Karac: Kaldar Warriors #1 (16 page)

BOOK: Karac: Kaldar Warriors #1
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“Basically the same thing.”  He filled a plate and handed it to me.  I took it and hesitantly started in.  He filled an extra plate and began eating.  I asked a few questions about the different foods and Merrik was kind enough to tell me about them.  He was quiet, and really didn’t talk without me prodding.  Luckily, I had no compunctions about getting him to talk.  He didn’t appear annoyed with me, just shy of talking with me.  I made it my mission to get him to open up. 

When we were done eating, I didn’t want to stay in the room.  I asked Merrik if he would take me around the ship to see if I could get my bearings.  He and another guard spent the afternoon showing me around.  While we made our way around the ship, I couldn’t help wondering where Karac was and what he was doing.


Chapter 12: Truemates



“The initial reports show an increase of Degren activity.  Local mobilization only, nothing off the surface.”  Calzen reported.  Karac, Darrok, and Calzen were all in the Command going over images and reports sent in from a scout team on a neighboring galaxy that housed their enemy, the Degren.  The Degren had very similar features to the Kaldar and it was said at one time both races came from the same place.  However, a millennium ago, the Degrens decided they no longer wanted to adhere to the Kaldar’s way of life.  War broke out and they were driven off planet.  They ended up in an unknown galaxy that was previously uninhabited.  Since then, they have taken control over their area.  In the aftermath, Karac’s family was voted in to rule as long as there was an heir to pass the reign to. 

“Is there any indication they will be?”  Karac asked.  He stood leaning over the table, reviewing the maps in front of him.  Both Calzen and Darrok stood opposite of him in the exact same pose. 

“None so far.  But we know them.  And their history.  It is only a matter of time before they make their move.”  Calzen commented. 

“They know we are struggling to find mates.”  Darrok added.  “If news spreads that Earth holds the key to our survival, they may attack at home before our numbers rebound.”

“Or they could attack here.”  Karac spoke softly. 

“Earth has too high a population to be easy to take out.”  Darrok argued. 

“The reports I’ve read say the human immune system is weak without a boost from ours.  A well placed biological weapon could easily destroy them.”  Calzen commented. 

“But the mated females are fine, right?”  Karac asked thinking of Ashley and their future together. 

“Yes.  As I said, once they are mated, their immune system is boosted through their connection with their chosen warrior.”  Calzen said.

“So we have two fronts to guard.”  Darrok stated, motioning with his hand at the map.  “One here, for future mates, and one at home, for future families.” 

“It would seem so.”  Karac sighed.  They would be stretched thin if they had to guard two fronts all on their own.  Some of their allies could be called in to assist, but that was always a slippery slope. 

“Have you heard from your father?”  Darrok asked, glancing at Karac.

“Not since last week.  He’s busy with the other galaxies besides watching over this development.  He should be checking in tomorrow.”

“Have you told him yet?”  Calzen asked as he rose to his full height.

“About Ashley?”  Karac asked and Calzen nodded.  Karac shook his head.  “I planned to tomorrow.”

“He should be happy for you.”  Calzen commented as he pulled out a chair and stretched his legs out in front of him. 

“As I’m sure Mother will be too.”  Karac added with a lopsided grin.  “She’s been after me to find my mate so she can have a baby in the home again.” 

Laughing, Darrok clapped Karac on the shoulder.  “Well, I wouldn’t tell that bit to Ashley just yet.”

“Not if I want her speaking to me.”  Karac grinned.  “Thanks for the idea about the flowers, by the way, Calzen.  They seemed to work.”

“Good.  Knew they would.”  Calzen replied with a nod. 

“So, what do we do for now?”  Darrok asked.

Karac exhaled.  “Keep monitoring the situation and see what develops.  When the other scouts come back I want a detailed report on their findings.  I have a feeling it won’t take long before this comes to a head.”

Both warriors nodded in agreement.  They all went their separate ways as it was close to the evening meal.  Life on ship could be hard to tell time with no sun to mark the passage, but they tried to keep everything on a schedule to ensure things ran smoothly as well as make the new mates feel at home.  Speaking of mates, Karac was eager to return to his. 





I was back in the room, by myself.  Merrik left me shortly after we returned from our walk.  I think I might have worn him down a little.  Apparently he wasn’t used to someone who asked as many questions as I did.  He was a little too eager to leave me in my rooms as he turned and went back down the hall, claiming he had to talk with the other guard.  I shrugged.  There was always tomorrow.  I snooped around for a bit in the rooms that Karac claimed were ours but didn’t really find anything interesting.  I just sat down when I saw the com device flashing with an incoming call.  Looking at it closer, I saw that it was my parents’ number.  Excited, but worried something might have happened back home, I pushed the side button and was surprised when an image of Nathan came up. 

“Nathan! What are you doing there?”  I took a closer look at him and noticed he was looking a little pale.  He sat straighter than normal, like it hurt to slouch.  My parents weren’t in the image at all.

“Ashley, are you all right?”  Nathan’s eyes ran over what he could see from his side. 

“Shouldn’t that be my question to you?”  I teased lightly. 

“I’m fine.  Nothing a few days won’t fix.  I don’t even remember what happened.  Did they hurt you?”

“No, no I’m fine.”  I assured him.

“I can’t believe they kidnapped you in the middle of the night.”

“Yeah, it wasn’t the best timing.”  I agreed.

“I heard it was that Karac guy that took you?”


“Did you tell him you don’t want to be his mate?  When are you coming home?”

“Nathan, I-“  A growl from across the room had me looking up.  My eyes widened as I watched Karac rage across the room and sit beside me.  Shocked, I did nothing as he pulled me into his lap so we were both facing the com link.  I saw Nathan’s eyes widen in surprise.

“She is mine, boy, and her home is with me.”  Karac growled.  Nathan was quick to shake off his surprise.  I, on the other hand, wasn’t sure which testosterone infused man was going to have an aneurism first. 

“She can decide for herself you fucking alien.  Bring her home!”  Nathan was on his feet, yelling into the com device. 

“No!  She stays!”  Karac wrapped his arms around me tighter as if I could jump through the images and escape him.  Nathan looked to me in his rage.

“Ashley, tell him you don’t want to stay.”  Nathan demanded.  “Tell him your home is here.”  Speechless, my thoughts were so jumbled I couldn’t come up with anything to say.  I knew my home was back there,
I knew that,
but my body and soul felt like it was here with Karac.  There was just this feeling that I couldn’t shake that Karac and I were meant to be together.  That’s what scared me the most. 
And why wasn’t I protesting being in Karac’s lap? 
Nathan read the mass of emotions that crossed my face and his jaw went slack.  “You can’t be serious, Ashley.”

“Nathan, I-“  I started to explain but he cut me off. 

“He’s a fucking alien.  You don’t belong up there!”  He pointed to above him in his rage.

“You will not yell at my mate.”  Karac growled, gently running his hand up and down my forearm in a soothing gesture. 

“Your mate.”  Nathan scoffed and shook his head.  He looked at me with intense eyes.  “Ashley, you need to come home.”

“Nathan, I don’t know what to do.”  Nathan looked at me for a little bit longer before sighing and closing his eyes.

“When you figure it out, let me know.”  With that, he walked out of the image.  Shocked, I watched the image for a minute waiting for him to come back. 
He wouldn’t leave like that would he?
  He did.  I turned to Karac and punched him in the chest.

“What the hell did you do that for?”  I admonished him.

“What?”  If he was surprised by my outburst he didn’t show it. 

“You could have said anything, anything at all, but you had to go all caveman in front of him.”

“I don’t know this reference to a caveman but you are my mate.  The boy should recognize that.”

“He’s not a boy.”  I muttered. I folded my arms across my chest in frustration.  Karac pulled me around so I was sitting sideways on his lap.  One of his arms stayed at my back, while the other traveled up to my face.  He cupped my cheek and pulled my face gently in his direction. 

“I apologize if I upset you.”  He said seriously. 

“It’s fine.”  I said, looking into his eyes.  That was something that you couldn’t just look away from. 

“I want you to be happy with me.”  Karac implored softly. 

“I know you do.”  I acknowledged.  We stared at each other for a moment longer before I lost my nerve and broke eye contact.  Karac still had a firm grip on my waist so I waited for him to break the silence. 

“I know I wasn’t here this afternoon.  Did you find something to do?”  He asked offhandedly, running one of his hands up and down my back. 

“Yeah, Merrik showed me around the ship some more.”  I tried not to think about the heat his hand was creating that coursed through me. 

“Good.”  Karac caressed my jaw with his thumb from his other hand.  The action was very distracting and I found myself leaning in.  One of my hands dropped to my lap while the other moved on its own to rest on his chest.  His breath caught at my action and my eyes flew to his mouth. 
I wonder what would it be like to kiss him? 
Slowly, his head started dipping towards mine and I just sat there, waiting to see what would happen.  When he was a hairsbreadth away, a voice from behind startled me. 

“Ashley?”  I swung my head around to see Mom in the image that Nathan had left running. 
Oh shit. 
I struggled to get off Karac’s lap but he just straightened me out as we both faced my mom.  Mom still had a shocked expression on her face as she took in our seating arrangement.

“Uh, hi Mom.  You met Karac?”

“Yeah, the day he searched the house.”  She replied casually, still watching us. 

“Oh, right.”  I muttered.  My brain was having a hard time getting away from that almost kiss. 

“Mike, can you come in here please.”  Mom yelled off screen.  “Ashley’s on the line.”  I heard Dad walking toward the living room and his voice reached me before I saw him.

“I don’t know what you said to Nathan, Ashley, but the guy just went tearing out of the yard…oh.”  Dad sat heavily beside Mom as he took in me sitting in Karac’s lap.  Again, I tried to subtly slide off but Karac held me firmly.

“I’m afraid that was my doing.”  Karac replied.  “He said some things I took exception to.”

“Like what?”  Dad asked.

“Like Ashley should return to you right now and that was her home.”

“Uh huh.”  Dad said neutrally, and then looked to me.  “What did you say, Ashley?”

“I didn’t get to say much before he stormed off.”  I hedged. 

“Well how was your first day up there?”  Mom asked, changing the subject.  I could see she was still eyeing the way Karac was holding me.  Problem was, I couldn’t tell if she was annoyed or happy to see me with a man, in some weird motherly way. 

“Fine.  I got a tour around the ship.  Ate some weird food.  Talked to Anne too.”

“You didn’t eat anything that will make you sick, did you?”  Mom asked.  Before I could reply, Karac answered.

“All of our food is safe for human consumption.  Trust me, your daughter is safe in my care.”  Silence greeted that statement and I could tell my parents were mulling that over.

“Did Kat and the boys go back?”  I asked to break the awkwardness.

“Yes, they left shortly after your call this morning.”  Another awkward long pause.  I could tell my parents wanted to ask me questions but they were hesitant to do so in front of Karac. 
Might as well get the inquisition over with.
  I sighed and turned to Karac.

“Could you give us minute?”  I asked softly.  He looked to my parents then back at me.  He nodded, then before I could stop him, leaned in and kissed my forehead.  Right in front of my parents.  I heard Mom’s gasp and when I looked back to the screen, both of their eyes were wide in shock.  Karac slid me off his lap and went into the bedroom without a word. 

“Ashley Jo Jacobson, did you just let that…that…man, kiss you?”

“It’s…complicated, Mom.”  I sighed and put my head in my hands. 

“How complicated?” Dad asked.  I looked up and noticed him studying me.  “You’ve only known him a day.  Less than a day.”

“I know.”  I emphasized.  “I know how it sounds and looks.  But there is something that…I don’t know…connects, every time I’m around him.  It’s like we…fit…almost…perfectly, together.  It’s hard to explain.”

“He mentioned that you were his truemate.  Is that like a soulmate, like you mentioned when all this started?”  Mom asked.

“I think it means the same thing in their minds.  From what I gather, it’s permanent.  Once mated there’s no going back.”

“You haven’t mated him yet, have you?”

“MOM!”  I exclaimed, equal parts shocked and annoyed with her question. 

“What?  You looked cozy there.  What was I supposed to think?”

“No I have not mated him.  I’m still trying to figure all this out.” 

BOOK: Karac: Kaldar Warriors #1
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