Read Justice Healed Online

Authors: Olivia Jaymes

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Westerns, #Romance, #Western

Justice Healed (27 page)

Tanner's fingers left a trail of fire wherever he went.  Breathing raggedly, she captured his face between her palms and kissed him with everything she had.  She wanted to put every emotion into it.  She wanted to brand his soul with her love.  By the time he lifted his head, they were both breathless.

His mouth trailed down her body, stopping here and there to explore more thoroughly.  He nipped and licked until she was writhing on the bed, her fingers digging into his shoulders. 

"Tanner, I need you."

"Not yet."  His voice was deep with need.  It never failed to fan the flames of her desire.  His breath was hot on her clit and he blew on the button, sending arrows of pleasure through her body.  He pressed two fingers inside of her as his tongue swiped at the swelling pearl.  She half-screamed at the rocking sensation and tried to right her world.  He never allowed her to regain control.

Tanner's lips, tongue, and fingers tortured her until her toes curled and her hands crumpled the bedclothes.  Desperate pleas fell from her lips but he never ceased in his delicious campaign to make her explode with passion. 

When the implosion came, the heat seared her from inside out.  Her body was consumed with flames licking against her skin and she lost herself in its depths.  She floated in the ecstasy until Tanner was lying on top of her once again, his condom covered cock nudging her thigh.

He pushed her legs further apart and pressed inside of her.  Slick with juices, he slid in easily, groaning as he filled her completely.  She wrapped her arms around him and whispered in his ear.

"Fuck me, Tanner."

Tanner shook his head.  "No.  We make love, Maddie."

Every stroke, every caress was a celebration of their love and commitment to one another.  Their gazes were locked together as he moved in and out of her, rubbing her sweet spot and sending her closer and closer to the edge.  She wanted to jump off that precipice with him, hand in hand.

"Tanner!" she gasped, the arousal so tight in her belly.  "Please."

His thrusts sped up, each one rubbing his groin against her already sensitive clit.  His lips took hers in a long drugging kiss, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip.  Reaching between them, he barely had to touch her and she shattered.  Wave after wave took over her body and she watched in fascination as he thrust home one more time before his own orgasm took him.  His face contorted and his body shuddered before going very still.

As they lay close in the aftermath, she could feel him still inside of her, so hard and thick.  She wanted to stay like this forever, but of course they couldn’t.  Reality would rear its head soon enough, but she would savor the present.  Pressing kisses to his face, she ran her hands down his muscled back.

"I can't wait to marry you, cowboy."

He chuckled and kissed her hard.  “I’ll be right back.”  He disappeared for a few minutes then came back to cuddle with her, pulling the blankets over them.    "I'd marry you tomorrow, Maddie."

"Sherry is going to want to organize the wedding."

He combed the hair back from her face.  "You can have any kind of wedding you want.  I just want to be your husband."

"You wouldn't mind a big wedding?"  She turned so she could rest her head on his chest.

"Whatever you want.  I'm easy on this."

Madison could hear the steady thump of his heart under her cheek.  That was Tanner.  Strong, steady, unflustered.  He'd been through hell and come out the other side.  He would take whatever life threw at him in stride. 

And she would be at his side when it did.  Just as he would be there for her.  Hadn't he proved it already? 

She would walk through life with Sheriff Tanner Marks.

It was a long way from the girlish crush she'd had on him at thirteen.  He was a complex man.  An imperfect man, thank goodness.  But he would always be her hero.



Another Sunday meeting at the roadhouse.

Tanner pounded his fist on the table to quiet down the other men.  "I call this meeting to order."

Logan laughed.  "Anxious to get home?  You probably have a tux fitting or cake tasting to go to."

The other men laughed but Tanner took the ribbing in stride.  He and Madison were having a big church wedding with all the trimmings.  Greg Shay had insisted he wanted to send his daughter off in style and Sherry had looked like her dream had come true when he'd said it.  Tanner and Madison knew they were already married in their hearts so giving in wasn't an issue.  In fact, the entire town seemed to have an opinion about the impending nuptials.  Tanner figured it was only fair they got to have some say.  This whole thing might not have happened if the town hadn't banded together and pushed them towards each other.

"I don't have anything wedding related today, but I do have a beautiful
fiancée to go home to."  He gave Logan a pointed look.  "I highly recommend it."

His friend made a face.  "No way.  I'm happy the way I am.  I come and go as I please.  I like it that way."

Tanner smirked.  "Whatever you say."  He looked around the table.  "Any updates on the drug war?  Drug violence has gone to almost zero in my town since we busted both cartels in a big way."

Reed nodded in agreement.  "I've made a few possession charges, but that's it."

"Much calmer," Griffin said.  "It's almost back to the old days when I could spend the day fishing."

Everyone laughed.  They all were aware of how much Griffin liked small town life.  He was the
sheriff of the town with the lowest population of all of them.  He liked it when things were boring and slow so he could head off and catch some fish.

"What about the vigilante?  Anyone had a run in lately?" Jared asked.

The table was silent. 

"We haven't heard from him in a couple of months," Seth observed.  "Maybe he's moved on."

"Or in jail for another crime," Tanner added.  "I hope we've seen the last of him."

The meeting went on and they discussed the warmer weather and the rise in cattle rustling in the area.  When the meeting broke, Tanner and Logan headed for their trucks, parked under the blue Montana sky.  The weather was finally warming up, although summer was short in this part of the country.  Th
ey had to enjoy it while it lasted.

"Listen, about that thing you asked me about," Logan began, his voice hesitant.  "Are you sure?"

"Very sure."  Tanner nodded.  "I want you and Chris to stand up for me.  Madison is going to have Sherry and Emily."

Logan looked down at the ground.  Tanner let him ruminate on the request.  Logan had some strange ideas about family and traditions, and Tanner would never ask his friend to do something he was uncomfortable doing.

Logan finally looked him in the eye.  "If you really want me to, then I will."

Tanner loved Logan like a brother.  A secretive, ornery,
skirt chasing, hard partying, stubborn as a mule, enigma of a brother. 

"Are you ever going to tell me about whatever happened to you?"  The question popped out of Tanner's mouth before he could stop it.  He'd always prided himself on respecting boundaries but Madison's upfront way of speaking was starting to rub off.

Logan shook his head, apparently not taking offense.  "It's ancient history.  I'm not the type of person to whine about how terrible my childhood was or what a victim I am.  That's a bunch of shit, in my opinion.  Men don't make excuses.  They make things happen in their lives."

Tanner had heard Logan say that on several occasions. 

"That's true.  What are you planning to make happen in the near future, Logan?"

Logan shook his head and opened the door to his truck.  "That's your problem, Tanner.  You plan too much.  You overthink things.  Me?  I think I'll call up the cute redhead I met the other night and let her rub my neck and shoulders.  That's my plan."

Tanner just laughed and watched Logan swing up into the truck cab, start the engine, and pull out of the parking lot. Tanner climbed into his own vehicle and headed for home. 


He really had one with Madison.  He'd spent so many years with the crippling fear of not being enough.  Now he had a woman who let him know every day that he was more than sufficient for her.

She was certainly more than he'd ever thought he'd find.  She was everything.  Madison had taught him so much, and given him more than he deserved. 

She healed his heart and soul, and for that he would be forever grateful.  Forever Maddie's. 

The End 


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Captured Innocence

CSA Case Files

Book One


By Kennedy Layne



“Why shy away from a lifestyle that you obviously desire?”

Lauren’s hands stilled mid-reach for the sugar.  He knew he’d taken her unaware, but that wasn’t such a bad thing.  People tended to answer honestly when taken by surprise.

“Why would you think I
to be involved with BDSM?  Because I enhance the implements and toys that go along with the lifestyle?”

Well, that shot his theory down.  She’d made a quick recovery and placed the conversation back into his hands.  He could work with that.

“I guess you could say that,” Connor responded.  She still had her back to him, waiting for the coffee to stop brewing.  “You have to admit, the field that you’re in is vast.  Why choose the items you do?”

“My sister got her degree in art,” Lauren said, turning around and leaning against the opposite counter.  She brought her elbows up behind her, resting her palms on the granite.  “We’re both creative and one weekend… I think I was twenty-one… she took me to an art gallery.  The artist had the most sensuous pictures I’d ever seen, and with each of his models had these simplistic yet elegant jewels incorporated within the implements.”

“And just like that, you decided you wanted to make them?” Connor asked, not understanding her thought process.  “I mean, I assume a twenty-one year old girl would be wary of such a lifestyle, even on the outskirts.”

“Let’s just say my business mind went into a tailspin.”  Lauren shrugged and then smiled.  “Sex sells.  Jewelry sells.  They always will.  Blend them together, and chances are a person will be successful.”

“And there is the calculating mind I knew to be in there,” Connor said, smiling back at her.  “So now I understand the business aspect of it.  But you can’t stand there and tell me that the nature of the lifestyle doesn’t draw you in.  You’ve never been curious?”

Connor knew he’d lost her the minute he’d asked the question. 
.  She turned, and since the coffee pot had beeped while she was relaying her story, Lauren poured each of them a mug.  She doctored hers while leaving his black.  Turning, she surprised the hell out of him when she handed him his coffee and answered.

“Yes, but it didn’t work out.” 

Although she’d actually replied, she didn’t look him in the eye.  Connor couldn’t stand to see her brows furrowed so deep, knowing that he was the one to obviously bring up something painful, so he stopped her by taking her cup from her and placing both on the counter. 

“Look at me,” Connor murmured, moving in close to her.  She lifted her head, giving him access to her beautiful green eyes so clouded over with torment.  “I’m sorry.  I seem to be saying that a lot tonight.  It’s obviously too much of a personal issue to share with someone you just met.”

“We’ve had sex,” Lauren said, tentatively resting her hands on his chest.  “I think that’s as personal as it gets.”

“Sex is superficial,” Connor said, in total disagreement.  He slowly shook his head.  “It’s the underlying emotions that we keep hidden when we are at our most vulnerable.  Sharing them just makes it more so.”

“Do you share?”

Connor slowly shook his head again, realizing that he’d just gotten caught in his own trap.  He leaned down and captured her lips, still tinted from the wine and tasting just as sweet as before.  Wanting to learn more about her, he’d inadvertently opened himself up.  He needed to tip the scales again, but Lauren pulled away before he could do so.  When she bit her lip, he would have brought her back against his body so that he could take over, but she leaned around him for her coffee and headed into the living room.

“I suffer from claustrophobia.   It stems after an event that happened when I was younger,” Lauren stated matter-of-factly.  “Being bound in any way isn’t good for my mental health.”

Connor grabbed his coffee, needing to see her face and wanting to know more.  He was just about to join her on the couch when his cell phone rang.  The sound did get her to look up at him, giving him full view of her beautiful face.  He studied her for a few seconds, before giving in and placing his mug on the coffee table.  She gave him little clue as to what she was truly feeling and that in itself said a lot.  Lauren was expressive in every subject, except this one.  There was something more to it, but unfortunately he couldn’t ignore his call. 

“I have to take this,” Connor said regretfully, digging his cell out of his front pocket. 

“Please, go right ahead,” Lauren said, her words coming out a little too formal for his liking. 

“Yeah, speak to me,” Connor said, seeing that it was Kevin. 

“Need your help down on Park near the Metrodome.”  Sounds from the passing traffic and honking horns could be heard over the phone.  “How far away are you?”

“Close.”  Connor rubbed the back of his neck, knowing he had no choice.  If Kevin called, it was for a damn good reason.  “I’ll be there in ten.”

It fucking killed him to see the obvious relief cross Lauren’s face.  They’d both learned a little about each other this evening, and though he would have given anything to know more about her, maybe leaving this as is for a while was a good idea. 

“Thanks for staying in for dinner this evening,” Lauren said, leaning forward to place her coffee next to his.  She stood and faced him, crossing her arms as if she didn’t know what to do with them.  “If I remember anything else, I’ll give you a call.”

Connor closed the distance, but instead of claiming her lips like he wanted to, he tilted her chin and gently kissed her forehead.  Looking down at her, he wanted nothing more than to stay and hear those inner emotions he spoke of earlier, but knew that now wasn’t the time.  He hoped like hell that it was in the foreseeable future.  She was becoming an enigma that he’d like to solve before things ended.

“Thank you for a wonderful dinner, Red.”  Connor released her and stepped back.  “I’ll be in touch, but if something
happens that makes you feel uneasy, I want to know about it ASAP.”

Lauren’s lips curved into the smile she’d obviously been fighting at his attempt at humor and it alleviated his frustration at having to leave.  However, he was dead serious about his request.  Connor didn’t believe in coincidences, which was why he was going to have Taryn check the traffic cameras in the area first thing in the morning once again.  The angle into the alleyway hadn’t been good for what they’d needed, but if the SUV was on the main street, they should hit paydirt.  If someone was watching and keeping tabs on Lauren, he wanted to know who.

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