Lev: a Shot Callers novel (32 page)

Taking his hand, I placed it in his lap as I worked on loosening his tie gently. I spoke softly, “I love you.” I undid the silken tie, draping it over his shoulders. “I want you.” Pulling on both sides of the silk, I drew him close and got right in his face. “Do you understand me?”

His hand came up to rest high on my waist and he huffed out a long breath. “I can’t lose you.”

I leaned forward just enough to capture his lips in a warm, loving kiss. “Do you trust me?”

There was no hesitation in his rough response. “Yes.”

I laid a hand against his stubbled cheek then threw his words back at him. “Then

We spent the afternoon in bed, holding each other and kissing like a couple of sixteen-year-olds.

It was tame and exactly what we needed.

Any day spent with Lev was perfect.

Just perfect.

Chapter Forty-Two


When Nas wanted something, she played hard at getting it.

Around six, Lev walked over to her house to fetch Lidiya, but came back empty-handed with a scowl on his face.

I fought my smile. “What happened?”

He shut the door with more force than necessary, grunting, “Sleepover. No boys allowed, apparently.”

I did laugh then, making my way over to him and wrapping my arms around him. “You’re not the only one who missed her, you know?”

He frowned down at me. “I just want her here with me.” His face softened. “With us.”

“It’s only been a week, sweetie. They’re excited. It’s going to take time for them to get it out of their systems. They love her to death.”

He lifted his hands to unbutton his shirt. “They’re going to be the

My brain grinned. I had the perfect distraction. I squeezed his waist. “Hey, can I get your opinion on something? I need you to be honest though.”

He looked tired, but was ever obliging. “Of course, mouse.”

I was going to remedy that exhaustion. I smiled innocently. “Great. You get comfortable, and I’ll be back in just a second.” I rushed over to the en suite, grabbing the black garment bag on the way. I closed the door just in time to see Lev throw himself back on the bed, resting an arm over his eyes.

It took less than five minutes to dress, and when I opened the door, Lev was in the same position I left him in. I walked slowly, careful in the heels, so as not to embarrass myself by face-planting. When I made it a few feet from the bed, I cleared my throat.

Lev lifted his head with a sigh, and when his eyes landed on me, they widened comically. Unconsciously, he kept his eyes on me but reached for his dick, gripping it firmly in his hand.

I stood tall, legs apart, expression pure. “Honest opinion, sweetie.” I turned for him slowly, and asked a sultry, “Is this hotter than boobs and butts?”

His eyes trailed the teeny-weeny navy blue and white sailor outfit. The skirt frilled prettily and added no coverage at all, revealing my navy satin and lace panties. The white shirt coming just under my breasts, I wore it open but tied at my cleavage. My cute sailor hat pinned high up on the left side of my crown, I watched as his eyes trailed my legs and the thigh-high fishnets that covered them then down lower to my white peep-toe heels.

Grinning, I spread out the feathered fan and waved it in front of my face. “Sweetie, I need your sincere opinion.”

Lev’s full lips parted lightly and he squeezed himself tight. He muttered distractedly, “Much hotter than boobs and butts.”

“So this burlesque thing could work?”

He nodded slowly before standing and stalking slowly toward me. I swallowed hard and took a wobbly step back in my heels. “Lev?”

I squeaked when he pounced on me, tackling me to the ground. I moaned when he turned me on my knees, pulled down the scrap of satin covering my pussy, and drove into me from behind. I sighed when we released moments apart. I smiled sleepily as he carried me to the bed, laying me down with gentle ease, wrapping his arms around me.

Oh, yeah.

This burlesque thing could actually work.



“Slow down!” I hollered, lightly hyperventilating.

We were going to get there too soon. I didn’t want to be early. What kind of loser showed up early?

Me. That’s who.

Lev reached over to squeeze my hand. “We’re going
the speed limit, mouse. We’re not going to get there early.”

We were on our way to meet the Petersons. It was a forty-five-minute drive from where we currently lived, and with Lidiya in the back seat, singing to herself, I made every excuse in the book to pull over.

The first one had been that I thought Lidiya was cold, but when Lev checked the rearview mirror and saw Lidiya smiling back, waving her wobbly wave and saying her sweet, “Hewwo, Papa!” he turned to me, brows raised. I shrank into myself.

I was not going to admit I was nervous. No way, no how.

The second time, I tried to tell Lev that I needed to pee. He told me I didn’t. I yelled that I did.

So he smiled at me.

The asshole.

The third time, I told him that I thought we’d gotten the dates mixed up and should go home to check. By that point, Lev was straight-up ignoring my hysterics and whistling along to the radio, while Lidiya watched her dad closely before putting her lips together as if she was going to whistle, but making a horrifying shrieking noise through the tiny hole her mouth was making.

I didn’t want to laugh. Why was she making me laugh? It should have been illegal to be that cute. Really.

My face felt hot and I breathed deep through the knot in my stomach. I dressed nicely, wanting to impress, but not too much. So I wore black jeans and a white blouse with my white blazer over the top. I slipped on my black ballet flats, applied a little makeup, and then tied my hair up into a high ponytail.

And now? Now I was sure I was going to blow chunks all over the Camaro’s upholstery.

We got there a little after two p.m., and while Lev got Lidi out of the car, I waited inside, gathering my thoughts. After a minute to myself, Lev opened the passenger door, looking gorgeous in his jeans, tee, and dress jacket, holding an adorable Lidi in her pretty pink dress and white cardigan, her curls a chaotic mess at the top of her head.

With these two by my side, I was ready as I’d ever be.

I took Lev’s offered hand and stepped out of the car. He locked it, put his arm around me, and lead me to the modest-looking house. Then suddenly, the knot in my stomach faded to a pinch. A second later, it was gone completely. Another moment, and I wasn’t afraid anymore. I had once loved these people dearly. There was no reason to be afraid.

We approached the front door together, and Lev’s arm tightened around my shoulders. I stepped forward to press the doorbell.

A loud chiming sounded, and not ten seconds later, the door opened.

The woman who stood there looked different, but under all the lines on her face and salt-and-pepper streaked hair, I found Maggie Peterson.

Her brows drew low and she placed a trembling hand to her mouth in stunned disbelief. “Mina, is that you, honey?”

At my smile, a gasp escaped her and she didn’t ask permission. She wrapped her arms around me and drew me in for a tight, warm hug, her body quaking the entire time. I lifted my arms to hug her back and listened to her shaky whispers of, “Oh, Mina,” and “My little girl.”

I swallowed through the thickness in my throat and squeezed her tight. When she pulled back, her eyes were wet, but she was smiling. “Where are my manners?” She motioned to us all. “Please, come in. John and James are out back.”

I swiped away the stray tear I didn’t know had fallen and followed her inside, with Lev and Lidi trailing behind me. As we walked down the hall, I saw pictures of new family members of all races and backgrounds. I smiled and asked, “More sons and daughters?”

She smiled weakly and shrugged. “We only do temporary fostering now. No more than six months at a time.”

She didn’t say much about that, but I had a feeling that was my fault.

Maggie held my hand as we entered the backyard. “John. James. Look who’s here.”

A much pudgier-looking John than I remembered stood from his place at the table. He smiled wide and didn’t waste time; he came forward and wrapped me up in a bear hug. “Oh, Mina, Mina. What am I going to do with you?”

We separated and I smiled kindly. “You look good, John.”

He chuckled and patted his belly. “Yeah, sure do. I’m surprised you haven’t asked when I’m due.” He laughed good-naturedly.

But the man who stood by his chair, looking at me as though I’d betrayed him in the worst possible way, caught my attention. “James,” I breathed.

He was still handsome as ever in that All-American way. His sandy brown hair cut neatly, his blue eyes clear, he looked harder than I remembered. There were no smiles spared for me that afternoon. He uttered offhandedly, “Mina. Nice to see you.”

The way he said this indicated that his statement was a lie. A big, fat one.

“Yeah.” My voice was small. I absently rubbed at my forearm. “You too. Where are the twins?”

John rolled his eyes but he did it smiling. “At a friends house. Teenagers.” There was a thick moment of silence before John cleared his throat. “Well, are you going to introduce us to this fine-looking fella, or are we going to have to guess?” He smiled wider. “Because if I had to guess, I’d give him the name Thor.”

My smile returned full force. John hadn’t changed a bit.

I stepped back, allowing Lev to place his arm around me. I looked up into his warm cognac eyes and announced. “This is my…my…” My smile softened. “This is my Lev.” His arm tightened around me. He bent down to kiss my forehead. I leaned into him and added, “And the little princess on Lev’s hip is his daughter, Lidiya.”

Maggie came forward, took one look at Lidiya, and beamed. “Hello, princess. Would you like a dolly to play with?” She looked up at Lev and explained, “I’ve got tons of toys if she wants to play with something.”

Lev stared at Maggie a long moment before placing Lidiya on the ground. My heart pumped hard before it slowed in relief as Lidi took Maggie’s hand and blinked up at her. “I pay a dolly?”

Maggie looked down at the cuteness that was Lidiya before announcing, “Of course you can play with a dolly.”

That was the good thing about Maggie. She spoke fluent baby.

As Maggie disappeared inside with Lidi, John gestured to the table and we sat. “What are you having, Mina? And Lev, was it? What can I get you to drink?”

I smiled. “I’ll have a glass of juice.”

“Same,” Lev responded.

John clapped his hands together. “It will be done. Give me a second.”

He left us with James and, the coward I was, I refused to look him in the eye when I asked, “How are you, James?”

I felt his eyes on me. I felt his anger at my small talk. Truth was, I wasn’t ready to discuss what happened. Not just yet.

After a long pause, he responded a low, “Just fine, thanks.”

I nodded. He didn’t ask about me. My guess was he wanted to throw me out of this house and gladly never see me again.

I suppose I expected things to be awkward, but he was angry with me. Furious, even. And I didn’t understand why.

We were both to blame for what happened. The sex didn’t just happen. I didn’t seduce him. We were an item. We loved each other. I’d be damned if I was going to take all the blame for what we were caught doing.

Maggie opened the back door and returned with Lidiya, holding a Barbie doll at the very same time that John returned with our drinks. He placed three glasses of juice down for Lev, Maggie, and me, while he and James sipped on beer.

Well…this was going to be fun.

About as fun as pulling teeth
, I thought.

“So,” Maggie started, raising her shoulders in a light shrug. She held a firm smile, but her brows pulled down in a would-be frown. She asked quietly, “Where have you been, honey?”

I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out. Gaping fish was a good look on me.

Instead, Lev replied calmly, “Up until three months ago, Mina lived on the streets.”

Silence. Thick as concrete.

“What happened three months ago?” James asked icily.

Lev uttered, “I found her.” His message was implied. I was his. His hand came down on my thigh, squeezing lightly.

John surmised, “You chose being homeless over living with us?” He sounded hurt.

Maggie’s eyes shone brightly. “We would’ve taken care of you, honey. You were our girl.”

It was funny what seven years could do to a person. In listening to all of this bullshit, I found myself bitter. I scoffed, “Oh yeah? I thought I was nothing but a little whore, Maggie? Isn’t that what you called me? Oh wait, no. That’s not right. Apparently, I was a little tramp.”

Maggie drew back, her expression pained, but I wasn’t done.

“You were angry with me.” I turned to a somber John. “You both were.” I looked at James. His jaw clenched tight. “And you…” I shook my head. “You said nothing.” My heart clenched. “You said you loved me, but when we were caught, where were you? Hiding with you tail between your legs, that’s where.” I shook my head. “Don’t tell me I had a place here. I considered you my parents up until that day.” I glared at James. “I wasn’t the only one to blame.”

John spoke quietly, “I think we all handled the situation poorly.”

Maggie shook her head. “No.
handled the situation poorly.” She blinked away tears. “I know it doesn’t mean much now, but I regretted saying those things to you the second they were out of my mouth.” She tried to force a laugh, but it came out a whimper. “I don’t even know why I said it. But I’ve regretted it for seven years.”

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