Keeping the Beat: An Adrenaline Novel (17 page)

              Distracted by the promise of cake Kenzie started to head towards where the family was gathering. She stopped at the edge of the dance floor and turned back to me. "Are you coming?"

              "Right behind you," I smiled and followed her over to the table where everyone was already starting to sing. Standing beside her I watched as she grinned before looking down at her candles. Her face blanked for a moment as she swept her eyes around the room, finally resting them on my face.

              "Make a wish, sugar."

              "I have everything I've ever wanted. I don't know what to wish for."

              "For God's sake Kenzie. We want the cake. Wish for world peace." Wyatt's complaint was met with a chorus of laughter. I frowned over at him, scowling when he gave me a cocky wink.

              "I know!" Kenzie exclaimed before taking a deep breath. Once all the candles were out Emma moved forward to start serving as I pulled Kenzie closer to my side.

              "What did you wish for?"

              Kenzie gave a little laugh, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. "I can't tell you or it won't come true."


Chapter 16


              By the time we got back to the house I was sobering up. I knew that if I was drunk there was a possibility that I would fall asleep and miss out on my birthday fun with Jace. That was an opportunity I wasn't willing to pass up. Plus he still owed me a present. If he thought I would forget that he was sorely mistaken.

              "Go inside and put something more comfortable on. I'll carry in your loot."

              "I can help," I offered as Jace opened my car door. His hands gripped my waist as he helped me to my feet.

              "It's your birthday. Get your gorgeous ass inside and wait for me to come rub your feet."

              With a soft pat on my bottom Jace nudged me towards the front door. When I twisted the handle it opened right away and I glanced over my shoulder to make sure Jace hadn't seen. He would be furious if he realized we had forgotten to lock it when we left.

              I walked directly to the bedroom and threw my dress onto the floor grabbing one of the shirts Jace had left over and tugging it over my head. I walked back into the living room just as he was locking the front door behind him. "Nice shirt," he grinned setting the bundle of gifts down.

              "I stole it from this guy. I don't think I'll give it back. It smells like him."

              "I’m almost jealous of my own shirt. How pathetic is that?" As he spoke Jace moved across the room, his hands immediately diving under the shirt to touch my lower back. He lowered his head and began nuzzling my neck.

              "Are you trying to make me forget about my present?" I asked as his fingers moved to span the length of my rib cage. "Or my foot rub?"

              ”Neither," he sighed and kissed me once before gently pushing me on the couch. He walked over to the bookcase and stood on his tippy toes to reach on top of it, pulling down two small packages. Handing the gifts to me he sat down on the coffee table and picked up one of my feet, his fingers immediately working their magic on my aching soles. With a groan I let my head thunk back against the couch.

              "Keep making noises like that and you'll have to wait until morning to get your gifts."

              I forced my eyes open and saw Jace grinning at me. Returning his smile I brought one of the packages up to my ear and gave it a shake. "Which one should I open first?"

              "Open the little one," he said nodding towards the package in my right hand. I made quick work of the wrapping and laughed when I opened the box. Over three dozen hair bands of all different colors were displayed before me. "Thought since I steal them so often I should give you a bigger supply."

              "These are perfect," I smiled watching as Jace carefully placed my foot on the ground and picked up the other one.

              "Next present,” Jace commanded.

              I looked at the other box in my hand and began to unwrap it. When the last of the paper was gone I found a small book. Glancing up at Jace I saw him watching me with an anxious expression.

     Thumbing open the book I gasped seeing Jace’s failed math test from over 13 years ago. Next to it was the revised test with a big “B-” written on top. Laughing I looked up at him. “You kept this?”

              Jace nodded. “Keep going.”

Still smiling I turned to the next page and saw a scattering of pictures. They were from my eleventh birthday party. All the Cooper's stood around me as I blew out my candles, Mr. Cooper's hands were resting on my shoulders as he smiled down at me.

The next page had pictures from Adrenaline's first concert in a huge arena. The guys and I were backstage just after they had finished their set. I had on one of their band shirts and was laughing as Jace and the guys surrounded me in a group hug. Next to the photo was the show’s ticket and backstage pass I had to wear.

Flipping through the book I found little moments from our past. A card I had made Jace when he had gotten the flu. Letters I had written when he and the guys were on tour. Pictures from various events throughout our lives.

When I got to the pages after I had graduated from college, all the pictures featuring Jace and I had a recurring theme. He was never looking at the camera. While everyone else was smiling big, Jace was watching me. The look on his face was one I was familiar with now.

“This is amazing, Jace,” I breathed and looked through the book again. “I love this.” “Look at the last page,” he instructed.

Still smiling I flipped to the last page and saw a few sentences written in Jace's messy handwriting.

“To the woman who makes all my wishes come true.

For the rest of my life I swear to do the same for you.

I loved you then, I love you now, and I will love you for the rest of our lives.

Happy birthday.

Love always, Jace.”

"Oh, Jace." I felt myself start to tear up and blinked to keep them from spilling over. I knew even if they were happy tears Jace would panic seeing them.

              He shifted uncomfortably when I remained silent staring at my gift. ”You hate it."

              "This is the best gift ever,” I said moving so that I was sitting on his lap. "I love you so much, Jace. Thank you for making this the most wonderful birthday I could imagine."

              "You like the page then?” I laughed and tugged his mouth to mine kissing him until we were both panting and clutching at each other as we awkwardly perched on the edge of the coffee table.

              "I love this whole book, Jace. Almost as much as I love you."

              "I don't know if I'll ever get over how good it feels to hear you say that."

              "I know I won't. I've imagined being with you for years, but the reality of you overwhelms me. You go above and beyond anything I could have ever dreamed of. You’re always saying that you're not good enough for me, but it's actually the other way around."

              He opened his mouth to contradict me but I wasn't going to give him a chance to launch into the argument I saw building in his eyes. I knew he thought I was too good for him, but maybe that was the way relationships were supposed to be. Maybe you were always supposed to be in awe of the person you loved, that way you never took them for granted.

              Climbing off of his lap I grabbed his large hand in mine and tugged until Jace got to his feet. I started towards the bedroom letting out a shocked laugh when I felt Jace grip me around the waist. Spinning me in his arms he lifted me, his hands sliding around my back to cup my bottom. I locked my legs around his waist and met his passionate kiss with one of my own.

              I felt the wall press against my back as Jace continued to lick and nibble his way across my mouth. My body began to pulse as our breathing quickened. Reaching between us I shoved my hands under his shirt and let my hands roam over his smooth skin.

              Jace’s heart was beating rapidly against my palm as he used the wall to balance me so that one hand remained on my ass while the other slid up my upper thigh under the hem of my shirt. I stopped breathing as his fingers met my inner thigh and began tracing an intricate pattern. His lips were soft and gentle against mine almost like he were savoring the taste of me.

              I felt his hand move closer to my core and shifted so that his fingers slid along the edge of my underwear. “You’ve got about five seconds left to explore, Jace.” I was going to lose it if he didn't stop teasing me soon. I wanted him inside me again.

              From Jace’s reaction I reasoned that he felt the same way. Unsnapping his jeans he made quick work of pushing them down his legs leaving on his boxers. My feet had barely touched the floor before Jace was tugging my shirt over my head.

I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my body along the length of his. When his fingers dipped inside my panties and found their destination I bucked against his hand. Dropping to his knees Jace placed my left leg over his shoulder pulling my underwear to the side. I felt his hot breath blowing over my sensitive skin seconds before his mouth closed over me. Reaching out I grabbed onto his hair as he tasted me, using his teeth and tongue to drive all thoughts from my head.             

              I almost started begging when Jace’s lips left me. His eyes lifted to meet mine and the promise I saw swirling in their depths made me breathless for a whole other reason. His lips tilted up at the corner as he stood. “You taste even better than I imagined, sugar.”

              I couldn't resist taking his mouth again. “Jace I need you. Please.”

              “You don’t ever have to beg for me, Kenzie. I’m yours for the taking.” Jace gathered me in his arms once more so that my feet were dangling just off the floor. Moving into the bedroom he lowered us onto the bed, rearranging so that I was straddling his waist. “You’ll have all the control this way. Take what you need.”



              When Kenzie grinned down at me I knew I’d made the right decision letting her be on top. Her lips still tasted like the champagne she had to accompany her cake and I found myself just as intoxicated by her. My limbs grew weak as her hands moved over me with a tenderness I had never known. 

              Her foggy grey eyes watched me carefully as she leaned down to cruise her mouth over mine. Her kiss was slow and drugging. My breath caught when she began to rock over me, her body keeping a steady beat that had my system going from simmer to boiling within seconds. Lowering her head from my mouth to my chest she began to place lazy kisses along my sternum.

              “Kenzie,” my voice came out as a choked whisper. “It suddenly occurs to me that I shouldn't be letting you do all the work on your birthday.” Lifting her head from her task Kenzie cocked a brow shooting another kick of lust through my system.

              “Like you said, it’s my birthday.” With lightening speed she reached into the bedside table and grabbed a condom. “What better way to end it then by unwrapping my favorite gift?” Tugging down my boxers she fumbled briefly with the condom causing a lusty groan to erupt from my throat. Using one of my hands to help her we rolled it on together, her hand lingering at the base.

              Rising over me again, Kenzie parted her thighs and took me inside her, lowering herself down at an excruciatingly slow pace. It took everything in me not to pull her down, to let her set the pace. To keep myself from taking over I fisted my hands in the sheets and watched through half lidded eyes as Kenzie continued to sink onto me. Her nails lightly scratching my chest as her eyes fell shut.

              When I felt like I couldn't take anymore Kenzie let herself drop down. My hands moved on their own accord to grip her hips. Her body fit around mine perfectly and as she began to move I knew I was lost. Every fiber of my being belonged to Kenzie Kane and I wouldn't change that for the world. 

              Sweat from her body mingled with mine as we continued to move together. I knew I wasn't going to last long and from the look on Kenzie’s face I could tell she was close. My fingers trailed from her waist to the hot opening between her legs. I teased her there, relishing in the groan that the movement caused.

              “Come for me, Kenzie.” The command in my voice sent her over the edge, the force of her release triggering my own. I felt my whole body seize, my face contorting as she tightened around me.

              Kenzie rested her chin against my chest as I tried to catch my breath. I felt her fingers tangle in my hair and opened my eyes to find her watching me with a smile on her face. “Who would have thought I could make a big man like you gasp for air like he had just run a marathon?”

              With a little laugh I wrapped an arm around her and hugged her to me. “You destroy me, Kenzie.”

              “That’s good to hear,” her satisfied voice was laced with approval. “I may be new to this but from the look on your face I think I’m a natural.”

              Carefully I removed the band keeping her hair up and let my fingers run through the tumble of curls that fell around her face, loving how she leaned into my hand when it came to rest on her cheek. “I never want to be with anyone but you, Kenzie. I love you.”

              “Have I mentioned this is the best birthday ever?”

              “A few times.” I smiled at her feeling happier than I could ever remember being. When she started to move off my chest I frowned and tugged her back down locking my arms around her. “Where are you going?”

              “I need some water,” she explained trying to get off the bed again. I easily pushed her back onto the mattress placing a kiss to the tip of her nose.

              “I’ll get it, you stay here.”

              “You’re going to spoil me, Jace.”

              Smiling I crawled back onto the bed again to give her a more heated kiss. Satisfied with the flare of desire in her eyes, I gave her a wink before walking towards the door. “You deserve to be spoiled, sugar. Never forget that.”

              When I walked back into the hall I picked up our discarded clothing and threw it into the bedroom, hearing Kenzie’s soft chuckle as I did. It would be just my luck to have one of the guys come over and see the mess we had made. They would immediately know what we had been up too. I wasn't going to risk our tentative truce by throwing our relationship in their faces. 

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