Read Love of a Marine (The Wounded Warriors Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Patty Campbell

Tags: #contemporary romance

Love of a Marine (The Wounded Warriors Series Book 2) (18 page)

Cluny reached for Declan. “I’ll take him.” He lifted the baby and tenderly threaded his legs through the holes in the seat, strapped him in, and stuffed the blanket around him.

He handled him like a dad who’d raised a family of his own. He’d told her about how he and Dwayne had been left with three-day-old Amber and were both terrified about what to do with her. They’d obviously figured it out. Both men seemed very comfortable handling Amber’s baby brother.

“You do that very well, Cluny,” she teased. “I’m impressed.”

“A couple of the foster homes I lived in took newborns for the first couple of weeks of life while they waited for adoption. I always loved the smell of babies.” He glanced at a couple of men arriving with their wives or girlfriends. “Don’t let it get around.”

“Your secret’s safe with me.” She squeezed his arm. The more she saw of this man, the more she liked. He directed a loving look to her eyes, and she warmed all over.

“I’ll introduce you to these guys, then you can help me carry out the steaks and burgers.” He took her hand and led her to a small group of early arrivals.

Graciella was astonished to see Ollie and Lu Williams come thought the back gate. What could he possibly be doing here? She tugged Cluny’s hand and met them halfway across the lawn. “Chief, is something wrong? Is Krystal OK? How did you find me?” Her heart raced waiting for his answer.

“I wasn’t looking for you. My boss invited us to the party.”

“Your boss?” Confusion piled on bewilderment as she tried to understand. “Who is your boss?”

“The man you’re holding hands with, Cluny McPherson.” He grinned and turned to Lu. “Louella, honey, this is my new boss.”

Louella offered her hand and a big smile to Cluny. “God bless you for saving our marriage, Mr. McPherson.”

“Cluny, please.” He laughed and kissed her cheek. “I’m happy to meet you. I may be calling on you for advice if he gives me any trouble.”

“Oh, dear, you can count on that.” She took Chief’s arm and hugged it to her side. “I’ve never known this man to stay out of trouble.”

Speechless, Graciella took in the exchange. Chief worked for Cluny? She squeezed his hand and asked, “Why didn’t you tell me Chief worked for you?”

“I didn’t know you knew Chief.” He stepped back and wrinkled his brow. “How do you know him?”

Ollie shook his head. “It’s a small world. I’m old pals with her father-in-law, Earl Jefferson. I’ve known Graciella and Santos for some ten years. She only knew a couple of people in San Diego. Marv charged me with looking in on her when he left for Iraq.”

Cluny smiled his heart-melting smile. “I’ll be damned. It
a small world.” He put his arm around her shoulders and hugged her to his side.

What an astonishing coincidence.


* * *



This could complicate things, Cluny thought. He’d just hired a man who happened to be friends with Graciella’s in-laws, and she’d known him as long as she’d been in the country as a bride. Might get a bit cozy. Too late now, the man started work tomorrow. Cluny would have to tell Gunny about this turn of events.

The old Chief directed his comments to Graciella. “Damndest thing happened. Earl called us, after you told Lillian that Krystal was staying with us, to say this hotshot modeling agency in New York wanted Krystal to bring her portfolio and come for an in-person interview.”

“Do you know the name of it?” Graciella asked.

“Can’t remember, but it was a place she’d been trying to get signed by.”

“So when is she leaving?”

“She left this morning. Lillian brought some of her clothes and her portfolio. Lu and I drove her to the airport at five-thirty this morning.” He pressed his lips together. “That bastard boyfriend of hers won’t be able to track her down now.”

Graciella faced Cluny. “This is wonderful news. Krystal thought she’d be stuck doing department store catalogs forever. Lillian and I both told her if she was patient she’d get signed by a big agency.”

He took her arm. “Excuse us Chief? Mrs. Williams? I’d like to introduce Graciella to some of the people arriving.” He pointed to the open side gate and the sliders leading out of the house. Partygoers were pouring in. “Circulate, Chief. You know Gunny and some the others.”

Chief nodded and led Louella to a long table where Misty Beachy was serving cold drinks and beer.

Cluny wanted to introduce Graciella to as many as possible before the festivities started. He was proud to show off
luscious woman.

Santos rushed up to them, breathless and excited. “Mama! See that tent way in back? Amber and her cousins are having a campout tonight. She wants me to come. Her dad has an extra sleeping bag. Can I? Can I? Please?”

This was the break he was waiting for. Before Graciella could answer Cluny said, “Hey that sounds like a great idea, buddy.” He grinned at her. “What do you think, Mama?”


“Please, Mama. I never did a campout in my whole life. They’re going to roast marshmallows and tell ghost stories.” His pleading expression was so comical, Cluny had to laugh. To his great relief, she was smiling.

“If Amber’s parents give their permission, it’s OK with me.”

“They did already, but you can ask them again.”





Graciella wanted to be alone with Cluny tonight, but now that the perfect opportunity had presented itself, she was nervous. The look he gave her was proof he’d been thinking along the very same lines. She had a moment of hesitation, wondering if he’d planned it. No, he wouldn’t trick her. That’s not who Cluny McPherson was.

“Hey, here’re a couple of guys I haven’t seen in a while. Come, I’ll introduce you.”

He led her across the yard to a couple of vets who looked to be around forty. She wondered how Cluny knew them because he was much younger. One tall man was dark, the other fair. Four little girls, all toddlers, clung to their legs. The dark man’s wife was a very pregnant petite brunette and the blond man’s wife was tall and also blonde. Graciella smiled. The two couples made her think of the old fairy tale, Snow White and Rose Red.

Cluny made introductions all around. “Rafi and Joe own a small cargo airline in West L.A. These guys flew Queen back to the U.S. from Iraq on one of their aircraft with several other dogs being evacuated.” She was amazed that there were so many connections in the large community of veterans in Southern California.

“What beautiful children,” Graciella said as she bent down to the little girls. The oldest smiled shyly. “Who’s your daddy?”

The tall blond man picked up the girl and kissed her on the cheek. “The two blondies are mine and Jill’s, and the brown-eyed beauties are Rafi and BD’s.”

“You’re so lucky. I wanted to have a large family, but I have just one son.” She pointed to a group of kids filling small balloons with water. “He’s the skinny dark boy with curly hair.”

Cluny squeezed her close and kissed her cheek. “I have a hunch that situation could be remedied.”

Her breath caught at his meaning. She stared into his blue gaze and blushed. The four people she’d just met got it too. “Uh, if you’ll excuse me? I’ll help Marla carry out the rest of the food.”

She needed some space. Her desire for Cluny unnerved her. There was no mistaking where he wanted this to go, and she was so afraid they might be moving too fast. She headed for the kitchen. “Marla, what may I do to help? I’ve been introduced to so many people my head is spinning.”

“I know what you mean. I don’t know all of them. Dwayne’s been doing this party for at least seven years, and he thinks I should know everybody by osmosis. We’ve only been married for two years. I just smile and nod.” She indicated a tray. “How about taking these condiments out and setting them on the end of the table where Beachy set up the bar? The steaks and hamburgers will be done soon. I have a big macaroni and cheese casserole in the oven for the little kids.”

“Happy to.” She reached for the large tray and turned to leave.

“Oh, ask Cluny if he’ll unfold and set up those chairs at the side of the garage. It’s hard to cut a steak if you can’t balance the plate on your knees. The two picnic tables are reserved for the children.”

Graciella went outside, set the tray on the end of the bar and was glad Cluny and a couple of men were already carrying the chairs and setting them up in three circles. She’d keep her distance from him for a few minutes longer.

As she made her last trip into the kitchen for a large bowl of potato salad, Marla said. “I have to retrieve DD and put her in her carrier. She’s a relentless beggar and she’ll annoy everyone no end. Queen will stay next to Cluny and nap during dinner.”

“I’ll fetch her,” Graciella offered. “You need to take a breather, and anyway I’ve wanted the get my hands on the cute little fluff ball all afternoon.” She carried out the salad and peered around the large yard. DD chased some of the children while Queen watched from the shade of a large eucalyptus. Everything about Queen indicated she thought the little dog was nothing if not boring.

Approaching the kids, Graciella stood until DD ran past her then reached down and scooped her up. “Come here you little miscreant. Your mom says it’s time for your afternoon nap.”

She carried the tiny dog inside.

Marla nodded her head in the direction of the hall. “Her prison cell is in Amber’s room. The first one on the left. Please close the door when you leave. She’ll be asleep in no time.”

Graciella cuddled the little dog that was panting with exhaustion and went down the hall to Amber’s bedroom. She put her in the kennel with a final pat and locked the wire door. “Sweet dreams.”

On her way back outdoors she heard some men talking and laughing. She peeked in the living room then ducked back when she heard, “Did you see the babe on McPherson’s arm today? How does he do it?”

“That lucky bastard has had more women on their backs than an Arab sheik.”

An icy chill settled in her stomach as she leaned back, tight against the wall.

“Do you suppose he and Beachy are still doing the nasty? They look pretty tight.”

One guy snorted. “The words Beachy and tight don’t belong in the same sentence.”

“What do you know? You’re just pissed because she’d never spread her legs for you.”

“You either, smartass.”

“She never put out for any of the guys in our unit but McPherson.”

To her horror, Dwayne Dempsey walked in from the dining room and saw her cowering against the wall. She turned her head, tried to hide the dismay on her face. He glanced at the men in the living room. “You’ve had enough to drink. Either go out and grab some food or haul ass.”

“You’re not our sergeant any longer, Gunny.” One of them slurred.

“This is my home, asshole. You want to take me on?”

“Nah, he’s OK, Gunny. We’ll get some food and coffee down him. Come on, jerk-off, before you get us thrown out of the party.” The men trooped from the room. One murmured to Dwayne as he passed, “Sorry, man.”

“Yeah,” Dempsey answered, his voice laced with anger and skepticism. He watched them leave then came to her. “You OK? What happened?”

Graciella squeezed her eyes closed and swallowed. “Nothing.”

“What did they say, Graciella?”

She drew in a shaky breath. “They were talking about Cluny.” To her horror, tears brimmed.

“Those creeps will never be invited to my home again.”

“No, please don’t make anything of it. They had too much to drink, that’s all.”

“It’s not the first time. What did you hear?” He gently placed his hands on her bare upper arms. “Tell me what they said, Graciella.”

She choked back a sob. “They said…they said…”

Dwayne put his arm around her shoulders and led her down the hall. “Come with me.”

Marla entered carrying Declan. “Something wrong?”

He looked back over his shoulder. “She overheard those drunks, Sal, Ben, and Joey, shooting off their mouths about something they probably don’t know a damn thing about. In fact, they don’t know shit. I’m going to go and kick their asses out of here.”

Graciella gave him a pleading look. “Please, don’t do that. I’ll be fine.”

“Great goats, please do as she asks, Dempsey, and watch your language, there are women and children present. Come with me, Graciella. I’m going to change Declan and put him down for a nap.”

Not sure what to do, Graciella hesitated. Dwayne gave her a gentle push. “Sorry for my big mouth. Go on. I won’t do anything. Tell Marla what happened.” He left them.

Tears threatened again. She choked back a sob and followed Marla to the master bedroom, not sure what she was feeling or if she could even talk about it. “I should probably go. I should…”

“Come with me. We’ll take care of the baby and get a breather from the party. I need a few minutes anyway. Please?”

Graciella sat on the side of the bed while Marla changed the infant and placed him in the bedside cradle with a pacifier in his mouth. She turned and sat next to her and took her hand. “I don’t know what they said, and you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but I’m so sorry.”

“They said some things about Cluny. About him and women.”

“Listen to me. Dwayne and Cluny have been like brothers for over half their lives. I don’t know what you heard, but Cluny’s one of the finest men I’ve ever known. He’s our daughter’s godfather. I trust him with my children. For goodness sake, I’m half in love with the big softy myself.”

Marla’s words took the edge off Graciella’s distress, but she suspected there had to be a grain of truth in what they said or why talk about him that way? “They said some things about him and Misty Beachy, about him having a lot of women.”

Marla scooted closer and hugged her to her side. “Look. They’re speculating, but I’ll tell you what I know. Cluny is an attractive man. He loves and appreciates women. He likes to have fun. He likes to laugh, but he’s never been with anyone for more than a date or two. I doubt most of that time was much more than dinner and a movie. You’re the first woman he’s ever introduced to us. That says a lot.”

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