Lev: a Shot Callers novel (16 page)

You know what they say…

Finders keepers.



The club was not very busy for a Friday night.

It was unusual since Fridays had been a major moneymaker in the past, according to Lev. Men who were finished with the work week came to Bleeding Hearts to unwind, drink in good company, and treat themselves to a private dance or four.

Lev and I sat in the far corner on the left side of the stage. It was the perfect place to watch the room with a view of everything and everyone.

I watched in curiosity as Lev pulled something out of his pocket and showed me an earpiece before he put it on. He spoke into it, “Cam, you ready?”

From the right-hand side of the stage, a young man in a suit raised his hand to show Lev he could hear him.

Lev sat back, turned to me, and stated, “Tonight will be a good night.”

Was he trying to reassure me? I was convinced that the safest seat in the house was sitting next to the hot guy in the suit, giving orders over an earpiece. I didn’t need reassurance.

The girls took to the stage. First, Lana, doing a pole routine, then ChaCha with her slow striptease, then Birdie came by with a glass of soda and a hug for me, telling me she’d been so worried about me.

A feeling of warmth bloomed inside of me. Yes, I was sitting in a gentleman’s club, watching women take their clothes off for cash, knowing the man by my side would hurt anyone who looked at me funny, but I had never felt more at home in a place apart from my family home, when I lived with my mother.

Lev spotted a man sitting on his own, looking forlorn. He spoke into the earpiece. “Cam. Table twelve. Send him a whiskey neat on the house.”

My brow rose. “He looks pretty down. You sure you want to liquor him up some more?”

Lev kept his eye on the floor, but tilted his head toward me. “Free
makes people happy. Watch.”

Sure enough, the man watched as Anika smiled seductively, placing the drink on his table and leaning down to whisper something in his ear. The lonely man smiled immediately.

Impressed, I asked, “What is she saying to him?”

“That we appreciate his business and loyalty.”

I nodded. “Right. Okay. You clearly know your shit. I bow down to you, oh great one.”

His eyes smiled in that way I loved, and I almost slid down the front of my chair, sighing dreamily.

I asked Lev if he wanted his drink topped off. He said no. I didn’t think he realized I wanted to go visit Nas behind the bar. I kept hinting, saying how thirsty I was. He kept frowning, telling me to signal Anika.

There was no being inconspicuous with Lev. It was all or nothing. I finally blurted out, “I really want to talk to Nas.”

His brow furrowed. “Why didn’t you just say so?”

“Because I’m grounded,” I muttered and slumped lower into my chair.

He snuffled, and I liked to believe it was Lev’s version of a laugh. He nodded to the bar. “I can still see you from there. Stay in sight.”

I perked up, leaning over my chair and showing my enthusiasm. “Really, Pop? No foolin’?”

“Go,” he murmured in a bored manner, but his eyes were laughing.

“Neat-o!” I cheered as I rushed over to the bar. I wanted to fuck with Nas. I’d been planning it for days. Tonight’s episode with Vik fit in perfectly with my devious plan.

Strolling up to the bar, I sat in the hidden corner and waited. When she approached, she mumbled, “What a shit night. Not even worth having full staff for this measly crowd.”

“Yeah, I know.” I got right into it. “So, what can you tell me about Vik?”

She turned to me, her eyes narrowed. “Why do you want to know about Vik?”

“I don’t know.” I purposefully acted aloof. “He’s hot, no doubt.” Then I planted the bomb. “And there was that thing tonight. I don’t know, but I think we’ve got a bit of chemistry going on.” I leaned forward and grinned. “I think he’s into me.”

I wanted to burst into laughter at the way Nas’ face turned bright red. She gritted her teeth and spoke through them, “He’s not all he’s cracked up to be, Mina.”

I shrugged. “Who am I to judge?” I pointed to myself. “Homeless girl…

Her nostrils flared. “He’s not your type.”

“Who’s to say what’s my type? Besides, we don’t need to be each other’s type to scratch an itch.” I used my elbow to nudge her and finished off with a lewd wink. “Know what I mean?”

That was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Nas planted her palms on the bar, leaned forward, and snapped, “
You stay away from Viktor

My mission complete, I quickly got out of character, threw my head back, and hooted with laughter. Nas stared at me, confused for a second before she caught on.

Looking mildly pissed off with herself, she shook her head slowly. “Who told you?”

I smiled victoriously. “It doesn’t matter who told me. The question is, why didn’t
tell me?”

Her face fell. She looked sad. “It’s complicated, Mina.”

“Complicated in the the-guy-I-love-sleeps-with-other-women way? Or complicated in the the-guy-I-love-has-issues-with-commitment way?”

“Neither,” she hushed, her eyes shining. “In the the-guy-I-love-doesn’t-love-me-back kind of way.”

My smile fell. That sucked.

“That sucks,” I told her, my heartbreak apparent.

She smiled sadly. “That’s life, my dear.”

Chapter Nineteen


Saturday morning brought a shock to us all.

Lidiya was summoned back to her mother, Irina. What was surprising about it was that Lev let her go.

I didn’t want her to leave. The thought of her staying with a horrible woman who didn’t even want her drove me crazy. It quickly hit me that if this was the way I, an outsider, was feeling, Lev must have already crossed the border of Crazytown. He hid his sadness so well, but I didn’t miss the way he snapped at Sasha when his brother suggested moving Irina close by so Lidiya would at least live in the same state.

The awful woman had already booked flights for Mirella and Lidiya leaving just after midday, and her warning had been that if the two of them weren’t at arrivals at the designated time, she would be catching the next flight down and raising hell at the club.

Frankly, I thought the woman was full of shit, and I aired that view. Nas sent me a look advising me that her threat would likely be seen through. I was stunned. Who was this woman that she had the Leokov family becoming yes men?

As I sat cross-legged on the floor of the living room, Lidiya made a home in my lap, playing with little Mina, unaware that she was about to be thrust away from us in a most rude way. The arm I held her with tightened around her. I found myself mighty protective of this little peanut.

I watched in silence as Mirella’s face fell a degree. She covered it quickly, standing and heading over to Lidiya’s room to pack their things.

“No,” I muttered angrily. I turned to Lev, hugging Lidiya with everything I had. “You’re just going to sit down and let that bitch take her away from us?”

He looked as if he’d aged ten years in ten minutes. He looked haggard and worn. He spoke calmly, “What would you have me do, Mina?”

I blinked at him. This attitude was not going to get us anywhere. “
Fight for her
, Lev. Tell Irina she can’t have her. Let her come here. What’s she going to do? Show everyone how screwed up in the head she really is?”

“I’ll lose the partial custody I have and be charged with kidnapping my own daughter.” He looked at me, pinning me down with a single glance. “Does that sound like a good plan to you?”

Well, no. It didn’t. But there had to be
we could do.

My heart began to race as I realized that no one would be fighting this. “Nas,” I called.

She looked miserable. “Pick your battles, shorty. You aren’t going to win this one.”

My last resort. “Sasha,” I whispered, frightfully close to tears. “Do something.”

He was already shaking his head then he stood suddenly, glowering at me. “Life ain’t fair, little girl.” He stared at me. “You of all people should understand that.”

I was out on a limb, on my own.

“Lev,” I pleaded. “Please. Don’t let her win. She’s just a woman. How much pull can she have?”

I wasn’t prepared for what happened next.

Lev stood. Then he yelled.

At me.

“What the fuck do you want me to say, Mina? That I fall over my feet to please the mother of my child?” He panted, “Yes! I
.” He walked away. “I have my reasons, and I don’t owe an explanation to anyone, certainly not

He said ‘you’ like I was something disgusting. Like I was a nuisance. Like I was not worthy of the explanation that even I knew I didn’t deserve to hear.

It brought my back down to reality.

I was nothing to Lev Leokov.

And yet, he remained my everything.



Sometime after midday, after Lidiya and Mirella were gone, I made my way upstairs with my tail between my legs. I should have known this was a hard time for Lev, and I pushed him over the edge. I was sure it took a lot to do that, and I was feeling like crap about it.

Standing by the open door, I peered inside. Lev, dressed in his usual uniform of a three-piece-suit, lay on the left side of the bed, his forearm covering his eyes. It was heartbreaking to see him so lost.

I made my way over to him, kneeling next to him and speaking from the side of the bed. “Hey,” I started, gently. Reaching up, I tugged on the hand covering his eyes. He allowed it to fall, turning his head to the side to look at me. His warm honeyed eyes were full of sadness. I squeezed his hand. “Oh, sweetie,” I hushed. “I’m so sorry. I’m an idiot. I didn’t think.”

He blinked at me a moment. And when he spoke, I knew I was forgiven for my careless commentary in a situation that didn’t call for it.

“Will you hold my hand?”

I didn’t need to be told twice. Rather than moving to the other side of the bed, I stood and climbed over him, laying half draped over his right side, my right leg hooked over his hip, and taking his left hand in mine, entwined, palm-to-palm.

His right hand came around me, holding me close, and his hand stroked my back. A soft sigh escaped me as I rest my head on his shoulder, my eyes closing in satisfaction. I’d never been more comfortable in all my life. And that would be the reason I fell asleep tucked into Lev Leokov.



After my nap, I got up and showered, getting ready for the night ahead. When I returned, my makeup game strong and my hair newly straightened, flowing down my back, dressed to the nines and ready for the club, Lev shook his head. It seemed he didn’t want me at the club tonight.

I didn’t beg. I wouldn’t beg. It wasn’t the way I did things, not normally.

Instead, I tried honesty. Walking up to him, I hooked my fingers into his front pockets and looked up the whole foot to his face. “You’ve had a rough day. Let me be there for you tonight. If you feel like you want to crack heads, all you need to do is reach over and take my hand.” I shook him a little. “You’ve been there for me. Will you let me be there for you?”

He thought about it.

His response was quiet. “Okay.”

I liked that response. I showed him so by reaching up and cupping his cheeks, pulling his face down so I could kiss his forehead.



We got to the club a little after seven. The crowd always took a while to perk up. The later it got, the more crowded it got.

Tonight, however, the crowd dribbled in just as it had the night before.

Lev, spotting what I had, commented, “Something’s up.”

I frowned, nodding in complete agreement. Something was indeed up. I’d never seen the club so empty since I got here. Compared to the day I stole Sasha’s wallet, this crowd was embarrassing.

That was when Birdie approached, looking mildly anxious. “Can I have a word?”

“Of course,” Lev replied.

Her nervousness increased as she wrung her hands together. “I think you should call Sasha. Nas is on her way. I need you all to hear this.”

Lev did as she asked, taking out his cell and calling his brother out from his office. Nas arrived and sat on the arm of my chair. When Sasha arrived, he spoke kindly to Birdie. “Little bird, why are you looking so worried?”

She reached into her jeans pocket, pulled out a piece of paper, and handed it to Sasha. “I found this on my car when I went out for my break. It was on all the windshields. I collected whatever I could, but…” She shrugged. “Some people were bound to get them before I could remove them.”

Sasha unfolded the paper, read in silence, and then cussed softly.

His jaw tight, he handed the note to Lev. “I think we just found out where our customers have gone.”

Nas and I both leaned over the seat to read with Lev.

Aphrodite’s Kiss. New show. New girls. Completely refurbished. Faces that will stop your heart. Free drink with flyer.

“That’s not all.” Birdie winced. “One of Laredo’s goons approached me just as I was coming in from my break.” Her eyes apologetic, she looked directly at Sasha. “He’s recruiting from right under your nose, baby.”

,” Sasha whispered. “That would explain why ChaCha quit on Wednesday.”

My jaw dropped. “He can’t do that!”

Lev’s lips thinned. “He can; he just shouldn’t. It’s an unwritten rule of sorts. It’s considered bad form.”

I sat back in my chair, feeling glum. I turned to look at Sasha. “Why does he hate you so much?”

For once, Sasha didn’t glare at me. He spoke quietly, “I scarred up his son’s face when he tried to off me. The pretty boy ain’t so pretty anymore.” He sighed. “Laredo didn’t give a rat’s ass that his boy brought that shit to
property. He sees those scars and he wants to end me.”

“What happened?”

Nas explained in a short tone, “Sasha slept with Alessio’s wife.”

Sasha uttered a defensive, “She said they were done.” He ran a hand through his dark hair. “How was I supposed to know she was using my cock as a weapon against him?” He smirked at the memory of her. “I’d like to say she wasn’t worth the trouble, but she was a goddamn wildcat.”

“Well, it’s not Sasha’s fault the lady is a tramp,” I muttered.

Sasha seemed surprised by my support. But, still, his glare returned. “What new show? What’s he got that we don’t?” Frustration took over. “I can’t even send anyone down there to see what’s up. Not anyone I trust. He knows everyone who works for us. Knows our faces.”

I looked around at them all, their thinking faces on.

Was I the only one who had the solution to this problem?

“He doesn’t know me.” I offered with a mild shrug, “I’ll go.”

Lev barked, “
,” at the very same time Sasha grinned deviously and hissed, “

They looked at each other.

Sasha spoke quietly, “You want this ship to sink,
moy brat

,” Lev replied unenthusiastically.

“I don’t mind. It’s the least I can do,” I uttered sincerely.

Sasha grinned at me while Lev frowned unhappily. Nas squeezed my shoulder in silent support.

And so, a plan was hatched.






“If I think for a second that you’re in danger of being caught, I’m coming in there,” Lev muttered as he drove. Vik remained silent in the back seat.

I smiled to myself at the protective tone in his voice. “Got it.”

“Make sure you have your cell on you at all times,” he insisted.

I patted a hand over my front jeans pocket for the sixth time since we began our journey. “Still there,” I told him.

Lev surprised me this morning with a new cell phone. It was one of those fandangle ones with the big screen that you could use the Internet on, and download apps, and probably track when you were about to go to the bathroom.

It was fancy.

He spent the morning showing me how to use it. By the end of it, I knew most of the basics. I still didn’t understand what the app things were, but he said we’d get to that another day.

Calling, answering, and texting was easy enough to remember. I practiced by sending Nas messages.

Me: What do you get when you cross a caterpillar with a parrot?

Nas: Who is this?

Me: A Walkie Talkie!!!!!

Nas: Who is this?

Me: Hey, that was funny. You could at least courtesy laugh.

Nas: Who the fuck is this?

Lev also managed to get me a state ID card, which explained why Nas had me get some wallet-sized portrait photographs done the last time we were at the mall. I shouldn’t have been surprised that it had all my accurate details on it, but I was. I smiled. “How’d you get this, you sneaky goose?”

He sat at the kitchen table, seeming pleased by the reaction. “I know people.” That much was clear. He seemed to have connections in every industry. “I also have a copy of your birth certificate, your social security card, and your passport.”

I glanced down at the ID card.

Mina Clarabelle Harris.

The address listed was…Lev’s.

I didn’t bother questioning why. I was sure he did that because he had to provide some address that was partly valid, and I’d been living here for the past four and a half weeks.

Parking a block away, Vik worked quickly, placing the surveillance camera disguised as a large button on the lapel of my black jacket, underneath my coat. The big black button appropriately read ‘I’m silently judging you.’

Vik explained, “This isn’t a live cam. I’m not going to be able to check the footage until you get out of there and we get back to the club. If you think anyone’s onto you, don’t think; just hightail it.” At my nervous nod, he smiled. “Just sit down, order a drink, and watch the show, like you would with us. No biggie.” He added, “It would probably help if you lost the I’m-out-of-my-depth expression.”

“Shut up, Vik.” I shoved his arm away and he chuckled.

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