Read Into the Triangle Online

Authors: Amylea Lyn

Tags: #gay fantasy shapeshifter erotic romance

Into the Triangle (14 page)

"I have to go meet with Paxton," Leando suddenly interrupted, sounding regretful. Aaron stiffened at the sound of his voice, but Gabe continued to rub his heaving back soothingly until he relaxed again.

"Go on; we'll be fine here," Gabe said softly, keeping his voice calm and soothing. "Come back for us when Pax is ready to address the masses."

Leando nodded, eyes still trained on Aaron. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but then snapped it shut. Jaw clenched, he turned quickly and strode toward the door, closing it firmly behind him.

"He's gone," Gabe whispered and Aaron sighed.

"I'm sorry to dump all this on you," Aaron said as he leaned back and wiped at his wet eyes.

Gabe shrugged. "I kind of get it, you know. I've got a mer of my own to deal with… a freaking King at that! Do I look like I know how to be royalty? I'm at as much of a loss as you are."

Aaron sighed again. "Yeah. I… everything is so damn confusing."

Gabe nodded. "I'm sure learning about Douglas and Leando's plans for you to be their third are hard. Add in the fact he died and it must be heart wrenching. But you can't blame Leando for this… Father Willis is evil and he's the one you have to blame."

Aaron groaned and flopped back on the couch. "I know that. But I don't see how I could have been their third. Was I just an afterthought? If they wanted me to be a part of their relationship so much, why didn't they tell me their plans? I thought Douglas left me; come to find out he was murdered. I know it may seem stupid, but I can't seem to get it through my head Douglas loved Leando… it's like a knife in the heart every time."

"But he loved you too," a soft, female voice suddenly interrupted.

Both men jumped and turned to face the doorway; neither had heard it open.

"Mary?" Gabe gasped, unable to believe who was standing in the doorway with a soft smile on her face.

The young woman looked twenty times better than she did the last time Gabe had seen her. No longer was there a blank look in her pretty blue eyes; now they were filled with simple happiness. Her long, red hair was curled up in an intricate braid on her head and her dark blue dress fit her body perfectly. Her horrific scars were gone, leaving only smooth pale skin on her face and body. Gabe was sure there were still mental wounds on the inside, but those could be helped through the love of her mate.

The most beautiful thing about her, at least to Gabe, was the pale purple pearl on her forehead.

"Hello, Gabriel. Hello, Aaron. It's so nice to be able to speak with you finally." Mary smiled sweetly and walked further into the room. "Dalia sent me to visit with you both while we wait to be called into the throne room."

"Come in, come in!" Gabe said excitedly as he and Aaron scooted over, making room for her on the small couch. Mary came and sat next to them, and the three were quiet. No one seemed to know what to say; after everything they'd been through there was almost too much going unsaid and yet none of them felt comfortable saying it.

Finally it was Aaron who broke the awkward silence.

"What did you mean when you said he loved me too?" he asked Mary, turning to look at the petite female.

Mary shrugged one slim shoulder. "Dalia filled me in on your situation a bit this morning. From what I understand, your friend Douglas loved Leando, but he also loved you too. Maybe he knew something you didn't? Think about it; if he loved and cared for Leando enough to bring the mer into your relationship, then maybe you need to push past your sadness and try to see what he saw. Besides, you already have a bond with him, no matter what you think… you both loved Douglas and he'll always be the thread that connects you two together."

Gabe stared at the small woman in surprise.
Wow, she certainly is wise beyond her years. I wonder what other little life lessons she was forced to keep inside herself while on the island

Aaron was quiet for a long time. He seemed to be thinking hard about what Mary had said. Gabe decided to leave him to his thoughts and motioned with his head for Mary to move over with him to another low couch in the room.

Sitting down together, Mary immediately reached out for Gabe's hand.

"How are you?" Gabe asked softly, as he gazed into her big blue eyes. "I know this must be confusing for you, especially after… well, everything." He wasn't quite sure how to bring up the abuse she had suffered while under the control of Father Willis.

Mary shuddered, face darkening for a moment before she seemed to make herself smile. "I'm… better," she replied just as softly. "But the memories aren't easy to deal with. I think the worst part was not being able to tell anyone what was happening. I could understand everything said and done to me, but it was like my brain and body were disconnected and I couldn't articulate anything. It will be a while until I'm comfortable with any sort of intimacy, but thankfully my mate is very understanding." Her smile became much more real when she thought of her mate. Suddenly she sobered. "Gabriel, I want to thank you for taking me with you when you fled the island. I know you could have left me, but I can't thank you enough for getting me to a safe place. Without you, I wouldn't be here now, with Dalia again."

Gabe reached out and tucked a piece of unruly hair behind her ear. "I couldn't have left you behind, not knowing what he had done." Gabe grinned at her, trying to lighten the mood. "Besides, I wouldn't have been able to escape if you hadn't unlocked the cuffs."

Mary blushed. "Maybe, but I think you would have figured something out regardless." She wrapped her arms around Gabe's waist and hugged him tightly. "I'm so happy I get to be your sister-in-law." Gabe hugged her back just as tightly, happiness filling him now he knew both of his friends were okay and well on their way to recovering.

"Hey, what about me?" Aaron asked from his position on the other couch. Apparently he was done thinking and needed some cuddle time as well.

Mary laughed and held out one arm to welcome him into their little circle. "Leando is King Paxton and Dalia's cousin right? That makes you a cousin-in-law. We're all family now!"

Gabe hadn't thought of it that way before. His own family back in the real world wasn't anything to write home about. His mother was too afraid of his stepfather to even make her own decisions, and his father had turned his back on Gabe at the first sign of trouble. Paxton had given him more than a new life here with the mer.

He gave me a real family

The door to the sitting room opened, and the three friends pulled apart to see all of their mates waiting for them in the doorway.

"It's time to speak with the public," Paxton informed them. Gabe thought he looked handsome and dashing in his regal court clothes, with his black pants, high-collared shirt and black jacket covered in ribbons and medals announcing his station. He was even wearing a crown, a beautiful silver bejeweled piece on the top of his head. Paxton held one hand behind his back and Gabe wondered what his mate was hiding.

"Mary, shall we go find our seats?" Dalia asked, beautiful face alight with happiness as she met the eyes of her mate.

"Of course!" Mary immediately stood up and moved to Dalia's side, accepting the hand held out to her. The two women left the room in a happy rush.

Leando stepped into the room, and he only had eyes for his mate. "Will you let me escort you to your seat?" he asked softly, deep voice rumbling as he too held out a hand.

Aaron swallowed hard then took a deep breath. Ever so slowly, he stood and made his way over to Leando, hesitantly placed his hand into the mer's. "I-I'd like to sit by you, if that's okay," Aaron whispered shyly. Looking down at his feet the way he was, he missed the surprised then pleased look on his mate's face.

"I would like that," Leando whispered back. Aaron finally glanced up, and the two men seemed to come to some sort of understanding as they gazed at each other. Both smiled, then with an arm wrapped around Aaron's waist, Leando led his mate from the sitting room.

Gabe watched them go, unable to stop himself from grinning like an idiot.
Maybe those two have a chance after all.

"Well, my own, shall we join them? After all, they cannot announce anything without us there." Paxton smiled down at him as Gabe practically skipped over to his side.

"Yep, I'm ready!" Gabe replied with a grin. He stopped smiling when Paxton frowned.

"Hmm, not quite," his mate said. Pulling his hand out from behind his back, Paxton placed a beautiful silver and gold crown, covered in pale yellow diamonds and emeralds, on Gabe's head.

Gabe gasped, hands going up to keep the fantastic piece of jewelry in place. He needn't have worried though; it fit his head perfectly.

"What—" he began only to be stopped by Paxton's firm lips on his.

"It's the Consort Crown," Paxton told him. He smiled down at Gabe, and Gabe was unable to take his eyes off the intense happiness in those storm-cloud gray eyes. "I knew it would look perfect on you. The diamonds match your hair and bring out the beauty of your eyes."

As uncomfortable as Gabe felt wearing such an expensive and ornate crown on his head, he couldn't bring himself to complain.
It's a small price to pay to be the Consort of the King of Merfolk.
Besides, how could he refuse in the face of his mate's pleasure?

Gabe had absolutely no desire to.

"Come on, love. Let's go address our people…" Gabe said with a grin. He accepted the arm Paxton held out to him and took a deep breath.

It was time to let the mer know about Father Willis and introduce Gabe as their new King Consort.

Chapter 14


"My people, I come to you with both happy news and disturbing realizations today." Paxton's voice rang out over the hushed crowd. He stood tall on the large balcony looming over the City Square, where the populace of the underwater city of Lavantia had gathered to hear their king speak.

Gabe felt his chest swell with pride as he gazed at his handsome mate, honored to be standing at his side. He should have felt intimidated by the massive amount of people staring up at him, but with Pax next to him, he felt invincible.

"It hurts my heart to know what should be a happy and joyous time in all our lives and throughout the kingdom, has been overshadowed by a dark evil that must be dealt with as soon as possible," Paxton continued, and Gabe could see his jaw tighten, even as he kept his face calm and collected. Thousands of mer watched him, and Paxton was the consummate professional when speaking to his people.

"First, what I will tell you, I hope brings you much joy… I have chosen a mate, and he has come to me and the sea." Murmurs swept through the crowd, rising in volume until Paxton raised his hand for silence. "May I introduce to you my mate, King Consort Gabriel!" Paxton wrapped an arm around Gabe's waist and pulled him forward to the edge of the balcony, so he was in full view of the crowd below. And then, without warning, Paxton used his free hand to turn Gabe's face toward his own and laid a scorching kiss on the stunned human's lips.

Cheers and cries of joy burst from the square as the mer celebrated the mating of their King.

Gabe's face was on fire when he finally pulled away from Paxton's tempting lips. The grin on his mate's face made Gabe want to punch his lover for embarrassing him, but figured that would probably look bad in front of the gathered crowd. Instead, Gabe turned back to the eager faces filling the City Square and waved at them gamely. Cheering sounded again, and Paxton winked when Gabe glanced over at him.

Fighting back a giggle at the silliness of the moment in such a serious situation, Gabe stepped back and allowed his mate to address their people again.

I can't believe they accepted me so easily

I feel more at home here with the mer than I ever did back on Bimini Island or with my old family

Paxton raised his hand again and waited for the joy of the crowd to subside again.

"I can also share with you all the exciting news that both my sister, Princess Dalia, and my cousin, Captain Leando, have also found their own chosen mates!"

With that, the crowd was off again, cheering and crying, excited at the unexpected blessing the Royal Family had received. Both of the other couples stepped forward to the edge of the balcony and waved down at the crowd like Gabe had done; even Aaron looked pleased by the unexpectedly warm reception he received.

Paxton waited for the others to step back and for the crowd to calm before he spoke again.

"Unfortunately, the pleasure of finding our mates comes marred by a danger that affects us all as a people and society. Over the years, many mer have chosen to pick their mates from the men and women pulled through the veil between our world and the human one. But in the past few years, we have noticed a change. Fewer and fewer chosen mates have returned to the sea and us Merfolk. Bonding dictates we must give our mates a choice; we cannot force them to come to us. When they do not, we must deal with the heartache alone. This is why we Merfolk find matings to be so sacred. But there is one factor we never thought about—something I wouldn't have even realized if it weren't for my own mate bringing it to my attention. What if someone was stopping our chosen mates from coming to us, by force?"

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