Intimate Desires (The Love and Danger Series) (11 page)

She sat down in the chair by the sofa, almost falling into it as she came to the realization that it wasn’t her fault that
Henry had hated her for not wanting certain things.  He’d been gay all along! 

“He wanted to bring other couples into our relationship.  He wanted to experiment with…men.”  She shook her head, thinking back.  “He said he wanted to experiment with other couples, multiple women and do different things.  But,” she looked up into his eyes, a band of anger suddenly disappearing from around her chest, “it wasn’t that he wanted the other women.  He wanted the other men!”  She stood up and started pacing, not seeing the shock on Sam’s face as he watched her. 

“That jerk!  He was gay all along and he blamed me!  He said I was a prude!  He told me I was frigid and most married couples experiment!  What a jerk!”

Sam wanted to laugh but his Hannah was having an epiphany and
he didn’t want to interrupt.  And some of her previous comments were starting to make sense now.  She’d not wanted to have sex with him because of things her ex had told her, accused her of.  Damn!  He wanted to find the guy and punch his face for daring to hurt someone as kind and sweet as Hannah. 

She took a long sip of wine, still pacing.  “Ugh! 
That jerk!”

Sam almost laughed out loud.  His Hannah didn’t cuss!  He’d sort of known that all along, but hearing her call her ex
, after all the mind games he’d played on her, just a “jerk”?  He could think of a whole bunch of other names that would be more appropriate. 

She ranted about her ex for several more minutes while Sam watched her, not really listening but enjoying her cute butt in those jeans.  Not to mention the way her full, soft breasts filled out that sweater.  While she paced, his eyes observed and his mind considered all the ways he could get her out of her clothes and into a bed where he could do some experiments of his own.  Like experimenting on where all of her hot spots were on her body, did she like her nipples kissed or teased?  He’d try both
ways and see which one worked better.  What were her favorite positions?  Yeah, he thought as she flung her arms up about something, he’d have to experiment with lots of positions to find out which one she liked the best.  And was she a morning person?  Or a night person?  Oh, he’d definitely experiment with different times of the day. 

She’d finished her glass of wine and was now just pacing, really working up a steam on that anger.  Sam finished his beer and set it on the table beside his chair.  Standing up, he decided that she’d spent enough of her passion on being angry
with her ex.  It was time to put all that passion to a better cause. Namely, him! 

He took the wine glass and
set it on the coffee table.  Ignoring the confused look in her eyes, he wrapped his arms around her, lifted her up against him and kissed her until she wasn’t stiff any longer.  Which took perhaps two seconds.  He felt her arms curl around his neck and her legs wrap around his waist and knew that she wasn’t thinking about the asshole ex-husband any longer.  He suspected she wasn’t even aware of him carrying her into his bedroom and laying her on his bed. 

He stood up and ripped his shirt off, dumping it on the floor as he watched her eyes widen.  Then he came right back down to her…

“It’s time, Hannah,” he growled when her hands fluttered nervously on his chest. 

“Time for what?” she asked breathlessly, but she knew.  Oh boy did she know! 

“Time for you to forget about any other man but me,” he told her firmly.  His fingers slid under her sweater, his eyes looking down at the skin he was slowly baring.  “You’re beautiful.”  The sweater moved higher, his fingers drifting against her sensitized skin.  If she were in a different frame of mind, he would be tickling her.  But she instantly knew that there wasn’t any other frame of mind with Sam than this.  He was overwhelming and just his closeness didn’t allow any other thought to enter her head. 

“Sam?” she whispered, not sure what she was asking.  But her body knew.  And his fingers knew.  Those fingers inched higher and her mind shut down.  Her body
took over, arching into his hands, silently begging him to touch her further, more intimately.  Thankfully, Sam understood her plea. 

His finger
s moved higher, deftly unsnapping her bra.  In one swift move, he had her sweater and bra off, tossing both behind him.  When he looked down at her, the heat in his eyes almost set her on fire.  She started to cover herself with her arms, but Sam immediately understood her actions and shook his head, taking her arms and placing her hands against his jeans-clad thighs.  “Don’t hide from me, Hannah.  I get to see all of you.  Anything that happened in the past isn’t relevant any longer.  If anyone made you feel less than incredibly beautiful, ignore it because you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”  He lifted her hand and placed it against the zipper of his jeans.  “This is what you do to me,” he explained.

Hannah’s eyes widened as her hand touched his erection, shocked by the size of it behind the denim but fascinated that she could do this to him.  Her fingers were still for onl
y a moment but then her curiosity got the better of her and she moved her hand, tracing the rigid outline, trying to feel all of him. 

When she couldn’t get enough of him, her fingers moved to the snap of his jeans, fumbling with the closure until it was finally free.  And then her hands moved, pushing the fabric down.  He had to stand up so she could do the rest and she took both his jeans and his boxers down at the same time. 

Sam helped her by taking the rest off, then standing before her, his erection proud and shocking. 

Hannah looked at it, unaware of her tongue darting out and licking her dry lips.  Her hand reached up, wanting to touch it without the fabric but when her fingers moved to
caress it, his breath hissed out between her teeth and she snatched her hand back.  “I’m sorry!” she gasped, afraid she’d hurt him. 

But Sam’s only response was to take her hand and pull it back, showing her that it was okay to touch him.  “Didn’t hurt,” he grunted, closing his eyes as her fingers delicately wrapped around him. 
“Feels incredible!”

She was only allowed to touch him for a moment before he shook his head and pulled her fingers away.  “But…!”

“I can’t take too much, Hannah,” he explained and pressed her back down against the mattress, his knees moving between hers so she would make room for him.  Hannah sighed with pleasure as he shifted above her.  But then his hands slid along her arms until they reached her breasts, his warm palms cupping her breasts, feeling the weight.  Hannah really liked that and her head fell backwards, reveling in his touch.  “Oh, please don’t stop,” she sighed. 

Sam watched in fascination as her body arched, her nipples peaked and he couldn’t stop his thumb from rubbing against
one raspberry peak.  As soon as he did, her mouth opened on a cry of delight so he did it again and again until she was writhing underneath him.  Only then did he bend lower and take that raspberry enticement into his mouth, sucking gently at first, then harder, listening to her cries and sighs, her groans.  Every sound she made drove his need to press himself into her harder.  But he knew that, as soon as he did that, he would lose it and he wanted this first time with her to last for as long as possible.  He liked it too much to let it be over. 

“Tell me what you like, Hannah,” he said even while his mouth moved from her breasts to her stomach, nibbling at her belly button and smiling when she gasped with that touch.  “You’re so much fun to tease,” he growled.  And then he moved lower.

Hannah thrashed back and forth, then realized what he was doing and shook her head.  “No!”  With determination, she pushed at his shoulders, feeling powerful when she was on top of him, her thighs straddling his lean hips.  “Where’s the condom?” she demanded frantically.  She was looking around, her eyes fastening on his bedside table.  She bent over, her arms reaching out and she opened the drawer, unaware of Sam watching her, his eyes taking in her gently swaying breasts and her adorable butt that was finally exactly where he wanted it.  His hands moved around her, cupping that bottom, a sound escaping his throat when he realized that her bottom was actually silkier and more perfect than he’d originally thought. 

When she sat back up, her bottom wiggled backwards and he had to grit his teeth to keep from embarrassing himself.  Her skin was too soft for her to be making moves like that.  Especially when he’d spent the past several nights thinking about how he was going to touch and taste every part of that skin. 

Her fingers weren’t helping at all now!  She obviously hadn’t put on a condom before and her fumbling fingers were shaking as she tried to roll it down his length.

“It doesn’t fit,” she almost cried out.

Sam laughed, but it was a painful sound.  “Here, let me do it,” he said and, as much as he liked her fingers on him, he wanted to be inside of her.  Fast! 

As soon as he’d gotten the condom rolled down, Hannah was already positioning herself over him.  He gripped her hips, only giving her the illusion of control but he held her high over the top of him until he heard that delicious whimper again. 
At that sound, he lowered her down.  Slowly.  Watching her face.  The moment he was fully sheathed inside of her was a feeling of such intense pleasure, he knew he’d just died and gone to heaven.  But then he opened his eyes and noticed her face wasn’t as blissfully pleasured as he was.  In fact, the look on her face could be described only as…pain?

“It’s okay, baby,” he coached, his voice as gentle as he could make it.  “Just relax, Hannah.  It will be okay.  Just get used to me.”  Damn!  She was so tight! 
“It’s okay.”  He tried to be soothing and hold still.  But she was wiggling.  And she felt too damn good!  Gritting his teeth, he forced his body to remain still, willing her to relax and enjoy the way they felt so perfect together.  But apparently, he was the only one who felt they were perfect.  She wasn’t so in tune with what was to come next. 

“Hannah, baby, I’m going to…” she moved again and it was all he could do not to lift her up and slam into her tender flesh again. 

She gasped and wiggled again, her hands flat on his stomach as she shifted ever so slightly so that her body could get used to his size.  But damn!  If she didn’t relax soon, he wasn’t…No!  He wouldn’t do anything to hurt her!  He’d tear off a limb before he would hurt her. 

“Just take your time, honey,” he soothed again, his hands moving higher, his fingers touching her in those same spots that had driven her crazy just a few minutes ago.  When his hands finally reached her breasts, he sat up and took a prize into his mouth again, hearing those sexy sounds coming from her throat again.  He didn’t relent on her nipple until he felt her muscles relax around him.  Only then did he move to the second breast and treat it the same way.  A few moments later, his patience was rewarded by feeling her hips move ever so slightly upwards, then slowly, very slowly down again.  If she did that again, he might just lose it so he concentrated on counting from one hundred backwards, desperate to give her the same pleasure he was feeling. 

“That’s it,” he said, his hands cupping her bottom as he laid back against the mattress again.  When she lifted, even higher this time, he closed his eyes, letting her control the rhythm.  And he loved her hands!  They were right on his lower stomach, so close that his mind thought of several things he wanted her to do. 

Slowly, he admonished himself.  He opened his eyes and looked at her, saw her head fall backwards, her mouth open and her eyes closed as she experimented with the best way to move,
the best way to create the friction her body caused against his. 

He had no idea how long he let her continue, setting the pace, losing herself in the rhythmic motions, but he simply couldn’t take much more.  In the end, he took over the movement
. His hands cupped her bottom again as he stood up with her in his arms, still intimately connected, then lowered her onto her back so that he was now on top.  Taking over the movement, he gathered the last of his strength and moved in and out, shifting ever so slightly to the right or the left, watching her face and knowing when he hit a spot or movement that caused her maximum pleasure. 

Thankfully, it didn’t take very long before he was able to witness her splinter apart, her beautiful face turning ever so slightly pink as her climax took over, her fingers gripping his shoulders and her legs wrapping around his waist.  He continued for as long as he could but then he couldn’t control his own orgasm, her slender, gorgeous body taking him right along with her. 

The intensity of that climax rocked him, made his mind spin with the power of it and he held onto her slender body as the waves continued on for what he thought might have been a half hour or more. 

In the end, he rolled over, pulling her on top of him once again while he listened to her breathing, trying to get his own under control.  Their huge, gasping breath
s slowly shifted to just heavy breathing and still, he held her close, the aftershocks of that experience still swarming through him. 

Hannah might not know it, but she’d just sealed her fate.  Before this moment, he hadn’t been willing to let her out of his life.  But that experience, and all of the experiments that popped into his mind, proved to him that this woman was his.

Chapter 8


Hannah listened to Sam’s heart beat under her ear, her fingers still enjoying the feel of his skin under her fingertips.  “You planned this all along, didn’t you?” she asked with a smile that he couldn’t see because her face was turned down so she was looking at the rest of his body. 

Sam’s hand floated up her back, tickling her and arousing her at the same time. 

She laughed, delighted with the results.  “You should have consulted me about it first.”

He chuckled, a deep, rumbling down in his chest that caused her face to bounce slightly.  “And miss all those interesting revelations about why you’d avoided my bed so far?  No thank you.”

She turned her head and looked at him, found him staring down at her with a pillow propped behind his head.  “
What a jerk,” she sighed, but didn’t get all up in arms about Henry now.  She felt too good, too satisfied. 

“Oh, I don’t know,” he said and rolled over so that she was once again underneath him.  “He had a few good ideas.”

Hannah’s leg was already sliding up, making room for his hips but she stopped him with those words.  “What’s that supposed to mean?  He didn’t have any good ideas!”

Sam shrugged, the movement almost dislodging her hand.  “
I beg to differ.  I like the idea of experimenting.  While you were venting, I was coming up with some pretty good ideas.”

Hannah relaxed again, seeing the desire in his eyes.  And that desire was for her!  Not for some crazy, weird sexual fling with another couple. 
Or just another guy. 

“What did you have in mind?” she asked, rubbing her leg against his thigh.  And then she gasped when he took her nipple in his mouth and sucked. 

When he lifted his head, he was still staring at her breasts.  “Well, there are a lot of options.  I’d like to experiment with you on top again.  And maybe I’ll let you finish on top, but I make no promises.  Me behind you.  Me on top again.  Maybe from the side.”  He bent down and gave her other nipple ample attention, his body already hard and ready for round two but those sexy sounds she was making was driving that need higher and making it more urgent. 

“And every guy likes the idea of two women,” he teased,
then braced for her reaction.

It wasn’t slow in coming and he chuckled when she started trying to punch him.  She didn’t have any strength in those punches and he easily grabbed her wrists and pulled them up above her head.  “Don’t like that idea?” he laughed. 

“No!” she laughed right back at him.  “If I’m not enough woman for you then…”

He wouldn’t even let her finish that threat. “Oh, you’re definitely enough
woman for me.  And I can think of so many other ways to experiment with just you and me.  Like this, for instance,” he said and pulled her on top of him.  With one swift move, he grabbed another condom and handed it to her.  “I don’t think you got the knack of this last time.  I’ve put you in remedial training.  So experiment away,” he commanded.

Hannah looked down at the foil packet in her hand,
then shifted so that she could see his erection.  Looking at him, she licked her lips and considered her options.  “Experiment, eh?” she asked.

And before Sam understood her intent, her hands were sliding down his flat stomach, her tender hands wrapping around him and he closed his eyes with a groan of pleasure.  Her fingers were so tentative and it turned him on more than he’d thought possible.  “I don’t think we can experiment with that too long,” he told her. 

If he’d had his eyes open, he might have been forewarned about her next test.  But he was too busy enjoying her soft fingers to realize that her head had bent forward.  His only clue was her warm mouth covering him and he jackknifed up, the air hissing through his teeth as she took him into her mouth.  She could only take about half of him, but he didn’t care.  Falling back onto the bed, he groaned, his hands moving into her hair and gripping the soft strands tightly.  “Hannah!” he groaned. 

But again, he couldn’t give her long enough to experiment with that
activity.  It felt too good, too intense.  After only a few moments, he lifted her up and rolled her back underneath him, taking control.  He grabbed the condom and rolled it on himself, ignoring her objections that she was supposed to do that. 

“You failed that test
again.  You’ll have to re-take the test one more time at a later date,” he told her and a moment later, he gently entered her, filling her up and shuddering at how incredible she felt.  She was better at taking his length and girth this time around, already anticipating what would come. 

“Don’t stop!” she gasped, trying to pull her hands away but he held them tight and moved inside of her, filling her up and driving her crazy.  It didn’t take long before Hannah couldn’t hold back but nor did she even try. The pleasure was too intense, too
overwhelming and she screamed out, her legs lifting up and holding him in place while stars exploded around her. 

Sam wanted this time to last longer, but with her climax, she took him over the edge and he pounded into her, finding his release only moments after hers.  He collapsed on top of her but quickly rolled to the side so he wouldn’t crush her, trying to regain his breathing.  “It
wasn’t supposed to be so quick this time around.”  He curled his arm, bringing her against his side so he could still feel her next to him. 

Hannah took in huge, deep breaths, trying to regain her breathing.  “I didn’t know that,” she sighed and closed her eyes as she leaned her hea
d against his rapidly pounding heart. 

Your ex was an idiot,” he groaned, his hand moving along her side and Hannah smiled when he kissed the top of her head.  “You’re more woman than I might be able to handle.” 

She laughed, the sound almost coming out as a giggle but he made her feel so pretty, so sexy, she couldn’t help it. 

“You’re pretty amazing yourself,” she sighed.  “I’ve never felt things like that before,” she said, propping her chin up on his chest. 

He suddenly caught sight of the clock on his bedside table
.  “You mean hunger?” he asked, unexpectedly realizing that they hadn’t eaten anything and it was almost midnight.  “Damn!  I’m sorry, Hannah,” he said, sitting up and taking her with him easily.  He tucked her into his shirt, then stood back to admire it.  “Yep, looks better on you than me,” he said then pulled on his jeans, not even bothering with boxers, then led her back into the kitchen.  Opening the fridge, he looked at the contents.  “How about an omelet?” he asked. 

She was too busy admiring his body to really care what they ate.  She wasn’t very hungry anyway.  “Eggs sound perfect,” she said, only because he seemed eager to want to cook.  And since she hated cooking, she didn’t mind him taking on the chore at all. 
Henry hadn’t ever cooked, she thought, then banished the man from her mind.  She didn’t want anything from her previous marriage to mar this current relationship.  She had no idea how long things would last with Sam, but she was going to enjoy it while she could. 

“Do you like to cook?” she asked, smothering a yawn and sitting down at the kitchen table, careful to cross her legs since she wasn’t wearing anything else underneath. 

“I find it relaxing, but I usually don’t have time for it.” 

She watched him, admiring the ease with which he chopped up vegetables, grated cheese, sliced up ham and beat the eggs.  He sincerely looked like he was enjoying himself.  “
What about it do you like?”

I like experimenting with different foods, different tastes,” he said and poured the egg mixture into the pan where he’d just sautéed the vegetables.  Very quickly, the kitchen started smelling incredibly good.

“Where did you learn to cook?”

He grabbed another red pepper and continued chopping.  “My mom taught me.  I have four sisters who are all as tiny as my mom.  So when I kept growing like my dad, she threw up her hands and taught me how to cook because she couldn’t feed me enough.  Especially when I hit middle school and high school.  I was eating just about anything I could get my hands on.  She didn’t really have an alternative because some of the food I snatched was part of the dinner for the family.”

Hannah laughed, picturing an enormous
, teenage Sam, plus adding in his growing bones and muscles.  It must have been a nightmare at the grocery store checkout.  Changing the subject, she looked around at the comfortable, modern kitchen.  “Your house is lovely,” she said, admiring the smooth, glowing cabinets and stainless steel countertop. 

Sam stopped and looked around, nodding his head with satisfaction.  “I did the kitchen last year.  Sanding down the cabinets was good therapy.  My dad had just died and I needed an outlet
.  Creating something felt…good.  He would have approved too.”

Hannah felt a pang of regret for not knowing the man who had produced such a fine son.  “He must have been very special,” she said. 

“He was.  Taught me a lot.”  Sam looked up at her with a grin.  “I was a boy scout, believe it or not.”

Hannah laughed and shook her head.  “I don’t.  I can’t picture you in a boy scout uniform.”

He tossed the eggs in the pan.  “Are you kidding?  Permission to play with fire, shoot guns, bows and arrows and romp around in the wilderness?  What boy doesn’t want to do that?”

Oh yes, she could definitely see him doing all of that.  “Would you teach me to shoot a gun?” she asked.

He didn’t even hesitate.  “Of course.  And self-defense.”

She cringed at that idea. “I don’t think I want to learn self-defense from someone your size.”

“I’m the perfect person to take on regarding self-defense.  If you can take me down, you can take down just about anyone.”  He took down two plates and slid a perfect omelet onto hers, placing it in front of her on the table.  “Besides, there’s no way you’re going to learn it from anyone else,” he told her as he sat down across from her, handing her a fork and a glass of orange juice.

“Why not?”

He shook his head, stabbing his first bite of egg.  “Too much physical contact.  No one is touching you but me.”

She smiled, feeling that crazy, warm fuzzy swoop over her once again.  She didn’t respond to that, but only said, “Maybe,” and dug in
to her own eggs.  She could barely eat half of her portion. Sam devoured his own, then finished off the rest of hers.  She took their plates and rinsed them off, yelping when Sam’s hands lifted her into his arms once again. “Forget the plates,” he growled, carrying her back to his bedroom.  “I have many more experiments with you to go through.”  He quickly walked out of the kitchen and down the hallway to his bedroom where the bed sheets were hanging off the mattress and pillows were nowhere in sight. 

Hannah laughed, in full agreement and wrapped her arm
s around his neck.  “Experiment away,” she whispered in his ear, biting the lobe gently.

Sam growled again and tossed her onto the center of the bed, pulling off his jeans before coming down on top of her.  “You’re going to pay for that.”

Hannah smiled, shifting on the bed in anticipation.  “I certainly hope so.”

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