Read Knocked Up by the Bad Boy Online

Authors: Vanessa Waltz

Knocked Up by the Bad Boy (25 page)

Fuck with me, and I’ll destroy you.

The orange flames quickly crawl over the body sprawled on the windshield, and I hear shouts from inside the compound, its lights flickering on as the guards scream for fire extinguishers. Fucking dumbass.

The second gallon of gasoline explodes, rocking the ground as Tommy stumbles toward us, hidden in the dark. He coughs as he approaches me.

“You all right?”

“Yeah—just the gasoline.”

“Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

I don’t give a shit if the bikers see me. Let them watch. They’ll know exactly who sent what was left of their patched member, Julien.

I slide inside the backseat of my car with Tommy, and the other men start their cars, rolling down the hill.

“Take me home, Chris.”

He starts the car, the orange ball burning in his windshield mirror.

“Do you think they’ll fuck off after this?”

My honest opinion is no, but sometimes you have to send a message to keep appearances. This will escalate things.

“If they’re dumb enough to retaliate after this, I’ll hit them harder. As many times as it takes.”

Tommy regards me thoughtfully, nodding, talking to me in that New York accent that I hate. “Making a move on their home was pretty ballsy.”

“Do you have something you want to say?”

My icy tone doesn’t seem to deter him.

“We shouldn’t have hit them where their families live.”

“I hit the fucking gate.”

“They won’t see the distinction. To be honest, John, with all the risk we’re taking with this airport heist, why do this?”

“We’re up against one of the biggest groups of organized crime besides us. We needed to make a bold statement.”

“After what that kid said, can we still go through with the heist?”

I don’t even want to think of the possibility of a year’s worth of work gone down the drain.

“We need to get rid of the people he has on the inside.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

Now that we’re no longer allied, I don’t give a fuck about disposing of any of his people.

“I’m getting married next week.”


Chris stops in front of my apartment complex and I get out of the car. The walk to the elevator and the ride up doesn’t seem to happen. It’s been a long fucking day, but my muscles are tense when I walk into the apartment. The flames still burn on the backs of my eyelids. I feel the heat when I enter my apartment and swiftly lock it behind me. The television blares in the living room and I grit my teeth against it. I wanted to come home to peace and quiet, but she’s watching some kind of news channel. Fuck, I don’t even give it a second thought.

Then I see bright-orange colors that light up the whole screen. Maya’s face is illuminated by it. She turns around, her beautiful face electrified.

“My home’s on fire.”





“On fire? What are you talking about?”

He shrugs off his jacket and lazily hangs it on a chair, and then he loosens his tie and tears the first few buttons of his shirt, clearly eager to get rid of his clothes.

I try to shrug off my fear, looking at the TV anxiously. “The news said there was a fire at the fortress in Sorel-Tracy. They didn’t say how bad it was.”

“I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

A sudden suspicion hits me as he turns away.

But those fluttering butterfly feelings kick up in my chest when he faces me again and gives me that I’m-tired-but-I’m-happy-to-see-you smile. He walks around the couch and sits down next to me. His lips briefly press against the side of my head, and I catch a strange whiff.


My insides feel like steel.

“How was your day?”

“Eh, you know. Usual shit.”

No, I don’t. That’s why I’m asking.


I shrug again, still preoccupied with the TV.

His fingers graze my shoulder as the towel slips down, and I slide over his lap, linking my hands around his neck. The heat of his skin glows. I always get a strange feeling when I look into his eyes. Then he slides his touch across my back and a swooping sensation hits my stomach.

God, I’m falling for him, aren’t I?

Is it one sided?

I rest my head into the crook of his shoulder, watching the screen as it changes back to the news program. A marquee scrolls on the screen:

“Holy shit!”

I try to stand from his lap as images of bright-orange flames surrounding my home burn on the dark screen. Jesus Christ.

Good evening. Earlier tonight, a fire broke out at the gates of the notorious Sorel-Tracy fortress. Firemen are currently on site, fighting the fire. Reports indicate at least one casualty—”

“I need to leave.”

I stand up from the couch, ripping his hands from my waist. I pat my jeans. Where are my things? My wallet—

“No, you don’t.”

Johnny’s clipped voice sends a wave of fury crashing through me. I’ve listened to his fucking demands, even the most outrageous ones that I never thought I’d go through, but not this one.

I just can’t fucking do it.

I turn around, looking at him calmly seated on the couch.

Excuse me

“I said, you’re not going anywhere.”

“Why is that?”

He grits his teeth.

“Because it’s been a long fucking night, and I’m tired.”

“I’ll go—you stay here.”


I hate that fucking word.

Then Johnny stands up from the couch. I belly up to my fiancé, who towers over me, sending sparks through his unyielding gaze.

“I’d like to see you stop me.”


His hands snap around my wrists and then suddenly I’m being dragged to the bedroom. My heels dig in the floor, but it’s so smooth that I fall down.

“What the fuck are you doing? Let me go!”

“I’m in no mood for this right now. I’m fucking exhausted.”

“My mother’s in there, you piece of shit!”

He yanks me upright so hard that I bounce off his chest. His body seethes with barely restrained energy. “I’m getting really tired of this name-calling shit. If you do it again, I’ll gag you.”

“You can’t just expect me to stay here while my home is in flames!”

“This is your home.”

“Do you care nothing for me?”

He softens, running one hand through his hair. “Baby, she’s fine. It looks like it was just the outside structure.”

“I know you had something to do with this!”

There it is, finally. Johnny gives me a black look as my voice rings down the hall.

“I had nothing to do with this.”

“That is bullshit!” I can see the lie right there in his eyes. “Let me go!”

. I’m going to be your husband in a week, Maya,” he says in an increasingly frustrated voice. “Seeing your family right now is way too dangerous. Stay the fuck out of it until this blows over.”

“She’s your family, too.”

There’s no fucking way he’ll keep me away.

Johnny’s frown becomes more pronounced. It’s as though he can smell the defiance blazing under my skin. He grips my arms and manhandles me into the bedroom, laughing as I twist in his hands and try to shove him back. My efforts to get him off amuse him.

“I’m worried about my mom, and the other people there who I’m close to.”

“I understand that.”

“Do you?”

I fall onto the bed as he pins me down, his body moving above mine. My heart hammers as his tie tickles my skin. I’ve met his mother briefly, but I still know nothing about his father, other than that we’re not supposed to talk about him.

He reaches across my body and opens the drawer to his nightstand, pulling out a shiny pair of handcuffs.

Oh no.

Then a grin tugs at his mouth as he slaps each handcuff around my wrists, and attaches them to the headboard. I yank on them, and he catches my wrist.

“You’re going to hurt yourself.”

Fuck, he’s right. The metal digs into my skin. Johnny’s bubble of laughter ignites a furious wave of heat in my chest. He sits up, straddling my waist.

“Are you seriously handcuffing me to prevent me from seeing my mother?”

The laughter dies on his face. “Maya, please just trust me on this. You can’t see your family. Not now. They just put one of my men in the hospital.”

“What happened?”

“They jumped him and beat the shit out of him.”

“Jesus. Is he all right?”

“He’s probably never going to walk again.”

I sink back into the sheets as all the energy drains from my body.
Hell, you shouldn’t be surprised.
Violence was a way of life back at the MC, but I always did my best to stay out of it. Now I’m in the thick of this madness.

How many other people are going to get maimed because of me?

A smooth feeling on my cheek makes me look into Johnny’s softened eyes. “Don’t do that. It’s not your fault.”

Is he right? Or did I condemn the people I care about just because I wanted a little bit of fun? Now it sounds like Johnny retaliated by setting the MC on fire, although the images only showed damage to the outside structure. They might be all okay.

, another voice says.
That’s pretty fucking bad.

Unpleasant warmth heats up my cheeks, the skin on my eyelids, everywhere. The bed sinks as he lowers himself and kisses my nose.

“I caused it.”

“You didn’t do anything except try to have a good time. There’s no crime in that.”

And now my hands are stretched above my head, tied to his bedposts.

“If you’re going to blame someone, blame me.”

“If I did, I’d hate you so much that I’d never be able to look at you again.”

I can’t blame him anymore. There were so many things I could have done to avoid strife between the family and the MC. I could have just not fucked around with Johnny. I could have left town, but the thought of leaving him now rips me apart. It’s like one of those metal hooks in meat lockers, yanking hard right under my ribs. He started out as everything that I wanted and couldn’t have and he ended up being the only good thing in my life—the only man who ever cared about what I wanted. The painful part of it is that he would see the whole MC
. There’s not a remorseful bone in his body, and a part of me is ashamed to admit I love him for that.

I love him, and it hurts. “Just fuck me.”

The grin falters on his face. “What?”

Fuck me

I need to feel him inside me. That sweet release is the only thing that’ll make me feel better, but more than that—I need to feel pain.

Johnny’s face stretches with a primal smile, the one that makes my heart race as fear slowly raises a row of goose bumps over my skin. He digs his hand into my hair and I taste his breath before his teeth sink into my bottom lip.

“I need you.”

My stolen whisper drives him wild. He kisses me and rips himself away, and then he curls his fingers around the waistband of my jeans. They’re tight jeans and they pull on my skin, but he rips them off, rolling them all the way to my feet. Then he bends his head, smiling, and kisses my mound right through the thin fabric of my panties before sliding his hands down my body and taking them off, too.

Thoughts of the fire at home creep into my head and clench my teeth together, willing the thoughts out.

“Please, Johnny. No games. Just fuck me.”

He climbs back over the bed, still dressed as he snakes his hand behind my head. His heavy body presses into my chest as he seals his lips against mine, kissing me with a frenzy that seems brand new. I’m lightheaded when he sweeps his tongue across my bottom lip.

“I fucking need you, too.”

The space between my legs clenches hard when he hisses in my ear, and then he rolls up the bottom of my shirt, sliding up my bra so that both of them act as a blindfold over my eyes. My gasp hits the air when his warm tongue suddenly licks across my nipple, making it contract. Then his mouth descends over it and he sucks hard. I can’t see him, so every movement he makes sends a shock to my pussy, as if his fingers pinched my clit.

Just fuck me, already.

But I love feeling his mouth on my tits, the wetness suddenly hitting the sensitive flesh.


His groan hits my stomach and I flutter as he kisses right below my ribs. “I can’t control myself when you beg like that, baby.”

The sound of his belt loosening from his slacks is another throb to my pussy. My mouth waters and I strain against the handcuffs. I want to feel his muscles gliding under my hands. The fabric slithers from his hips and drops to the floor, and my heart pounds as his weight makes the mattress bounce.

His hands touch my legs, and he guides them around his waist, and suddenly something hard shoves inside my pussy. A male sigh slides over my ears as he painfully shoves through me, my legs riding up as he sinks into me.

I can’t see shit, but I don’t need to when he fucks me this hard. The chains rattle and I can hear the sounds his cock makes as it slides, and that thrilling noise Johnny makes when he buries himself completely. His breathing rises to a crescendo, and so do the slapping, wet sounds. He thrusts hard, letting out primal grunts as I tighten around him. It feels so fucking amazing—he always makes me feel so amazing.

His hips thrust into me, driving his cock deep as his face nuzzles in my neck. Warm breath billows over my skin as desperate sighs break out from his lips. He holds me tight as he rams deep. It hurts me, but I need the pain. I need him gasping into me as he fucks himself into exhaustion. He silences my moans with his mouth, groaning into my lips as he pounds me hard. Then he comes. I feel his cock jumping inside me and the torrent of warmth as he lets out a long, drawn-out groan, followed by desperate breaths. His lips seal against me and I feel his fingers rolling up the t-shirt so that I can see his flushed face.

My legs tighten around his waist as he reaches down and pinches my clit, pulsing his length so that I can get off, too. Within seconds I scream, wishing that I could claw his back as my pussy contracts over his cock. The tightness in my chest finally loosens as I lie there with Johnny’s body over mine, still buried deep inside me.

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