Kade's Dark Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans) (17 page)

Looking over to what they referred to as the public play area, she saw a naked, large, bald man who was tied to a bench. He writhed in pleasure and pain as an older woman dressed in red leather spanked him relentlessly with a pink paddle. Sydney shook her head. To each his own she supposed. Not that she was totally opposed to spanking, or being tied up every now and then, but tied to a bench in the middle of a dance club? Guess it took a lot to get that guy’s adrenaline going.

Dominique, Luca, and Xavier approached the table and sat down to discuss next steps. Kade was the last to sit down, and he sat next to Sydney. “So, curious thing, our friend Miguel said the bartender, who reported Simone’s appearance, quit. He’s gone. So, we’ve got no one specific to question. Sydney, what are your impressions?”

Sydney scanned the room focusing on Rhea who was all the way across the club waiting for drinks at the bar. “I say we question the submissives first. I know we can’t act like we're investigating, but we could ask around to see who they’ve played with. Maybe some prefer women Doms and would remember her. It’s likely that if Simone was here that she could easily shop for a victim. We should also question the Doms and find out if there are any new ones on the scene that match her description. We need to do it in a subtle way, so they don’t suspect we're investigating. I have to say, as kinky as this place is, it only looks like maybe fifty percent of the people in here are regulars; a lot of these people are simply tourists.”

“Okay, we’ll need to spread out. Etienne and Xavier, start with questioning the submissives. Go ask Miguel to line them up and pretend you are looking for a sub. Be discreet. Do not make it seem as though we are conducting an investigation,” Kade ordered. “Dominique, take on Rhea. Something seems off with her. Miguel said she just started, yet he assigned his least experienced server to our important party? It doesn't make sense.”

As the other vampires left the table, Kade, Luca, and Sydney moved together so they could more easily talk. “I don’t like this thing with the bartender going missing. If Simone found out that he told someone she was here, why wouldn’t she take out Miguel too? She expected to have this reported, so why kill him?” Sydney was looking for answers.

“Sydney love, very good question indeed. Right now, I want you and Luca to go dance. You are supposed to be close. I don’t want anyone questioning our intentions. I will join you in a few minutes then we will retire to the private rooms to investigate.”

“As you wish...Sydney?” Luca stood and gestured to Sydney to take his hand.

Sydney knew she wasn’t Luca’s favorite person, but he was polite, she’d give him that. She stood, glancing from Kade to Luca and took Luca’s hand. Luca pulled Sydney onto the dance floor. As she went, Sydney’s eyes never left Kade’s. She stopped counting how many times a day she wanted Kade to make love to her. She never felt so connected to one man in her life, but she couldn’t admit to herself that this might be a real opportunity for a long, lasting relationship.

Luca easily pulled Sydney against him. He pushed his thigh between her knees. Sydney felt the strength of Luca against her and admired his lean, fit body. He was muscular, lethal. She let herself fall against him and put one arm around his neck. Luca brought her even closer. Sydney was surprised to feel Luca’s hardness against her belly. “So, Luca, is that a stake in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” she joked.

Luca grabbed the back of her head pulling it toward his and whispered in her ear, “Sydney darling, let’s just say that you are starting to grow on me, and that outfit of yours is delectable. I may be a vampire, but I’m not dead. Even though you belong to Kade, it doesn’t stop me from appreciating you...all of you.” He kissed her cheek and continued dancing.

Horny vampires, geez.
She oddly felt as though she could trust Luca, even if he was so touchy feely with her. Sydney was attracted to him as well, as most women would be. He was very handsome, but not a pretty boy. Sydney was surprised at his sudden sexuality on display for all to see in the club. She also felt nervous wondering what Kade’s reaction would be to having another man’s hands all over her. She kept trying to remember that she was there playing a part…
Look like you are close to Luca.

As Luca danced with Sydney, he was reminded that he had not been with a woman in a long time. She was Kade’s woman, but that didn’t mean he did not appreciate the opportunity to touch her body. Just as she was beginning to relax, Luca spun her around into Kade’s arms. But instead of moving away, Luca rubbed against Sydney’s ass reaching his hands around her waist. His hands slowly inched up under Sydney’s breasts as Kade kissed her passionately.

Sydney’s senses were overwhelmed.
What the fuck was going on?
She was letting two vampires monopolize her body, sandwiched in between them, loving every minute of it. Kissing Kade took her away into a headspace that she rarely went, pure pleasure. Yet, it scared her that she was letting him see her raw, so exposed. And worst of all, she felt the tingle all over her body. Wishing the situation with him could be permanent, she was falling for him.

Kade grasped the nape of her neck and leaned in to speak sensually in her ear, “Sydney love, you are stunning tonight. Indeed, I am going to find it hard to let you go after this dance.” He kissed the lobe of her ear. “You seem to like playing with two men. Enjoying our dance with Luca aren’t you, love? But remember this Sydney, I don’t share, and at the end of tonight, you will be mine.”
He could not believe he used the word but at the same time, he could not deny the all-consuming need to claim Sydney as his. He had every intention of making love to her over and over again, and was looking forward to hearing her scream his name in ecstasy.

As the song ended, Sydney was relieved to put some space between her and the boys. She felt her sensitive sex ache below, feeling extraordinarily aroused. She longed for Kade’s strong arms and wished he’d take her out of the club. He told her that she would be his tonight. She found herself wanting to let him take control and make love to her until dawn. She was conflicted knowing that she was an independent woman, yet she could not deny wanting to belong to him.

Sydney tried to regain her composure as she watched Luca leave the dance floor. Deciding to take control of the situation, she reached over and laced her fingers with Kade’s. “Come on; let’s go check out the private rooms. My take is that some of the rooms may not be that private. Maybe everyone in our group is back there with the subs and Doms. We could help, or at least look for suspicious activity and clues to where Simone is. Even though this place is screaming ‘erotic experience,’ I just have a feeling that sex isn’t the only thing happening in this club. If Simone has spies here, they'll be watching for us...and may slip up by looking just a little too long.”

“I agree, Sydney. Let’s make our rounds and see who’s interested in our visit.” Kade led them off the floor toward the back of the club.

Sydney braced herself for whatever kinky sights they’d see along the way. She wasn’t a prude, but she wasn’t used to seeing so many naked people prancing around in collars and leather. As they approached the back, they pushed through a red, metallic, beaded, fringed curtain door. A sensual, hard, driving pulse of music spread throughout the hallway, which was dimly lit with black light.

A crowd gathered at the entrance of one of the rooms where a couple was performing. There wasn’t much room to see. As Sydney pushed her way to the front, Kade settled behind, letting his hands fall protectively around her waist. A tall, lithe, gothic-looking woman stood spread-eagle with her hands secured by leather cuffs to an upright, wooden contraption that looked like an X. Although the woman was blindfolded and bonded, she appeared to quiver in euphoria as her male partner teased her bottom with a blue, leather whip.

The crowd silently watched as the woman begged her partner for release. It appeared that the woman had somehow earned her reward, because her partner unzipped his pants and entered the woman from behind. He was thrusting over and over into the bound woman while she screamed, “Yes!” over and over. Sydney could not believe she was watching such an intimate act with Kade and was growing embarrassed of her own arousal. Yet she knew this is why people came here...to arouse and be aroused. Concerned by her reaction, Sydney pushed back slightly in order to turn away. Kade’s arms tightened, holding her still against him forcing her to watch. She could feel the hardness of Kade pressed into her back, and knew he wanted her to see this.

Kade chose to make Sydney watch the lovers in the room, so she could experience a taste of his world. He was not a frequent visitor of this club by any means, but this kind of activity was not uncommon in the supernatural world. It was a harsh reality, albeit arousing. If Sydney was going to be with him, she needed to be aware of the dangers and temptations that lurked in his city. He could smell her arousal as she watched the strangers make love. His rock hard cock strained against his leather pants, begging to take her in the same manner. He could not resist the opportunity to tease his normally self-composed detective. He leaned his mouth down to her ear, making sure she heard his every word. “Do you like this, Sydney? Would you like me to tie you up and take you from behind? I promise not to be gentle with you, detective. Now don’t lie to me...I smell your desire.” He smiled knowing he ruffled her feathers.

Damn vampire senses.
Sydney was mortified and had enough of this crazy sex show. She pulled herself out of his strong grip, knowing he’d chosen to let go of her. It was time to get back to business. There wasn’t anything suspicious going on in that area. Just a couple having sex, and a dozen, horny people watching. What had she gotten herself into on this case?

They started to walk further down the dark hall when Miguel, who appeared out of nowhere, distracted Kade. “Sir, I thought it might be a good idea for you to speak with Gia, a back bartender who works here. I remembered that she was friends with Freddy...you know the guy who quit. Maybe she has information about Simone’s whereabouts? Please forgive me. I should have thought of this earlier.”

Kade looked to Sydney. “Sydney, come with me. We can talk to her together.”

“Kade, you go. I'm fine. I want to find Dominique and perhaps,
with Rhea.” Sydney did not intend to play, but she did want to question the waitress. She also didn’t trust Miguel. She wanted him to think she was only here for fun, not to investigate.

“Sydney, as my director of security, you may find my questioning of interest. Please come with me.” Kade’s lips tightened anticipating her refusal.

“Kade, you said we're here to have a little fun, not work. I promise I'll catch up with you later. As you know, I'm a Dominant who likes to play with girls. Dominique should be back here somewhere. I'll be fine. I promise. Then you and I can play later after you're done,” she purred and rubbed her hands up and down his chest.

Kade ground his back teeth. Sydney was being stubborn again. And of course, she was driving him wild with need by rubbing herself all over him. He wanted to fuck her right there and forget about talking to the bartender. Sensing that Etienne and Xavier were close, he acquiesced to her demand to stay in the back of the club, knowing she wanted to continue to investigate. He blew out a breath. “I will quickly go question the other bartender. It will only take a second. I can sense both Xavier and Etienne back here, so give them a shout should you run into any issues, okay? I
you and I will play later.”

Something about Miguel made Sydney’s skin crawl. He wasn’t lying, but he wasn’t exactly telling the whole truth. She wanted Kade to go find out what the bartender knew. They could not leave any stones unturned, and so far, this evening was a bust. “I’ll be fine. Besides kinky sex, there doesn’t seem to be much going on here that could get me in trouble. Dominique should be back here somewhere.” She winked at Kade as he and Miguel headed toward the light at the end of the hallway.

Damn straight, she’d be okay. She sobered at the thought of what happened to those girls in Philadelphia, renewing her purpose. Dominique seemed to be gone with Rhea a little too long. She’d like the opportunity to interview her as well. How the hell was she going to find them in this labyrinth? Putting one foot in front of the other seemed the only way, so she continued walking and glancing in rooms that were open to public viewing. Nothing seemed amiss. She could see a blue light coming out of one of the rooms at the far end of the hallway on the right. It was so dark in this hallway she really hoped there weren’t any bugs or mice back here, or she’d freak out.

Caution told her she might want to check her weapons, so Sydney reached down into her boots, making sure the silver stake, knife and chain were still there. As she looked up again toward the end of the hallway, someone slammed her hard against the wall. She could barely see the outline of a bearded man who smelled of stale cigarettes and whiskey. He firmly held her to the wall with a stubby hand on each of her bare arms. She struggled but was unable to dislodge him.

“Hey, missy, what ya doing back here all by yourself in the dark? Your blood,” He leaned in to sniff her neck, “Oh yes. It smells so good. What kind of a master would let his human run around back here unprotected? You need a real master to get you in line. How I'd love to spank that pretty ass of yours and drown in your sweet blood. Come on now, this is going to be fun.”

Sydney recoiled from the putrid smell emanating from the vampire. She could see the fine points of his teeth glinting off the black light. Should she play innocent? Or pretend she belonged to him? But then again, Sydney was Sydney. She did not do damsel in distress well.
Fuck that.
This foul-assed vampire is so going down.
“Listen, pal. I'm giving you fair warning, get your fucking hands off me or you're going to regret it, last chance.” She looked at him defiantly, planning her next move.

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