Read Lookin' For Luv Online

Authors: Carl Weber

Lookin' For Luv (12 page)

BOOK: Lookin' For Luv
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“You got yourself a new girlfriend? Thank you, Jesus. What’s she like, Kevin? She ain’t one of them easy girls like you used to go with, is she?”
“No, Mama, she’s not fast.” He couldn’t help but add, “Actually Alicia’s a nice, churchgoin’ girl. We went to church together this morning before we went out.”
“Hallelujah! That girl done got my boy back in church? I like her already,” Mama said seriously. “Now, baby, you better be careful, ’cause even those church girls can be bad news. You remember Bertha Mae Washington’s two girls, Emily and Anna, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I think so,” Kevin mumbled, remembering how wild they were in bed. He’d had them both.
“Well, they got seven children between them, by five different daddies, and ain’t neither one of them married! And got the nerve to be Sunday-school teachers! Now, how you gonna be a Sunday-school teacher acting like that?” Mama sucked her teeth in disgust. “At least I got sense ’nough to keep your sistah Whitney and my cute little grandbabies, Joe and Martha, home on Sunday!”
Kevin shook his head as he grinned. His mother could be such a hypocrite.
“Don’t worry, Mama, she’s already made it known that sex is not in our near future.”
“You see? That’s good. You done found yourself a real woman, Kevin. She respects herself.” Mama was happy. “You don’t find too many girls that respect themselves these days. You just treat her right, like your mama taught you, and you two will have a nice family.”
Suddenly Kevin was nervous but figured now was as good a time as any to approach the subject of Michael.
“Speaking of family, Mama, before you go tellin’ everyone at church about Alicia, there’s something you should know.”
Mama gasped. “Oh, Lord, baby. Please don’t tell me the girl’s married. Mimmie Wilks’s grandbaby’s been strayin’ on her husband. There is nothin’ worse a woman can do.”
“No, Mama, Alicia’s not married. She has a seven-year-old son. A wonderful seven-year-old son. I just met him today, Mama, and he’s really a great kid.”
“Well, if she’s got a baby, where’s her baby’s daddy? And why ain’t she married to him?”
Kevin considered making up a story that would please his mother but decided against it. “Things didn’t work out with her child’s father, Mama. He was beating her so bad, she finally had to leave.”
“Dear Jesus, that poor child. Nobody should have to go through that,” Mama said with compassion. “But, Kevin, you be careful. You don’t know these women like I do. Just make sure she ain’t after you to raise her son.”
Kevin was amazed at how quickly Mama’s emotions could bounce back and forth. “Don’t worry, Mama, Alicia and I both want to take things very slowly. I’m being careful, but I know she’s not looking for anything more than companionship right now.”
“All right, baby. Mama’s glad you’re not rushin’ things. Well, I guess I won’t be meeting her anytime soon. But you’re still comin’ home to see me during your Christmas break, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Mama, I’m coming down on Christmas morning,” he said, imagining himself sitting at her table for Christmas dinner with his friends and family.
‘ “Are you still bringing those boys with you? What’s their names? Anthony and Tony?”
Kevin laughed, “Antoine and Tyrone, Mama. And, yes, they’re coming with me. We’re gonna try to drive my car. I just hope the car makes it down there. I can’t wait to see you.”
“Don’t you worry. Your car will make it, because I know the Lord would not make ol’ Mamie Brown miss her son on Christmas Day.”
Kevin was tired. He suppressed a yawn. “Okay Mama. I guess it’s time for me to go, so I can get up for work in the morning. I love you.”
“I love you too, baby, but now that you mention work, there’s something I want to talk to you about before you go.”
“What is it, Mama?”
“There’s another letter here from that Mr. Hirschfield. Ain’t he that sports agent who’s been trying to help you out?”
Kevin rolled his eyes. “Yes, Mama. He’s the one who got me the tryout with the Charlotte Hornets.”
“So, baby, why won’t you answer his calls? I’m gettin’ tired of making up excuses for you to all these coaches who call here.”
“Mama, I don’t need you to lie for me. Why don’t you just tell them I’m not interested? My life is different now. It Basketball is my past.”
“Now, baby. I know you better than that. You love basketball more than the air we breathe. I know you had your heart set on the NBA, but why you gonna let that stop you? These people from the foreign teams really want you. Why don’t you just go over there and try it?”
Kevin lost all confidence. “First of all, Mama, who’s to say I’d even make the team if I went? And what would you do if I moved off to Europe?”
“Oh, baby.” Mama laughed warmly. “Your old mama has already survived your move to the big city. I’ll be just fine. I just want you to do what makes you happy.”
“Mama, you’re the best. But I’m working on being happy right now. I really think Alicia could be the key.”
“All right, baby. I love you, and I hope you’re right about what you’re doing. But I’m going to hold on to this letter for you, and I want you to promise me you’ll keep thinking about this. We can talk about it more when you come down here for Christmas.”
“I’ll think about it, Mama. I love you.”
“Yes, Mama?”
“I’m glad you’re not lonely anymore.”
Kevin put the receiver back on the phone and headed into the kitchen, switching on the light. He stared at the picture of him and his mother hanging on the refrigerator. It was taken at his college graduation as Mama adjusted his cap and gown. Her face was glowing with pride. Kevin’s heart swelled with love as he looked at the photo. He said a quick prayer that someday he would have children of his own so he could give them all the love and support that Mama gave to him. As he went off to bed, Kevin imagined himself with Alicia and Michael as a family.
Kevin and Alicia flirted with each other across the table as they finished their meal. They had been together for three months to the day and had been celebrating with Antoine and Shawna. Shawna had left them at eight-thirty so she wouldn’t be late for work. Antoine tried to play the gentleman by leaving with her, but Alicia knew from the expression on his face that he wasn’t a happy camper.
“You know, Kevin, Shawna seemed a little weird, and your friend Antoine has a major attitude problem. Why was he so angry at her for having to work?”
“What do you mean? He didn’t have an attitude.”
“Oh, please, Kevin. You men never notice these things, do you? It was written all over his face.”
Finishing the last bite of beef and broccoli, Kevin pushed his plate away. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. He didn’t seem too happy. But look at it from his point of view. Shawna’s always working. They’ve been going together as long as we have, and Antoine’s never spent a Friday or Saturday night with her where she hasn’t rushed off to work.”
“Damn, that is a bit much. But what’s she supposed to do? Quit her job? It’s not like he’s going to support her.”
“Nobody’s asking her to quit her job, baby. But Antoine would like her to take a night off every once in a while. I mean, she does have a day job too.”
“I didn’t know that.” Alicia realized she really hadn’t learned much about Shawna in the two hours they’d spent with the couple. “Now that you mention it, she was awfully quiet when I asked her what she did for a living. What does she do?”
Kevin laughed. “Well, during the day she works as a manager at a bookstore. But Tyrone’s got me convinced she’s a stripper at night.”
Alicia’s eyes got a little wider. “A stripper!! I knew there was something strange about that woman. She kept staring at me all through dinner.”
“She probably thought you were cute. Most strippers go both ways. You’re not going to leave me for her, are you? Damn, baby, that would really be embarrassing.” Kevin couldn’t help but laugh.
“Baby, let’s get one thing straight. I know I haven’t given you any yet, but I’m strictly dickly. Got it?”
“Okay, okay. Don’t take things so serious.” Kevin laughed. “Get this. She’s been telling Antoine that she works as a makeup and costume lady at a strip club called the Men’s Club. But she also told him that she’s a virgin.”
As the waiter approached, Kevin pushed his chair back so he could clear their table, then asked the waiter to bring their check. Alicia was silent until the waiter left the table.
“I’m tellin’ you, Kevin, there’s something strange about that woman. I can’t put my finger on it, but I’m telling you that woman is weird.”
“You might be right, baby, but all I know is ain’t no virgin working in a strip club.”
“Shoot. I’m no virgin, and I’d still be too modest to work in a place like that. But you never know. She’s weird enough to be both. Maybe she really is just doing makeup. Besides, don’t all those dancers have to have huge breasts? Shawna was kind of small up top.” Alicia smiled.
“Only in white strip clubs. You’ve got to remember, brothers are into asses. And Shawna does have a nice enough ass to make some good money,” he teased.
“What were you doing looking at her ass anyway?” she teased him back.
“You know, I never said her ass was nicer than yours.” Kevin laughed as he placed some money on the table.
“Thanks. Maybe I need to go over to the Men’s Club and make a little extra money myself.”
“If you wanna take off your clothes, do it in the privacy of your own home. I’ll be your biggest and only customer.” They both laughed as they left the restaurant.
Wrapping their coats tightly around themselves as protection from the cold December air, they walked four blocks from Mr. Wong’s restaurant to Alicia’s apartment. The store-fronts were lit with Christmas decorations, and Christmas music was playing from the bodega next to her building.
“I love this time of year.” She sighed. “I always thought Christmas was magical, and now that I have Michael, I love it even more. You should see his face when he opens his presents. There is nothing like the joy of a child at Christmas.” She beamed. “I really wish you could be here to see it ”
Putting his arms around Alicia, he pulled her close. “Now, baby. You know my mama would never forgive me if I didn’t go to church with her on Christmas morning. She told you that herself on the phone last week, didn’t she?”
“Yes, you’re right. She even tried to get me to come down there with you.” Alicia smiled.
“So why don’t you?” He loved the idea of spending his holiday with both women.
“I can’t. You know my whole family comes together at Christmas. Besides, I thought you said we could take Michael down there in February, during your school break.”
“Okay. But you can’t blame a brother for trying one more time, can you?”
Alicia gave him a big hug. “Well, at least we have two more days together before you have to leave. You know Michael’s home from school on vacation now.”
“I know. What would you like to do for the next couple of days?” Kevin planned to spend every possible second with them until he had to drive down to Virginia.
“Actually I was hoping you could spend a couple of hours with Michael tomorrow. I have some last-minute shopping to finish, and it’s easier without him in the mall.”
“Sure, baby. What time do you need me?”
“How about from eleven until three?” Alicia was appreciative that he was so willing to help her out.
“That’s perfect. That way I can leave your place and go straight to the school to meet the bus with the basketball team.”
“Where is your team going on December twenty-third? Aren’t you already on vacation?”
He rubbed his hands together to keep them warm. “We’re done with classes, but the team has one more weekend tournament to go to on Long Island. It’s an annual thing.”
“Oh, Kevin. They are so lucky to have someone as dedicated as you are.” She took his hands to warm them.
“Baby, I’m really dedicated to only one thing, and it’s you.” He pulled her close and kissed her lips.
Alicia returned his passion, opening her mouth to let his tongue explore hers. Because of the intense heat building between them, both had forgotten they were standing in the frigid temperature. Their tongues and hands continued to explore each other, and Alicia’s breathing was getting very heavy. Kevin noticed her excitement and thought the time might be right for them to take the relationship further.
“Do you think I could come upstairs tonight?” he asked breathlessly.
Suddenly Alicia’s passion subsided, and she looked very seriously at Kevin.
“Oh, Kevin. I knew I shouldn’t have let that go so far. Things got out of hand for a second, but I know I’m still not ready to go to bed with you.”
“What else do I have to do to prove myself to you, Alicia? You know I love you.”
BOOK: Lookin' For Luv
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