Read Kee Patterbee - Hannah Starvling 02 - The Gourmet Who Kept Diamonds in the Kitchen Online

Authors: Kee Patterbee

Tags: #Mystery: Cozy - Culinary Consultant

Kee Patterbee - Hannah Starvling 02 - The Gourmet Who Kept Diamonds in the Kitchen (27 page)

“Are you kidding? This isn’t for me. Too many bullets.” He pinched his belly. “With a body like this, it's clear food is more to my liking.” He looked around. “Give me a minute to clear things with these guys. Then I’ll drive you to the hospital. I’ll come back and we’ll deal with all this in the morning.” He moved to talk to one of the enforcement team that he brought in.

Betts ran her hand across the top of her head and glanced at Hannah.

“I know it does no good to tell you to do something, so I’ll just ask. How about you stick around Gresham for a few days until I get a chance to go over all this with you?”

“Of course. In fact…” Hannah looked over to Hym. “I think we should stay a week more.”

“Great,” Betts said in a half-sarcastic tone. “Since you’ll be here, how about I send over some old case files to keep you warm and toasty in bed and out of trouble.”

After reaching over and pulling Hym in for a kiss, Hannah grinned. “I think I got that part covered.”



Seven weeks later.

Sitting in Hoolie’s Burgers, Fries, and All That, Hannah and Hym chatted over a bowl filled with fried okra.

“This is becoming a bad habit.”

Hym shrugged. “You asked me out to dinner, and then said I could go wherever I wanted.”

“Good thing I have a plane.”

“Like I’ve often said, it does come in handy.”

Hym winced and rubbed his leg.

“Acting up already? You just got it off. You don’t think it was too…”

“It’s fine. Calvin said it was just part of it. It’ll pass.”

Hannah drew her brow down. Even though it had been just over seven weeks since the events at Gresham, she knew the man she loved put on a brave front. The pain came and went, but the damage was done. Though he was healing, his doctor informed him it would never be one hundred percent again. She remembered the doctor’s pronouncement that he would use a cane and leg brace for the rest of his life. His life in law enforcement, much like Hannah’s, came to a sudden end. Every moment possible since, she spent with Hym. Now, they spent more days together, than not. From its awkward beginning to the present, their romance turned from attraction to love.

Hannah’s thoughts
were interrupted by food being placed before her. She looked up at the man who placed the plate with a huge cheeseburger and a massive pile of onion rings. At 6’4”, with graying black hair and beard, he was impressive. He gave his usual big, friendly smile that could light the world.

“Here you are, my dear.”

“Thanks, Will.”

Hannah took a bite of the onion ring. Her eyes grew wide with pleasure. “These keep getting better and better, I swear,” she called after. He laughed, turning back to grin at Hym.

Hannah popped a piece of fried okra in her mouth. “Betts called. The Brandons pleaded guilty. They’ll be sentenced next month after prosecution and defense statements. They’re vying for a lesser sentence, but the DA thinks that’s a long shot.”

“Good deal. Did they fess up to shooting at you?”

Wiping her mouth with her napkin, Hannah nodded. “They did. They claimed that Turnbull was collateral damage done by the deliveryman and company. Lukas did hire them. Some leads are trailing back to the organization that ran them, but they’re thin. I doubt much will come of that, but as for the Brandons, the older one, James, said they had nothing to do with any murders. And they weren’t trying to kill me, just scare me enough to force my hand.”

“You believe them?”

“It’s possible I suppose. Lukas was bent on getting the diamonds and he had no clue where they were. He was relying on me to find them. If they did me in, he was out twenty mil. He wasn’t about to do that, so… And they couldn’t do Turnbull. They didn’t have time to change from street clothes to uniform in the time between the shooting and their going after me. So, they’re guilty of a lot of things. Murder may not be one of them. Who knows?”

Hym pulled his brow in and gave Hannah a stern look.

“You never did tell me what put you and Betts at odds.”

“Long story. Remind me later. Anyway,
she’s taking over. Chief Toody is calling it quits and asked me to give a letter of support.”

“Are you going too?”

“Yeah, she’s a good detective and knows her stuff.”

Hym rocked his jaw back and forth. “What about Grimm? Any action on him?”

“She said the list of charges keeps growing. The same goes for the number of countries putting him on trial. Cote d’Ivorie, France, Switzerland, Canada and the US, just to name a few. Everyone is trying to connect him to their diamond smuggling crimes. So far, there’s thirty seven counts of murder, human trafficking, international maritime codes. You name it. He’ll rot forever before everyone gets a shot. The Swiss seized his accounts and tied them to a bunch of others. I doubt he can even afford a lawyer at this point.”

“No love
lost there,” Hym said, biting into his sandwich. He chewed for a moment and then said, “I wonder why he didn’t just let it go? I mean, he had almost a billion in the bank. Twenty million is a lot, now, but it wasn’t worth the risk.”

“Was to him. Greed I suppose. I know he
didn’t like losing. Maybe he was at it so long he just couldn’t let it go. It was his last hoorah. I don’t know. The way some people think, you just can’t explain.”

Hym dipped his onion ring into ketchup and studied it before taking a bite. “One billion in diamonds. Over how many years, I wonder?”

“At least twenty two. He got started while working as an investigator. The details are fuzzy, but well we never get the full story, do we?”

Hym agreed. “I suppose Ducky,
Samori, and you are going to have to work with this for some time to come, what with all the trials.”             

Hannah frowned. “I suppose so.
Hadn’t given it much thought though. Ducky’s already having to deal with bits and pieces, even though he left HSI. I got an email. Loves Paris. Settling in well enough. Starts school next month.”

As a frown moved across her face, Hannah sighed. She looked across the table at Hym with guilt in her eyes. “The clerk who died. Her granddaughter,
Madhu. The one who worked at the hotel. She took Ducky’s place.”

Hym reached over and took hold of Hannah’s hand.

“Hey, that wasn’t your fault. It isn’t on you. You were just investigating.”

Though her head bobbed in agreement, Hannah’s face told another story. She still felt guilt over having led the criminals to Turnbull and the storage clerk, where each
was killed. She turned her sight downward toward the table for a moment.

“I guess
, but in part, it’s still on me, especially after Turnbull.”

Saying nothing more, Hym squeezed Hannah’s hand. He could do nothing to ease her pain, so he waited for her. When she finally looked up at him, he gave a supportive, sympathetic smile and changed the subject.

“Well, at least you were able to get Ducky in at the last minute. You must have left one serious impression there.”

“I suppose I did. Anyway, the festival is giving him their first ever scholarship. All this business brought them more publicity than
they’ve seen in the last twenty years. They’re already three quarters booked for next year. So they asked us back again.” Hannah gave a cheesy smile. “I said we would on the condition they consider Ducky.”

Hym leaned back. “Hmm
, I did enjoy the week after.” Rubbing his leg, he added, “The week before, not so much.”

“Ah, come on. You got to have dinner on a big boat
, see Vera and Louie, and play with Critic,” Hannah wiggled her eyebrows in mock seduction, “and you spent the week in bed with me.”

, sleeping, watching old movies, and reading cold case files. You solved two before we left.”

“But I never left the bed.”

“Well, there is that.” He leaned over the table and motioned her in for a kiss. “Still, we’re not getting any younger you know, wink, wink, nudge, nudge.”

“All in due time, Mr. Miles. Getting around on that leg has been problematic
, and it was Dr. Tompkins who said to stay off it. Period. Not the slightest pressure. That involves pressure. And you shouldn’t have gotten up.”

“If I didn’t, he’d have killed you. Anyway
, it’s frustrating, that’s all. We’re adults.” He pulled out his cell and handed it to Hannah. “I’ve been meaning to tell you, Janine called.”

“How are the twins?”

“Good.” He held it out for her to see. A picture of two babies graced the screen.

, so cute.”

“Anyway, tomorrow
night, Elias is going to be on Jazlyn’s show, and so is Samori. They’ve partnered up. Your friend, the ambassador, he’s sending them out on an awareness tour. They’re highlighting both the food and diamond smuggling operations. They’ll be talking truffles of course. Louie and Vera are going to be there. They wanted to know if we were sticking around. Maybe grab dinner before. Stick around for the taping.”

Hannah nodded, popping in another onion ring. “Sounds good. On that news front, get this. Guess who bought out Rosanna’s?”

“Madeline’s chain?” Hym shrugged his shoulders.

Hannah nodded. “Asa. Now that she’s gone, he thought it was a good investment.”

“Well, I’m sure he’ll fix it up. Kind of sad if you think about it. She’s going to get what she wanted, only she’s not around to see it. I’m telling you right here and now, if it isn’t a normal mushroom from here on out, I’m not interested.”

Uhmm, about that,” Hannah offered before she sat her burger down, “Vera called me too. Asa wants to hire me to help revamp the menu and make suggestions.”

Hym eyed Hannah with one eyebrow lifted.

“I promise, no truffles, just straight out, up and up chef slash consultant work. I don’t even have to leave the apartment.”

“Good deal.
I’m starting to like this job of yours. If you’re home, I can keep an eye on you.”

“You better keep them both on me
, and only me.”

Hannah paused and looked around the restaurant.

“Are you sure about this? This is your hometown.”

Hym leaned back in his seat. “And Twilight is yours.”

“Well, that and Phoenix.”

“I’m not moving to Phoenix.”

“Well, neither am I. Not back anyway. But you’re giving up everyone you know.”

“Ed. Just a plane ride away, as
you’ve well proven. Besides, Mom and Dad are gone, and Ed’s at school being a cop, I don’t keep many friends here, other than Hoo Tu. Can’t do the job anymore. So, I’m not leaving that much in truth. Have you told Jay and Sindee yet?”

Hannah nodded,
and then smiled. “Papa Jay was all grumpy and wanted to know why you didn’t say anything. I told him I wanted to do it myself. Gran was, of course, excited.”

“She set a date, didn’t she?”

“She keeps mentioning June. I told her to wait till you asked. In the end, Papa Jay agreed as long as you make me happy. Gran just told him to get over it. Everyone lives together first these days.” Hannah paused and studied an onion ring. “I guess we do need to talk about that something, you know. The obvious thing. Now that you’ve healed up and the cast is off and everything.”

Hym nodded in silence. “That’s a big elephant in the room.”

“Don’t you think we addressed it?”

“I do
, but first, can you keep a secret?”

, but tell me anyway.”

“Al and I went to pick out a ring.”

Hannah’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open. “No.”

Hym nodded. “Sure did. Picked out one that cost
way too much, but she’s worth it. Great lady.”

Hannah reached over and took Hym’s hands into hers. “She is. When’s he going to ask her?”

“Right now.”

lowered her eyebrows and stared as a look of confusion rolled across her face. Then her eyes widened. Hym lifted his hand and gestured.  Soft music from a guitar started from a table nearby. Hannah looked over to see an older man playing. Her mouth fell further open and she turned back to Hym. Hoolie approached with a plate in hand. Gran and Papa Jay followed. Papa Jay’s face beamed with pride and Gran could hardly contain herself. They sat at an adjoining table. Cate and Al followed as well, joining the elder Starvlings.

Reaching the table,
Hoolie got down on one knee beside Hannah. He held the plate up. On it lay a large silver ring with a huge emerald in the center.

“He can’t get down on one knee anymore, my dear
, so he asked me to stand in for him. It is my honor.”

Tears welled up in Hannah’s eyes as she pulled her hands to her chest.

“Ms. Starvling, would you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?”


Hannah lay next to Hym on the bed in his apartment. She held her hand out toward the roof, gazing at the ring on her finger.

“Why an emerald?”

Hym glanced over and looked at the piece of jewelry as well. “Goes with your eyes. Besides, I figured given all, diamonds seemed just wrong.”

“Uh huh
, and they cost a bundle.”

“Well, there is that. That alone is enough to wipe out part of my retirement. Good thing I got you to keep me in the lifestyle to which I’m accustomed.”

Hannah rolled to one side and placed her arm over Hym’s chest. With the other hand, she twirled his hair. A smile ran across her face.

“Are you saying you only married me for my money?”

“That, and you’re a genius. Those eyes. That face…”

They kissed. After parting, Hym gave a devilish grin, adding,
“and your butt.”

“Oh, you are such a bad man. And to think, I was going to give you your present.”

“No kidding? Is it gift-wrapped?”

“Indeed it is.”

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