Read Kade: Armed and Dangerous Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #fiction

Kade: Armed and Dangerous (28 page)

She straightened and dropped the T-shirt, her pulse hammering in her throat. “Kade.”

Warmth flushed over her from head to toe, and she couldn’t take her gaze from his.

Easing into the room, he shut the door, never taking his eyes from hers. The lock
clicked, and in one long stride he stood inches from her.

He caressed her cheek with his finger, his touch sending shivers throughout her. “Darlin’.
What you do to me.”

Then his arms enveloped her. She forgot about the towel and it dropped to her feet
as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She couldn’t help herself. He held her tight,
his blue shirt and jeans rough against her breasts and thighs, his buckle scraping
the delicate skin of her belly. They kissed, his need matching hers with such intensity
that she was wild with it.

Hard. Fierce. Demanding.

To hell with everything. She needed him.

“My God,” he whispered against her mouth. His hands cupped her naked hips and he pressed
her close to the thrust against his jeans. “You burn me up.”

She brushed her lips over his cheek, softly kissing his stubbled face, leading to
his ear. Like hers, his hair was wet and he smelled of soap. He lowered his head and
captured her nipple in his mouth. Her knees weakened and she moaned as she melted
against him.

“I need you so much.” He moved his tongue to her other nipple and she could barely
control the cries building up in her throat. “Tell me you need me like I need you.”

“Yes, Kade. Now.”

She helped him peel off his clothes, running her hands over his bare chest, his hard
thighs. They were unrestrained in their haste, and sank to the rose rug. He grabbed
a condom, and it was all she could do not to tell him it wasn’t needed.

Not yet. Wait for the right moment.

He slid into her and she knew he filled her so completely, in every way. Her body,
her heart, her soul.

And when she came, it was like it all fused together, and every part of her became
one with Kade.

I love him I love him I love him.

When their lovemaking ended, they were both breathing hard, a sheen of perspiration
coating their skin. Even then, he didn’t stop kissing her. It was like he couldn’t
get enough. He kissed her lips, her cheeks, her ears, her eyebrows, her throat.

“We need to get dressed,” he finally said with obvious reluctance. “Though I would
give anything to stay right here with you.”

“Mmmm.” She nuzzled his neck, drinking in his scent. At that moment she knew that
even if he didn’t share her love, she would take whatever part of him that he gave
her, for however long it would last. “Let’s stay like this. No one would miss us,
would they?”

“Temptress.” He rolled away, eased to his feet, and started putting on his boxers.
He looked so good to her that she could barely take her eyes off him.

She stood while she fastened her bra and then stepped into clean panties. “Who seduced
whom, might I ask?”

With a laugh, Kade pulled on his jeans, watching her dress. “You were naked.”

“I was not.” She sniffed and slid into a pair of shorts. “I was wearing a respectable
towel. And you barged in.”

His voice was muffled as he yanked a T-shirt over his head. “You left the door unlocked.”
He pulled on his shirt over the T-shirt.

Shaking her head, Kelsey buttoned up her blouse. “I didn’t expect a lecher like you
to just waltz in here and seduce me.”

“Lecher, huh?” With a grin he brought Kelsey close and kissed her so long and passionately
that her limbs turned to gelatin.

“Wow,” she whispered as she clung to him. It was a few seconds before her legs would
hold her up.

Just as she was about to tell Kade that she wanted to go somewhere special to talk
with him, to tell him about the baby, he interrupted her thoughts.

“I’m going to miss you.” He stroked damp hair from her face, his features suddenly
serious. “I can’t stand to be away from you.” “Are you—” Hair at her nape prickled
as a chill crept over her. “Are you talking about when I leave for San Francisco?”

“Yes and no.” He brushed his lips over hers. “I came in here to tell you—and then
lost my head.”

Her soul turned to ice and she stepped out of his embrace.

Kade reached for her hand. “You need to fly to San Francisco with my family tonight.
I’ve made reservations, and—”

“You what?” She shrugged away from him and planted her fists on her hips. “You think
you’re going to ship me off like a piece of luggage?”

“You don’t under—”

“No man is ever going to tell me what to do again.” Her voice rose. “We may have had
sex, but that does not give you the right to order me around.”

“Damn it, Kelsey.” He clenched his jaw, his face hard. “I got a call today. A man
threatened my family.”

A frigid wave of fear crashed over her, chasing away her anger. “Oh, my God.”

Kade ran a hand through his hair. “The son of a bitch said if I didn’t turn in my
resignation, he would come after my family. He named everyone.” Kade grabbed Kelsey
by her shoulders. “Including you.”

“Me?” She shook her head. “That doesn’t make sense.”

“Somehow they know that you’re my woman.” He motioned to the door. “Now let’s go.
There’s not much time. Chuck’s driving you all to Tucson and flying you out to San
Francisco to stay with my sister, Dara, where you’ll be safe.”

My woman. He called me his woman.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again, she said,
“I’m staying.”

Kade clenched and unclenched his hands as Kelsey stood there, her brown eyes flashing
defiance. He all but wanted to shake some sense into her. “This is serious. These
bastards threatened you, too. I need you somewhere safe while I hunt them down.”

Kelsey shook her head. “I have two more interviews to do and I am not going to let
anyone run me off.”

“This is serious.” Kade’s voice was practically a growl. “It’s not a joke.”

“I’m not joking.” Kelsey narrowed her gaze. “I’m more than capable of taking care
of myself.”

“Don’t you understand?” Kade’s tone turned almost pleading. “I couldn’t bear it if
anything happened to you.”

Kade’s words poured into Kelsey’s heart. Half of her wanted to give in, to let herself
be shuttled off safely away from the bad guys. But the other half of her knew she
had a job to do.

The thought of being too far from Kade while he faced danger—no. Not happening.

Kelsey shook her head, more vehemently this time. “I’ll be fine.”

Kade crossed his arms over his chest. “You can’t stay here.”

She tilted her chin. “Are you telling me I’m not welcome in your home?”

He grabbed his socks and boots and started pulling them on. “You know that’s not what
I meant. They could come after you here.”

Kelsey flipped her hair out of her face, trying to control the emotions inside her.
“I’m not going back to San Francisco until next weekend.”

Kade took a deep breath and counted to ten as he finished putting on his boots. “Then
we need to take you to a hotel.”

Kelsey seized a pair of sandals out of the closet. “Are you going?”

“No.” He scowled. “I’m staying here.”

She pursed her lips. “Fine. I’ll check into a hotel on my own.”


“Tomorrow.” She spun and marched out, carrying her sandals. “Well, hell,” he muttered
as he followed her from the room. Chuck, Sadie, and Trent were packed and waiting
when Kelsey and Kade stalked into the living room.

“Ready, Kelsey?” Chuck asked.

“I’m not going,” she said as she gave him a hug. “I’m checking into a hotel tomorrow.”

Kade stood behind her with his arms folded, his brows furrowed, and jaw set.

Sadie glanced at Kade, then hugged Kelsey. “You sure you don’t want to come with us?
I bet you’d be an excellent tour guide.”

Kelsey smiled. “One of these days I would love to show you around the Bay Area. But
I have a couple more interviews and a deadline to meet.”

Sadie patted Kelsey’s shoulder. “You go ahead and use my vehicle while we’re gone.”

“Thanks.” Kelsey squatted down in front of Trent. “Hey, Taz. Take care of your grandparents
and I’ll see you soon.”

The boy threw his arms around Kelsey. “You promise you’ll still be here when we get
back? ‘Cause I’m really, really, really going to miss you.”

“I’ll try.” She pulled back. “I’m going to miss you, too.” She ruffled Trent’s hair.
“Can you do something for me while you’re on the plane?”


“Draw a picture for me, okay?”

“Sure.” Trent nodded, and brushed hair out of his eyes. “I’ve got my crayons and coloring
pencils and paper packed in my backpack. Wanna see?” He started to unzip his pack,
but Kade grabbed him by the waist and swung him high. Trent squealed with laughter.

“Slow down, pardner.” Kade hugged him tight. “You need to get to the airport so you
can catch that plane and go see your cousins and Aunt Dara.”

Kade set Trent down, hugged his mom, then helped carry their luggage out to Chuck’s
truck. Sadie promised to keep the cell phone on, and to call Kade once they hit the
freeway, and again in Tucson and in San Francisco. Dara and the kids would be meeting
them at the airport.

He breathed a sigh of relief as the red taillights disappeared into the night.

But Kelsey. He turned to her and frowned. How could he keep her safe?


Chapter 30

The following morning was muggy and overcast, and Kade was sure it would rain later.
After feeding the livestock for Chuck, Kade cleaned mud off his boots before he entered
the house. His footsteps echoed as he walked to his bedroom.

Last night it had seemed that she had something to tell him, but instead they made
love again and again until they were too exhausted to move.

He stopped at the doorway to his bedroom and found Kelsey still sound asleep. This
time they’d slept in his bed. Where he wanted her always. She made him feel so good,
just by being there. In a couple of strides he reached the bed, leaned down, and whispered,
“Rise and shine.”

“Mmmm.” Her lashes were dark against her pale skin, and her chest rose and fell.

Bedsprings creaked as Kade sat and shook Kelsey’s shoulder. “Get up, sleepyhead.”

“Leave me alone,” she mumbled, and turned her head away.

“Gotta get you out of here.” Kade tried pulling the covers off, but she snatched them

“Go away.”

“Nope. Out of bed.”

“A little longer,” she moaned.

He leaned over and kissed her ear. “I know how to wake you.”

A sleepy smile teased the corners of her mouth as he nipped her earlobe. She grabbed
a pillow and covered her head with it, swatting his face in the process.

Kade couldn’t help smile as he pulled on his T-shirt, bulletproof vest, and overshirt.
When he finished dressing, he lifted the pillow and nuzzled Kelsey’s neck. She smelled
so good, her skin warm against his nose. “Get up, honey. I’ve got to get going.”

Another groan. “I will. Gimme a minute.”

“Only one.” He tossed the pillow aside and brushed his lips over hers before he grabbed
her cell phone and placed it in her hand. “Call me at work and let me know when you
make it to the hotel.”

“All right.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

As she settled against the pillow, he wanted to tell her then. Wanted to tell her
how much he loved her. Was she ready?

“You need to go to work.” She captured his hand and brought it to her lips.

“And you need to get your pretty ass out of bed.”


She looked beautiful and innocent, her hair splayed across the pillow, her lips soft
and swollen. He didn’t want to leave. Wasn’t sure he should. Or could.

Last night they’d waited up until Sadie called to let them know that she, Chuck, and
Trent had arrived in San Francisco and were safe and sound at Dara’s. He was relieved
they were out of danger. Why did Kelsey have to be so stubborn? Why couldn’t she have
gone to San Francisco, where she would be safe?

Fear settled in his chest, a hard lump that wouldn’t go away. “I’ll call in and tell
Mikey I’ll be late until we get you settled into the hotel.”

Frowning, Kelsey shook her head. “Absolutely not. I’ll call you when I get to Nicole’s
B and B.”

He knew he would only make her angry if he pushed the issue. It was enough that she
would at least be away from the house. She would be safe in Bisbee.

“I expect to hear from you by noon,” he said. “If you don’t catch me on my cell phone
and I’m not in the office, leave a message with Daryl.”

She smiled. “Gotcha, cowboy.”

Kelsey had fully intended to get up when Kade left. But it felt wonderful lying there,
thinking about him, her lips still tingling from his kiss.

He had smelled delicious when he came in from feeding the cattle. Of sweet oats and
the promise of rain on a morning breeze. She thought about the feel of his hand in
hers, the texture of his callused fingers against her lips, the soft hair on the back
of his wrist.

She moved her hand to her belly. He’d given her the world, and she hoped he’d be as
happy as she was when she told him. Last night she had wanted to share the news with
him, but she wasn’t sure what his reaction would be and she wanted to wait until she
could sit him down and have some serious alone time. Not in-bed time.

While lying there, thinking about the reason he wanted her to go stay in Bisbee, she
realized what Kade’s Achilles’ heel was, and her smile faded.

His love for his family. His concern for others. Whatever it was he felt for her.

The bastards knew exactly how to hurt Kade—by threatening his family. But Kade wasn’t
one to back down.

He would die fighting to protect those he loved. And to protect those who loved him.

The thought chilled her.

She held a fist to her aching heart. She couldn’t bear anything happening to Kade.
Couldn’t bear losing another person whom she loved so intensely. How could she walk
away and hide in a hotel while he risked his life? Shouldn’t she remain at his side?
But if she stayed, would that only put him in more danger?

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