Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 4 (13 page)

BOOK: Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 4
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“Stand up,” he told Ian, unable to keep the desire out of his voice. “I’ll dry you off.”

Ian’s eyes were closed, and he shook his head. “No.” His denial was weak, and he stood, not looking at Derek. Derek walked over and picked up the dry linen he’d gotten for Ian. He walked back to Ian, who had his head bent down and wouldn’t look at him.

He started with Ian’s back, slowly dragging the cloth from his nape down along the strong, sinuous length of his back to the high curve of his ass several times. Ian’s head came up and he leaned into Derek’s strokes. Derek stepped close and ran the cloth over the cheeks of Ian’s ass and along the bottom curve into the snug crevasse between cheek and leg, then back up along the tempting crease separating the firm globes. He felt Ian shiver and thought he heard a low whimper. He was beyond enjoying Ian’s discomfort.

Derek was so aroused his hands were shaking. He was aching and breathless and the desire was almost painful in its intensity.

“Turn around,” he rasped. Ian shook his head again but did as Derek commanded.

Derek ran the rough linen across Ian’s chest, watching the play of the lamplight in the whorls of blond hair lightly dusting his pectorals. He rubbed the cloth softly over his pebbled nipples several times until he saw Ian’s stomach quiver. The tremor distracted him and drew his attention to other things.

Derek lowered himself to his knees in front of Ian and began to dry his legs. He ran the cloth down and around thighs thick with muscles from his years in the cavalry. The same blond hair that gleamed on his chest lightly covered his legs. His feet were long and graceful with a high arch. The only thing Derek hadn’t dried was Ian’s cock. He looked up and Ian’s face was turned away, his eyes closed. Quietly Derek put the cloth down, and reaching out he slowly wrapped his hand around the thick width of Ian’s hard erection. Ian’s entire body jerked. Derek started to lean forward, his mouth watering in anticipation of tasting Ian’s hot, hard flesh.

“Derek, no!” Ian’s cry was hushed but fervent. He grabbed Derek by the hair and painfully jerked his head back. Instead of deterring him, it aroused him more.

“Yes, Ian, yes,” he moaned, fighting his grip, trying to reach Ian’s cock with his mouth.

Ian sobbed and his other hand joined the first in holding Derek’s head back. “No, Derek, I can’t let you. Please stop.”

His words registered and Derek relaxed into his hold and looked up at him

questioningly, letting all his love and desire show in his face.


Samantha Kane

“Derek, God, Derek,” Ian whispered, the fingers of his right hand gently smoothing down Derek’s cheek. He shook himself and tried to pull away from Derek’s hold on his cock, but Derek tightened his grip slightly and Ian gasped and shuddered.

“Derek, I can’t do this to you. It’s just…I haven’t had a woman in too long. Please let me go.” Ian’s voice broke and a terrible sadness was on his face. Derek felt choked by emotion, unable to breathe.

“You know that’s not it, Ian. You want me, admit it.” Derek heard the desperate plea in his voice and inwardly winced. He’d never begged for anything, but he would beg for Ian. “Let me take care of you, Ian.”

“You’re so young, Derek.” Ian’s voice was laced with regret. “So young. You don’t know what you’re doing, the repercussions. I don’t want you to hate me, Derek, and you will. You’ll hate me and yourself.”

Derek took a deep breath, trying not to get angry. It took a moment for him to find the words to express what he felt, and still when he spoke he believed them inadequate.

“Ian, I have wanted you from the first moment I saw you. You’re right. At the time I didn’t understand what I was feeling. Now I do. I’ve seen you in the throes of passion, I’ve seen you fuck someone so deep and hard you owned them. I want that. I want you to own me. There is nothing you can do to make me want you more, and there is

nothing you can do to make me want you less. What is, is. I want you. I want to take care of you, of this.” He caressed Ian’s hard length. “Let me take care of you, Ian. You will never regret it, and neither will I.”

“No, just…no, Derek. You’re so young, too young—”

That did it. Derek let himself get good and pissed. “God damn it, Ian! Would you quit saying that? I wasn’t too young to know what I wanted when I was fucking

Dolores with you. Why am I too young when it’s you I want to fuck?” He let go of Ian and stood up. “I was out there in the fucking face of death with you. I wasn’t too young to die for King and country, was I? But I’m too young to know that I love you and want you. I’m too young to know that I will feel that way until the goddamn day I die.” He shoved Ian back in anger. “Arrgh! You really piss me off, Ian.”

Ian laughed. Derek couldn’t believe it. “What the fuck is your problem, Ian? Don’t you dare laugh at the way I feel.”

“Derek,” Ian said in exasperation, shaking his head. “There you are. I was

wondering who that man was kneeling at my feet begging.” He grabbed the back of Derek’s head with one hand and pulled him forward until their foreheads were resting against one another. “This man I believe,” he whispered. “This raging lunatic, him I know. I thought I was going to save you, save you from me. What the hell was I

, Derek. You saved me.”

Derek wrapped his arms around Ian, feeling protective and vulnerable at the same time. He couldn’t speak. Ian’s words meant yes. Yes, he would have Ian, they would have each other. His blood pounded in anticipation, in trepidation, in love. He was in 64

At Love’s Command

love for the first time in his life and he wanted this man so much. Christ, he was weak-kneed with it.

Ian’s skin was still warm and moist from the bath. He smelled of soap and linen and wine. Derek wanted to remember everything, every touch, every smell, every

sound. He had seen Ian in every situation imaginable, shared almost every experience men can share. And yet it all felt new and wondrous. Ian pulled back just enough so that their heads no longer touched but their faces were still close, still aligned. Derek trembled at the warm brush of Ian’s breath against his lips. He could see the shadows cast by Ian’s lashes on his cheeks in the lamplight as he narrowed his eyes, gazing at Derek’s mouth.

“I’m going to kiss you, you know,” Ian whispered.

“You’d better do it damn quick or I will,” Derek whispered back.

Ian’s smile made Derek’s stomach clench, made that vulnerable spot between his

balls and his ass tighten in longing. Ian’s smile was feral and blazing with erotic promise. “No, you’ll do as I say.” The words were softly spoken but carried an

arrogance that should have angered Derek, not thrilled him as they did. His breath caught in his throat. Ian’s hand gripped Derek’s hair and dragged his head the inch or so required to bring their mouths together. There was little tenderness in the kiss. It was dominant and ravenous and arousing.

Ian’s tongue was long and clever. He sought out the corners of Derek’s mouth

languorously, licking along the roof and tracing the soft tissue behind his lower lip.

Derek couldn’t stop the ragged moan that was dragged from the bottom of his soul at Ian’s taste. Hot, wet, slick, Ian was everything Derek had been dreaming of for over a year. The kiss lived up to the dreams and then moved beyond them into a realm of pleasure Derek hadn’t even known existed. Ian gave no quarter, refused to let Derek lead in any way, only follow. He dueled with Derek’s tongue, subjugated it and finally drew it into his mouth. Derek could only cling to him, needing him with an ache that permeated every fiber of his being.

Ian held Derek’s head in place while he was kissing him, and after a minute his free hand started to roam possessively over the terrain of Derek’s body. He ran his palm over Derek’s chest and shoulder and down his arm, stroking his muscles and tracing their lines. On Derek’s chest he buried his hand in the dark, thick hair that covered the heavy musculature there. Ian seemed to revel in Derek’s body, his kiss becoming more aggressive as he caressed him. When he took Derek’s nipple between his fingers and pinched and plucked it roughly, Derek cried out, not in pain but in arousal. Derek felt Ian smile against his mouth and then Ian bit his lower lip gently at the same time he pinched Derek’s nipple hard. The dual sharp sensations went straight to his cock like lightning racing through his veins. Ian chuckled at Derek’s gasp of pleasure, pulling away from the kiss almost reluctantly.

“Do you want to take care of me, Derek?” Ian asked quietly, suggestively. “Do

you?” His lips lay against Derek’s cheek as he spoke, and as he waited for an answer he tenderly kissed him there.


Samantha Kane

Derek’s hands came around to rest against Ian’s chest. He could feel Ian’s heart racing and thrilled to the knowledge that he did this to him. “Yes, Ian, yes.” His voice trembled, his hands shook.

Ian caressed the length of Derek’s arms, took his hands and then stepped back,

leading Derek to the cot behind him. Ian sat on the edge of the cot and pulled Derek down until he was kneeling between Ian’s legs. Derek was panting in excitement. He wanted to reach for Ian’s cock again, hold it, caress it, taste it, swallow it whole. But instinctively he knew to wait. Part of his pleasure, and Ian’s, was letting Ian control their passion. Derek had never really thought about how they would fuck, only that they would. He didn’t really have enough experience to know how to give the most pleasure. He’d learned much from their lovemaking sessions with Dolores, but this was different. This was a level of carnality that he’d never reached before. It was a hunger, a craving the likes of which he’d never felt. He was empty, so empty, a vessel waiting to be filled by Ian, reveling in the feast laid before him.

It seemed always, everywhere, Derek was the aggressor. He was wallowing in the

decadent pleasure of being submissive to Ian. He gladly, lovingly let Ian dominate here.

Ian gripped his head tightly with both hands and drew it down to his cock. Derek had to lower himself completely so his ass rested on his heels because he was so tall. There was no hesitation in Ian’s hands. He pulled Derek inexorably toward his cock with a firm grip and pressed the head against Derek’s lips until he opened them. Ian pushed inside his mouth with the same arrogance with which he’d kissed him.

Ian threw his head back and groaned deep in his throat as Derek’s mouth closed

around his cock. Derek had to take a deep breath through his nose to calm himself. The salty taste and velvet texture of Ian’s sex was intoxicating. It was hard to maintain a train of thought through his arousal but Derek still had the presence of mind to remember how he’d seen this done before. He moved his mouth slowly down the

length of Ian’s cock as far as he could comfortably go, then wrapped a fist around it right below his mouth. He felt Ian chuckle and pulled his mouth up and off the hot, hard penis to look up at him with a grin.

“Dolores,” they both whispered and their smiles turned sad for a moment.

Ian broke the sadness first with a blink that revealed eyes a smoldering blue. “Take more, Derek. I know you can. Take just a little more.” He pushed Derek’s head down roughly, thrusting his cock into Derek’s mouth. Derek bumped up against his fist and stopped. “Come on, sweetheart, more. Relax your throat, Derek, and take some more for me.” His whispers were raspy, deep and throbbing with need. He goaded and

demanded, his words not a plea but a command.

Derek could do nothing but obey. He tentatively moved his fist another inch down Ian’s cock and slowly relaxed as he slid his mouth after his fist. It was uncomfortable at first but Ian sat motionless, patiently waiting for Derek to adjust. When he was ready he pulled his mouth up at the same time he swished his tongue back and forth along the underside of Ian’s cock, ridged with pulsing veins. Ian tasted deliriously good. Derek gave himself over to the pleasure of it, to the knowledge that he held Ian, tasted Ian, he 66

At Love’s Command

was at long last loving Ian as he’d wanted to for so long. He shivered in suppressed desire, clamping a lid on his own lust until he sated Ian’s. He began to rhythmically move his head up and down, fucking Ian with his mouth and tongue. He gently

scraped his teeth along the sides and Ian groaned gutturally, thrusting hard. Derek let his mouth fill with his saliva, smoothing Ian’s movement in and out of his mouth until Derek couldn’t stop his own groan of pleasure. He cupped Ian’s balls with his free hand, rolling them and squeezing gently. Ian swore as he fucked wildly into Derek’s mouth, his hands pulling on Derek’s hair hard enough to help keep Derek’s own

arousal from overwhelming him.

“I want to come in here, Derek, in this mouth of yours, down your throat. I love that I’ve shut you up with your mouth full of my cock. Always talking, swearing,

threatening, bragging, now all you can do is suck me and moan as I fuck you. You’re mine, Derek, mine and you know it.” Derek did moan as Ian thrust into his mouth so hard and fast all he could do was lean his head back and open his mouth wide to take it.

He wanted to drink Ian down, was desperate for the taste of him. “Christ yes, Derek, yes,” Ian gasped and then thrust hard and deep as Derek felt the first splash of hot cum in his throat. He swallowed around the long, thick cock with difficulty, determined to take it all. Ian’s cum tasted salty and thick and hot, so hot it burned, and the heat filled his own cock until he thought he’d burst.

When his cock stopped jerking, Ian pulled it from Derek’s mouth and slid to his knees on the floor, straddling Derek’s legs. He still held Derek’s head in his hands and he pulled him close and kissed him passionately. Derek knew Ian could taste himself in his mouth, that the kiss was a way for them to keep sharing the moment. It was also a reward for Derek for how good he’d been. He whimpered in the back of his throat, amazed at how he felt, that he could even make such a needy, desperate sound. Ian pulled his hands from Derek’s hair and slid them down his chest and stomach. The muscles there quivered in anticipation and Derek held his breath as Ian paused. Then Ian plunged his hands down into the thick pelt of hair around Derek’s cock and Derek shouted out in pleasure. One of Ian’s hands held Derek’s balls firmly, the other wrapped around his cock and pulled once, twice and that was all it took. He started to cry out as his climax gripped him but Ian’s mouth swooped down again and swallowed his cries. He felt his cum shoot out on his stomach and chest and realized that it must be getting on Ian as well, as close as they were. The thought made him shudder and another ripple of pleasure shot through him, making him moan. A few seconds later Ian slowly broke the kiss. Derek opened his eyes to stare into Ian’s burning blue ones.

BOOK: Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 4
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