out of her panties and stashed them in the glove compartment. Thank God for Pilates, she thought to herself. This skirt was stretchy and didn't hide anything.

She was jumpy as a nervous cat on the elevator ride to his apartment. All her nerve endings were tingling, maybe dinner was a bad idea. She didn't feel like eating but there needed to be more to their relationship than just sex. There was more. They had spent a lot of time in bed but a fair amount of it had been talking too. Wasn't that what lovers did? The thought of Michael as her lover soothed her and made her feel warm all over. She didn't feel nervous because this felt wrong just nervous in anticipation. When Michael opened the door, she drew in her breath. It had only been a few hours and just the sight of him, handsome as he was, made her want to do nothing but curl herself around him. Unfortunately it also made her feel shy at the moment.

"I missed you Violet."

"I missed you too."

"Look at me Kitten. Are you okay with this?"

Why did him calling her that send shockwaves through her? She immediately felt drugged and wanted to tear her clothes off because they all felt too tight. Her lips felt swollen and he hadn't even kissed her yet.

"Do I get a kiss, my sweet kitten?" he asked as he eased her down to sit his lap. Her arms went around his shoulders of their own accord.

"Of course." She barely managed to say. It was hard enough to breath let alone speak, with her heart pounding the way it was. Then he was kissing her but it was more like making love to her mouth. There were little nibbles, licks, bites, suckling her lips, her tongue, exploring her teeth. His hands ranged over her body. She was lost in his kissing till she felt him smile and pull away.

"You take to training well Kitten."


"I wondered whether or not I would get to spank you before we left but you remembered my instructions."

Violet tried to hide her gasp but knew she hadn't when she saw Michael's smile. "I said I would check, didn't I. Now get undressed Kitten, I have some presents for you."

Violet almost fell off Michael's lap but managed to steady herself and started taking off her clothes in a daze. Michael reached over to the couch and picked up three jewelry boxes. As she removed the last piece of her clothing she moved closer to the fire. She was covered in goosebumps even though she wasn't really cold. Michael smiled at her and motioned for her to sit in his lap again. She shook her hair back from her face and tried not to feel self-conscious as she walked over and did as he wanted.

He handed her the first box. "I think my pretty little Kitten would look even better in a beautiful collar." When she opened the box she gasped. Inside was a stunning necklace, choker length, each link was a diamond, or looked like diamonds, more likely they were CZs.

"I'm afraid it was rather expensive so you'll have to wear it all the time."

"You mean they're real?"

"Of course, I wouldn't want anything fake for you, that would be like lying and I couldn't tolerate that. Here let me help you put it on." When he had fastened the clasp she turned to look at him and he nodded his appreciation. "Yes, quite beautiful. Now that you have a collar I think a leash would be appropriate?"

"Michael..." He pulled a long sparkling chain out of one of the other boxes.

"See, it is nothing to be afraid of. I'll just hook it here. Doesn't that feel good trickling down your back?" She gave a little shiver and yes it did feel sexy and erotic sliding over her skin. It was long enough that it just grazed the middle of her hips. She felt more sensual, her breasts heavy waiting for him to touch her. His whisper was like a caress in her ear "I love the way you look right now, pushing your breasts out, arching your back like that. But I have one more box for you." From that box he pulled another chain, this one heavier and longer than the last. He slowly reached around her waist and fastened it there. It slid down to settle at the top of her hips.

"Michael you got me a slave chain?"

"I didn't realize they had a name. I just thought it would look sexy as hell on you. Where did you hear about them?"

"I went to a boarding school in Europe, there were girls there from the Middle East and other places that had them. Usually theirs had some kind of lock and often they had a jewel that was attached to a piercing."

"Oh, a lock, I like that idea. A jewel hanging from it would be interesting, a piercing seems a bit much to ask. I guess this seems pretty tame by comparison. Get up a second, I want to see it on you." Violet did as he asked. "Turn around. There, I fastened them together." He ran his fingers along the leash now fastened to the belly chain. "That is so sexy."

"Michael, you said we were going out to dinner? It is getting close to when we should leave. I should get dressed." She reached for her clothes.

"Oh, not those. I got other clothes for you to wear. I found I like shopping for you. I got a dress and shoes. They're on the bed. Go see." He followed her into the bedroom. Laid out on the bed was a beautiful silk jersey wrap dress in a dark burgundy color. On the floor was a pair of sky high black patent stilettos with a thick platform. Both were expensive designer items, much sexier than she ever bought for herself but beautiful. She touched the silk, it felt liquid. She couldn't wait to put it on. Her bra wasn't quite right but it would have to do.

"Michael, they're gorgeous. That color is perfect for me. Let me go get my bra and I'll get dressed."

"No, if I had wanted you to wear any lingerie with it I would have bought it. I think the silk on your skin should be pleasant, no?"

Violet knew she was going to be trying to hide her arousal all night. "This is a brilliant torture."

"Yes it is. Why should I be the only one tortured. Oh, and you are keeping the chains on. The diamonds should look good with the dress. Get dressed, slowly, starting with the shoes."

A Mona Lisa smile settled on her face as she did a reverse strip tease for him. Putting on the shoes and doing a few turns for him, teasing him with her closeness and then retreating, dancing to music in her head. Then she put the dress on for him. He was right, the silk against her skin did feel delicious. The neckline split almost to her navel but without a bra there wasn't anything to show. The silk clung to her breasts, cupping them like a lover's hands. The skirt flowed over her hips and swung with every step making her feel girly and flirty in a way she hadn't ever before. When she was dressed, Michael opened one of the closets that had a full length mirror in it so she could see what she looked like for herself. Looking in the mirror she took off her earrings since they didn't look right with the diamond necklace. She also took her hair down, much better. Now she looked as sexy as she felt.

"Does this please you?"

Michael smiled at her "Do you want to please me Kitten?"

"Yes, I'd like you to be pleased with the way I look. I've never dressed simply to please a man."

"Yes, It pleases me. Wait, move your hair off your shoulders. I want to see those nipples tempting me to kiss them. Yes, perfect, every man in the restaurant will want you. Let's go, the limo should be waiting downstairs."

"You aren't going to drive?"

"Not when you look like that. I want to be able to touch you. I'll let someone else drive, and I specified that the limo have a privacy window."

"Michael you said, just dinner."

"I may have lied a little. We will have dinner but what we do on the way there is just a bonus."

"Oh, dear God."

Michael's deep chuckle told her he would have no mercy and she was going to be barely coherent at dinner. She should have figured, this dress minus any lingerie was just an invitation to sex. But looking at herself in the mirror again she looked like a woman that wanted to fall into a man's arms. As long as they were Michael's, she did. Walking over to him, she bent down to give him a kiss filled with all the love and longing she suddenly felt. He reached up and cupped her breast, flicking his thumb over the nipple. The silk some how magnified the sensations making her knees weak.

"We should go or you are going to have to carry me down there."

"As you wish Kitten." His smile took her breath away.

When they got to the limo she stood and stared. "Michael, really? A Rolls? If this is your idea of a regular Monday dinner date, what the hell do you do on Saturday night?" He smiled at her.

"I missed you and wanted to spoil you a little."

"A little! Something like twenty thousand dollars worth of jewelry and clothes and then a Rolls to take us to dinner? I..." The driver had opened the door and was waiting for her to get in so she gritted her teeth on the rest of what she was going to say. She plopped herself down in the seat. The interior of the Rolls was meant to be soothing but for some reason the burl wood and soft leather just made her feel on edge. She heard the driver ask Michael if he would need any assistance and held her breath waiting for him to explode but he didn't. He just politely declined and asked if he would fold up the chair and stow it inside for him. Michael used his strong arms to swing himself into the seat and Violet tried to relax.

Once they were on their way Michael pulled her closer to him. He could feel the change in her but didn't know what had caused it or what to do about it. It was obvious she wanted some kind of explanation for the over the top gifts. The problem was he couldn't entirely explain it himself. They had spent one amazing weekend together, hell, this was their first real date! He didn't know if he was ready to admit to himself how he felt about her, let alone say it to her. This wasn't just about the sex, though even if it were the gifts were not nearly enough to thank her. No, already there was a level of trust between them that scared the hell out of him. He had always thought he'd be alone his entire life but now the thought seemed like something far worse than just not being able to use his legs.

"I'm sorry if I went a overboard. I'm not used to having someone to spend money on and I got carried away." He turned her face to look at him and saw tears in her eyes. "Violet, I only wanted you to feel special, pampered, give you things you couldn't get for yourself. I... didn't mean to make you cry."

"Michael it's just all so... overwhelming. You are so overwhelming, everything you do to me and make me feel, I just... I feel like I can't process it all, can't keep up. I want to be with you but a little quiet time once in a while is fine too. Forget it, I can't explain it."

"I get it, I've pushed your limits enough for one night. Do you at least like the gifts, if you don't or they make you uncomfortable then you don't have to wear them."

"No, No, they're beautiful and they make me feel beautiful but could we just have a quiet dinner, something like a normal date?

"Violet, I, um, I've never really been on a normal date."

"Me either." Finally she smiled at him and he kissed the last of her tears away.

"Here, turn around so your back is to me."


"So you can lean back and I can hold you, and stare into your eyes, and steal the occasional kiss." Which he did as soon as she had done as he had asked.

"There, Comfortable?"

"I love being in your arms."

"Good, because I intend to keep you here, at least till we get to the restaurant."

Then he kissed her till she was senseless, wonderful, rich, drugging kisses that left her breathless, her body a fire that consumed all the oxygen in her blood. His arms around her the only thing tethering her to reality. She whimpered when the driver announced that they were five minutes from the restaurant.

"But..." He held her against his chest and she was happy to hear his heart beating as hard as hers.

"Violet you'll have to, um, pull yourself together." He said as she sat up.

"Um, darling, what are you going to do about that?" she said staring at where she had been laying across him.

"Hmmm, that is a new problem."

"I think you're supposed to imagine something very unsexy." She couldn't help but grin and tried not to giggle.

"That will be damned difficult with a beautiful woman grinning at me. He failed to sound angry at all which caused Violet to actually start laughing. "Oh, yes that will do it! Make the beautiful woman laugh at the poor wretch she’s aroused. I pity your poor brother, he should have told you men are very sensitive to being laughed at when they are in this condition."

"I can't be held responsible for biology! I, um, have to undergo my own torment. It is just, thankfully, more private." Then she kissed him on the cheek.

"Woman, that’s how I got into this trouble!" but he was smiling at her as she rearranged her clothes and put her shoes back on.

When they got to the restaurant the driver set up Michael's wheelchair and Michael transferred to it easily enough. She was surprised when the driver was the one that reached to help her from the limo. When she put her hand on Michael's shoulder she immediately felt the tension coming off him. When she looked at the entrance she quickly realized why. The restaurant was an old inn that had been bought and renewed by an exciting new chef according to the reviews she had read. They had not however made the front entrance wheelchair accessible. Three steps down to the door and the door opened out into the walled area.

She knew that hesitating would only make everything worse. "Driver, I'm sorry, I never did get your name?"

"Harold, ma'am."

"Harold, Could I ask you to hold the door open for me?"

"My pleasure ma'am." Violet gave him her most beguiling smile as she whipped Michael around without even asking and as gently as possible tilted him back and rolled him down the short stairs. Thankfully, the interior entry was large and fairly dark. "Hi, we have a reservation. We do, don't we Michael?" He barely nodded. "Dennison, for two." Then she turned back to Michael. He still looked so shaken. It would have been easier if he had just gotten angry but this utter resignation scared her.

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