Knight of a Trillion Stars (13 page)

Lorgin snorted at the ridiculous statement. Taking off his cloak, he tossed it onto a floor cushion.

“I want to go home, Lorgin.”

“You are home.”
He removed his shirt.

Deana could not believe she actually stamped her foot in anger at the man.

“I do not desire to be your wife!”

“No? I am about to show you exactly what you desire.”

She didn’t need a translating device to interpret those words. She stuck her stubborn little chin in the air.

“You’ll have to take me if you want me!”

Lorgin shrugged, removing his boots. “I intend to.”

He was totally ignoring the meaning of her words, stalking her with determination.

“I mean, you’ll have to rape me.” Just to clarify the issue.

His eyes twinkled as he chuckled low in his throat. “You are so dramatic, Little Fire,” he whispered, shaking his head at her theatrics.

She clearly wasn’t getting through to him. Hell no, she was amusing him! Her last shot. The outraged Victorian Maiden gambit. “Touch me and I’ll kill myself.” It sounded a lot stupider said out loud than when you read it in books. Hopefully he wouldn’t know she was bluffing.

He looked surprised, but not by her words. “Behind you!” He pointed. “A

Deana turned, jumped, and screamed at the same time. “Where?”

Lorgin grabbed her from behind, falling on the bed with her. He quickly rolled over, pinning her beneath him. A slow grin spread across his handsome face as he looked down at her, his white teeth flashing in the low light. “Here.” A tiny dimple appeared in his left cheek.

“You rat!”

He blinked innocently at her, his long black eyelashes a stark contrast to his pastel eyes. “What is a rat?”

“A rodent-creature, it comes out and nibbles on things. Get off!”

Lorgin was clearly amused. He wickedly nudged against her just to let her know how hard he was. Her eyes widened.

“What kind of things?” he purred.

Oh God. “All—all kinds of things. Lorgin, let me up!”

He devilishly nudged her again. “What things?”

It was awfully difficult to think with him looking at her like that. With him feeling like that.
He was positively sizzling.
“I don’t know…food, and fingers, and toes, and stuff…”

He drew her hand away from the bed, bringing it to his mouth. Heated lips briefly seared her palm; he playfully nipped her index finger before drawing it deep into his warm mouth. His silky tongue provided the electric sparks as his teeth slowly scraped the length of it, all the while his penetrating, fiery stare never leaving hers.

His action was blatantly suggestive.

Deana’s breathing noticeably speeded up. When he captured her eyes again, she almost became spellbound by the brilliance of the fire in his gaze.
Like little pink fireworks…

She closed her eyes for a moment to clear her head and regain her resolve.

“Am I a rat?” he lazily asked.

“Yes!” He bent toward her neck, sweetly nibbling the soft skin with tiny love bites. Chills ran down her side. “No! I…I mean you’re acting more like a vampire. Stop that!”

Lorgin raised his head, his silky hair brushing across her taut nipples. She swore she could feel the sensuous texture of his hair right through her tunic.

“What is a vampire?”

“A monster! A monster who sucks…” His eyes widened. “Oh God! Lorgin, stop!”

Lorgin’s eyes sparkled with mirth. “I definitely think I will be a vampire…” He captured her breast in his mouth, tunic and all, flicking the swollen tip with his tongue; he rolled it back and forth gently between his teeth.

Deana arched up, clutching his bare shoulders. “Please, Lorgin, don’t.” Her plea came out a wispy rasp as the feel of his mouth through the material combined with the feel of smooth, rippling male flesh under her hands. She gasped for breath, overwhelmed by the potent force that was this man.

He paused to look down at her, eyes now bright with iridescent pink sparks. He rested his lower body fully against her as his hands cupped the back of her head, his bent elbows raising her face to him.

“Give me your mouth.” His tone was implacable and raw, all earlier traces of humor gone.

Deana gazed upon his beautiful countenance, so masculine and alive with passion. She knew in that moment, no
matter what she said or did, he would not stop. He meant to have her.

“Give me your mouth,” he repeated, his glance falling to her full, soft lips. When she did not respond to his words, he pressed his lower body tight against her, his hips rocking seductively in the cradle of hers. She shivered at the intimate feel of him. Raising his eyes from her lips, he captured her with his brilliant, heated stare. His ragged breath caressed her face.

As he looked upon her, Lorgin could barely think. He almost moaned, his need was so intense. He wanted this woman to the exclusion of anything else. The heat of desire was upon him. His heart pounded in anticipation of the Transference to take place. He felt his power building and growing within him, driving him to the edge. Her being sang within him; he could hear only her in his future. The touch of her pulsed and skipped along his nerve endings, setting up a fire in his blood. The scent of her entwined in his heart, choking him with pleasure. He
for the taste of her. The taste of her…

“Kiss me.” he whispered hoarsely. “Kiss me, my Adeeann.”

Deana could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Or was that his? It was no use, every fiber of her being wanted him. She couldn’t deny herself another minute. He was made for her, a fantasy in the flesh. Just this once. She had to. She’d sort out the marriage nonsense with him later.

Just this once…

With a choked cry, she raised her mouth to his, joining them together in a burst of frenzied longing.

Lorgin’s response was immediate and intense. His large hands threaded through the hair at her scalp, holding her prisoner for the fierce plunder of his mouth. His tongue dived between her lips as if craving the very taste of her. And taste her, he did.

Deana became senseless as the full impact of his sensuality hit her. Wild and tender, raw and spiritual, his nature pierced her very soul as he stormed his way through every defense she had in that one moment.

His heated hands found their way under her tunic, and she felt their scorching warmth on her back and the tender skin of her belly. They were a man’s hands—large, firm, and slightly rough, with a gentleness that did nothing to disguise the determination and experience in every stroke. Lorgin knew exactly what he was about; there was no hesitation or unschooled fumbling in his sure caresses. This was a man who brought his confidence into the bed with him. His expert touch made her feel as if she were the only woman he had ever embraced; the only woman he had ever clasped in such tender abandonment. In a brief moment of clarity, Deana thought he played her like a master musician, keying every note to the perfect pitch.

She had never stood a chance.

He lifted the tunic from her and flung it across the room. Once again, he covered her mouth with his own, drowning her in the wildness of his kiss. He brushed his chest against hers, allowing the differing textures of their skin, one soft and full, the other hard and sinewy, to slide against each other, sensitizing her for his touch. Little pulses of electric desire skipped from him to her, turning her mindless.

“Lorgin, Lorgin…” She recited his name, a breathless mantra.

“Yes, Adeeann. Yes…Do you want me now,
? Do you feel me coming to you?” His hot breath whispered against her lips.

He began to slowly invade every sense she possessed until all she could feel, all she could see, all she could taste was Lorgin ta’al Krue…

“You taste like my tomorrows, Adeeann.”

Lorgin’s soft love words in what she assumed was Aviaran
were spoken breathlessly in her ear, causing her to sigh. She definitely would have to set him straight. But not now. No, not now. She shivered as the tip of his tongue swirled around her earlobe, then gently teased the canal.

He mapped her with his tongue, down the side of her neck to her collarbone, around her necklace, following a trail to the center of her chest, between her breasts. Every spot he loved sang with residual vibration as he passed.

He swirled his tongue around her navel, stimulating the sensitive nerves, before moving back up to the flat plane above her stomach. Using his teeth and mouth, he suckled on her there, leaving love marks in his wake. Deana gasped at the rawness of his actions, wondering if she was capable of taking on such an uninhibited, feverish lover.

Lorgin never gave her the time to ponder it further.

His intoxicating caresses swept away any misgivings she might have harbored when he traveled to her breast. Taking the turgid, rosy peak full in his mouth, and using just the tip of his tongue, he sent a small jolt through her.

Deana reared off the bed, crying out in a choked sob, “
You’ll kill me with this pleasure!
” Nevertheless, she clutched his head to bring him closer.

The corner of Lorgin’s mouth lifted. “I will do my best, Little Fire,” he promised.

He cupped her full breasts in his masterful hands, noting with a tender smile that they filled his palms rather nicely. He bent his head to her other breast, once again sending her a small love jolt, taking the peak in his mouth and playing the vampire that Adeeann had accused him of being. Letting his fingers drift lightly down her sides to her narrow waist, he continued sucking the hard little nub as he stroked his thumbs in tiny circles on the yielding flesh beneath the underside of her breasts.

” Deana choked out, her fingers clenching in the strands of his hair.

He did not think a verbal response was necessary.

Purposefully, Lorgin spanned her waist with his hands, smoothly sliding her pants down her legs. He tossed them in the same corner as her tunic. Briefly, his adept fingers rubbed the soft skin of her calves, coaxing her pulsepoints to quiver under his touch. He got up to quickly to shed his own pants, standing at the foot of the bed for a moment to gaze down the naked length of her. Despite her resolve not to cave in under that intense sexual regard, Deana found herself blushing.

“You’re making me feel shy.”

“There is no need of this.”

But it was all she could do not to cover herself as his burning gaze traced every line of her body. Did she ever really think this man was indifferent to her? Last night, in the pool…How naive could she have been? Her eyes dropped to his manhood. It was fully erect, large and swollen with passion.

He was enormous. How could he…It would never…

Easily reading her thoughts, he smiled as he said confidently, “It will.”

Her face flamed at her transparency, but Lorgin did not hesitate. Firmly grabbing an ankle in each of his hands, he spread her legs apart, placing a knee up on the bed. The strands of his hair lightly brushed against her calf as he leaned over her.

“Be assured,
You will know me like yourself, and I, you.” Then his teeth grazed the inner skin of her lower leg—a message of intent and promise. Deana couldn’t help but moan out loud.

Holding her ankles firm, Lorgin worked his way slowly up her inner leg, employing his tongue, lips, and teeth in a combination of relentless sensuality. He kissed. He lathed. He bit. Using a timing known only to him, he would pause
intermittently. Deana’s whole body was shuddering both from his touch, and from
his lack of it.

Lorgin was not unaffected himself. His pulse rate had increased, he was finding it more and more difficult to concentrate, and his blood fairly sizzled. When he reached her upper thigh, he raised his head to regard Deana in a haze of heat. He observed her erratic breathing, her glazed eyes, her shivers of pleasure. He dropped his gaze to the juncture of her thighs. The glistening red curls had originally been his destination. He noted her present state and doubted she would be able to take that experience on top of everything else facing her. Not now, but definitely later…

He moved up and covered her mouth with his own.

At the sweet taste of his lips, Deana plunged her hands into his hair, running her fingers through the long, silky length. His overwhelming potency almost robbed her of the strength to move. She had never felt like this before, curiously drained yet thrumming with energy. He bit her neck sharply, then lapped at the spot to soothe it, then sizzled it again as he sent tiny currents to her. Then, in exquisite contrast, he blew on it. Deana reared off the bed.

“Please, please, Lorgin, I can’t take much more.”

This he could believe. He did not think he could take much more either. Her responses were innocently sweet. Again it occurred to him that she was very inexperienced. This was an unfamiliar concept to him, having been raised in a world where a certain amount of sexual freedom was a way of life.

Gently, he inserted his middle finger in her. Her velvet slickness surrounded him with a little caress. She was incredibly small and tight. He knew now that she wasn’t completely untouched; but she was so small…He wondered if somehow he was wrong about his supposition.

He lifted his mouth from hers. “You have been with a man before?”

Her face flamed. Did he think she was a babe in the woods, totally inexperienced? “Of course I have! Lots of times!”

Lorgin raised a skeptical eyebrow at her. So much for the world-weary act. She turned away from him. “Once. It wasn’t…”

He drew her face back to his. “It is all right, Adeeann. This will be.”

Her revelation did not surprise him. What surprised him was his own response to it. He was
for her lack of sophistication. He could always lead them where he wanted them to go, but strangely, the thought of another man touching her made his blood boil. After tonight they would only know the touch of each other. Tonight—tonight he had concerns, despite what he had told her, that his great size would hurt her. The Transference alone would be more than enough for her to take without added discomfort.

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