Just A Woman (The Porter Trilogy Book 2) (15 page)

Once inside, we pulled away from each other just long enough to look around and see the space. Although I had stayed in this hotel before, in this actual room, I could still appreciate the beauty from every corner. The room was done in black and gray tones with splashes of purple throughout, accented by pillows and drapes, and a large bed graced the middle of the room. The enormous bathroom was to our left, inviting us in.

When I looked back at Charlotte, she was obviously ruffled from our make out session and I could smell her arousal in the air. It was heady and my cock strained against my zipper, begging to be set free. I stalked the few feet Charlotte had gone and pulled her back into my chest, lowering my mouth to her neck, while pushing her hair off of her shoulders.

Charlotte’s head flung back in ecstasy as a moan escaped her throat, spurring me forward. While I feasted on her delectable neck, I made short work of the zipper on the back of her dress, letting it fall to the floor to pool around her feet. Without breaking the connection, I picked her up and walked her toward the bed, depositing her on the right side, still standing, in her heels, bra, and panties.

Slowly, I kissed a trail down between her breasts and across her torso. I could feel her shaking and fighting to remain upright against the sensations coursing through her body, her skin prickling with goosebumps. The power rippling through me urged me to pick up my pace, but I was determined not to rush our first night back together. Charlotte would remember this night for the rest of her life. I was going to make sure of it.

Finally noticing her black lace panties, a smile spread across my face. She remembered how much I loved her in lace, and she had purposely worn them, hopefully for me. The thought also warmed me. Even though she had turned me down twice when I asked her to stay the night, she had worn something underneath her dress signaling that she was, in fact, ready to be with me. My heart swelled, the feeling starting to become familiar.

Poking my fingers through my favorite fabric, I grazed the outside of her folds, relishing in the heat and moisture seeping through. I heard her breath catch in her throat as I, customarily, yanked and tore them from her body, exposing her mound to my heated and hungry gaze. She was simply a beauty and I couldn’t stop my tongue from coming out to take a small sample.

I grabbed the back of her knees when I felt her start to stumble and positioned her back against the bed, lightly pushing her back to lie on top of the covers. Unlike the first time this had happened, she didn’t bury her face behind her arms, her embarrassment a thing of the past. Instead, she propped herself up on her elbows and stared down at me,  preparing to watch me go down on her. I felt a growl start from my diaphragm and work its way past my lips before I dove in with a vigor neither of us were prepared for.

Her taste was exotic and sweet with a slight tinge of female musk. I was completely inebriated by it; I couldn’t seem to get enough. I licked and bit at her folds, causing her to squirm around. Her hips bucked underneath me, forcing me to graze her sweet bundle of nerves, but this was my show and I would be in charge of when and where I licked. I might be a man starved, but I was still in control, for now.

I dipped my tongue into her core and sucked up her delicious juices while she writhed beneath me. When I pulled away and lightly blew on her overheated, over sensitive flesh, I thought she would come up off of the bed. If I hadn’t been holding her down, she might have. I smiled into her, loving her reaction to my teasing.

“Please, Alex, I need you too much... please,” she begged, gripping my hair in her fingertips, attempting to force me to her ultimate destination.

I smiled up at her before reaching my hand into the breast pocket of my suit jacket, producing a small object with my handkerchief wrapped around it. I couldn’t contain the chuckle that broke free at the wide eyed look on her face.

“Alex, what is that?” she asked, her weary curiosity making me laugh again.

“A surprise,” I said, avoiding a direct answer. “Lean back on the bed and close your eyes. No peeking.”

After a few hesitant moments, she did as I asked, the anticipation of pleasure beating out her curious nature. I waited a couple of seconds to make sure she wouldn’t peek before I rushed into the bathroom to grab a few towels and to remove my jacket, shirt, and pants, leaving on my silk boxers only.

When I appeared back in the room, I took a moment to appreciate my view. I watched her chest rise and fall in time to her labored breathing, her lips slightly parted, tongue darting out to moisten her lips. She was laying spread out before me, her hair fanned out above her head on purple satin sheets, creating the illusion of an orange, fiery sunset. She was breathtaking, and I was going to enjoy her.

“Are you daydreaming, Charlie?” I asked, laughing to myself when I watched her jump a little at the sound of my voice.

“Yes,” she whispered, lust lacing every word. 

“I need you to stand for just a moment, Charlie, but keep your eyes closed,” I asked, waiting for her to oblige. When she crawled off the bed, holding on to the foot post, I laid out a few towels, protecting the expensive sheets.

“I’m going to lay you back down now, Charlie,” I said, grabbing her waist and sitting her on the edge of the foot of the bed. Before I laid her down, I pulled the clip and the multiple pins keeping her bun in place and let the rest of her hair flow down her back. After moving down to unclasp her bra and letting her shimmy out of it, she sat before me, gloriously naked, eyes closed, and breathing heavy. It was an amazing sight to behold and appreciate.

“Lay back now, Charlie,” I whispered.

Once she had lain back down, I grabbed the surprise from the floor and removed the covering. It hadn’t been easy pocketing the small ramekin full of chocolate sauce from the fundraiser, but I had a plan for it and I was going to enjoy the hell out of it more than cake and ice cream.

Once I was positioned with the little container full of chocolate hovering over her stomach, I told her to open her eyes. Once she did, she blinked a few times, adjusting to the light, before her eyes landed on the small carafe dangling over her midsection.

“Is that?”

“Yes, Charlie, it is. Are you ready?”

Before she could answer, I started drizzling the liquid over her torso and across her breasts and, after an initial squeal, Charlotte relaxed into the experience, even dabbing her finger in the closest bit of chocolate and bringing her finger up to her lips for a taste. She couldn’t hide the moan that erupted from her any more than I could hide my own accompanying groan.

“You like that, Charlie? Does it taste good? How about I find out for myself?” I laid the empty ramekin on the floor and went for a dollop of chocolate that had puddled between her breasts.

I licked and sucked her body, leaving a trail around the underside and top of her breasts, before I lazily dragged my tongue up to her nipple and latched on. Her pleas for more spurred me on when I unhooked from her left nipple and clamped on to her right. Her body floundered underneath mine, smearing the chocolate between our bodies.

“Look what you did Charlie, you got chocolate all over me,” I teasingly chided her.

Before I realized the error of my words, Charlotte had reached out, running her fingers through my small amount of chest hair, collecting chocolate along her way and bringing it up to her tongue for another taste. My cock, already stone hard, pressed against the inside of her thigh, my hips thrusting of their own accord, need blinding me.

“I need you now, Alex. Please, now,” her words mirroring my thoughts.

Obliging her request, I stood at the foot of the bed, peeled off my boxers, and watched as Charlotte’s eyelids dropped substantially and her breathing hitched in speed. Fisting my length in my chocolate coated hand, I pumped up and down a few times, smearing chocolate over my erection, gauging Charlotte’s reaction.

Suddenly, without warning, Charlotte was on her knees in front of me, grabbing and removing my hand to replace it with hers. Similar to my own motions, she massaged her hands up and down a few times before bringing her chocolate stained lips closer and engulfing the head of my penis in her warm sticky mouth.

My head fell back as I savored the feeling of her hot lips bobbing up and down my shaft. Charlotte was a fucking master at this and I let her continue for a few moments while I enjoyed the sensations coursing through my body. It had been far too long since I had had anything but my own touch and I could have died a happy man in that moment.  Several times, I touched the back of her throat as she took my entire length down her mouth, but, too soon, I felt the familiar tingle and my balls drew up tight, threatening to explode down her throat. As appealing as the idea seemed to me, I wanted to be deep inside her when I exploded.

Grabbing Charlotte under her arms, I pulled her to a standing position and viciously attacked her mouth. I could taste lingering chocolate and myself on her tongue. Overwhelming need filled me as I gently laid her back down on the bed, my cock already nudging at her entrance, impatient as I was.

“Are you ready, my love?” I asked, knowing full well what her answer would be..

“God, yes, Alex, please,” she begged, calling me to her.

Before she could say anymore, I slammed into her, to the hilt. I felt my already tightened balls slap her ass, the sound reverberating around the room, and I knew I wasn’t going to last very long. I needed to get Charlotte to her own climax first before I spilled into her. We were both so close to diving over our own cliffs, I had to make sure she jumped first, so that I could prove to her she came first in my life, in all aspects.

Reaching down between us, I found her swollen, neglected clit and proceeded to rub rough circles around it, pinching it lightly every few passes. I pulled out of her and slid back in, the punishing rhythm and her pleas spurring me on. I knew I should have been gentler with her, but I couldn’t hold back and, when she screamed ‘harder’ at me, I knew she wouldn’t have tolerated an easy love making.

It didn’t take long for me to feel Charlotte’s muscles contract around me. I continued the assault to her clit and leaned down to bite at her extended nipples. Just before she could explode around me, her walls clenching me deeper, I looked up to find her eyes shut tight.

“Your eyes, Charlotte. You know I need to see your eyes.”

Her lids flew open in a flash, revealing eyes blazing with love and lust, as I felt her detonate around me. The pleasure radiating from her eyes triggered my own release as I called out her name and spilled inside of her, filling her up. I’d never exploded with such force before; it knocked the wind out of me, almost causing my knees to buckle.
Shit, that was fucking intense.

Collapsing on her right, we both took a few moments to return our breathing to normal. I reached out my hand and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear before it could find its way into the chocolate coating both of our bodies. We were definitely due for a shower, but for now, I just needed to hold her.

Pulling her close to me, her back to my front, I whispered something I had wanted to say to her all night, “I love you, Charlotte.”

Chapter 20


I knew she wouldn’t reciprocate, it was too soon for her, but I couldn’t help but feel like I had been punched in the gut by the lack of response. Instead of lashing out though, I merely pulled her closer to me and breathed in her scent of lilacs, now mixed with chocolate and sex. I felt my cock stir again and saw Charlotte wriggle against me involuntarily. I was definitely up for round two, but perhaps, without the sticky mess physically binding us together.

“Would you like to take a shower with me, Charlotte?” I asked, hoping to God she said yes. I could stare at her all day and never get tired of her luscious body.

“Mmmm?” she asked, clearly still foggy from our rough encounter.

“A shower, love, to get rid of all of this sticky chocolate.”

“I like the sticky,” she whispered with a smile, wiggling her butt against my groin again. “But, I guess that’s a good idea.”

When she started to pull away from me, I could feel the hair and skin of my chest stuck to the skin of her back, and when we finally dislodged, the noise that came from the mess sounded funny and disgusting at the same time.

I heard Charlotte giggle to herself before she rolled over on the towels and landed with her feet on the floor. Shaking her ass in my direction, she padded to the bathroom while I stood and watched. She had the most beautiful ass I had ever seen in my life. Light peach skin covered her perfectly round globes. I really was a lucky man.

Deciding it was better to see her than lay there and imagine what I could do with her, I got up from the bed and headed into the bathroom myself. By the time I arrived, the water was steaming in the overly large shower and Charlotte was stepping in, her hair piled on top of her head in a curled, erratic bun. There was chocolate all over her body, including her back, from spooning with me. I wanted nothing more than to lick it off her body instead of the hot water doing its job.
Are you fucking jealous of water now, Porter? Get a grip.

Stepping up into the shower myself, I climbed in and shut the door behind me, grabbing Charlotte around the waist and pulling her into my hold. She leaned her head back against my shoulder and let the water run over her front, the chocolate laced water circling the drain. Her eyes were closed as she enjoyed the warmth of the water from the spigot.

Grabbing a tendril of her long locks, I wrapped it around my finger and gave it a little tug. “You really should let someone cut some of this for you Charlie.” I murmured.

She didn’t respond, but I knew she was attempting not to think about why she didn’t want to cut her hair. Deciding I would let it go again, for another day, I pulled her even closer against me, her ass wiggling to the beat of a melody I couldn’t hear inside Charlotte’s head.

“Let me wash you,” I asked after several moments, when my already hard dick had had enough of being pressed up against her ass.

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