Authors: Lamar Waldron
617; funding of plan to assassinate
kill Chilean president Allende, 728;
139, 140–141, 157, 164–166, 168–
MLK, 497; Hoover and, 256–257;
capture and execution of Che
169, 196, 214, 234, 247–248, 302,
James Earl Ray and, 607; JFK
Guevara in Bolivia, 527; Castro
644, 771
assassination and, 77–78, 79, 129,
assassination plots and, 678;
NBC News, 26–27, 156, 160, 166, 196,
163, 178, 200, 201, 229–230, 237,
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
253, 463–465, 470, 766
240, 252, 263, 265, 358, 388–394,
in Miami and, 677; CIA-Mafia
Nedzi Committee, 732
388–394, 396, 449, 515, 546, 596,
plots, 676; covert Cuban activities,
Nelson, Jack, 506, 545, 617, 642
698, 729, 746, 771; Ku Klux Klan
548; death of, 743; Far East, 548;
Nesline, Joe, 101, 210–211, 716
and, 491, 500, 605; Lakewood
hatred for the Kennedys, 89, 98;
Newfield, Jack, 354
General Motors Plant, 496;
Was Castro’s Prisoner
, 98; JFK
New Hampshire, 555, 556, 622
Marcello, Carlos, 517; Marcello
assassination and, 54, 63–67, 69,
Newman, John, 137, 202, 214, 215,
and, 255, 256; Martin Luther King
98–99, 102, 106, 128, 136, 138, 140,
216, 228, 277, 765
and, 500, 606; MLK assassination
143, 145–146, 158, 160, 162, 164,
Newmans, the, 117
and, 77–78, 495, 499, 501–502, 505,
177, 188, 198, 207–208, 210, 212–
New Orleans, Louisiana, 37, 42, 44,
507–511, 514–516, 518, 520, 522,
213, 219, 221–222, 245, 262, 266,
47, 48–51, 53, 55–56, 60, 68, 72, 222,
529, 534–535, 537, 539, 544–546,
268, 271–273, 297, 299, 452, 461–
369–370, 395–396, 449, 454, 457,
563, 569–571, 575, 578, 580, 595,
462, 676, 681; in Latin America,
460, 462–463, 466, 681, 687, 692,
603–604, 611–612, 616, 618, 729,
676; Los Angeles, 678; mentioned
752; New Orleans Crime
Commission, 49, 54; New Orleans
reelection and, 718, 723; release of
284–285; in Chicago, 90; the CIA
Police Department, 68, 252, 256
Hoffa from prison and, 713;
and, 84–87, 133, 137, 140–141, 164,
New Orleans Times-Picayune
, 160–161
resignation of, 713, 726, 729, 731;
169, 201–205, 213–222, 225–226,
New Orleans Trade Mart, 160, 161,
Rumsfeld and, 715; “Saturday
234, 264–265, 273, 301–302, 321;
Night Massacre,” 726; tapes of,
Cuba and, 87–88, 147, 170, 190, 197,
New Republic
, 739
726; taping system revealed by
205, 213–222, 238–239, 260, 263,
, 59, 69, 70, 108, 231, 703, 704,
Alexander Butterfield, 726;
268, 270–271, 280, 284–285; Cuban
Teamsters and, 713; Trafficante
exiles and, 85, 91, 133, 228, 260; in
magazine, 9, 27, 196, 203,
and, 703; US heroin trafficking
Dallas, Texas, 83, 88; death of, 240–
206–207, 284, 291, 292
and, 703; Wallace and, 719; wanted
241, 247, 251–252, 253; defection to
New York Herald-Tribune
, 158–159,
to replace CHile’s democracy with
the USSR, 82, 83, 202; DRE and,
a dictator, 711; White House tapes
744; Duran and, 216–219; evidence
New York Post
, 83, 200, 713
of, 712, 714.
See also
against, 194–195; the FBI and, 89,
New York Times
, 19, 715, 731; Bolden
Noguchi, Thomas, 637
141, 164, 168–171, 263, 301, 771;
and, 534; Ferrie and, 366; JFK
Noonan, Joseph, 163, 228
feelings toward JFK, 191; Ferrie
assassination and, 55, 79, 93, 145,
Norwood, Hal, 232
and, 84–85, 86, 176, 229, 255–256;
196, 200, 222, 246, 262–263, 265,
Nosenko, Yuri, 302–303, 313
Fiorini and, 261; as a former
294–295, 461; “Lawyer, 73, Agrees
Noyes, Peter, 196, 545, 644, 651, 698,
marine, 139, 140; FPCC and, 84, 86,
to Defend Sirhan Without Fee,”
Legacy of Doubt
, 702
143, 160, 169, 191, 202, 205, 264;
665; MLK and, 369–371, 401–402,
NSRP, 690
Helms and, 137; impersonation of,
533, 574, 597, 664; “Plot on
216; intelligence ties of, 140–141;
Kennedy in Chicago Told,” 534;
interrogation of, 191; interviews
racial incident in Atlanta and,
OAS (Organization of American
with, 160; involvement in anti-
States), 23–24, 175
Castro coup, 157; job at Jaggars-
Nichols Garage, 235–236
O’Brien, Lawrence, 285, 706, 707,
Chiles-Stovall, 83, 84, 263; job at
Nicoletti, Charles, 35, 63, 71, 106, 742,
716, 717, 718, 719, 721
Texas School Book Depository, 88–
O’Brien, Soledad, 592
89, 90, 91, 120, 243–244; joins Civil
Nixon, Richard, 18 minute gap in
Ochoa, Jorge Luis, 47, 759, 760
Air Patrol, 82; joins Marines, 82;
tapes of, 723; Alexander Butterfield Ochoa drug case, 756
JURE and, 260; library card of, 176,
and, 720; AMWORLD veterans,
O’Connell, Jim, 704, 705
177; “lone assassin” scenario, 194–
728; Anderson and, 705, 706; anti-
O’Connor, Paul, 183
195, 197, 262–263, 278, 313; the
drug squad, 703; Bay of Pigs and,
Odio, Silvia, 30, 68, 178–179, 212, 260,
Mafia and, 190; Marcello and, 46–
710, 722, 723; Bremer and, 720;
270, 278, 299, 300, 313, 428
47, 50, 51, 89–90, 176, 239, 255, 263,
Brookings Institution and, 714;
O’Donnell, Kenneth, 113, 114, 118,
264; Marine Intelligence
campaign contributions from
123, 181, 182, 196, 249, 285, 307
investigation of, 746; Martino and,
foreign governments, 707; Castro-
Oliva, Erneido, 287–288, 296, 297
91, 108, 125, 262; meets with
McGovern document and, 717;
OMB Watch, 763
Phillips and Veciana, 87; as
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), O’Neill, Francis, 183, 186–187
member of “Free Cuba Commit-
718; Chile and, 711; Chotiner and,
O’Neill, Tip, 182, 307
tee,” 191; in Mexico City, 140, 143,
701; CIA Cuban operations and,
Operation CHAOS, 523
157, 197, 200, 213–228, 232, 234,
717; CIA-Mafia plots and, 706, 707, Operation Phoenix assassination
242, 270–271, 275–276, 284; Milteer
718; contributions from South
program, 38
and, 237; Morales and, 91; murder
Vietnamese officials, 725; criminal
Organization of America States
of, 148; in New Orleans, 84–85, 86,
ties of, 703; Cubans and, 722;
(OAS), 175, 261
98, 263; New Orleans files on, 681;
demands for CIA involvement in
organized crime, 4, 45.
See also
Odio and, 212, 260, 299;
domestic operations against his
traffickers; drug traffickers; Mafia
Assassin or Fall Guy
, 321; at
critics, 707; Dick Cheney and, 715;
Orsini, Joseph, 231–232
Parkland Hospital, 240; Phillips
discussions of crime and, 712;
Osborne, Dr., 185–186
and, 165, 216; as prime suspect in
Eisenhower’s point man for Cuban Osborne, Howard, 376
JFK’s assassination, 140, 148, 150,
operations, 706; election as
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 24, 30, 37, 45–
159, 171–173, 185, 188, 190–198,
President in 1968, 698; Helms and,
77, 98, 102–103, 109–111, 159, 161,
200, 226, 227, 241–242, 247–248,
708, 723; Hughes and, 707; Hunt
178–179, 182, 230, 235, 245, 262,
262–265; prison transfer of, 235;
and, 709; hush money and, 725; IG
285, 295, 306, 449, 452, 455, 461,
pro-Castro activities of, 159–160,
Report and, 435, 444–445, 444–445;
464–465, 469, 607, 616, 650, 681,
178, 180, 188, 216, 234, 248, 260,
illegal activities of, 701; illegal
684, 697, 742; alleged communist
280; purported assassination
campaign contributions, 707;
activities of, 82, 89, 164, 166, 168,
attempt against Edwin Walker,
involvement in CIA-Mafia plots,
169–170, 178, 195; arrest of, 115,
262–263; RFK and, 159; Rosselli
729; JFK assassination and, 723;
124, 150, 153, 157, 166, 168–169,
and, 91; Ruby and, 119, 125–126,
Johnny Rosselli and, 718; LBJ and,
190, 192, 251; autopsy of, 697;
128, 190–191, 192, 235–236; in
577; the Mafia and, 4, 6, 101, 712,
background of, 82–91; Banister
Russia, 141; at Schlumberger
713, 725; Marcello and, 101, 701;
and, 84–85, 86, 91, 229, 247, 255–
facility in Houma, Louisiana, 86;
the media and, 712; pardoned by
256; Bay of Pigs operation and, 85;
shot by Ruby, 152, 238–240, 250,
Ford, 730; presidential campaign
Brennan’s testimony against, 119;
251–252, 258, 259, 271, 278, 294;
of 1960, 46; pressures to impeach,
brother of, 193; captured at Texas
sitings of after assassination, 119,
729; reaction to JFK’s assassination,
Theater, 121, 124, 125, 127–128;
120–121, 124, 125; Soviet Union
175; Rebozo and, 703, 713;
Castro and, 163, 165, 260–261, 262,
and, 164, 170, 178, 182, 190, 191,
195–196, 205, 213–222, 226, 238–
“Plan Omega,” 212.
See also
Angola and, 645; anti-Castro
239, 268, 303; surveillance of, 83,
Almeida Coup plan
operations and, 527, 529; arrest at
84, 87, 140–141, 161, 164–171, 196–
Plimpton, George, 633
London Heathrow Airport, 481,
197, 200, 201–202, 213–216, 225,
Podsaidly, Carl, 758, 759
646–648; arrest for MLK
234, 247–248, 273, 302, 521; in
Police Department in Dallas, Texas,
assassination and, 542; Atlanta
Tampa, Florida, 90; Trafficante
and, 560, 563, 568, 571, 578,
and, 91; tries to join DRE, 86; trip
Police Intelligence for state of
602–608; attempts to become
to Mexico City, 87–88; Vallee and,
Florida, 521
unrecognizable, 560; background
168; Warren Commission and, 89,
Pollack, Seymour, 655
of, 475, 559; bank robbery in Alton,
241, 264, 299, 302; weapon used by Poor People’s Campaign, 553, 576
Illinois, 476; bartending school,
(Mannlicher-Carcano rifle), 110,
Poor People’s March to Washington,
538; Belgium, 609; in Birmingham,
143, 193–194, 195, 248, 262–263,
DC, 539, 556, 562, 572–573, 588, 647
485, 528; brother of, 476–477,
264; Webster, and, 381
Posada, Luis, 298, 447, 450, 452–453,
480–481, 491, 503, 528–529,
Oswald, Marina, 82, 90, 91, 110, 128,
455, 527, 548, 549, 621, 711, 741, 749
537–538; brothers of, 691; Brussels,
193, 229, 263, 264, 265, 304–306,
Powell, John, 112
Belgium, 646; in Canada, 476, 482,
313, 516
Powell brothers, 510, 511
538, 559, 602–603, 607–608, 694;
Owen, Jerry, 661, 669
Powers, David, 79–80, 113–114, 118,
Canadian passport, 482, 611, 691;
123, 181, 182, 196, 249, 285, 307
Canipe’s Amusement Company,
Powers, Thomas, 40, 136, 320, 433,
599; capture of, 477, 481, 529, 593,
Paine, Ruth, 90, 229
444, 707, 724, 763
647, 648, 743; in Chicago, 476;
Palamara, Vincent, 163, 228
President’s Foreign Intelligence
Congressional investigations of,
Papich, Sam, 532
Review Board (PFIAB), 95, 135
645; Congressional investigators
Parkland Hospital, 122–123, 134, 148, Price, J. C., 116
and, 530; contacts in New Orleans,
174, 181–182, 184–186, 194, 240
Prio, Carlos, 103, 175, 212, 452, 706,
530, 561, 575; criminal background
Parsons, Russell, 664–669, 682
710, 718, 742
and, 477–478; Cuba and, 529, 560;
Partin, Edward Grady, 46, 294–296,
“Project Camelot,” 711
Cuban exiles and, 529, 696; defense
407–408, 460, 465–466
Project Mongoose, 438
attorneys of, 597; in Detroit, 485;
Pasadena Police Department, 655,
Provenzano, Tony, 713, 734
DiPianzza and, 542; drug
trafficking and, 477–478, 483–484,
Pearson, Drew, 392–395, 410–415,
532, 549; escape from Bushy
429, 437, 553, 624
QJWIN, 35, 36, 63, 67, 71, 97, 103,
Mountain State Prison, 743; escape
Pease, Lisa, 663, 666, 679, 683
136, 137, 141, 206, 209, 232, 246,
from Missouri prison, 475;
Pecora, Nofio, 51
273, 277, 297, 300, 737
expected to be charged with
Pegler, Westbrook, 621
conspiracy, 688; extradition to US
Pentagon Papers, 714
Quintero, Rafael “Chi Chi,” 17, 64–
from London, 687, 689; Fenster-
Pepper, William, 515, 536, 584, 592,