Read Just Like That Online

Authors: Erin Nicholas

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Just Like That (3 page)


She wasn’t even the most beautiful at the table.

Carmen, by far, was the sexiest. She wore a fitted top with sparkling threads woven through that caught the light and drew attention when she moved. Her dark blonde hair was up in a sexy twist and her lips were a bright crimson, just begging to be noticed. The one who had been sitting closest to him, Abi, was very beautiful as well, but had a more sophisticated look. She was also dressed for a night out in a black dress with spaghetti straps and plenty of cleavage, and her straight blonde hair was down, sexy and loose.

But their sister was the one Sam couldn’t look away from. Her hair was a soft strawberry blonde, and it fell in waves to touch her shoulders. She didn’t wear lipstick. The coral color of her lips didn’t need enhancing. She was too far away for him to see the color of her eyes, but just then she rose, presumably to go to the ladies’ room, and he realized that seeing this woman in lingerie was going to be one of the great pleasures of his life.

And he was suddenly very sure that he was going to do exactly that.

Prude or not, co-worker’s sister or not, he was going to give this woman an orgasm.

Not because of her body—the shape of which he could only describe as “nice” considering nothing she wore was fitted or revealing in any way—but because she was, indeed, dressed like a kindergarten teacher. She wore a simple cotton sleeveless dress that buttoned up the front from hem to the V-neck and ended with a flare right at her knees. The best part was that both top and bottom were completely modest and conservative…and white. Virginal white.

Those things, combined with the conversation he’d overhead, was enough to make him want to see her in a leopard-print thong and bustier. If nothing else, because he doubted that she’d ever been seen in one before. Then he wanted to get her naked. She’d apparently been seen that way before, but she hadn’t


Erin Nicholas

that way before. If she had been, she wouldn’t have been talking about not having orgasms.

He figured this rush of excitement and anticipation was how the great explorers had felt.

Undiscovered territory, the first to stake a claim and all that.

He took Ben’s beer back to him, then headed toward the doorway that led to the restrooms. He was going to talk to her, but decided he didn’t want an audience.

On his way past their table he kicked a chair out and slid into it. He turned to Carmen. “Are you kidding me?”

“What?” she asked innocently.

“You brought your sister to our bar to set her up with a one-night stand.”

“No better place.”

She had a point there.

“And she’s never had an orgasm.”

“Oh, you heard that part?” She blinked at him innocently, but he wasn’t fooled.

“And I happen to have a reputation for being pretty good at giving those out.”

“That you’re quite proud of.”

“Seems to me we have a formula here.”

Abi was looking back and forth between them. “Him? For Dani?” she finally said.

Carmen smiled at her and nodded. “He’s definitely on my short list.”

“There’s a list?” he asked with a frown.

“You’re in the top three,” Carmen assured him.

” Sam repeated.

“I didn’t know you’d be here
for sure
.” She glanced over his shoulder at Ben.

Sam raised an eyebrow. “I wondered why Ben wanted to buy me a beer.”

“Jessica might have mentioned to him that we’d be here tonight.”

“So you
intend for me to have a fling with your sister.” Carmen looked alarmed. “Not a fling, Sam,” she said seriously. “A one-night stand. That’s it.

Abi was still nodding. “Definitely only one.”

“Excuse me?” Sam wasn’t sure why he felt offended, but he did.

“She needs to have an incredible sexual experience. She needs to realize that it can happen and what it takes to make it happen. And that she wants it to keep happening.
we want her to fall madly in love,” Abi said. “You can only help with the first part.”

“Explain,” he said shortly. The words
in love
made him squirm, but he was still intrigued. “You know I don’t do madly in love, or happily in love, or any other kind of in love for that matter.” 16

Just Like That

“Exactly. But you do do orgasms,” Carmen said.

“And…” He was gritting his teeth for some reason.

“If she thinks it might turn into a relationship then she won’t let go and let it happen. Once it does happen, she’ll realize it’s not fatal.” Abi laughed. “We want her to realize that she can have, and want, both. Passion
love. Then she’ll find someone, let him close and finally fall in love and be happy.”

“She’s unhappy now?” Sam asked.

“She’s…unfulfilled now,” Abi said. “She doesn’t realize it, of course.”

“Of course,” Sam said softly. Meddling sisters, always thinking they knew best. He totally understood that.

“And maybe she’ll realize there are some things she can’t do for herself,” Carmen added.

Sam turned to face Carmen squarely. “She can do…that…for herself.” Carmen raised an eyebrow. “It’s not the same. Trust me.” He grinned. “I’m glad to hear that. I’d hate to become completely obsolete.”

“Because that’s all your good for?” Carmen teased.

He felt a sudden cramp in his stomach. “It’s definitely what I’m best at,” he said with a wink, and hoped that Carmen didn’t think he sounded weird.

“Practice makes perfect and all that,” she quipped back.

“Right.” He sighed. “So you
trying to get your sister laid.” Neither of them even flinched. “Yes.”

“Why me?”

“Because you came over here first,” Abi said.

Carmen laughed and shook her head. “No, seriously. You’re perfect, Sam. You’re a nice guy, she’ll have fun even before…that…and you’re good at it,” she said. “When women around here think of orgasms, you definitely come to mind.”

Sam knew she meant it as a compliment and tried to take it as such. It was strange how his stomach seemed to knot again, though.

“And I know that
won’t let her have any misunderstandings about it being more than just a one-time, one-night thing.”

Sam felt himself frown. Which was stupid. Carmen was right. There was no chance that he was going to lead her sister, or anyone else, on in that department. One night was more than enough. Always.

“So you’ll do it?” Abi asked.

He couldn’t help but grin, even as he rolled his eyes at how ridiculous this all seemed.

“Thank you, Sam,” Carmen said, sincerely.

Well, he’d been thanked
sex, why not before? And why not by the woman’s older and younger sisters? Sure. There was nothing weird about this at all.


Erin Nicholas

But he didn’t care. Weird or not, complicated later or not, he just couldn’t stay away from her now.

He was going to show Danika just exactly what she’d been missing with all the cupcakes.

She emerged from the alcove outside of the bathroom and started for the bar. He felt his heart rate pick up the moment he saw her and let himself enjoy the surge of adrenaline. This was not going to be a sacrifice on his part.

He pushed away from the table and started toward her.

“Whoa.” Carmen was suddenly standing in front of him. “Where you goin’ with that look on your face, big guy?”

“What look?”

“That look of determination and…”

“Heat,” Abi supplied.

Carmen nodded. “Heat. Definitely.”

“I’m going to introduce myself to your sister.”

Carmen’s eyes narrowed. “I didn’t think that you would be looking at her like that.”

“I was under the impression heat was what you wanted her to have.”


“Look, I’ll use a condom and I won’t propose to her, but those are the only details or guarantees I’m giving you, so either pick another guy, or get out of my way.” He
the idea of this project falling to another man, but stoically stood, making Carmen decide how she wanted this to go. He didn’t want to break Danika’s heart and he didn’t want to piss Carmen or Abi off. Having everything on the table from the beginning was the only way to go.

There was a long pause from the woman in front of him. Then she nodded and stepped to the side.


He barely managed to catch a bit of Danika’s dress between his thumb and first finger as she sidestepped the jukebox. The material at her waist pulled tight and she turned to face him, her eyes widening with surprise as she realized a stranger held her.

Her eyes were green. A deep emerald green. He smiled. “I don’t think you need a sexy-teacher-naughty-student costume.”

She didn’t try to pull away, which Sam counted as a positive sign. He continued to hold onto her as she glanced back toward the table where only Ben now sat, then back to him. He knew the moment she realized why he’d referenced the sex costumes.

She tipped her head to one side. “Oh? What do I need?”

“A different guy.”

She looked intrigued by his answer. Not surprised, not offended, but definitely interested. Sam felt heat settle low in his gut. She hadn’t even blushed. In fact, she swayed closer. His eyes focused on her lips 18

Just Like That

for a moment and he felt the sudden need to kiss her. Not just a desire to kiss her, but a demanding, do-it-or-die

Kissing was one of his favorite pastimes, and he knew the importance of spending plenty of time on it. But usually where he felt pleasure, even anticipation, he now felt hunger. His fingers tightened on her dress and tugged her closer.

She took a step into his personal space, studying his eyes as she did it. “You might be right.” Then she smiled. She was gorgeous. She might not be having wild and crazy sex, but she wasn’t a prude. Thank goodness. He could definitely take her to bed. It would even, technically, be a good deed.

“I take pride in the fact that no one leaves without a smile on her face. From what I overheard, that makes me someone you’re very interested in talking to.”

“You’re not even going to pretend to be polite and act like you didn’t eavesdrop on all of that?” He grinned. “Not a chance. That was the most interesting thing I’ve heard in a long time.” She smiled slightly. “Interesting is not the word I would have chosen.”

“Speaking of words, just for the record,
is one of my favorite words,” he said, to get her back on track.

She looked up at him from several inches below his six-foot-three-inch height. Her expression turned sly, her smile seemed seductive—if he didn’t know better. “What are some of your other favorite words?” He pulled her in even closer, flattening his palm against the curve of her hip. “Sex,” he said gruffly.

“Hard. Hot. Fast. Deep.”

Her lips parted and her breathing quickened. “Anything else?” He dropped his voice. “Wet. Slow. Clitoris. Cock. More. Yes.” She swallowed hard. “Good words,” she said just above a whisper.

He loved the effect he was having. He realized some of her reaction came from her innocence. He doubted any man had ever talked to her like this. But he was feeling every bit of heat from her body, reveling in every shaky breath she took, and he wanted to lick right where her teeth held her bottom lip. He was achingly hard for this woman and he did not miss the fact that his reaction was greater than it had been for the past five women or more that he’d taken home.

“And trust me when I say I am very familiar with the definition of each,” he said, freeing her lip from her teeth with the pad of his thumb and then stroking back and forth along the soft pink skin.

“You can use them appropriately in a sentence?” she quipped, though her voice was still hoarse.

“I can even demonstrate them. All at once.”

She stared up at him and he saw the desire in her eyes. “You’re offering to help me?”

“It would be my pleasure,” he said leaning in. “And yours.”


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She sighed and he felt the warmth of her breath against his lips. He wanted to kiss her. Intended to kiss her. But not yet. The anticipation was a lot of the fun and for the first time in a long time he was pretty sure it was going to be just as fun for him.

He wasn’t conceited enough to say that the women had more fun than he did. It was just a fact that the sex had grown…not boring, certainly not bad, or unfulfilling. Just not exciting, or particularly memorable.

It wasn’t like he needed leather whips or big swings hung from his bedroom ceiling and he’d always been just fine with it being just him and a woman. There was no need for extra bodies. But the scene was pretty much the same every weekend.

Now he was looking down at the potential for a very exciting, and memorable, night.

Why wouldn’t he take full advantage of it?

“Where do we start?” she asked.

Oh, the possibilities were endless. He gave her a grin and said, “How about with an introduction?” She visibly hesitated for a moment. “First names only,” she finally said. “And no other personal information.”

That didn’t change his plans much but he was curious. “Why is that?”

“I don’t want to get to know you.”

Danika shouldn’t have been encouraging this conversation.

But she did have the sudden urge to dump sugar packets out all over him and then lick it off.

Just making eye contact with this guy when he’d stopped her had made her feel like she was free-falling from an airplane. Her stomach flipped, her breath caught in her lungs, her head spun. Now that he was against her, and talking dirty, she felt like one big exposed nerve ending. She wanted to fidget. Or maybe she wanted to rub against him.

Yeah, it was definitely more the latter.

It was probably a good thing that this one had been the one facing away from her during the conversation with her sisters. The guy he’d been sitting with was good-looking and would have been tempting to flirt with…maybe even more. But this guy was I’ll-do-whatever-you-say-as-long-as-we’re-both-naked magnificent.

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