Read Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3 Online

Authors: Michelle Mankin

Tags: #The Brutal Strength Shakespeare Inspired Series

Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3 (35 page)

BOOK: Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3
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Chris stood in the corner, watching Danny wink at Sara before he took his next shot. Chris couldn’t hide his smile when the drummer missed. Straightening, Chris approached the table and walked around the perimeter with his brow furrowed. The balls were bunched up pretty good. There was really only one shot he could take, and it was a tough one. He took a deep breath and glanced up. Danny was smirking as if he had the game wrapped up. Chris focused back on the shot, taking his time and thinking it through before he leaned back over the table. With a decisive crack, the four ball went straight into the center pocket.

“Whoa. Good shot, man,” Keith acknowledged.

“Thanks,” Chris replied, looking first at Keith and then at Sara. He held her gaze and watched her visibly swallow. Smiling smugly, he chalked his stick and turned back to the table. He was getting that kiss. In short order, he then proceeded to hole every remaining shot like he was in some kind of zone. Danny never even got a chance back at the table.

“Way to clean up, dude,” JR told Chris.

Sara took Danny and Keith’s handwritten IOU’s, folding the pieces of paper into tiny squares and tucking them into her pocket before looking up. Chris casually leaned back against the pool table while he stared intently at her, eyes gleaming, a hungry lion ready to pounce. She gulped, her heart beating wildly knowing she was the prey. She might not be able to handle him quite as easily as she’d previously thought.

Tossing her hair over her shoulder, Sara crossed over to him, stopping when her cowboy boots touched the tip of his steel toed boots. Gaze tangled with his, she felt him slowly slide his IOU into her pocket. She licked her dry lips.

Chris’ entire body thrummed with anticipation as Sara leaned in, her lush curves almost touching him. She smelled like spring water scented bath gel and the heat of her arced across the limited space between them, inflaming his senses. He had to grip the edge of the table to keep from touching her. When he felt her hands skim against the sides of his waist, his breath caught. She didn’t embrace him, though, instead, she slid her hands down into the back pockets of his jeans. Palming his ass, she drew him closer.
Holy shit
. Suddenly there was no more space between them at all, just her softness and his…hardness.

Sara stilled, every nerve ending exploded with heat. The taut outline of Chris’ backside in her hands felt divine. She could feel every tantalizing inch of him. Watching him watch her was a huge turn on. Her heart thundered so loudly surely Chris could hear as well as feel it. She took in a ragged breath of spice scented air and imagined tasting his hot cinnamon laced tongue in her mouth. Her pulse ratcheted up in response to her thoughts
Chris’ gaze lowered to her lips, and his brown eyes took on a sultry hue.
Crap, I’d better make this quick before I end up making a total fool of myself.

As soon as her lips touched his, her plan for a short brief kiss flew out the window. He slanted his head and moved his mouth in a way that left no doubt to who was really in charge. The guy could teach an advanced course in the art of kissing. His lips were warm and smooth against hers, hypnotic and seductive. She parted her lips, swallowing the deep moan that echoed her own. She wanted to surrender to her passion and let him do whatever he willed.

Too much.

Too intimate.

Too intense.

Frightened, Sara ended the kiss, blinking rapidly.
Surrender… to Chris Alex… Oh. Hell. No.
She’d only ever called one man her lover, and she wasn’t going to risk being hurt like that ever again. The experience had taught her to bury her desires deep down beneath layer after protective layer, but Chris threatened to break through them all at this moment.

Ripping her hands out of his pockets, she took a step back. Her knees were weak but she managed the movement without stumbling. One step. Two. She gasped for air, noticing that many of the players at the other pool tables had stopped to watch. Making a big production, she wiped the back of her hand across her mouth and stared at Chris. “Had way better,” she lied, relieved that her voice came out sounding even, “like kissing your grandpa.”

Chris raised a brow. Without taking his eyes off of her, he pushed away from the table. “Yeah, a little disappointing for me too, Sweetheart, but it’s for charity so I won’t embarrass you and ask for a refund.”

“You know what I think, Sara?” JR interjected into the shocked silence that followed. “I think you protest too much.”

“Huh?” She was still reeling from the kiss and Chris’ comment. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“It’s a line from Shakespeare, and I think you know exactly what it means. You’re full of Texas bullshit. Your face is flushed and you’re out of breath.” JR shook his head. He’d found out what he’d wanted to know. Chris definitely had her number. Rubbing his bearded chin, an idea started to take form.

“You’re imagining things,” she told him, but had to clasp her hands together to hide their trembling.

Sam’s gaze alternated back and forth between her sister and Chris before she crossed over to Sara. “Hey,” she said softly patting her clasped hands. “We’d better get going. I have an early start in the morning.”

“Hold up a minute.” JR grabbed Sam by the arm. “Can I speak to you for a second?”

“Sure, just for a minute.” Sam gave her sister a worried look before following JR.

As Sara watched JR lead her sister away, Sam glanced back, her expression asking a silent question that Sara instantly understood. She gave her a confirmatory nod. Not that her approval really mattered. Sara sighed. She’d been off her game since her first momentous run in with Chris. Holy effing hell but that guy had messed her up! She liked to be in control, but the roles were reversed with him. Where Chris Alex was concerned, she was in totally uncharted waters.



SHORTLY AFTER THE girls left, Danny bowed out. Keith took a seat at the bar and motioned for JR and Chris to join him. He turned to JR. “So…you and Samantha, huh?”

“Yeah, don’t start, Keith… I think she might be the one.” After Sam had relented this evening and agreed to go out with him, letting her go with only a peck on the check had been rough. When what he’d really wanted was to kiss her long and hard and for real, but he hadn’t wanted an audience for that. He’d waited all week to be alone with her. He could wait one more day.

“Dude,” Keith drew out, shaking his head. “I never thought I’d hear those words come out of your mouth.”

“Seriously, JR.” Chris leaned back in his chair. “I mean Sam’s a sweet girl and all, don’t get me wrong, but if I were you I’d keep my options open. You’re too young to settle down. I keep myself out of that kind of trouble with a list.” He counted on his fingers. “Good looks, intelligence, personality, talent, and money. If and when I find a woman who has all of that, I’ll stop looking.”

JR stared back at Chris for a long time. The dude was clueless. Did he really not realize how much trouble he was already in with Sara? “Whatever you say,” he said, grabbing a handful of pretzels.

Chris pushed away from the bar. “Call of nature,” he explained.

JR waited until Chris was well out of earshot. “Keith, did you happen to notice how affected Mr. No One Woman Alex was after lip locking with the infamous Sara Daniels?”

“Yeah, who didn’t? Actually, I wouldn’t mind having a piece of that myself,” Keith said drolly. “But I get the distinct impression Sara is the type of woman who calls all the shots.”

“I agree. I’ve never met a more arrogant pair. They deserve one another. What do you think would happen if Chris thought Sara secretly had the hots for him or vice versa?”

“I don’t know, sounds very high school musical-ish. What are you getting at?” Keith asked suspiciously.

“Shh,” JR warned. “He’s coming back, just play along.” In a loud, exaggerated voice, JR said, “Hey Keith, Sam just sent me this odd text. Really makes no sense, especially after the way Sara acted after that kiss…but Sam insists Sara’s got it bad for Chris. She said Sara’s just afraid that if Chris knew, he’d turn her down flat.”

“Too bad. Too bad,” Keith hammed. “Sara’s probably right, though. Chris isn’t the type of guy to settle down with one girl. He has that list and all. Better if she just puts it out of her mind and moves on to someone else. Me for instance.”

“Oh, hey!” he said as Chris approached the bar. JR cleared his throat, feigning guilt, conspicuously tucking his cell in his pocket. “You ok, Chris? You look kinda funny.”

He’d taken the bait.




THE NEXT MORNING, the sisters’ breakfast was interrupted by the doorbell buzzing.

“I’ll get it,” Sam said, shuffling down the hall in her fuzzy Dallas Stars slippers and robe.

Sara heard her exclaim, “Oh my goodness!” She peeked around the corner as three bell hops filed into the apartment each with a humungous lavender rose arrangement obscuring his face.

“Who do you think they’re from?”

“I can’t imagine,” Sara replied drily. “Why don’t you read the card?”

Sam plucked it out of the closest bouquet as Sara directed the guys where to place the flowers.

After closing the door behind them, Sam floated back to the breakfast table. The dopey expression on Sam’s face and the splashes of color on her cheeks only confirmed the obvious. She snatched the note out of Sam’s hands and read it out loud. “Sam, looking forward to our date tonight. To being alone with you. Love, JR.” Sara glanced up. “He’s a romantic. I’ll give him that.”

Just then the instantly recognizable fiddle strains of “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” emanated from Sara’s cell. “Speaking of Lucifer, why is he calling me?” she muttered.

Sam frowned at her sister’s choice of a ringtone, as well as the comparison.

“Hey, JR…Ah, ok… That’s fine, I guess. Just one thing, though. I’m warning you. You’d better not hurt her.”

Sam closed her eyes in embarrassment and pulled on Sara’s arm. “Please don’t.”

Sara shrugged her away and continued with her conversation. “Yeah, uh-huh… Good… Just so we’re on the same page. She’s not like those trashy girls you usually hang out with… Ok. Will do. Bye.”

“Why did he call you?”

“It’s a surprise, a very cool one. You’ll definitely like it. He’s picking you up at five. He said to dress up for dinner. I have to pack you some different clothes for later.”

“What?” Sam giggled nervously. “Don’t hold out on me, Sara Jo. Come on, tell me.”

“No way,
” Sara patted her on the shoulder and poured more cereal. “You’ll find out soon enough.”




“You clean up nice,” Sara commented.

JR had styled his long bangs to the side so they were out of his eyes, and he wore a button-down white dress shirt and thin black tie with black jeans and boots. He shifted his weight back and forth, obviously uneasy in her company.

“She’ll be right out,” Sara informed him. On cue, the back bedroom door popped open.

Sam emerged into the foyer, wearing a lavender silk slip-like dress with matching heels, and her curls tied back from her face with a matching ribbon.

BOOK: Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3
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