Read Keys to Love Online

Authors: S. J. Frost

Keys to Love (13 page)

her health isn’t all that great, but I couldn’t leave him in a kennel for months on end. Even if my mom isn’t strong enough to walk him, she’s got a small fenced backyard, and he’ll have food, shelter, and good care. Can’t ask for anything more than that.”

Julian nodded slowly.

“But I’ll admit, I almost didn’t bother applying for the roadie job because of him.” Morgan let out a humorless chuckle. “That’s bad, isn’t it? Being ready to pass on a job for a dog?”

“No, not at all.” They walked in silence for several strides, Julian pondering on an idea, wondering if he should present it to Morgan, then decided it couldn’t do any harm. “What if you could take him with you, for a few months of the tour, at least?”

Morgan glanced at him. “What do you mean?”

“For our last tour, Jesse had his dog with him. The only time Achilles wasn’t with us was when we went overseas on Evan’s tour. Brandon watched him then since the long flights, vet requirements and quarantine issues were just too much for Jesse to put the dog through. But he’s bringing him and his other dog again for the North American leg of this one.”

“I doubt he’d be open to the idea of a roadie bringing their dog. If he let me, then everyone would want to have their dogs and kids and cats and everything else. It’d be chaos.”

“True, but he may be open to the idea if one of his band members was bringing a dog.”

Morgan stopped, putting his full attention on him. “You would do that?”

“Would it make you happy?”

“I can’t tell you how much.”

“Then I’ll do my best to convince him. I may have to bend the truth a little, but I’m almost certain he’ll agree.” Julian pulled his cell phone out of his coat pocket. “With the concert tonight, we’re running short on time, so I better call him now.”

Morgan gazed at him, visibly showing his surprise.

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Julian speed dialed Jesse’s cell number. On the third ring, Jesse picked up with a “Hey, Jules,” that was mostly crunching and hardly discernable since his mouth was full.

“Jesse, are you ever not eating?”

“Well yeah. Sometimes I’m having sex. And every once in a while I take a little time to sleep and write songs.”

Julian laughed. “I should’ve expected an answer like that from you.”

“Yeah, so what’s up? Are you already looking so forward to almost living with me for months on end that you wanted to call and say how excited you are?” Jesse joked.

“Not quite. Actually I was calling to ask a favor.”

need a favor? But you’re always so self-sufficient. This must big. What is it?”

“A friend of mine is leaving to go out of town on work at the same time we are. He’ll be gone for several months and was going to have his mother take care of his dog, but her health is poor, so I volunteered that if you’re alright with it, I’d bring the dog on the road with me.”

Julian listened to the silence on the other end of the phone. A touch of trepidation went through him when Jesse didn’t answer right away.

“That’s it?” Jesse asked, his voice flat.


“You called to ask if you could bring a dog on the road with us? That’s the big favor?”

“Well, yes.”

Jesse sighed. “What a let down. I thought you were going to ask for something big.”

“This is big.”

“Like I care if you bring a dog. What kind of dog is it?”

“A Golden Retriever.

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“Is it a boy or a girl?”


“How old?”

“How old?” Julian repeated for Morgan to hear and looked to him for help. Morgan held up two fingers. “Two-years.”

“Around the same age as ’Chilles. Maybe they’ll be friends.”

“Then you’re alright with it?”

“So long as ’Chilles and Iris get along with him. Bring him to the arena with you tonight and we’ll see how things go.”

“You’re wonderful, do you know that?”

“Of course I do! Now, I’m going to finish eating so I can do the second thing I’m usually doing.”

“Have fun, but don’t wear yourself out for the show.”

“Can’t promise anything. Later.”

“Bye.” Julian hung up and held his arms open to the sides.

“Done! So long as Chopin gets along with Jesse and Evan’s dogs, he’ll be going on tour, and I dare say traveling in more comfort than you’ll be since he’ll get to ride on our bus.”

Morgan flung his arms around him. “I know you called Jesse wonderful, but you’re the one who really is.”

“I wouldn’t go that far until we see how it goes tonight.”

“Chopin loves to play with other dogs.” Morgan laid his hand on Julian’s cheek. “But you don’t have to do this for me.”

“And that’s why I want to.” Julian caught Morgan’s hand in his. “I want to do something to make you happy.”

“You’ve already done that.” Morgan put his lips to Julian’s in a slow, sensual kiss.

Through the kiss, anxiety coursed through Julian. Anyone could see them, people looking out their windows, driving by in their cars, walking down the sidewalk. To openly hold hands was one thing. To show this level of affection was another. He knew too well what could happen if the wrong kind of person saw
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them. Only a few months ago Jesse had been jumped. And when Julian was younger, he had a friend who’d been hospitalized with grave injuries after being attacked leaving a gay bar.

Yet at the same time, he wanted to show the world who he was with. Shouldn’t he have that right? He knew the answer was yes, yet so many people who had no right to determine what was right and wrong for others, didn’t agree. But then there was Jesse and Evan, who decide to throw the opinions of the world to the wind and show their love with no shame, no fear. That’s how he wanted to live, especially if Morgan wanted the same thing.

Morgan slowly drew back. “You’re not used to public displays, are you?”

A confused smile rose to Julian’s lips. “How could you tell?”

“You tensed up, and you were holding back in returning the kiss. Usually you push your tongue down my throat, but not this time.”

Julian slowly lowered his gaze. “I’m sorry.”

Morgan shook his head. “It’s not anything you need to apologize for. Not everyone is comfortable with it.” He started walking again.

Julian felt a touch of relief when Morgan took his hand. “I would like to, though. Get more comfortable with it.”

Morgan pulled his hand from Julian’s to wrap his arm around his shoulders. “Then I’ll take it upon myself to become your teacher.”

Julian laughed. “How good of you. But if I’m not learning as quickly as I should be, you may have to pull out the paddle.”

“I never was a believer in corporal punishment, but I think I can make an exception in your case.”

Julian affectionately bumped against him and slipped his arm around Morgan’s waist.

Morgan offered him the leash. “Do you want to walk him?

It’d be good for him to start getting used to my new boyfriend.”

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Julian took the leash, glowing at Morgan’s words. “That’s right, he should.”

Chopin looked back as the leash was exchanged, then trotted forward, not seeming to mind someone else holding him.

They walked in comfortable silence before Morgan spoke, his voice hesitant. “There’s something that’s been on and off my mind all morning. How are we going to work things out on the tour?”

Reality dampened Julian’s good mood. “I don’t know. I’m not sure how Jesse and the guys will react. On our last tour, there was an incident with a couple who were seeing each other. We were minutes from hitting the stage and we stepped out of Jesse’s dressing room to a cat fight outside the door.”

“I heard about that. One thing I’ve learned in my short time as a roadie is gossiping is like religion to everyone, even beating old news like that to death. It was damn shitty of Kurt to fire that woman, even if it doesn’t surprise me.”

Julian glanced at him. “I thought she left the tour on her own.”

“Not according to the story I heard.”

“If that’s true, then we could have problems. Kurt wouldn’t dare fire you knowing it’s me you’re seeing, but Jesse already mentioned how it could build resentment among the staff, especially if they believe you received favored treatment. If it started to affect the tour, I don’t know what he’d do. Even if Jesse doesn’t care about our relationship, if Brad or Kenny thought it was creating tension between the band and staff, it would put everyone in a difficult spot, but you especially. I don’t want you losing your job because of me.”

“So what are our options?” Morgan asked softly.

“I learned quite a few things from watching Jesse and Evan when they were still keeping their relationship hush-hush, and I did a fair job myself in not letting my sexuality be known. We could just keep things quiet until the tour is over.”

“I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

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“If you feel like me, you don’t like it. I don’t want to be deceitful to the people I don’t just call my friends, but my family.

But it just might be the safest way to go for you to keep your job and keep the peace between everyone.”

Morgan walked in silence. Julian could tell from his concentrated mien he was contemplating the situation. After several moments, Morgan exhaled a heavy sigh.

“If it’s the only way we can be together, then that’s the road we’ll take. As far as losing my job goes, I’m more worried about losing it because if I do, we won’t be able to see each other. I’d have to come back here and start working wherever I can while you stay on the road. Being with you is more important than anything else.”

Julian tightened his hold around Morgan’s waist.

They continued their walk, making a circuit around the block and ending at Morgan’s home. Julian followed him in with Chopin. There were three places to go. To the left was a flight of stairs, a family room to the right, and directly in front of him, a hall led to the kitchen. Morgan veered toward the family room.

Julian took Chopin off his leash and trailed after him.

Morgan hustled around the room, picking up dog toys from the floor and tossing them into a basket near a wall, straightening magazines on the coffee table, grabbing an empty but used glass from the end table near the couch. “Sorry about the mess. My plan was to spend the morning cleaning before I left.”

“It’s hardly messy.”

Julian gazed around the room, decorated with prints of mountains, forests, deer, and other wildlife. He saw a set of shelves against one wall holding pictures and went to it. One photo showed a little boy, who he recognized as Morgan, sitting at a piano smiling up at an older man leaning against it. He saw Morgan in the handsome features of the other man and knew he must be his father. Another photo showed an early teen Morgan standing at a look-out point with forested mountains in the background, one arm around his father, the other around a lovely Keys to Love

dark blonde woman who Julian guessed was Morgan’s mother.

Julian’s gaze moved next to photos of Morgan in football uniforms, one from high school, another from college. He glanced back at him. “You played football.”

Morgan moved to Julian’s side. “Yeah, I played quarterback in high school, then in college, I was the backup quarterback and the starting tight-end.”

Julian looked at another photo of a college baseball team, Morgan in the center. “You played baseball, also.”

“And basketball, only in high school, though. Something had to give once I started college.”

Julian faced him. “I knew you were athletic, just look at your gorgeous body, but I didn’t realize how much so.”

“Well, I don’t play any sports now. No time for it. I do make a point to go to the gym a lot.” Morgan turned to walk out of the room. “I’d offer you something to drink, but all I have is tap water since I gutted everything for leaving.”

“I’m fine.” Julian followed him down the hall to the kitchen.

He paused just inside, looking at the dirty dishes stacked in the sink. “Okay, this is a bit messy.”

“I warned you. I’ll admit I’m not the best housekeeper. I usually pull clean dishes from the dishwasher as I need them, then once it’s empty, I load it up. I guess we’re opposites like that.

I didn’t even see a speck of dust in your place.”

“I’m obsessively organized, but I also have a housekeeper who comes Mondays and Thursdays to keep things nice for me.”

Morgan leaned back on the kitchen counter. “Are you totally turned off that I’m messy?”

Julian walked to him and slid his arms around Morgan’s waist.

“It’d take a lot more than a few dirty dishes to turn me off.”

Morgan slid one hand around the back of Julian’s neck as he bent to kiss him. Julian instantly deepened the kiss. He reached behind Morgan to grip each ass cheek and squeezed them.

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Morgan broke the kiss with a chuckle. “You really like groping my ass, don’t you?”

“I can’t help it. It’s so damn firm and fine.”

Morgan took Julian’s ass in both his hands. “I’m the same way about yours. It’s so small and tight.”

“One more reason we’re meant for each other. We’re both ass addicts.”

“One of many reasons.” Morgan delivered another kiss, then took Julian’s hand to lead him from the kitchen. “Should I give you a tour?”

“I’d love one.”

They walked back down the hall to the stairs and up to the second floor. There were three doors beyond the small landing.

Morgan pointed to each. “Master bedroom, spare bedroom, bathroom.” He turned to Julian and held his arms open to the sides. “And that completes the tour. Extravagant, isn’t it?”

“Now, you can at least show me your bedroom.”

Morgan walked toward it. “But if we go in here, we might not come out.”

“Which is my plan.”

Julian stepped into Morgan’s bedroom. Clothes lay scattered across the floor. The queen-sized bed still had disheveled sheets and a faded blue comforter. A large print of a moose standing in a stream hung on one wall. The single window was dressed in white mini-blinds, no curtains.

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