Read It's A Crime Online

Authors: C.E. Hansen

It's A Crime (36 page)

The woman’s voice paused. “I think she is trying to open her eyes.” I remembered wishing that voice would stop. The man spoke again.

“I’m not leaving here.
I want to be here when she wakes up.”

, darling. She is trying to open her eyes.” The woman’s voice was low. “She will be okay. She has to be okay.”

I heard the woman crying
again. Her sobs racked with pain.

“No, I’m staying until she wakes up.”

I heard distant mumbling, but it was too much trouble to care.

Leave me alone.


“Franklin, I said leave me be
now. I’m not hungry. I told you I’m not leaving her.”

I felt bad for the woman,
so sad. My heart hurt for her. I tried to wake up, to tell her it was okay. I’m okay; but my body refused to listen.



this voice.

I love
this voice.

sings to me. My heart beat faster.

“I’m here
with you, holding your hand. I won’t let go. I promise.”

And he never breaks a promise

armth touched my cheek. His breath whispered against my cheek.

“Your mother is with me.
She hasn’t left your side since you were brought here. Grace. Babe, can you try to open your eyes? For me?”

His voice stopped again.

Don’t stop talking!

I shouted as loud as I could.

Don’t leave me. He will kill me.

My heart raced, my head pounded.
Alarms went off near my ears. Too loud. Please stop. Stop.

, you need to eat something or we will be visiting your bedside next. Go with Franklin. I won’t leave her.”

It was t
he voice I loved, warming me from the inside. I missed that voice so much my heart hurt
...maybe I’m dreaming...please don’t let me be dreaming.

“Grace,” he was whispering in my ear
again. “I need you. I need you to open your eyes, baby.” He stopped for a minute. “The doctor told me Michelle is getting stronger every day.” Another pause. “She needs you, Grace. I need you. Please, babe.”

I tried again
to open my eyes. It was so hard, the light like a laser cutting through my eyelids, hurting so bad. But I wanted to see that face, the face that belonged to the voice, the soothing voice. I struggled to open my eyes, willing them open.


It was blurry.

Very blurry.

My lashes fluttered.

“I’m here.
Don’t leave me,” I mumbled. I know no one heard me. I tried to talk so many times but no one ever heard me.

“Katherine, I
think she is trying to wake up.”

I heard the intake of air.
It was the woman.

...darling…Grace?” she pleaded.

held the hand holding mine, trying to squeeze back.

“She is waking up.”
He sounded so relieved, so happy. I had to try harder.

The light was white hot
, burning, pounding, the pain so intense, but I would try for him.


“” I moaned

.” He paused then sighed in relief. “She’s starting to come to, Katherine. Call the doctor.”

He was bossing someone around
Very bossy

t hurts,” I mumbled.

chuckle was low and full of relief. “Grace, do you hear me?”

,” I said in my brain.

do you feel?” He must have heard my brain.

“I feel like you
are too loud.”

He laughed.
Although the sound hurt, my heart felt such joy.

You’re going to be okay,” he whispered close to my ear.


, baby, I’m right here.” The hand holding mine squeezed me gently.

“I love you
,” I mumbled. I liked this dream.

It was my happy ending dream

“I love you more.”

Right on cue, Ace.

I wasn’t sure I hear
d what I thought I heard. I needed to force my eyes open to be sure. Had to see him.

I opened them both
slowly at the same time and cried out from the pain. Nausea gripped my insides. My vision blurred, but I was determined. I looked at the wall until I was able to focus on the crucifix hanging next to a picture of the woman on the wall. Then I turned my head toward the silhouette next to me. It took a few minutes to focus in on the features, but eventually I saw his face. His beautiful green eyes full of worry. He looked so tired.

How long was I out?

“Five days.”

didn’t realize I said that out loud.

Don’t leave me.”

is face lit up. God, I loved his smile.

Never.” He tightened his grip on my hand.


“I’m not going anywhere…”

My heart skipped a beat.

“Your mother is here. She’s been waiting to speak with you.”

“My mother?”
I whispered hoarsely.

I’m right here.” His hand slid away from mine.

Don’t leave me…” I panicked. My heart started racing.

Darling, my darling. Dear God, I am so...So relieved. My God, Grace. Thank God you are okay.” My mother stood next to Cole, grabbing her chest in desperation.


“Yes...We were so worried. You didn’t open your eyes, you wouldn’t wake up…”

I was assailed by the
memories of what had happened. They flashed through my mind like a thousand little pictures and I started trembling.

“Why didn’t you tell me?
What were you thinking, Mother?”

I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I was very young. My parents, they were...they were not loving. They were so strict, they sent me away, punished me. I made a mistake. It changed me. I had no one until I met your father...” Her voice got smaller.

Too much to think about now
; my brain hurt.

“Daddy knew?”
It didn’t surprise me to find out my father had known and was still madly in love with her.

Your father knew everything. He’d even offered to help find him, to bring him home. Then you were born and I was busy with you. Your father loved you so much. You were his diamond. You were
bigger than the moon
, he would always say.”

“I remember that
,” I whispered hoarsely. The tears fell freely down the side of my face now.

r, I can’t now…when I’m better, we need to talk. We need to...start over.”

“I would love
to have that chance, Grace.” She sounded like a young girl again, but looked haggard, tired.

...go get some sleep. Go home.” I turned my head, “Franklin…” my voice failed me, my emotions too powerful.

“I’ve tried
, Grace, but she had refused to leave you.”

, please...go.”

Yes, I will darling. Now that you are better, I will go home and rest. I just couldn’t bear to leave you.” She looked at Franklin, my stepfather. “I will be back in the morning. You’re in very good hands.” She turned her head and looked gratefully at Cole, who stood at the end of my bed. She leaned in close and whispered in my ear, “I like your young man, dear, very much.”

“I’m going to marry
him,” I whispered back to her.

I looked at my mother
. She held her head high, beaming with pride. Even looking exhausted, she was a beautiful woman. She bent down and kissed my forehead, and squeezed my hand reassuringly, then walked to where Cole stood watching us and hugged him. I’ve never seen my mother so demonstrative with anyone other than my father. Not even with Franklin. She blew me a kiss and quietly left, promising to return tomorrow.

There was
potential there. If we could rebuild from the bottom up, on honesty and love this time. I had hope for us.

Cole walked
toward me. My breathing became as ragged as my heartbeat. The intensity of his gaze seared me and I inhaled sharply. A ghost of a smile touched his lips, making him impossibly more handsome. Panting softly, I licked my lips. He groaned, lowered his head, and sealed his mouth over mine gently.

I was surprised by how soft his lips
felt; he was tender, gently probing. His tongue dipped into my mouth, tasting me, slowly licking. He raised his hand and gently held my cheek. His kiss was confident and skilled; my thoughts turned unsavory...he could make me come with only his kisses. I was strained, tense, getting aroused.

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