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Authors: Lora Leigh

Jacob's Faith (12 page)

BOOK: Jacob's Faith
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Faith stilled. She felt a chill race over her spine as she faced the Enforcer, seeing the steely determination in his dark blue eyes as he stared down at her. This wasn’t the friendly, charming soldier she had fought with for two months. This wasn’t her friend or her partner. He was an Enforcer, and answerable to Wolfe and Jacob before anyone else.

“You called him,” she whispered hopelessly.

“Hell yes, I called him.” He raked his fingers through his short black hair and stared down at her. “Faith, honey, you can’t leave him yet. You know that. Dammit, you’re so fucking hot any Breed in a two-mile radius could track you. You’re becoming a danger to yourself and to the Pack.”

She shook her head desperately. “I don’t live with the Pack.” She should know, she suffered that isolation every day of her life. “I’m alone, Hawke. All alone for a reason, damn you.” Because the man who had marked her had deserted her.

“And soon you’ll be alone and dead, woman,” he growled. “You know as well as I do there are still Breed soldiers out there following the commands of their puppeteers. Goddamn it, the smell of your lust will see you raped before they ever get around to killing you. Is that what you want, Faith? Do you really think those vibrators are easing your lust enough to still the scent of it? I promise you, it’s not.”

Faith fought to breathe. She wanted to scream, to rush him, hurt him. She still held enough control, just enough to realize it would serve no purpose.

“Please give me the keys, Hawke,” she whispered desperately as she heard a vehicle speeding towards the parking lot. “Just let me go home. Please, Hawke, before he destroys me.”

She could feel fear clawing at her insides. She wasn’t afraid of Jacob, she was terrified of herself. The demands of her body, the surge of her desires, her emotions, were tearing her apart.

“Faith, your death will lay on my head if I let you go,” he told her gently. “Fight this out with Jacob. It will work out.”

“He doesn’t want me,” she screamed out as a motorcycle’s headlight speared through the area. “Why are you fucking doing this to me? If I have to be pity fucked, then you do it. Goddamn it, it wouldn’t hurt nearly as bad.”

There was silence as her words struck each man. Jacob, who had just halted and switched the motor off to the lethal black cycle he rode, and Hawke who stared at her in shock.

“If he touches you, Faith, I’ll kill him.” Serious as death, and just as dark, Jacob’s voice sliced through the tension already building in the parking lot.

She turned on him. She saw the savage fury on his face as he lifted himself from the motorcycle and advanced on her slowly. She snarled at him, fury filling every cell in her body as she tensed for the fight she saw in his face.

“Not yet, baby,” he promised. “Unless you want me to mount you here, in the parking lot, with Hawke and Danson as witnesses.”

“I’ll kill you first,” she bit out.

He shook his head, mocking amusement crossing his face.

“Get in the jeep, Faith. Now.”

“Make me.” She backed away from him, searching desperately for a weakness in his stance. She saw none.

He stopped in front of Hawke and held out his hand. Betraying bastard laid the SUV’s keys in that broad palm. Jacob slid them in his pocket, never looking away from her.

“You see that cycle, Hawke?” Jacob asked him carefully.

“Nice little thing.” Faith sneered at the other man’s awed voice.

“I expect to see it outside the gates of the hacienda come afternoon. Then I want that job I gave you completed.”

“Hawke, you leave me here with this sadistic son of a bitch and I’ll kill you next time I see you,” Faith bit the words out furiously, her breathing rough, and damn her body all to hell and back, but her pussy was throbbing with a beat more desperate than that of her heart.

She could feel her clit swelling, arousal stark and blinding flaring through her body.

She watched as Jacob inhaled softly, his lips quirking.

“I hate you,” she snarled viciously, her fingers curling into fists as Danson and Hawke drove away. “You just signed his death warrant, Jacob. I’ll murder that betraying bastard when I catch up with him.”

He tilted his head, his expression curious.

“Faith,” he chided her a little too sweetly. “Why darlin’, I never saw you so bloodthirsty. It’s arousing.”

She trembled violently from the hard edge of pure rage that shot through her.

“Arousing?” she asked him with a sneer. “Sorry baby, I don’t like your brand of fucking. Find someone else.”

“Well darlin’, I guess I’ll just have to see if I can’t do better next time.” He advanced on her, his eyes narrowing.

Faith backed up again, seeing no advantage, no sign of weakness in him. He was dressed in form fitting black pants, boots, and a sleeveless white T-shirt that he had tucked into the snug waistband of his pants. There was no body hair to mar the perfection of his muscular body. Nothing to dim the sun bronzed sheen of flexing muscles and a body ready for any move she would make.

“I don’t want you,” she assured him heatedly.

“Your body is desperate for me,” he argued. “I can smell it, Faith, sweet and hot, so damned addictive it makes my mouth water with the need to taste you.”

“And you think I’m desperate enough to let you touch me again,” she bit out. “I don’t think so, Jacob. I’d rather suffer.”

She stared up at him as he stopped before her, standing still, forcing herself to relax. He watched her for a long moment, and she didn’t hide the fury, or the resounding pain in her expression.

“Faith,” his voice gentled, his hand reaching out to touch her face.

Instinctively, the flat of her palm slammed into his stomach as she twisted, ducking under his arm, her foot slamming into the back of his knee as she gave a hard shove to his shoulder.

She heard his curse, but didn’t wait around to see if he recovered. With a burst of speed and desperation, she headed for the edge of the jungle. If she couldn’t outfight him, then maybe, just maybe she could outsmart him.

He caught her just inside the perimeter of the jungle. His arms went around her waist, dragging her back against his hard body, his legs braced apart enough that there was no power to the desperate kicks she aimed at them. His hands caught hers, twisting them to her sides as he held her securely against his chest, maintaining her struggles.

“I ought to fuck you here and now,” he bit out at her ear. “I should take you to your knees and rip those pants off you and take you now, and I would, Faith. I swear to you I would if I weren’t terrified that while I was locked inside you we could get our asses killed.”

They were both breathing hard now. She could feel his heartbeat thudding at her back, just as she felt hers thumping desperately in her chest. Her breasts rose and fell with her short panting breaths, but it wasn’t from the exertion. She could feel the lust zinging through her body, turning her cunt to liquid fire.

She could feel his erection against her ass, pressing against her, hot and throbbing even through the layers of their clothing.

“Another quick little fuck where you can walk away in disgust,” she cried out, struggling against his grip, against the heat his touch evoked. “No thanks, Jacob, two in one lifetime is enough.”

Then she screamed out in fury as he quickly turned her around, hauling her into his arms, tossing her over his shoulder as he held her legs firmly to his chest. She opened her mouth to bite the bunching muscles of his back when a hard, resounding whack to her rear had her screaming out in fury.

“Bite me and I’ll whip your bare ass good when I get you back to the house,” he warned her. “Now settle the hell down.”

He covered the distance across the parking lot quickly, his long legs moving purposely, his tight ass bunching attractively beneath her dangling head. Damn him to hell, nothing on his body should be attractive to her right now.

“Get in.” He set her down in front of the passenger door as he jerked it open. “And if you get out, I promise you, Faith, you’ll regret it.”

A firm push at her shoulder had her jumping furiously into the seat, as anger raged through her. Her body shook with it, with the need to pounce, to hurt. He slammed the door on her and moved quickly to the other side as he dug the keys out of his pants pocket.

He jerked his door open and jumped in. A second later the motor roared to life and the jeep peeled out of the parking light as dawn began its gentle appearance.




Chapter Ten


The black jacket, pants and shirt were lying in a dirty heap on the floor when Jacob walked into her bedroom later that morning. He could hear bath water running in the next room and the sound of Faith muttering furiously.

Damn, he had never seen her that mad before. With her cheeks flushed, her eyes almost glowing with rage, and her lips pulled back in a snarl, displaying her pert little canines, his body had hardened with such immediacy it had shocked him. He had wanted to throw her down on the dirt parking lot and fuck her into submission without delay. And the angrier she got, the hotter she got. The scent of her arousal had wrapped around him as sultry and hot as the jungle itself.

“Son of a bitch, dragging me around, ordering me around, fucking me and walking out on me—” Water splashed furiously in accompaniment to her angry voice.

He picked up the clothes from the floor silently, and laid the short summer dress he had borrowed from Caleb’s sister on the bed. Faith appeared to be about the same size, so he was certain it would fit.

Caleb Sanchez owned the house, but rarely used it. His sister, Catherine, used it mostly during the milder months and kept clothes on hand at all times. He had picked several outfits, as well as matching underclothes that still had the tags hanging from them. He doubted Catherine would even miss them.

“Stubborn bastard!” He grinned at her strangled rage.

She wasn’t settling down at all. Damn if Wolfe wasn’t right. She was more hormones and need right now than she was common sense. And he hadn’t helped matters.

He pushed his fingers through his hair in irritation. He had been in shock. There was no other way to describe it, no excuse for it. The mindless, searing pleasure that washed over him when his cock swelled further, his orgasm exploding through his body as he locked inside her, had been more than he could handle. It had frankly terrified him. He had never experienced anything like it.

On top of that, he had lost his control with Faith. He wasn’t certain how it had happened. Watching her in that damned mirror, her face a mask of desperation and need, feeling her cunt so hot and slick, smelling her arousal like a potent drug wrapping around him, he had lost it.

He tossed the clothes down the recessed laundry chute inside the walk-in closet with a reminder to himself to throw the damned things away. They were torn and dirty, and carried traces of Hawke’s scent. He wanted no other scent of any man attached to Faith. When he was finished, her body would be so infused with his scent, his need, his possession of her that no other man would dare try to touch her.

He left the bedroom as he heard her leave the bathtub. He wasn’t prepared for another confrontation with her. His instincts were already pushing him to force her submission to him, to see her kneeling before him, no longer fighting him. His cock clenched at the thought. He remembered the night in the Lab, the way her anal entrance opened for him, allowing him to sink inside her, possess her in the most primitive manner.

Until the night before, Jacob had not realized how close they actually were to the animal side of their DNA. The sexual training in the Labs, the women, the drugs, none of them had produced such a reaction in him. He would have to be certain to thank Wolfe for mentioning this little phenomenon.


* * * * *

“What in the hell did you do with my clothes?” Jacob turned from the stove at that question and lost any thought he could have had to answer her.

The soft white silk dress clung to her full breasts, emphasized her narrow waist and flared hips, as it lovingly fell just below her thighs. It was a stretchy, clinging silk that held her breasts seductively in fragile cups, leaving the upper curves temptingly bare and making the delicate tone of her satin skin glow. But what surprised him the most were the high heels she had managed to find to go with it.

A matching pair of white, three inch heels that she moved naturally, gracefully in. This wasn’t his little Faith. This was a temptress, a seductress.

“I didn’t give you shoes,” he felt the need to point out. And he sure as hell wouldn’t have picked shoes that would turn her legs into a work of art that he only wanted to spread and slip between. And since when had that dress been the one he laid out for her? He was certain it wasn’t. “Where did you find them?”

“Same place I got the dress,” she snapped. “I’m not a child, Jacob, and I refuse to wear something that makes me look like a damned teeny bopper. Now answer me, where are my jeans? I don’t know who lives here, but the silly twit doesn’t own a single pair.”

Jacob wanted to shake his head and try to clear the fog of lust rising within it. Those breasts were killing him. And he prayed to God she didn’t decide to turn around. He had a feeling that dress was hugging her sweet ass just as lovingly.

“The dress I laid out was fine,” he grunted, turning back to the soup to still the haze of aroused confusion growing in his mind.

“It was at least twenty years old and so out of date it reeks,” she snarled. “If you’re going to borrow clothes for me, borrow something decent, at least.”

“You don’t wear clothes like that,” he bit out. “You wear jeans.” Damn, the thought of other men seeing her dressed like that had a red haze of fury clawing at his vision.

“Yeah. Sure, Jacob, whatever you want to believe,” she snorted behind him. “So where are my jeans?”

“In the trash,” he growled, stirring the soup. “They were nasty, torn and the stench of them offended me.”

When she didn’t say anything, he turned back to her. Sweet heaven, he was going to end up fucking her on the kitchen table. A frown had her dark brows lowered over angry eyes, her arms were folded beneath her breasts, pressing them up in a temptation he was hard pressed to ignore. And those legs. He wanted them wrapped around his waist, holding him tight while he fucked her into a screaming orgasm.

BOOK: Jacob's Faith
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