Isadora (Masters Among Monsters Book 2) (25 page)

BOOK: Isadora (Masters Among Monsters Book 2)
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ISADORA WASN’T SURE what had possessed her or even what she’d expected, but as soon as the word
left her lips, Elias froze and studied her as if seeing her for the first time. Then, realizing he was free to move, he shifted and rolled her to her back, and she let him.

His thick cock was hard behind the zipper of his pants, and she couldn’t help herself from arching up and rubbing her swollen clit against him.
This is madness,
she thought as she continued to writhe under him, but she couldn’t stop herself. All of the accusations, all of the pain, and all of the years seemed to explode between them—and, now, she wanted nothing more than to get closer.

what had he seen with her and Daphne? These flashbacks or visions or whatever the fuck they were were really irritating. Who knew what he’d seen? It was totally one-sided and driving her crazy. Almost as crazy as the erection he was thrusting against her.

“Yes, huh?” he asked, lowering his head and nuzzling his nose in under her ear. “You’re right. That’s something I didn’t know about you. And, Isa? It’s fucking hot. Tell me more about what happened here that day. Tell me her name.”

Isadora pulled her head away to look at him. The heat in his eyes was as unmistakable as it was shocking. The vision of her with Daphne had aroused and intrigued him when she’d thought it would do the opposite.

“Tell you? Didn’t you see?” she asked as she wound her legs around his hips and put her hands on his shoulders.

What the fuck was she doing? This man had literally tortured her, but right then, she thought she would gladly die to have him inside her again.

“I saw some,” he admitted. “Then it stopped.” He leaned in to press kisses along her jaw, and when he got to her mouth, he whispered against her lips, “You want this, don’t you? Before I die, before you end me, you want to feel me inside you again. I can’t think of a better parting gift than that. So how about you grant me a dying wish, my little executioner. Tell me what you did with her while I fuck you.”

Isadora’s cunt clenched at the fucked-up demand, but her hands grappled with the button of his pants. She unfastened and unzipped him in record time, and as she pushed them from his body and his hot length filled her palm, she let out a needy purr.

When Elias got this way, when he dominated her and told her what to do, her arousal intensified. Not many men could hold her interest. She was fiery and powerful, and she got bored easily—but there was something about him. A fearlessness she admired. A bravado she respected—which was more than evident as he boldly demanded, “Now, yours,” when he knew she could change her mind and kill him at any given moment.

He waited for her to undo her leather pants and slide them down to midthigh. Then nothing beyond that was needed because the tip of his cock nudged against her soaked pussy and all thoughts other than fucking the man looming over her left her head.

He was undeniable. Even as rumpled and as unkempt as he was, the hard muscles, the silver flecks in his black hair, and the extreme intelligence in his eyes all made Elias Fontana intensely attractive. There was nothing nerdy about this ex-university teacher turned director of the National Museum.

, his eyes and his body were telling her right now that he was aggressive, raw, and as edgy as anyone she’d ever come across, and if she’d thought the idea of her with another woman would bother him, she’d been totally fucking wrong. If anything, it’d turned him into a man who could be downright obscene. A man whose entire being was saying that he didn’t care if he lived past tonight—he just wanted to sink his cock inside her and lose himself.

And who was she to deny him that?

“Tell you, huh?”

His eyes encouraged her to be as open as she wanted to be, and when his thick length slowly penetrated her, her lips parted on a hoarse cry.

“Yes. I want you to tell me what happened that day. That’s what you want, isn’t it? You wanted to see it one more time, share it with someone. So come on. Tell me. What was her name, Isadora? Which one of you took the lead? Did she fuck you? Or did you fuck her?”

O̱ theé mou,
” she moaned.

“I am definitely
God,” he said, and when Elias settled his body over hers and the delicious weight of him pushed her into the ground at the same place Daphne had taken her, Isadora could barely think to speak.

“I’m not moving until you start talking.”


Elias chuckled, which made the circumstances even more twisted, but the sound of it made his entire body vibrate. “Maybe I am an asshole, but can you blame me? After this, I’m dead. So I want to hear what I want to hear. Do we have a deal?”

,” she gasped. “
. Her name was Daphne, and she was a woman my brother and I grew up with.” She stopped talking for a moment, remembering a time long past and a woman long gone. “She was beautiful in ways you couldn’t imagine.”

“I know. I saw her,” he said, his voice gruff as he ran a hand over her hair.

When he lowered to brush his lips over her cheekbone, Isadora shuddered. She didn’t want him to be gentle.

“Keep going,” he urged.

Her core pulsed around the wide intrusion of him, and her eyes fluttered shut at the satisfying way he filled her. “That afternoon was the first time I’d been alone with her. Really alone. It wasn’t uncommon for women to congregate with each other back then, but I never allowed myself to be around her. Not alone. Not until earlier that week when she’d told me to meet her.”

“And why did you stay away before that? Because you wanted her?”

Her eyes flew to his, and her breath caught at the simmering fire in them. “Yes. I wanted her more than I wanted the sun to rise in the morning.”

As the words tumbled from her mouth, Elias’s hips rolled over hers as if he hadn’t been able to help himself. Which prompted a moan from her.

“I wanted to put my fingers inside her and suck her nipples into my mouth. But—”

“Fuck, Isadora,” he groaned, his warm breath floating over her fevered skin. “But what?”

“But there was never a chance, never the right opportunity…”

“Until that day?”

Isadora wrapped her arms around his neck, allowing herself to slide into the daydream. Giving him this final wish before she had to end him. “Yes, until that day.” She placed her lips on his chin and nipped at the skin there. “Earlier that week, we’d agreed to meet here at the waterfall. And that was the day—”

“You took her?”

Isadora bowed up, and as he slipped deeper inside her body, she moaned.

She took me. I remember trailing my fingers across her wet breasts. They were beautiful and full, and her nipples were hard, so hard, just begging me to bite them. Then I smoothed my hand down to the soft lips between her thighs and slid my fingers inside her. She was so tight, Elias…
,” she groaned as he pulled out and thrust back inside.

“Jesus, I’d love to have seen that,” he rasped as his hips picked up the pace. “More. I want to know more. What happened next?”

Isadora reached out to his mind then and noticed for the first time in a long while she was able to get inside. Was he allowing her this? Or was he unaware that his desires had let his defenses down?

Either way, she wasn’t about to stop and ask. Instead, she shoved an image within his mind, and when his hands clutched her hair and tugged on it hard enough to make her wince, she knew he’d received it.


SHE WAS INSIDE him. As Elias’s cock pulsated within the tight confines of her pussy, Isadora thrust a vision into his mind.

And fuck me, what a vision it is…

AS ISADORA’S FINGERS slipped below the thigh-high water and burrowed between Daphne’s legs, she waited for a response. By the way that Daphne was clutching at her wrist it was clear that she was enjoying what she was doing to her. But Isadora wanted to hear it. She wanted to feel her soft breath on her lips as they parted around a moan she had caused. With every roll of her hips, Daphne urged her to continue, and Isadora couldn’t help but slide her fingers between the swollen lips she longed to see.

There was no doubt in her mind that the two of them were finally giving in to what they’d always wanted, and when she pressed a finger high inside Daphne, she gasped, “Kiyalo.”

Isadora leaned forward so her lips barely touched the tempting red ones issuing demands. She smiled against those succulent lips and teased, “Ohi.”

Daphne’s hand snaked out and wrapped around her naked waist, and as she pulled her forward, trying to get closer, she murmured, “Se thelo, Isa. Se thelo tó̱ra.”

Unable to wait any longer, Isadora guided them out of the water to the bank, and Daphne took her face between her hands and gently bit her bottom lip.

“You taste so sweet, but you aren’t, are you, Isa? Lie down with me.”

As they knelt naked opposite one another, their breasts grazed. The long strands of their hair entwined as the whisper of lips turned into a full taste. With their tongues tangled, Daphne urged her to her back, and Isadora lay down without disconnecting their mouths. A pent-up sigh escaped her throat as Daphne smoothed her hand down over her ribs and hip, and she could’ve sworn her heart skipped.

God, she wanted her to move her hand. She wanted to demand that she slide it between her legs and put her out of her misery. But it wasn’t necessary because Daphne had the exact same thought she had. Her fingers trailed over Isadora’s thigh and then moved in between, and when Isadora spread her legs, Daphne’s fingers grazed her sensitive clit.

A needy cry fell from her tongue, and Daphne took her mouth in a passionate kiss. Heat spread from her head to her toes as she writhed beneath the woman lying on top of her.
God, she is the sweet one
, Isadora thought.
So sweet and soft, so very fucking soft.

As Daphne moved all over her, Isadora knew true peace. It was as if she’d found heaven, and when a finger entered her, a shout left her lips. Daphne hummed with approval before she cupped Isadora’s breast and lowered her head to suck on her nipple. When she raised her eyes and looked up at Isadora’s face, she whispered, “Se agapo.”

It was the happiest Isadora had ever been, and as Daphne continued to make love to her, she didn’t think anything could ever spoil such a memory…

“SEEN ENOUGH?” SHE panted up at him.

Elias replicated Daphne’s gesture in reality, plumping the high, round curve of Isadora’s breasts, and when she groaned for him and he tunneled inside her, his body shuddered from the pleasure.

She was a fucking vision.

With him, with Daphne, any which way, Isadora was a free spirit. One he’d never had a hope of extinguishing. It was better that it ended this way. That he be the one to be killed. He wasn’t sure if asked by the one who’d created him if he would be able to end her.

He’d tried to fulfill his destiny, but as he lay above this gorgeous creature giving herself so freely, he knew he’d never have been able to go through with it.

Elias blinked, clearing the fog from his lust-addled mind. “Yes, fuck yes.” He lowered over her as her legs wound around his waist, and then he put his mouth to her ear. “You two were so damn beautiful together. The love, the passion. I’ve been a part of some wild shit in my days, but I’ve never seen two as unbelievably erotic as you.”

“Wait,” Isadora said as she shoved him up and zeroed in on his face.

He tilted his head to the side, waiting for whatever she was about to say, but she just stared at him. If he had just seen her as she really was, it appeared his true nature had just been revealed.

“You like
wild shit
? What does that mean? You like to watch or…”

Elias was done talking, so he held her down and shoved his cock inside. When she cried out and her lips parted, revealing her gleaming fangs, he admitted, “I like many things. I’ve enjoyed giving instructions at times. But I must admit, I prefer to participate. Although that was a long time ago.”

When Isadora gripped his hair and yanked his head up, Elias raised an eyebrow. “You can’t be shocked by that.”

“Why can’t I? You never mentioned it in the past. You always seemed so upstanding, so traditional, Mr. Fontana.”

“And you always seemed straight. You never once mentioned Daphne.”

Ignoring that, she asked, “So, three in a bed does not bother you?”

When his hips thrust hard against hers, he was pretty sure she could ascertain the answer to that. Plus, something more pressing was on his mind.

BOOK: Isadora (Masters Among Monsters Book 2)
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