Just What I Need (The Bradfords) (11 page)

She laughed and then moaned as he thrust deep. That’s how sex—how life—with Doug was. Hot and sweet, hungry and satisfying, sexy and fun and… everything she’d ever wanted.

“Gotta go harder,” was the only warning he gave before he flipped her to her back.

“I love limos,” she said. “Leg room.” She proved it, spreading her knees and bracing one foot on the floor so she could lift her butt and meet his next stroke.

“This was exactly what they had in mind when they first designed limos,” he said with a strained chuckled.

Then he thrust hard and deep, the strokes fast, making her toes curl.

He set the pace and Morgan just held on.

Somehow he reached between them and found her clit, circling, then pressing perfectly to cause ripples of pleasure to start and begin to build.

“I love how you clamp down on me,” he said roughly against her ear. “It’s like your body needs me, is craving me, is hungry for me.”

She flexed her muscles purposefully around him and he groaned.

“Yeah, there you go, grab on and never let go.”

The muscle contractions ratcheted her own pleasure up as well and she felt the heat and need coil deep inside as she milked him.

He moved a hand underneath her thigh and lifted it even higher against the seat, opening her further, letting him drive as deep as he could go. “I love how wet you get, Morg,” he said, against her neck. “I know that means you’re getting what you need. That makes me want to slide my fingers deep and then lick all that sweetness off one by one. I dream about the taste of you. In the middle of the day, I’ll think about how you feel on my tongue, how it feels on my cock when I first slide into you.”

A moment later, the perfect combination of hip thrust, clitoral pressure, and Doug’s dirty talk rushed over her and Morgan cried out as her orgasm hit hard.

Doug was with her, coming only seconds later as the waves of climax were still washing over her.

The pulses of pleasure seemed to go on and on, until finally, Doug let go of her leg and it flopped, boneless, to the car seat.

He shifted slightly, then slid her over enough to crash onto the leather beside her.

They lay just breathing for a long time, pressed against one another, their skin cooling.

Finally, Doug said, “You know, I’m beginning to wonder about all this hype about beds. We seem to do fine even without a mattress and pillows.”

“We certainly do,” she agreed.

But she knew he’d still really like the fifteen-hundred-thread-count Egyptian cotton sheets she’d gotten him as a wedding gift.

Morgan lifted herself up enough to see the glowing numbers of the clock on the dashboard. “Hey, we made it.”

Doug ran his hand over her hip. “Made what?”

“We managed to have sex
our wedding night.” It was eleven fifty-six.

“Thank goodness,” he said with mock seriousness. “So, it counts then.”

She snuggled back into his arms. “Oh, it would have counted no matter what. You’re all mine now. Forever.”

“Well…okay,” he said with a huge, completely contented sigh, hugging her close. “I’ll muddle through somehow.”

Chapter Seven

Kevin couldn’t help but smile when he stepped into the hospital’s tiny chapel and found his wife in the front pew the next morning.

They’d barely seen each other the night before it seemed. She’d gone to Dooley’s sister, Lisa’s, house to get Drew settled while Kevin had stayed at the hospital. Finally, the guys had decided to take turns going home to eat, sleep and shower for a little while. She’d been asleep when he’d gotten to Lisa’s and he’d slipped into the bed in the guestroom beside her without waking her.

Eve had been up and ready to go to the hospital with him this morning. Drew was welcome to stay with Dooley’s sister and her family as long as he needed to, so Kevin had gratefully brought Eve with him.

They sipped coffee from the drive-thru on the way to St. Anthony’s, both lost in thought and still feeling the effects of the adrenaline filled late night. At the hospital, Kevin headed up to the NICU to find Sam and check on the babies while Eve had turned toward the chapel.

Twenty minutes later, Kevin slid into the pew next to her and took her hand in his. They sat quietly for a moment, focused on the wooden cross on the wall. Finally he said, “Nice try.”

He felt her sigh. “How much trouble am I in?”

Kevin grinned. “Not enough that you have to hide out in here.”

“I’m not hiding out.”

“Oh, you’re not in here because you know I won’t yell in a chapel?”

She paused for a moment, then said, “I’m not in here
because you won’t yell in a chapel.”

Kevin laughed and moved to put his arm around her, pulling her up against him. He kissed the top of her head. “I’m not going to yell. And your halo tips a little to the side, babe, even when you’re in a chapel. I’m not fooled by the stained glass and candlelight, you know.”

She smiled up at him. “Darn. I was really trying to look pious too.”

“Uh-huh.” He gave her a little eye roll, but couldn’t help but think how much he loved her, even if her angelic tendencies were well balanced by some devilish ideas.

“I should have told you about Dani being in labor,” Eve said, leaning into him, evidently prepared to talk about the events of the day before. “I should have insisted we call the ambulance and tell Sam and everything. I know.”

Kevin’s chest felt tight thinking that Eve felt guilty or responsible. “It wasn’t your secret to tell. Dani asked you not to.”

She nodded. “Yeah. And she’s so tough sometimes. I figured she knew what she was doing.”

He looked at her. “Did you really?”

Eve said nothing for a minute, then turned in the pew. “No. I knew she was pushing it. But it’s all your fault.”

Kevin’s eyebrows rose. “My fault?”

“Well, all of you. You guys are so commanding and strong and amazing. It’s really easy to think that as long as you’re there, everything will be okay. Especially when you’re
there together.”

Her words startled him and he didn’t know what to say to that. He’d spent four years as a college football star, then a couple years in the NFL. He knew what hero worship was like, had been on the receiving end before. But this was…different. Really different. Knowing that Eve trusted and admired him, and his friends, that much was humbling.

“We’re not miracle workers,” he said weakly.

“You sure?” She gave him an affectionate smile. “Without even thinking hard, I can name probably thirty people who would say you and your friends do miraculous things all the time.”

In that moment, in the peaceful chapel, looking into his wife’s eyes, Kevin felt her words sink in deep.
was what mattered. It would never matter how much money he had or how many quarterback sacks he’d had or how many community service projects he helped with. What mattered was making sure the people he loved knew that they could always count on him to do everything in his power to keep them happy and safe.

“I’m glad you feel that way,” he said gruffly. “Not that it’s a reason to not call an ambulance when needed,” he added, with a pointed look.

“I told Ben about Dani,” Eve defended herself.

“I know. And…” he shrugged, “…we
all there.” He couldn’t deny that Dani had been surrounded by the people who could best help her and the babies at that moment. Ben wasn’t an obstetrician, but what he lacked in labor and delivery experience, he made up for in intelligence and flat-out love for Dani and those twins. The ambulance crew—him, Dooley, Sam and Mac—were the best in the city. That wasn’t ego talking—it was fact. They’d delivered babies in worse places than a limo. And, if nothing else, they were all there to support Ben, Sam, Dani and each other through the trying moments. As always.

Kevin knew from personal experience how much stronger he felt when they were all there.

Eve grinned and then rose onto her knees and slid into his lap, facing him. “You were. And it’s darned hard to not sit back and think ‘they’ve got it’ when you’re all there together. You’re a force of nature.” She leaned in and kissed him sweetly. “Thanks for being who you are. I love you with all my heart.”

“Right back at ya,” he said huskily, bringing her forward for a more thorough kiss.

Making out in a hospital chapel would have seemed like a bad idea on the surface, but God knew—and Kevin meant that literally—that he and Eve had been over some big bumps to get to the point where they could sit side by side in a pew. His heart couldn’t help but think there might not be a better place to truly show his wife how much she meant to him.

Kevin ran his hands up under the back of her shirt, pressing her closer and opening his mouth. Their tongues stroked and he felt her shift restlessly against the fly of his pants.

She pulled back before he was even close to done.

She moved her mouth down the side of his neck, making him groan.

“I love how strong you are,” she said against his skin, running her hands over his shoulders and down to his biceps where she squeezed. “You always make me feel safe and protected.”

Kevin tipped his head back as her lips found the front of his throat, her tongue flicking a hot line inside the collar of his shirt.

“I love your hands.” She slid her hands down his arms to the backs of his hands where he held her hips. “I love your chest.” She ran her palms over the hard planes of his chest and down over his stomach. “And your abs, and, of course, everything lower.” She cupped his erection and he gritted his teeth.

Unclenching his jaw, he said, “I know you do, babe.”

“But what
makes me crazy is when you’re with your friends,” she said against his ear, pressing her breasts into his chest.

Kevin paused at that. “My friends?”

Eve sat back on his thighs, looking his straight in the eye. “You are…amazing. You’re always there when someone needs you, sometimes even before they know they need you.”


She put her hand over his mouth. “I want to tell you this. I want to be sure to say this to you.”

He swallowed hard and nodded.

“I love watching you with Drew. You would do anything for that kid and the world knows it. It’s in how you talk to him and treat him, how you look at him, how you smile when you talk
him. And that makes me want to push you into a corner and kiss you until neither of us can breathe.”

Kevin watched her face, afraid he wouldn’t have any words to use anyway. Drew was his little brother. He’d do anything for him. But he had no idea it also served as foreplay.

“When I see you goofing around with Sam and Mac and Dooley—and putting up with them with that affectionate, resigned look you get on your face—it makes me want to strip off your clothes and lick every inch of you.”

He felt his eyebrows rise. He hadn’t known that.

“When you hug Sara or tease Dani or order coffee for Jessica when you order your own, I want to strip off
clothes and beg you to lick every inch of

His eyes widened further and he had to shift underneath her to make room for the erection that seemed to grow by the minute. “You will never have to
me to do that, Eve.”

She smiled, but went on. “So I’m used to feeling completely turned on by you pretty much every day, all the time. But when you and Mac swept Dani up and out of the sanctuary, I melted. You were so in charge and so confident. I would have happily laid back on one of those church pews and let you have your way with me right then and there.”

Yeah, he was going to have to get her at least a little naked. It was a chapel, but God would most certainly understand.

“Eve,” he whispered, leaning in to take her lips.

But again, she moved back. “Then I walked into that room and saw you holding that tiny baby and…” she trailed off and took a deep breath, “…I wanted you more than I’ve ever wanted you right then.”

Kevin looked at her in surprise. “Yeah?” Huh. And here he and the guys had been thinking that lickable body powder and sex toys were the way to go.

She gave a fervent “Oh, yeah.” Then grinned. “I guess there’s something primal about the big alpha male taking over and making things happen and then being so gentle and sweet. Made me totally hot.”

Kevin moved his hands to cup her butt, pressing her forward against his erection. “I’m going to have to offer to babysit for Sam and Dani a lot, I guess.”

Eve kissed him, then said, “Better be careful. Who knows where I’ll suddenly start stripping.”

He kissed her deeply, running his hands up and down her back, then bringing them forward to cup her breasts. He looked into her eyes. “Or, we could have a baby of our own.” He wanted to be a father. He wanted to be a parent with Eve. If she was ready for a baby, he was in.

Eve froze and pulled back. “What?”

“A baby. We could have one—or twelve—of our own.”

Her eyes got even bigger. “Twelve? Are you out of your mind?”

“Okay, so two or three.” He grinned and leaned in to kiss her.

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