Read Legal Heat Online

Authors: Sarah Castille

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Suspense, #Legal Heat#1

Legal Heat (17 page)

BOOK: Legal Heat
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Tears welled up in her eyes. She hated talking about Steven. She didn’t want to think of the ten years she had wasted in a loveless marriage—the pain, the heartache, or the loneliness—especially the loneliness.

“Is that all, sugar?”

Is that all?
Hadn’t he been listening? Married too young. Divorced too late. Kids. Baggage of the worst emotional kind.

“I know it’s a lot to deal with.” She stumbled over her words as she tried to slip around him and out of his life. “Thanks for helping me with this. I’d better go.”

“Not so fast.” He pulled her close, and his warm hands circled her waist. “You don’t get to run away until after cross-examination.”

Katy gave him a tentative smile. “Do your worst, counsel. You won’t break me.”

Mark nuzzled her ear and then licked his way down her neck. “Do you still see him?”

“The kids live with me but we have joint custody so he comes to the house a few times a week. It’s…difficult.”

Mark pulled away. “Not a friendly divorce, I take it?”

Katy shook her head. “Pretty bad. He had so many affairs I lost count and then he left me for an intern, but when I served the divorce papers he went crazy. He thought he would have his fun and come back like every other time. But I’d finally had enough and I was making enough money by then I thought I would be able to manage on my own if he made things difficult.”

He cupped her cheek in his hand and tilted her head up. “I’m sorry, sugar.”

Katy leaned in to the warmth of his touch. “The kids make it worth the heartache.”

“I thought you might have children,” he said softly. “Your body tells its own stories.” His arms tightened around her and he brushed his lips over her forehead.

Katy pulled away. “That doesn’t actually make me feel any better.” She didn’t like to think about how her body had changed after having the kids.

“It should.” He gently tugged the ribbons at the top of her corset, loosening them inch by inch until she could feel a rush of cool air over her breasts.

“What are you doing?” She froze, her moment of relief at not being rejected shattered by the fear of discovery.

“Well, first, I’m not running away. Second, I’m showing you just how much I like your body.” He trailed a warm finger over the crescents of her breasts, sending shivers of lightening straight to her core.

“Third, I’m reliving our phone conversation. Except this time, I don’t have to use my imagination.”

Her heart drummed against her ribcage in time to the waves crashing below them. But the salty ocean spray did nothing to cool her heated skin.

She wrapped her arms around her chest, hiding herself from his heated gaze. “Are you crazy? We were on the line with that phone call. We are definitely crossing it now.”

“I’ll deal with it.” He eased her hands away and placed them around his waist. Katy’s breasts brushed against the soft cotton of his shirt and she shivered at the erotic sensation.


“I’ll ask another partner to handle the file. I’ll tell Steele I have a conflict of interest, which I do.”

Katy swallowed hard. “You would do that? Drop the case?”

“You are tempting beyond belief,” he growled. “I can’t think clearly when I’m with you.” He trailed soft butterfly kisses along her jaw, down her throat and over the curve of her shoulder.

Every nerve in her body thrummed but she was part of this too. His assurance that he would deal with it wasn’t good enough. “Mark? Are you really going to drop the case?”


“Answer me.” Her voice wavered. Was this just a game to him?

“Trust me, Katy. I would never let anything happen to you. I won’t endanger your career. I’ve thought it through and handing over the file is the best solution. He’ll have the best litigator in the firm and my promise I’ll be available to handle his other work.” His hands roamed her body as his lips dusted their way down to the hollow between her breasts.

Her legs trembled. Hundreds of lawyers danced and drank just behind the door. His assurances could not take away all the risk. But she could not pull herself away from the deliciously dangerous man who saw something appealing in her—something she didn’t see.

Craving took hold of her, deep and dark. She stretched up and hesitantly brushed her lips over his.

The violence and speed of his reaction shocked her. One minute she was pressed against him. The next, he had her against the wall, her wrists pinned over her head, his thigh between her legs, forcing them apart.

Moisture flooded her sex. She tilted her head back, seeking the warmth of his lips as she rocked her hips against his leg, her courage fueled by the potent mix of alcohol, need and the scent of the untamed sea. “Kiss me,” she whispered.

“You didn’t have to ask, sugar.” He leaned down and captured her mouth in the kiss she had dreamed about since the first day they met.



Stop. Stop. Stop.

But it was already too late. The decision had been made when he had seen her on the dance floor. He kissed her lightly at first, teasing and tasting, savoring the rich tang of wine on her soft, plump lips. Then he gave into passion, diving in deep, claiming her mouth, hot and wet. A sensual feast long denied.

Katy moaned and arched her back, pressing her breasts against his chest. For the briefest moment he considered releasing her to attend to the enticing mounds, now freed of their constraint, but he couldn’t pull himself away.

He sucked her bottom lip between his teeth, nipping gently, until a low, rich groan tore from her throat and her head dropped back against the wall. She tugged against his hands, trying to free her arms. But he couldn’t let her touch him. Already they had gone too far. One caress and he would lose that single strand of control keeping him sane. Tightening his grip, he deepened the kiss, taking more of her mouth, feeding his hunger. Feeding hers.

Finally he pulled away and captured both her wrists with one hand, freeing the other to shove her corset down further. He cupped her breast, squeezing lightly as he teased the dusky tip with his thumb.

“Oh God. Don’t stop.”

“I have no intention of stopping, sugar.” He turned his attention to her other breast, laving her nipple until she moaned. His cock stiffened and throbbed under the constricting barrier of his clothes.

Waves crashed against the concrete walls below, enveloping them in a cool, fine mist. He brushed water droplets off the velvet softness of her exposed breasts and then trailed his fingers down over the smooth satin of her dress to the concave dip of her belly. When he reached her mound, he tugged at the skirt bunched around his thigh.

Stop. Not here.

But he couldn’t stop. He wanted her with a fierce ache, so shocking in its intensity, it almost took his breath away. And yet, he wanted something more.

The glass door rattled and flew open. Mark froze then dropped Katy’s hands and forced himself back. A couple joined them on the balcony, so intent on their conversation they did not realize they were not alone.

Heart pounding, Mark pushed Katy behind him. He hid her from view while she straightened her clothing and laced herself up. When the couple turned toward the water, Katy slipped past him and out the door.

He caught up to her in the hallway, his pulse still hammering in his ears. Her cheeks were flushed, her lips swollen from his kisses, her hair in disarray. Sexy as hell. He wanted her even more. “Come to the club, sugar. We’re heading over there now.”

The look she gave him made his heart stammer in his chest. Regret? Uncertainty? Fear? He couldn’t tell. They needed time alone. Time to talk. Time to finish what they started.

“I have work to do. Pictures. Mingling.” She blushed and bit her lip. “We shouldn’t have…”

Mark smiled. “Maybe not, but I wouldn’t trade that moment for anything. Don’t tell me you have regrets.”

She looked up at him and her bottom lip quivered, still plump and swollen from his kiss. “I do,” she whispered. “And I don’t.”



Katy shifted her weight from one foot to the other. After two long hours of shaking hands and posing for pictures at the banquet, her stiletto boots had finally lost their appeal. She desperately wanted to go home and get the damn boots off. But first she needed a cab. And for some reason, there were none to be found.

The last few partygoers exited the hotel and she watched with longing when they walked down the street to a waiting car. Next time she would forgo the tequila in favor of driving herself home.

She walked to the corner and turned down a side street beside the hotel, hoping to catch a cab before it hit the main road. She had only taken a few steps when a hand grabbed her shoulder and pushed her against the wall with a violent shove.

“Katherine.” Jimmy’s eyes gleamed fever bright, sending a surge of adrenaline through her veins.

“Jimmy. You’re out of jail.” She kept her tone low and even, calm, despite her thundering heart. He looked more gaunt than usual, and his dark eyes had sunk farther into their sockets. Still there was no mistaking the menace in his voice or the grim set to his mouth. She slid her hand into her purse and fumbled around for something to use as a weapon.

He nodded. “Thanks to you, the judge reduced bail. I had a friend spring me this morning.”


Katy’s fingers closed over the cold steel of her nail file and she slid it into the sleeve of her coat before drawing her hand out of her purse.

Suddenly, Jimmy’s hand shot out and circled her neck. “Not great,” he snarled. “I hadn’t even gotten a block from the jail when some psycho cop dragged me into his vehicle and drove me down to the police station for questioning. Apparently the cops found a plastic bag at Val’s place with my prints on it, and they wanted to know what might have been inside.”

“You should have called me.” Katy choked on her words as his fingers closed around her neck. “You had the right to have a lawyer present when they questioned you.”

“I should have called you and asked you for my fucking pills,” Jimmy shouted. “But I thought it would be better if I came in person. Your secretary told me where you were. I’ve been waiting all night out here.”

“I don’t have your pills.” Her heart pounded against her ribcage, and she slid the nail file into her palm.

“Don’t lie to me!” Jimmy yelled. Drops of his saliva flecked her face, and her head jerked back, hitting the wall. He increased the pressure on her throat, cutting off her air. She made a feeble attempt to stab him with the nail file but her arms were suddenly too heavy to lift.

“Val took one of the pills, so they had to be in the apartment. You were the one who found her. I told you about them. The police didn’t have them. I’m not stupid. I can do the math. I want them back.”

Jimmy faded into a gray haze and Katy sagged against the wall.

“Fuck. Wake the fuck up.” He released her and the sharp sting of his slap on her cheek cleared the fog from her brain.

She gasped and drew a breath of sweet, cool air into her lungs as she considered her options. She wouldn’t get far running in her damn boots, and he was twice her size, so attacking him didn’t have a high likelihood of success. She could scream, but at this late hour and on a side street, she doubted anyone would come to her rescue. She would have to talk her way out. It was, after all, what lawyers did best.

“I told you, I couldn’t take anything from a crime scene. I didn’t take the pills. And if you touch me again, I’m going to scream. Since you’re on probation, one strike will land you back in jail.” Her words came out in a rush but with a conviction that surprised her.

“You don’t understand,” he growled “You don’t know who you’re dealing with. They are serious players. They know I had the pills and they want them. Just hand them over to me and I won’t tell them you’re involved.”

Katy began a slow backward walk toward the main street. “For the last time. I didn’t take them. Someone else must have been in the apartment after Val died.” She stopped. Mark. He had been in the apartment too. They had split up to make their phone calls.

Her face must have revealed her thoughts because Jimmy narrowed his eyes. “Tell me,” he growled. “Who else was there?”

Katy shook her head. “No one.” She reached the safety of the main road and looked for help. In the distance she could see headlights, and a couple walking toward her.

“Get the fuck back here,” Jimmy spat. “We’re not done. You’re my fucking lawyer. You’re supposed to help me.” He took two steps toward her and then spotted the couple, now only half a block away.

“Fuck.” He retreated into the alley and Katy raced down the road toward her unwitting rescuers.

“I don’t believe you,” Jimmy called after her. “When they come for me, I’m going to give them your name.”

Chapter Ten

“Ohmigod, lookit the boots! Not really what I pictured you in, but damn, girl, you look hot.” Trixie gave Katy a friendly hug. “But what are you doing here? With Val gone, I didn’t think we’d see you again.”

Katy bit her lip, hoping Trixie wouldn’t see it tremble. “I bumped into Mark earlier this evening at a legal function and he said he was coming here. I need to talk to him.” Actually, she needed to go home, calm down and think through what to do about Jimmy. But instead, like an idiot, she had asked the cab driver to bring her here.

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