Read Kiss This Online

Authors: Hadley Quinn

Tags: #General Fiction, #relationships, #sweet sexy, #humorous erotic romance, #famous family, #erotic, #dancer, #adrenaline junkies

Kiss This (13 page)

He blinked and pulled his head out of his
ass. “Don’t worry about it. Come here, sit.” He patted the space
next to him.

“I wasn’t sure what to do with the

“Doesn’t matter. Come here.” He patted the
couch again.

“Compared to what your bathroom looked like
before, you might have a heart attack,” she commented as she tucked
a leg underneath her and sat.

With a smile he asked, “What do you mean?
God, what kind of things did you do in there?”

She laughed and said, “Nothing unusual,
sicko. But your bathroom is spotless. Or, at least, it
until I plowed through it.”

“Cool. Can’t wait to see it and imagine your
naked body in the middle of it.”

“Perv,” she smiled, shoving him lightly in
the arm.

He wanted to pull her over his lap and kiss
the hell out of her. He was going to move closer to her but decided
against it, and he suddenly stood instead.

“Well, my turn to shower,” he said.
cold one, that is.
He picked up the remote and handed it to
her. “Watch what you want; I’ll just be a few. Or maybe longer,
depending on how messy my bathroom is.”

He gave her a smile as he headed for the




Camryn took a deep breath and released it
slowly. Teague was becoming difficult to keep distant. Duh, she was
spending so much time with him. But never had she enjoyed it with
someone so much. A few more days and she could get the hell out of
this town. Her mom was doing better than she expected, but Camryn
knew it was because of Loretta Miller, not her. No, Camryn had
decided to turn into the selfish daughter and spend all her time
with a guy she’d only known a week. Like mother like daughter. And
even though her mom had even encouraged her to spend the day with
Teague, Camryn still felt guilty.

She decided to call her, just to check in.
When the phone picked up there was music and laughter in the
background, and Camryn thought she might have dialed Melanie

“Cami!” her mom laughed. “Aren’t you busy
with that hot man you’ve got wrapped around your finger?”

“Mom? Have you been drinking?”

“What? No!” she giggled. “We’re just making
dinner and singing to old music. Loretta is a crackup.”

Camryn slowly smiled. “Yeah, she is. Well, I
was just checking up on you, but sounds like you’re doing

“I’m doing fine, sweetheart. Just gonna fake
it till I make it, right? And I am having a little fun in between
for now.”

“Oh. Well good for you.”

“Are you still with Teague? Is it fun on the

“Well we’re done with that, but yeah, it was
a lot of fun. We’re back at his house right now, but I was thinking
of coming home to check on—”

“Don’t be silly, Camryn. I’m doing okay
today. You spend the time with Teague. Besides, we’re going to see
a movie later. Starts at nine.”

Seriously. Who was Camryn even talking to?
This was a complete one-eighty from the day she had arrived. “Go
to a movie? Why would you do that when you’ve got your
own theatre?”

“We’re going to see a new one. I forget what
it’s called though. But you have fun, sweetheart. I love you.
Thanks for checking up on me.”

“Sure. Okay. Have fun at the—”

Her phone beeped, signifying the end of the
call. Camryn pulled it away from her face to scowl at it, and then
tossed it on the coffee table.

“Something wrong?” Teague’s voice asked.

He’d startled her and she couldn’t hide her

“Sorry,” he smiled. On his way to the
kitchen he asked, “Is that Brandon, wondering when I’m gonna come
kick his ass?”

Camryn smiled. “No, you cocky fool. That was
my new and improved, social butterfly of a mom.”

He turned around and raised his eyebrows.
“Is she having the party?”

“The what?”

He slowly shrugged. “I told her she needed
to throw a fucking party.”

“You did not use the f-word with my mom,”
Camryn scoffed.

He grinned really big, and tilted his head
in thought. “Actually I did. Twice. But what’s she up to?”

Camryn wandered into the kitchen to see what
was up to. He had two mugs on the counter with a can of
cocoa and he was heating water on the stove.

He was actually making her hot

“So?” he asked, brushing the back of his
fingers over her cheek. He leaned over and followed the touch with
a kiss in the same spot. “What’s she up to?”

Her heart thudded a funky rhythm from his
sweet gesture. “Oh, um, she’s partying with just Loretta for now,
and then they’re going to the movies. I don’t even know who this
woman is. I don’t think she’s spent even five minutes with a gal
pal in her entire life.”

“Well this is what you wanted, right? For
her to pull herself out and live life again?”

“Yeah, definitely. She just seems…different.
But I’ll take it. It’s much improved.”

Teague was carefully scooping spoonfuls of
cocoa into each mug and it made Camryn smile. She wrapped her arms
around him from behind and laid her face against his back to give
him a hug. It was so wonderful and safe this way, to give him
affection without her memories and fears interfering.

She slid her hands inside the front of his
shirt to appreciate his abs. Just seeing him in a slim t-shirt was
a gift, touching him was even better. She loved how he smelled and
subtly breathed him in, but as quick as she was to enjoy it, she
pulled away just as soon.

“Can we watch a movie?” she asked, removing
the water from the stove just before it whistled. She had to
concentrate really hard as she poured because she was well aware
that Teague was now staring at her.

“Yeah, let’s watch a movie,” he answered
softly. He kissed the top of her head and grabbed both mugs when
she was done stirring them. He headed out of the kitchen and said,
“Meet me at the couch, beautiful.”

Camryn pushed dirty thoughts out of her head
and joined him. They sipped their cocoa while Teague searched for a
movie to watch on the satellite. She silently wondered if they were
going to actually watch the movie when Teague encouraged her to lie
down with him on the couch.

But to her surprise, all he did was hold her
until she fell asleep twenty minutes later.


Chapter Twelve



The light was not being kind to her. Camryn
knew it was coming through a window, which meant it was morning.
Window? She never had curtains open when she slept—

She jolted awake, the light blinding her as
she tried to fight through it. It took her several seconds to
realize she was in Teague’s house, in his bedroom,
in his

Pulling the covers back, she checked for
clothing. Yes, she was fully clothed, and finally the night came
back to her. She’d been watching a movie with Teague on the couch,
and that’s the last thing she remembered. She must’ve fallen

Glancing at the space next to her, she
checked for any signs that Teague had been with her. She didn’t
remember anything other than his arms around her, so maybe he had
slept by her.

She swung her feet to the floor and that’s
when she noticed her bag next to the bed. On it was a note.




Didn’t want to wake you but I had to get to
work. It fucking sucked to have to leave you in bed alone. I almost
called in sick. But help yourself to anything and give me a call
when you wake up. Better yet, come see me at the shop.




He left an address at the bottom, and next
to his phone number he added:
Here’s my number again in case you
lost my GIFT


She smiled and ended up reading the note
three more times before she got up to use the bathroom. Her phone
was buzzing when she came out, and she rushed for it thinking it
was Teague. Then she remembered that her battery was probably close
to dying, so when she answered it she said, “My phone might die,
just so you know.”

There was a pause. “Camryn? It’s Sonja.”

Camryn yanked the phone away from her face
and looked at the screen. It really did read

“Sonja. Hey. What’s up?” she asked. She
attempted to make the bed with one hand as she waited for a

“I need a huge favor, Cam. I mean

“Uh-oh, what’s going on?”

“I need a judge. A.S.A.P.”

Camryn paused as she considered it. “Well,
sure. You know I will if I—”


“Oh. Well I’m up in Oregon right now with my
mom. Do you want me to call someone for you?”

“Shit, Camryn. No, I really want
It’s convention, too. Please, can you make other arrangements? I
will fly you down here and fly you back. I’m not joking. We’ve got
Sensations Cup
this weekend, and I’ve already lost one
teacher to an emergency surgery, and Amanda LaTay bailed on me last

“What? Seriously? That’s shitty.”

“Tell me about it. You don’t even know the
half of it, Cam. But please… Can you help me? I need a judge and
also a teacher for master classes both convention days. I will pay
you double, I swear to God—”

“Okay, okay,” Camryn chuckled. She sighed,
wishing it wasn’t so soon. But Sonja had done so much for her in
her dance career that she couldn’t say no. “No need for a flight. I
have my car here; I’ll pack up and leave today.”

“I love you, Camryn. I love you so damn

“Okay, lady. Just take a deep breath and
I’ll call you tonight, okay?”

“Drive safe. Thank you!”

“No problem. Talk to you later.” There was
no response, so she glanced at her phone.

It was blank.

She scowled at it and tossed it in her bag.
Sonja would figure it out, but now she had to wait to call

Damn. Teague. A feeling of regret settled in
her chest. Maybe she shouldn’t have told Sonja she could help her
out. Maybe she should call her back and change her mind about how
much her mom needed her. No, that would be dishonest and Camryn
wasn’t a liar.

She sighed and gathered her things. Maybe
leaving was meant to be. What was going to happen when she had to
head back to California in a few days anyways? Would she and Teague
just say, “Hey, nice hanging with ya,” and part ways?

Oh God, especially after they would’ve spent
the night together. And there was no doubt in her mind something
would have happened, too. They were way too attracted to each
other, and besides, a bet was a bet. If he really did stick to his
end of it, of course she would have paid up.

Well, she basically paid up last night,
didn’t she? She’d slept in his bed, at least. She had no idea if
the rest of the terms had been followed. Well, the curtains were
wide open. That was already breaking the deal. And she had no idea
if he snored.

Or if he had clothes on.

“Oh my God,” she groaned, but then she
laughed a little just thinking about it. But she already knew the
answer. Teague wasn’t the type to waste a naked moment like that,
but more importantly, he was just a sweet guy. Despite all their
facetious banter, she knew without a doubt that he was genuinely

She read his note again as she walked back
to her mom’s house.
It fucking sucked to have to leave you in
bed alone.
She read that sentence four more times before she
had to shove the note into her bag out of sight.

It wasn’t until she got to her mom’s that
she realized it was only six-thirty in the morning. Good lord.
Sonja must’ve truly been desperate to call her that early. She
slipped in through the side door near her bedroom. The house was
silent, so she headed straight for her room and pulled out her bag
to pack. By the time she carried it past the kitchen, Loretta was
up making a pot of coffee.

“Good morning, Camryn.” She glanced down at
her bags at the same time and frowned. “You’re already leaving? I
thought you were here until New Year’s? Your mom and I were just
planning a little celebration.”

“Oh? Wow, that’s… Well, that’s good. I’m
glad. Yeah, a friend called for a last minute job that I need to
take. I gotta jet today.”

“Are you going to wait until your mom gets
up? I’m sure she’d like to see you before you go.”

“Yeah, I’ll say goodbye. But I’m glad I can
talk to you first. How long do you think you and your kids will be
here? I think you’ve been so good for her, Loretta. I just don’t
want everyone to leave and then…”

Loretta smiled sympathetically. “I
understand, sweetie. We’ll be here for at least a few more weeks.
Your mom asked us to stay until the reconstruction to the damaged
rooms of the house is complete. I said yes, so we’ll be here
through most of January, most likely.”

“Okay. I’ll keep calling to check on her.
And I’ll come back if, you know, it gets really bad again. I’ll
leave you my number and you can let me know of anything important,

“Of course,” she smiled. She pulled a mug
out of the cupboard and set it down on the counter. “Your mom is
really proud of you, you know,” she added, looking at Camryn. “She
never stops talking about you.”

Camryn wasn’t sure what to say. She didn’t
believe that Loretta knew much about her relationship with her mom,
but obviously she knew enough to say something like that. Loretta
was trying to be the bridge between them. However, a response to
that particular comment didn’t come to Camryn right away. There was
too much in the past that prevented an instantaneous
mother/daughter bond to occur.

She grabbed an apple from the counter and
tossed it into the smaller bag over her shoulder. “I’m going to go
throw this stuff in the car. I’ll be right back.”

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