Read Infinite Love Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

Infinite Love (45 page)

‘Seriously. I want this, Gabe. I miss you, I miss going to sleep with you, I miss waking up with you and I also miss sex with you. I have a feeling that you’re holding off until we do move in, so I want to do it soon, without visitors staying. They’re welcome at Christmas, but I’d just like it to be you and me again for a while.’

, from what I remember you’re not the quietest when you come.’

‘I’m not,’ I giggled. ‘Which means that I don’t want our parents listening in, thank you very much.’

‘You’re happy for me to get on the case then? Sort a moving in date?’

‘Yes, and when we’re in we can talk about colours and extra stuff we might need. I don’t want to delay it.’

‘I love you,’ he sighed and kissed me again. ‘Leave it with me then, I’ll get it sorted as soon as possible.’

‘Great. And family gathering at Christmas is a wonderful idea, but what about Sarah? You can’t invite Doug and not Sarah.’

‘You haven’t heard?’

‘Heard what?’ I pulled my head back to look at him.

‘He left her.

‘What?’ I gasped.

‘He realised that he was being unfair, that she was his second choice and she deserved better. He’s moved back in with his parents for now. I promised him if we were moving in here, he could move into our apartment and pay rent.’

‘O my God. Does this mean he still wants Lexi?’

‘He still loves her,’ Gabe shrugged. ‘But I think he needs a bit of time to get over Sarah and to find out if he still has a shot with Lexi. He knows he screwed up badly.’

‘Yes, well the four of us have each mastered the art of screwing up badly, haven’t we?’ I replied with a shake of my head.

‘We certainly have,’ he laughed. ‘You know, sometimes I forget with everything that the four of us have been through, that we’re still young kids really.’

‘Me too,’ I nodded. We were all still only twenty-two. ‘It’s your birthday soon. What would you like to do?’

‘Move in with you. This is my birthday present, Mia. Having you back, nothing would have made me happier.’

‘I love you,’ I sighed as my eyes filled up.

‘Not as much as I love you,’ he replied sincerely.


We spent Saturday measuring up for any additional furniture we’d need for the house, along with new curtains, and then headed over to AT&F for him to show me the office he’d selected. He’d had a choice of two, Robert’s large corner office, which was always kept empty for when he was working from Westhampton, or a marginally smaller office, next door, with one huge glass wall overlooking the city.

‘Why have you picked the smaller one?’ I asked, surprised.

‘Because exactly three floors up, right above this one, is my wife’s office and I like the idea of her being on top of me every day,’ he winked making me laugh.

‘I’d better be the only one on top of you. Do I get a say in the choice of your PA?’

‘No, sorry already been chosen. Alex, tall, dark, seriously fit body and eager to please.’

‘I hate her already,’ I pouted.

‘Good job Alex is a man then,’ he laughed as he grabbed me and spun me around and kissed me.

‘You tease. Maybe I need to get myself an Alex, or maybe a Dick. I’m often in need of a handy Dick during the day.’

‘Then it’s a very good job I’m only three floors down. I’m fit enough to run up those stairs on my lunch break and give you my Dick’s undivided attention for half an hour every day.’

‘I’d need Dick all over the office,’ I warned. ‘There’s many work surfaces that haven’t been fully utilised. I’m a very demanding boss.’

‘Hmmm, I’m sure he’s more than up to the challenge,’ he grinned.

‘Then he’s hired,’ I giggled and kissed him again.

Starting Again

‘Lexi!’ I howled as she pinned me down on my bed and tickled me. ‘I’ll be sick, I’ve eaten too much.’

‘I have to get you back. I can’t believe that you’re leaving me tomorrow.
. Like it wasn’t bad enough first time around, now you won’t even be across the hall,’ she moaned.

‘I’m fifteen minutes away. We’ll see each other at work, you can come over for movie Tuesdays and stay the night and we can still go out. Nothing will ever separate us, Lexi. Gabe may be the male love of my life, but you’re the female one.’

‘I am?’ she sighed as she looked at me all touched. I nodded and she started crying. ‘Damn it, Mia. I’m all emosh again and I swore I wouldn’t be. I hate you,’ she mumbled as she wiped her eyes on her sleeve. I took advantage and tipped her off me onto the other side of the bed and tickled her ribs in turn.

‘Not so funny now it is, Clarke,’ I giggled as she screamed and thrashed. I gasped and scrambled off her as I raced across to the door holding my breath. ‘LEXI,’ I yelled as I reached safe minimum distance.

‘What?’ she giggled.

‘You know what, you just farted.’

‘I was crying and you were tickling me, I lost all sphincter control.’

‘Jesus Christ, what did you
That’s rank!’ I moaned as I hauled my top up over my nose and mouth and wafted the bedroom door.

‘I had a curry while you were out with Gabe last night.
O no
,’ she groaned.

‘What? Have your eyeballs just melted like in Indiana Jones?’

‘I think I may have a slight follow through situation, my bottoms all wet and a bit warm,’ she whined as she covered her eyes, her cheeks scarlet. I burst out laughing and she peaked at me through her fingers mortified. ‘What do I do?’

‘Get your shitty arse off my nice white duvet for starters,’ I giggled.

‘I’m too scared to move. What if more comes out? I’m wearing a skirt, it will go everywhere!’

‘What do you want
to do? I can’t pick up the toilet and bring it to you.’

‘Could you bring the washing up bowl just in case? Please Mia, hurry. I think I need to fart again,’ she begged. I ran to the kitchen wiping tears of laughter from my eyes and grabbed the empty washing up bowl and poked my head around the door. She was still lying on the bed in the same position, her hands over her face.

‘Is it safe for me to come in and breathe?’ I called.

‘O sod off and get in here, this is like … defcon
it’s that serious. I could die of shame,’ she groaned. ‘HURRY.’

‘What are you going to do with it?’ I asked as I handed it to her.

‘You’re going to have to hold it and I’ll squat over it and we’ll
move toward the bathroom. That way we don’t ruin your nice cream carpet if I have an explosion.’

‘I’m more worried about my nice clean hands and the lining of my nostrils, Lex,’ I chuckled as I stood at the side of the bed. ‘Aren’t you wearing knickers?’

‘A thong with a mini skirt,’ she sighed. ‘
again. I need those big incontinence pants, I’m never going to have sex with a man up there ever again.’

‘I blame Sam, you said he was more partial to anal than the other way, he’s obviously stretched you too far.’

‘Please, he was big but not that big. I’ve seen videos of women sticking bloody mini footballs up there and shooting them out with perfect control.’

‘I seriously worry for your sanity, not just your bottom, if that’s the sort of porn you’re into. Come on, the bloody things I do for friendship,’ I sighed as I crouched with the bowl and she carefully moved off the bed and straddled it as I tried to avoid eye contact with her backside. ‘Ok go, go, go. Not go as in for a number two, I mean move it.’

‘Don’t make me laugh, this is mortifying,’ she groaned as we started to move, her walking like a chicken with her legs spread and me bending over holding the bowl under her.

‘How did I end up with the shit end of the deal?’ I giggled. We both froze as we heard a thud in the bowl.

‘Please tell me I just didn’t shit in a washing up bowl that you’re carrying?’ she whispered.

‘I really don’t want to look,’ I replied.

‘You have to, I daren’t bend over.’

‘Don’t you dare bend over,’ I shot back. ‘If you fart again, I’ll get a face full of it.’

‘Look then.

‘Jesus Christ, some leaving party this is,’ I groaned. I squinted my eyes as I gingerly looked, then collapsed on the floor dropping the bowl as I roared with laughter.

I did, didn’t I? I shit in a bowl,’ came her mortified voice.

‘No, you rolled onto a stray piece of pizza and it was stuck to your backside,’ I howled as I tears poured down my face. She looked around to see the piece of pepperoni pizza in the silver plastic bowl on the floor and went bright red and ran to the bathroom. I started to hyperventilate as she came out with her mini skirt hitched up wiping the tomato sauce off her cheeks with the wet wipes.

tell anyone about this,’ she hissed. I roared with laughter and clutched my sides and heard her starting to giggle too. ‘I
told you
I’d only eat seven of the eight slices and you wouldn’t have it,’ she protested.


I took one final look around my old bedroom and shut the door. Gabe had paid someone to pack and move everything for us, from both of our places. He’d flown home on Thursday night, having taken Friday off so we could set up the house with Lexi and Doug’s help. We’d just kept our weekend cases for our last few nights here. While I’d slept over at Lexi’s, Gabe had gone to Greyson’s to check over what I’d done in his absence, and to hang out with Doug who was managing the bar. We’d left Doug with Robert’s old dining and lounge furniture and had taken all of ours out of the apartment, including the 50” television, much to Doug’s mortification.

I shed a couple of tears as I did a tour around each of the apartments, my hand lingering on the damaged brick work where I’d hurled the crockery at my lowest point. Gabe was right. While we had many happy memories of our first home together, it was also full of much loss. I was sad to leave, but we were starting a new life and I was also really excited. We’d decided that in the New Year, we’d put our names down on the surrogacy list to try and find someone willing to have our embryos implanted, but in the meantime we had our official moving in, his birthday, our third anniversary of meeting, my birthday, our second wedding anniversary and Christmas with our parents, Doug and Lexi to look forward to as well.

Gabe had to separate Lexi and I as we clung to each other, insisting we’d never let go if he didn’t intervene. He was right, she’d be over for movies in a few nights. It just felt like the end of an era moving out of the building. He grabbed both of our cases out of the boot and carried them in depositing them in the hall, then insisted on carrying me over the threshold. I smiled and lay my head on his shoulder, my arms around his neck as he kicked the door shut behind him and carried me down the hall.

‘We’re not going to the bedroom?’ I whispered as I kissed his ear and tugged on his lobe. We hadn’t had sex for nearly ten weeks and I was beyond impatient. With every mile we’d covered getting closer to the house, I’d felt myself getting wetter as I watched him driving, imaging how good he was going to make me feel, and me him, hopefully. I was also nervous. I hadn’t even used any toys down there in our time apart and wasn’t convinced that he was going to fit anymore.

‘I was thinking the bedroom later. Right now I don’t want to waste valuable time climbing the stairs.’

‘Yes, Sir,’ I replied happily as I kissed his neck making him groan. He marched me into the kitchen, sat me down on the island unit and stepped back as he just looked at me. My chest was rising and falling rapidly, as was his and I sighed as I saw the bulge in his trousers. ‘What are you waiting for,’ I uttered.

‘I’m seriously hard, Mia. I’m worried about hurting you.’

‘And I’m seriously wet, Gabe. I want you, so badly. Please, it’s been weeks.’

‘It’s going to be quick and raw, I’m desperate for you.’

‘I don’t care. We have all night for slow, we have the rest of our lives for anyway we want it, please. I’ve missed you and I’m desperate too.’

‘Take off your top,’ he ordered firmly as he pulled his shirt over his head. I gulped as I saw his bare chest being unveiled for the first time in … forever. The perfect curve of the edges of his pecs, the soft rectangular edges of his oblique’s,
V that led my eye down to where his hand was already fiddling with his buttons. ‘Mia,’ he barked.

‘Sorry, I’d forgotten how extra hot you were naked,’ I moaned and quickly pulled my top over my head. I’d deliberately gone bare chested and was wearing a pair of crotchless knickers under my wool mini skirt just in case. I’d waited long enough, I wasn’t leaving him with any barriers to get through.

‘I’d forgotten how pink and large your nipples were,’ he groaned as he peeled the opening of his jeans back and extracted himself. It was my turn to groan as I saw he’d gone commando for speed as well. I shuffled my skirt up and parted my legs as he took the few steps toward me and took me in a crushing embrace as his mouth crashed down on mine. Our lips bruised each other’s as I slid my hands down into the back of his jeans to claw at his tight backside, while he held the back of my head with one hand, the other grasping and kneading my breast.

‘Don’t play, do,’ I ordered as I came up for air. I held his gaze as I nodded my consent and he grabbed my hips and pulled me straight onto his hard cock. My scream nearly shattered the windows as he tore through me with a roar. My head dropped back as I tried to gather any semblance of coherent thought, while my flesh battered my senses with messages of both pleasure and pain to feel his length and girth stretching me again.

‘Baby?’ he groaned as he held himself still inside me. I could feel him pulsating and the sensation was incredible.

‘You’re …
,’ I gasped as I panted and pulled up to look him in the eye. He gave me one of his cocky smiles and quickly rotated his hips. ‘O my
,’ I cried and dug my nails into his backside until he hissed.

‘Shit Mia, please don’t clench or you’ll break him, you’re so damn tight,’ he groaned. I giggled and then cried out again as he pulled back and thrust into me firmly.

‘Again,’ I begged as I wriggled my hips trying to find a better position to ease the feeling of fullness.

‘Fuck,’ he yelled as he thrust two more times. I gave up fighting the feelings coursing through my body and fell back onto the counter as my eyes rolled into the top of my head. Pleasure had saturated me, I was on the verge of climaxing already. He automatically cupped my backside and lifted me slightly as he pushed into me again and I trembled as his wide head rubbed over my g-spot.

‘No,’ I begged. I didn’t want to come yet, it was too soon, but another few strokes had me on the precipice.

‘Let go Mia, I need it, I need you to come for me. I’ve missed watching you fall apart in my arms. Please, baby, give it to me,’ he growled as he powered into me again and again, setting up a ridiculous tempo.

‘Too … soon,’ I cried as I quivered, his thick shaft stretching me to capacity.

‘No. Now,’ he ordered as I felt his fingers tighten on my backside and his thumbs digging into my hips. I thrashed my head on the oak work surface below me as I whimpered, sure the orgasm I was fighting was going to break me. He was home, my man, my lover, my best friend, my soul mate, and my husband, was home. He was back inside me, where he belonging. I felt everything tighten as he let out a pained growl, the wonderful tingling sensation that preceded the spasm, the tears of ecstasy trickling from my mouth as I was rendered speechless. ‘Mia,’ he called in a strangled tone.

That one word, that sound of my name on his lips, like a prayer, was all it took to push me over the edge. My back arched off the counter as my thighs squeezed his slim hips. I gripped the edges of the island countertop and sobbed as my orgasm ripped through my body. I heard him roar, an animalistic primitive mating call, as his scorching semen coated my insides and he hauled my limp trembling body into his arms and held me against his chest as we both cried. He soothed me with strokes of my back and kisses in my hair, as my body jerked violently while the echoes of my orgasm continued to rip through me.

‘Gabe,’ I sobbed, overwhelmed with positive emotion, as I flung my arms around his neck.

‘It’s ok, I’m here. I’m never going anywhere again, Mia,’ he whispered as he kissed my neck. He held me tightly as he carried me into our new adjoining family room and sank down onto the sofa, clutching me tightly to his heaving chest. I was straddling his lap, collapsed against him, while he quivered inside me. ‘I love you, baby. So much the pain in my chest is crippling me,’ he groaned as he kissed my neck.

‘I love you too,’ I whispered with a shaky voice. ‘But I need to recant that whole “we have all night for slow” speech. I think you just broke my vagina.’ He burst out laughing and sat me up on his lap, clasping my face.

‘Did I hurt you?’

‘I loved it, but I’m feeling a bit tender. You’re

‘No bigger than I was last time we did it, you’re just out of practice. Remember the first time we did it?’ he asked and I nodded. ‘You needed a bit of time to recover then too.’

‘I’m sorry, I know you must be desperate to do it again.’

‘I was, but I’m happy now. I can wait until you feel up to it again. Right now I’d actually just like to just sit here and hold you if that’s ok?’

‘More than ok,’ I smiled and snuggled back down on his firm warm chest and kissed his throat. Gabe wasn’t the only one home, I was too. He was my home. He always had been, it had just taken me about four more days than him realise it, when he’d first confessed his love for me.


‘Hey Luke, I’m just nipping out for lunch with Gabe, I won’t be long.’

‘Is it raining?’ he frowned as he checked the chilled cabinets for supplies.

‘No,’ I blushed as wrapped my arms around my trench coat. ‘I’m feeling a bit chilly that’s all.’ I hurried out of the main doors and down the stairs and into the lobby of AF&F. Zoe the receptionist looked up and smiled at me.

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